The John Report: WWE Smackdown 03/26/21 Review
Welcome to this week’s WWE Smackdown review. Fastlane was controversial for Smackdown’s Universal Title picture, so we’ll have to see how they follow up. I didn’t watch live last night because of a family birthday and a small gathering.
From the WWE ThunderDome at Tropicana Field in Tampa Bay, Florida, this is Smackdown for episode #1127. Follow me on Twitter @johnreport. Please visit daily for our regular updates on the wrestling business featuring WWE news coverage along with reviews about wrestling’s past and present. Let’s get to it.
The opening video showed what happened in the Universal Title match at Fastlane. Roman Reigns kept the title against Daniel Bryan, who made Reigns tap out, but Edge as the Special Ringside Enforcer (that had referee powers at that moment), chose to not acknowledge that. After Bryan hit Edge with a chair by accident, Edge came back with chair shots to Bryan to Reigns and Reigns pinned Bryan to win.
Let’s Hear from Daniel Bryan
Daniel Bryan made his entrance with a steel chair. He was dressed in his wrestling gear with a t-shirt while being greeted by “YES” chants. The Smackdown announce team of Michael Cole and Corey Graves were at ringside to call the action.
Bryan saw the truth and reality that Roman said would never happen and would never happen before. Bryan: “Everybody saw Roman tap out.” Bryan reminded us that Reigns has never tapped out in his career, last week he said he would rather die than tap out and Bryan let us know that Reigns is alive and he tapped out. Bryan said in a perfect world, he would be in this ring right now as the Universal Champion that was headed to the main event of WrestleMania. Bryan said that as he was making Reigns tap out, Edge hit Bryan across the back with a steel chair just like the one he’s holding right now. Bryan reminded us that Edge said that Bryan wasn’t doing this the right way. Bryan said he’s had enough, he’s tired of standing on the sideline and tired of everybody having a dream match that they didn’t even earn. Bryan said he earned the Universal Championship and earned the main event of WrestleMania. Bryan said he is willing to earn it all again.
Bryan said he wants a rematch against Roman Reigns for the Universal Championship and he wants that rematch tonight. Bryan said he is not leaving this ring until he gets what he want. Bryan sat in the chair in the ring as the show went to break.
Analysis: Bryan has been one of the best talkers in WWE for a few years now, so it’s not a surprise that the company has confidence in him delivering a solid five-minute promo like that. It set the stage for some changes to happen during the rest of the show.
Let’s Hear from Daniel Bryan and Others
The show returned with Bryan sitting on the chair in the ring. That led to WWE Official Adam Pearce letting Bryan know he can’t give him a Universal Championship match tonight. Pearce reminded Bryan that the referee’s decision is final. Bryan said that so the next Universal Championship match is against Edge, then he said that Roman Reigns should defend against Edge and then Reigns should face Bryan. Pearce said that wouldn’t be fair. Bryan mentioned he wrestled 40 minutes in Elimination Chamber and then had to face Reigns. Bryan suggested WrestleMania Night 1 could have Reigns vs. Edge for the Universal Championship and then WrestleMania Night 2 would have the winner of that match face Bryan for the Universal Championship.
Edge made his entrance looking pissed off and he knocked the microphone out of Pearce’s hand. Edge went down to the ring. Edge got in Bryan’s face saying every match he has could be his last. Edge said that WrestleMania is ten years due to the day when he had to retire. Edge said he won the Royal Rumble, he outlasted everybody in that match including Bryan. Edge said that Bryan lost twice to Roman Reigns, so he doesn’t deserve a title match and Edge called Bryan a son of a bitch. Bryan took down Edge, but Edge quickly recovered and hit a Spear. Edge grabbed the steel chair in the ring and hit Bryan had in the back/ribs. Edge left the ring looking angry again.
Analysis: It seems like Edge is a heel now or at least a tweener that will make it tough for people to root for him. Everything Bryan said made sense for his character while you can say the same for Edge as well. It continued this story involving both men and Universal Champion Roman Reigns. I thought it was well done. It also keeps people tuned into the show to see what the resolution to the issue will be.
A video aired for Randy Orton vs. The Fiend at WrestleMania. The announcers plugged the limited tickets still available.
Roman Reigns was in his office with Jey Uso and Paul Heyman. Reigns told Heyman to get Adam Pearce, told Jey to go with him and Jey asked if he was sure, so Reign was like, “What are they gonna do, fire us?” The guys left while Reigns sat there.

I like how the Seth Rollins graphic mentions that he is engaged to Becky Lynch. Nice way to get the fans to hate him even more, I guess.
Seth Rollins made his entrance as we got a replay of when Cesaro gave Rollins the Cesaro Swing repeatedly last month. They had a counter on the screen to show that it was 22 spins. Shinsuke Nakamura made his entrance. They wrestled at Fastlane with Rollins getting the win.
Seth Rollins vs. Shinsuke Nakamura
It took 27 minutes for the first match to begin. Rollins sent Nakamura neck first into the top rope, but Nakamura came back with a knee to the ribs. Nakamura with a knee lift to the chest followed by a knee to the back while on the apron. That led to a break one minute into the match.
The match continued with Rollins hitting the Slingblade neckbreaker for two. Rollins with a whip into the turnbuckle leading to Nakamura hitting a jumping kick out of the corner. Nakamura suplexed Rollins across the top, a kick to the back and a sliding knee to the face. Nakamura with a kick to the back followed by a sliding German Suplex for two. Rollins avoided a charging Nakamura, Rollins with a jumping knee off the top rope and then Rollins hit the Falcon Arrow slam for two. Nakamura came back with a spin kick to the head, Rollins landed on his feet after an Exploder and then Nakamura hit a slam off the shoulders for a two count. Nice nearfall there. Rollins with a forearm to the face, but Nakamura came back with an armbar with Rollins powering out with a Powerbomb. Rollins with The Stomp for the pinfall win after nine minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Seth Rollins
Analysis: *** It was a good match between two talented veterans. Their match at Fastlane was a bit better. I liked the nearfalls for Nakamura although he never connected with the Kinshasa, so it was obvious that he wasn’t going to put Rollins away. Since Rollins has a WrestleMania match and there’s nothing for Nakamura right now, it made sense for Rollins to win.
Post match, Rollins punched Nakamura and set up for The Stomp, but that led to Cesaro making the save. Cesaro got into the ring with a gutwrench suplex on Rollins. Cesaro hit two uppercuts that rocked Rollins. Cesaro went for the Cesaro Swing, but Rollins got out of it and ran away. Cesaro checked on his buddy Nakamura in the ring.
Analysis: Cesaro was off for a bit after a cheap attack from Rollins a few weeks ago, so this was his return to show that he was recovered. They should have an awesome match at WrestleMania where I expect Cesaro to get the win.
It was back to the Roman Reigns office/dressing room with Adam Pearce there to talk to them. Reigns told Pearce he only gets him for one night and one title defense. Pearce understands the point and agreed with it. Pearce said he had other things to consider while noting that everybody will get his decision by the end of the night.
Big E, the Intercontinental Champion, made his entrance with The Street Profits with Montez Ford sliding on his back down the ramp. The announcers plugged WWE Network moving to Peacock for those of you in the US.
Seth Rollins was backstage with Kayla Braxton showing up for an interview. Rollins said he was sick of Cesaro. Rollins said he’s a man of his word, so he’s going to make it right if he’s got the guts and if he’s man enough to face him at WrestleMania. Rollins said he’ll teach Cesaro a lesson about respect once and for all. Rollins said he’ll never be swung by Cesaro again. Rollins said “never” repeatedly. Cesaro showed up, he sent Rollins into some equipment cases in the backstage area and then Cesaro swung Rollins around about ten times. Cesaro: “Challenge accepted.”
Analysis: It’s official for WrestleMania. That was obvious over the last month. It is one of my favorite matches at WrestleMania because I’m a fan of both guys and am so happy Cesaro gets a singles match at WrestleMania. It was funny how Rollins does a promo about how Cesaro is never going to give him the swing again and then that’s exactly what happened. Clever writing, I guess.
The heel trio of Chad Gable, Otis and Apollo Crews made their entrance. It was announced that Big E defends the IC Title against Apollo Crews at WrestleMania. That made sense after what happened at Fastlane this past Sunday. I think Big E will keep the title.
Big E, Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins vs. Apollo Crews, Otis & Chad Gable
Big E wanted to get his hands on Crews, but they weren’t legal, so Big E had to wait on the apron. Dawkins with a dropkick on Otis, then Ford tagged in for a double dropkick. Ford with a leapfrog on Otis, but then Otis caught Ford and Otis hit a powerslam. Gable with a dragon screw leg whip followed by a knee drop on the left leg of Ford. Ford jumped over the apron and Gable countered into a Northern Lights suplex for two. That was a cool spot. Crews with an elbow smash on Ford for two. Ford with a jumping kick to the head. Big E got the hot tag against Gable with Big E hitting two belly-to-belly suplexes and a belly-to-belly side slam, which is the usual hot tag spot from Big E in the New Day days. Big E followed up with the big splash as usual. Gable went for an armbar, then a thrust to the throat, but then Gable charged right into a uranage slam by Big E for two with Crews getting in some kicks. Dawkins with a punch on Crews, but then Otis clotheslined Dawkins into a German Suplex by Gable! That was awesome. Ford kicked Otis in the head to knock him out of the ring and Ford hit a somersault dive onto Otis and Gable on the floor. Crews was legal and Crews hit Big E with the Angle Slam (they aren’t using a name for it at this point) for the pinfall win after five minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Apollo Crews, Otis & Chad Gable
Analysis: **1/2 A shorter match with a lot of action. Crews only needed one move to pin Big E, which was a bit of a surprise since Big E is usually protected a bit more than that. I thought they should have had Crews get in at least another move before the finish because it makes Big E look a bit weak to get pinned so easily. Anyway, Crews getting the win gives him momentum going into WrestleMania, so that’s the kind of finish you would expect here. Ford was impressive with some of his aerial moves like that somersault to the floor.
Kevin Owens was shown walking down a hallway to host his talk show. Sami Zayn was shown in another part of the arena with his documentary crew since he’s on the KO Show after a break.
This Monday on Raw: Bobby Lashley turns to the locker room to try to take out Drew McIntyre. Plus, Asuka and Rhea Ripley sign their Raw Women’s Championship contract. I wonder if Charlotte Flair back to join that match.
There was a graphic letting us know WWE’s Youtube channel has hit 75 million subscribers.
Edge was backstage with Adam Pearce. Edge said Pearce shouldn’t reward Daniel Bryan. Edge said he won the Royal Rumble, Bryan was in the match and then Bryan lost to Roman twice. Pearce said his job is to get all the facts, consider everybody’s options and Pearce told Edge he’ll make the decision by the end of the night. Edge told Pearce: “Let’s hope you make the right decision or else.” Edge left.
Kevin Owens Show
Kevin Owens was in the ring to host his talk show. Owens said that he wanted to try to listen to Sami Zayn, but all that got him a was a kick to the head while Owens was on commentary last week. Owens called Sami out there because he had a question for him.
Sami Zayn made his entrance with his documentary crew saying that he was sorry for what he did to Owens last week. Zayn said he had no business Owens that hard or kicking him at all. Zayn said that the conspiracy stuff has affected his mental state and he crossed the line. Zayn wondered if Owens could still be a part of this documentary. Zayn said he had some bombshell piece of exclusive news. Zayn said that next week he’ll have a red carpet premiere trailer release of his documentary. Zayn mentioned that he has been going back and forth with global Youtube sensation Logan Paul (who has over 20 million subscribers on Youtube), who is into the documentary. Zayn said that Logan Paul will be there next week at the red carpet premiere. (I don’t know who Logan Paul is or why he is famous, for the record.)
Owens said he doesn’t care about the documentary, he doesn’t care about Logan Paul or if Sami is sorry about last week. Zayn cut him off saying that Owens owes him an apology because he acts like he is on Sami’s side, but he is not. Owens said he needs an answer to his question and he wants that answer now. Owens said that the question is Zayn vs. Owens one on one at WrestleMania – yes or no? Sami said that Kevin is making a big mistake. Zayn kept on rambling, Owens kept on demanding an answer and Zayn said: “Yes. Yes. Are you happy now?” Owens said that’s what he wanted. Now that he has that answer, Owens punched and kicked Zayn against the turnbuckle. Zayn bailed to the floor where Owens hit him with a clothesline. Back in the ring, Owens with a kick to the gut and then the Stunner connected to drop Zayn. Owens stood over a fallen Zayn and stared at the WrestleMania sign.
Analysis: The WrestleMania match between Owens and Zayn was set up last week, so it was no surprise that they went that route. Sami was ridiculous as an annoying heel as usual, which is always fun to see while Owens had no tolerance for Sami in this situation since he wanted payback for Sami kicking him in the head last week.
Daniel Bryan walked up to WWE Official Adam Pearce with Bryan saying he used to be the GM of Smackdown, so he knows what he is going through. Bryan said that deep down, Pearce knows the right decision and all he has to do is make it.
There was a recap of the Women’s Tag Team Title match at Fastlane that led to Sasha Banks and Bianca Belair arguing after they failed to win the titles again. Banks slapped Belair.
Bianca Belair was interviewed in the Gorilla Position area by Kayla Braxton. Belair said that she was the bigger person at Fastlane so she can be the better person at Fastlane. Belair said that she is better, she’s going to make history and this “rookie” will end Sasha’s reign as Smackdown Women’s Champion. Belair said she has some unfinished business with Natalya and left for her match.
Bianca Belair entered first followed by Natalya with Tamina. They showed a clip from Smackdown last week when Belair was beaten up by Natalya and Tamina.
Bianca Belair vs. Natalya (w/Tamina)
Belair with a dropkick followed by shoulder tackles in the corner. Belair with a shoulder tackle that sent Natalya out of the ring. Natalya got some offense going with a suplex off the ropes, kick on the head and Bianca avoided a dropkick. Belair with a jackknife cover for two. Belair with a body slam. Belair went up, which led to Sasha Banks making her entrance with her Smackdown Women’s Title while Belair was distracted by that. Natalya tried to attack, Belair knocked her down and then Tamina kicked Belair in the ribs to knock her down on the floor. That led to a break.
The match returned with Natalya working over Belair with a surfboard submission. Banks was on commentary talking about how she was going to main event WrestleMania. Natalya countered a Powerbomb attempt with a hurricanrana, which was pretty good. Natalya worked over Belair with punches, but then Belair hit a suplex. Belair with two shoulder tackles and a dropkick. Belair with a back elbow followed by an impressive spinebuster for a two count. Banks said “come on Nattie” to show her support for her. Belair with a moonsault that partially landed. Belair with a rollup for two and then Natalya came back with the discus clothesline for a two count. Belair tried a move, Natalya got out of it and Banks sat on top for a two count. Belair and Natalya grabbed eachother’s hair and slammed eachother to the mat. Banks was talking about how she’s already a Hall of Famer. Belair landed where Banks was on the floor, Banks talked to her and Belair decked Banks with a slap to the face. Belair went back in with a forearm to the face followed by the Kiss of Death (KOD) slam for the pinfall after 11 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Bianca Belair
Analysis: *** I liked this. It was good and exactly what it needed to be. With that said, there were times where Bianca looked lost a bit like she didn’t know what was next and I noticed her talking to Natalya a few times. They did get through it and it looked fine, but my worry about Bianca is that she doesn’t have a lot of experience wrestling in long singles matches. That may hurt her at WrestleMania if she gets lost out there. Then again, she may thrive in that spot. Natalya got in plenty of offense, she got a couple of nearfalls and then Belair came back for the predictable win because there’s no reason for Belair to lose on the road to WrestleMania. This is the kind of booking they should have done for Belair for the last month. Have her beat other wrestlers in singles match. Going for the tag team titles didn’t help anybody.
After the match, Belair had her hand raised as the winner, but then Sasha Banks went into the ring and hit the Backstabber to Belair, who left the ring. Banks stood tall in the ring looking proud of herself.
Analysis: I think Banks is coming across as heelish in the story because WWE probably felt like they had to have her in that kind of role instead of doing the babyface thing. Banks is better as a heel anyway, but I don’t think this is a full turn for her. I mean it’s not like Banks is going to be befriend Bayley again. It was more about sending a message to Belair and that’s what Banks did.
Edge walked into the dressing room of Roman Reigns, Jey Uso and Paul Heyman. Jey Uso got in his face, but Edge stared at him and Jey sat down. Reigns said it takes a lot of balls to come in there and he almost respects it. Reigns said Edge better get to his point on the pitbull (Jey) will be on him. Edge said that Daniel Bryan is going to steal their spotlight – he did the same thing in 2014. Edge said if Reigns has the stroke he claims he has, now is the time to use it. Edge told Reigns that now he doesn’t have to beat Reigns to win the title, he can beat Bryan if Daniel is involved. That led to Edge leaving while Reigns was left to think about it.
A video let us know that WrestleMania is only 15 days away as of Friday night. We are getting close, my friends.
The announcers went through the WrestleMania card. These matches will be on Saturday, April 10.
Cesaro vs. Seth Rollins
Braun Strowman vs. Shane McMahon
Raw Tag Team Championships: The New Day vs. AJ Styles & Omos
Bad Bunny vs. The Miz
WWE Championship: Bobby Lashley vs. Drew McIntyre
Smackdown Women’s Championship: Sasha Banks vs. Belair – That’s the order they said the matches so maybe the women will go on last on night one. I’m not sure.
These matches will be on Sunday, April 11.
Intercontinental Championship: Big E vs. Apollo Crews
Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn
Randy Orton vs. The Fiend (w/Alexa Bliss)
Raw Women’s Championship: Asuka (c) vs. Rhea Ripley
Universal Championship: Roman Reigns (c) vs. Edge
There will still be more matches, but that’s what we know for now.
Dolph Ziggler was in the ring with Robert Roode and they are the Smackdown Tag Team Champions. Rey Mysterio entered with Dominik. Rey did a pre-tape promo saying he thought he accomplished everything in WWE, but he wants to win the titles with his son.
Dolph Ziggler (w/Robert Roode) vs. Rey Mysterio (w/Dominik Mysterio)
Ziggler was in control to start the match. Dominik was wearing a cool Eddie Guerrero shirt. Ziggler missed a corner splash, Rey managed to kick him into the ropes, but Ziggler got his elbow up to knock him down. Mysterio with a headscissors sent Ziggler over the top to the floor. Mysterio jumped onto Ziggler on the floor with Ziggler catching him and hitting a Powerbomb over the barricade to the floor. Dominik checked on Rey, so Ziggler hit Dominik with a superkick.
The match returned with Ziggler in control of Mysterio against the turnbuckle. Ziggler went for a suplex, Rey with a headbutt to knock him down and Rey hit a senton splash off the top. Ziggler with a sunset flip leading to Rey hitting a kick to the face for a two count. Ziggler sent Rey into the turnbuckle, Rey with a boot to the face and then Ziggler countered a Mysterio move by slamming him into a mat like a reverse Powerbomb. Ziggler hit the Fameasser for a two count. Nice nearfall there. Ziggler missed a superkick when Rey moved, Rey with a kick to the knee into the ropes. Roode into the ring, Dominik went after him, Roode sent Dominik out of the ring and then Rey kicked Roode out of the ring. Rey went for a springboard move, but Ziggler got a hold of him with the Zig Zag for a two count. Cole was screaming about it because it was a very good nearfall spot although that is no longer Ziggler’s finisher, so that’s why Rey kicking out is fine there. Rey with a hurricanrana that sent Ziggler into the ropes, Rey hit a 619 kick and Rey hit a top rope splash on Ziggler for the pinfall win after about 12 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Rey Mysterio
Analysis: ***1/4 This was very good, which is no surprise since they are two talented veterans that always have entertaining matches. I liked some of the counters they did and some of the nearfalls really worked like when Rey went for the springboard attack, but Ziggler was there to drop him with a Zig Zag. Rey getting the win sets up a future title shot for him and Dominik most likely although I think it will be a match with four teams because that’s how it has been building.
WWE Official Adam Pearce made his entrance for the main event segment.
Roman Reigns, the Universal Champion, made his slow walking entrance with Special Counsel Paul Heyman and Jey Uso for the main event segment.
The announcers mentioned two WWE Hall of 2021 inductees: The Great Khali and Kane. One all-time great legend and one Khali.
Reigns walked around Pearce in that ring with Pearce’s decision coming up next in the main event.
Next week on Smackdown: Sami Zayn’s red carpet premiere with Special Guest Logan Paul. Just because I don’t know who Logan Paul is doesn’t mean I think it’s a bad idea. The guy has over 20 million subscribers on Youtube, so it is smart to utilize somebody with that kind of reach.
WrestleMania Universal Title Announcement
The show returned with the fans chanting “you tapped out” while Reigns was standing in the ring with Pearce. That’s because Reigns did tap out to Daniel Bryan at Fastlane on Sunday. Edge, the 2021 Royal Rumble winner, made his entrance with full pyro to join the festivities in the ring. Daniel Bryan made his entrance as the “YES” chants greeted him on his way down to the ring.
Pearce thanked everybody for joining him. Pearce said he understands all of their concerns. Pearce said he understands everything that has been covered and all of them made sense. Pearce said that what Bryan said also made sense. Pearce said that Bryan is right when he says he deserves another opportunity at that championship. Pearce said that Reigns will defend that title one time at WrestleMania.
Pearce said his decision is as follows: “At WrestleMania, for that Universal Championship, the three of you will compete in a triple threat match.”
Analysis: There’s the official announcement. This was reported by the Wrestling Observer following Fastlane on Sunday night and the report was true.
Bryan was happy about it as he went after Edge and hit a dropkick. Reigns was pissed off and he hit Bryan with a Superman Punch. Jey Uso slid a chair into the ring for Reigns. Edge hit a Spear on Reigns. Jey Uso went into the ring and Edge hit Jey with a Spear as well. Edge hit Reigns and Bryan in the back with two steel chair shots for each guy. Edge put Bryan’s head against a chair and Edge put Roman’s head against a chair as well. Edge brought a third chair into the ring. Jey was back in, Edge hit Jey with multiple chair shots in the ribs and back. That allowed Reigns to escape. Bryan tried to get out of the ring, but Edge got a hold of his legs. Edge elbowed Bryan in the middle of the back. Edge teased a Conchairto on Bryan again, but WWE Officials Pat Buck and Jamie Noble went into the ring, so Edge hit each of them with chair shots to the body. Bryan escaped to the floor. Edge sat in a chair in the ring staring ahead (right into the hard camera like the veteran wrestler he is) with angry faces while Reigns was on the ramp and Bryan was on the floor. The show ended with a focus on Edge’s face in the ring.
Analysis: Good stuff here. Edge came across like more of a heel or at least a tweener that isn’t happy that Bryan is getting into his Universal Title match. Reigns isn’t happy about possibly losing his title without beating beat and Bryan is the only guy that is happy since he was added to the match. I thought the segment worked very well.
As for who wins at WrestleMania, I really don’t know. I think it can go either way and it’s certainly possible that the title reign of Roman Reigns continues. I thought Edge might win when it was a singles match, but I think Bryan winning makes a lot of sense too. It really could go any of the three ways and I think that’s cool. Even if Reigns loses (and he probably should), I can see him getting the title back by the summer or the fall.
Three Stars of the Show
- Daniel Bryan
- Rey Mysterio
- Seth Rollins
The Scoreboard
7 out of 10
Last week: 7.25
2021 Average: 6.94
Final Thoughts
It was a good episode of Smackdown with a lot of talking (the first match was 27 minutes into the show), but that’s okay because they had to do the hard sell for WrestleMania. They made several Smackdown matches official for WrestleMania while also changing the Universal Title match to Reigns vs. Edge vs. Bryan. We knew that was coming after reports coming out of Fastlane, but now it’s officially going to happen. I thought Bryan was terrific all show long while Edge was heelish although maybe some people would say he’s a tweener while Reigns is a heel that’s not happy about facing two guys.
A lot of the matches were right around the same level in terms of my ratings. There wasn’t anything that stood out that much, but all of the booking made sense. I liked seeing Bianca Belair picking up a singles win because that’s the right way to book her instead of the tag team stuff she was doing. Rey Mysterio had some cool spots with Dolph Ziggler in their match. Apollo Crews pinned Big E to get some momentum there. Also, I liked the Rollins/Cesaro stuff after Seth beat Nakamura again.
I think a lot of the Smackdown matches at WrestleMania have been built up very well. The Smackdown matches are stronger than Raw, that’s for sure.
Here’s the WrestleMania 37 lineup for April 10 and April 11 so far:

Saturday, April 10 – Night 1
WWE Championship: Bobby Lashley (c) vs. Drew McIntyre
SmackDown Women’s Championship: Sasha Banks (c) vs. Bianca Belair
Cesaro vs. Seth Rollins
Shane McMahon vs. Braun Strowman
Raw Tag Team Championships: The New Day’s Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods (c) vs. AJ Styles & Omos
Bad Bunny vs. The Miz

Sunday, April 11 – Night 2
Universal Championship: Roman Reigns (c) vs. Edge vs. Daniel Bryan
Raw Women’s Championship: Asuka (c) vs. Rhea Ripley
The Fiend vs. Randy Orton
Intercontinental Championship: Big E (c) vs. Apollo Crews
Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens
There will be more matches still to come.
Thanks for reading. Go Toronto Raptors and Toronto Maple Leafs. My contact info is below.
John Canton
Twitter @johnreport