The John Report: WWE Smackdown 03/19/21 Review
Welcome to this week’s WWE Smackdown review. It’s the go-home edition of Smackdown before Sunday’s WWE Fastlane pay-per-view. Looking further ahead, we are getting close to WrestleMania on April 10 and April 11.
From the WWE ThunderDome at Tropicana Field in Tampa Bay, Florida, this is Smackdown for episode #1126. Follow me on Twitter @johnreport. Please visit daily for our regular updates on the wrestling business featuring WWE news coverage along with reviews about wrestling’s past and present. Let’s get to it.
The show began with a shot of the WrestleMania logo in the ThunderDome with the WWE fans on the screens. They hyped up the main event with Edge facing Jey Uso.
Sasha Banks and Bianca Belair were in the backstage area by the Gorilla Position. Banks was ready for her match with Belair wondering why Banks was even having this match. Banks mentioned Reginald, Belair said that he is in her head and Belair told Banks that this was a bad decision. Belair told Banks she won’t go out there to save her and Banks made it clear she never asked Belair to save her.
Analysis: There was bickering there, but it’s not like one of them is a heel. It’s more about Belair wanting Banks to keep her title so that Belair gets her WrestleMania match against Banks.
Sasha Banks made her entrance as the Smackdown Women’s Champion. Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler entered as the Women’s Tag Team Champions. Reginald was not there because Nia sent him for some spa treatment and they showed some photoshopped image on the screen. The women stood in the ring as the great ring announcer Greg Hamilton did the championship introduction.
Analysis: It’s nice to have Smackdown start with a match. They usually start the show with a promo, so it’s a welcome change to have a match opening the show.
Smackdown Women’s Championship: Sasha Banks vs. Nia Jax (w/Shayna Baszler)
Banks with a forearm to Jax, then Banks kicked Baszler on the floor. Banks sent Jax face first into the turnbuckle and then Banks hit the double knee attack. Banks with a bulldog, but Jax managed to avoid the Bank Statement submission by shoving Banks across the ring. Jax with a press slam over her head and sent Banks into the mat. Jax with a body slam followed by an elbow drop. Jax with a body attack to knock Banks down. Jax hit a Samoan Drop for another two count. That’s a move that Jax wins with sometimes. Bianca Belair’s music hit as she made her full entrance and went down to ringside. Banks rolled out to the floor, so Belair encouraged Banks to try to get her to win the match.
The match returned with Banks trying to send Jax into the turnbuckle, but Jax hit a sidewalk slam for two. Belair remained at ringside to support Banks. Jax swung Banks face first into the middle turnbuckle for a two count. Jax applied the Stretch Muffler submission on the leg, then Banks got out of it and Banks hit a double knee attack for a two count. Jax used her power to pulled Banks out of the ring. Banks kicked Jax and went back into the ring and Banks hit an impressive Tornado DDT on Jax. Baszler went after Belair, then they went into the ring and Baszler kicked Jax because Banks moved. Belair took care of Baszler by knocking her down on the floor. Banks did a jackknife cover on Jax for the pinfall win after ten minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Sasha Banks
Analysis: **3/4 It was a solid match with Banks bumping and selling very well to make Jax look good while Jax was on offense for the majority of the match. Jax got plenty of nearfalls. I liked the finish because it showed how crafty Banks is as a champion because she was able to avoid the kick by Baszler and that kick to Jax ended up costing Nia the win. Banks retaining the title was the obvious result here.
Banks celebrated the win with Belair. Jax was not happy about what Baszler did to her even though it was an accident.
A video aired to show how they set up the Edge match against Jey Uso this week. It was during the contract signing segment between Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan for their Universal Title match at Fastlane.
Edge was interviewed backstage by Kayla Braxton, who mentioned it was Edge’s first match on Smackdown in ten years. Edge said that Smackdown has always felt like home to him. Edge mentioned great moments like beating The Undertaker for the World Title on Smackdown and also relinquishing that title. Edge said it also feels right. Edge talked about how he wanted to be the special guest enforcer at Fastlane because Daniel Bryan needs him there to have a shot to beat Roman Reigns for the Universal Title. Edge said that even though Daniel Bryan hit him with the running knee last week, he can forgive that because he would have done the same thing. Edge spoke about how Jey Uso is a great talent, but: “As long as he follows Roman Reigns’ shadow, Jey is going to keep running into trouble. Tonight… I’m that trouble.”
Seth Rollins made his entrance for a promo while wearing a ridiculous white jacket.
A video aired from 19 years ago on Smackdown when Edge and Hulk Hogan won the Tag Team Titles. They beat Billy & Chuck to win the titles. Edge and Hogan hit back-to-back leg drops for the win. Big pop from the crowd.
The announcers mentioned that Hulk Hogan and Titus O’Neil are hosting WrestleMania. It was announced earlier on Friday.
Nia Jax was backstage letting Shayna Baszler she was mad about what happened out there. Shayna said she was sorry. Jax wanted to know what Shayna was going to do about it. Shayna said she was going to get a match with Bianca Belair and kick her head off.
Let’s Hear from Seth Rollins
Seth Rollins said that when he returned to Smackdown a few weeks ago, the roster was out there to greet him because they respect him. Rollins said that when they all turned their backs and walked out on him, he respected their decision to be idiots. Rollins said that there was one person that took the disrespect too far. Rollins complained about how Cesaro stood out there by himself, he disrespected, humiliated and embarrassed Rollins. Seth said that Cesaro was jealous of him. Seth said that he’s successful at every single thing that he does and he is loved everywhere he goes. Seth said that Cesaro is jealous that he’s a WrestleMania main eventer while Cesaro is a failure. Rollins said if you knock him down, he gets right back and you can’t really say the same thing about Cesaro last week. A clip was shown from last week when Rollins beat up Cesaro and hit Cesaro with The Stomp multiple times.
Rollins mocked how Cesaro looked after Rollins gave him The Stomp last week. Rollins said that maybe Cesaro was tired from reaching around for that brass ring. Rollins said that Cesaro swung him around the ring 22 times. Rollins said that Cesaro will never disrespect or embarrass him like that again because he’s Seth Freakin’ Rollins. Seth called Cesaro the biggest waste of potential in the history of WWE.
Shinsuke Nakamura showed up for the interruption. As Nakamura got into the ring with Rollins, Seth said that he is better than Cesaro. Rollins called Nakamura good man. Nakamura: “Shut up.” Nakamura hit a spin kick to the head of Rollins and then Rollins bailed to the floor. Nakamura did the “come on” greeting in the ring. Rollins went back in the ring, Nakamura with an STO trip and then Nakamura hit the Kinshasa knee strike on Rollins. Great sell by Rollins although it was almost comical. Nakamura left standing tall while Rollins was down in the ring.
Analysis: This was effective as a segment with Rollins doing the heelish promo about how great he is while talking trash about Cesaro. I guess they kept Cesaro off the show this week to sell the attack from last week. Nakamura is an ally of Cesaro who turned face recently just like Cesaro, so it makes sense to have Nakamura out there to confront Rollins. This should set up Rollins vs. Nakamura at Fastlane (it was made official later in the show) and then they can do Rollins vs. Cesaro at WrestleMania. That’s fine with me.
It was mentioned that Eric Bischoff will be joining the WWE Hall of Fame class of 2021. We found that out on Thursday.
Analysis: Eric Bischoff is an easy Hall of Fame choice. It’s just interesting that the guy that spent years in the 1990s trying to put WWE out of the business is going into the WWE Hall of Fame over twenty years later. Bischoff deserves it, though. He was also an entertaining on-screen character as well. I also currently enjoy his 83 Weeks podcast.
The Street Profits entered for a tag team match.
Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode, the Smackdown Tag Team Champions, were on commentary for this match. Cole called them the Top Dogs, so Ziggler ripped Cole because it’s actually Dirty Dogs. That was funny.
The Mysterios made their entrance in a matchup of two teams that won an eight-man tag last week.
The Street Profits (Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins) vs. Rey & Dominik Mysterio
Dominik and Ford did some mat wrestling along with some cool counters by both guys. Rey tagged in with a dropkick on Ford. Rey kicked Ford in the chest, Ford with a shoulder tackle and Dawkins tagged in as he slammed Ford onto Mysterio. Dawkins with a corner splash on Mysterio. Ford was back in, Rey sent Ford into the ropes and Dominik tagged in with a headscissors that sent Dawkins out of the ring. Ford came back with a huge clothesline on Dominik. Ford lifted up Dominik into a spinebuster like slam for two. Rey saved his son from a double team move, Dominik was on Dawkins’ shoulders and Dominik got a hurricanrana into a pin for the win after three minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Rey & Dominik Mysterio
Analysis: *1/2 A quick match to put over the father/son team of Rey and Dominik. That result didn’t surprise me that much and it came off as a bit of an upset since The Street Profits are former champions. I like how the finish was booked.
The team of Chad Gable and Otis made their entrance to confront the Mysterios in the ring. Gable said that victory doesn’t put them in line for a title shot ahead of the Alpha Academy. Gable said that they have already beaten the Mysterios and he mentioned when Otis squashed Rey like a pancake. Gable and Otis turned their back, so the Mysterios dropkicked them out of the ring. Dominik hit a cross body block onto Otis/Gable to knock them down on the floor. That led to a break.
A new match was made during the break. The Street Profits joined commentary for this match.
Rey & Dominik Mysterio vs. Alpha Academy (Chad Gable & Otis)
Rey battled Gable on the turnbuckle Rey knocking him down and hit a senton splash. Rey hit a 619 kick on Gable as well. Roode had a funny line about how this Rey guy had a bright future. Rey went up top right near Otis, so Otis tripped him up and crotched Rey on the top turnbuckle. Gable with a suplex on Rey and legal man Otis hit a headbutt. Otis with two body slams. Otis whipped Rey into the turnbuckle followed by Otis hitting a double axehandle to the chest. Otis slapped on a bearhug on Rey, so Rey bit him to break free, but Otis came back with another hard body slam. Otis with a headbutt, but Rey moved and Dominik tagged in against Gable. Dominik with an impressive hurricanrana on Gable and Dominik countered Gable into a sunset flip pin for two. Dominik jumped off the second rope with a DDT on Gable for two as Otis made the save. Rey went after Otis, who whipped Rey into the barricade. Dominik went for a 619 kick on Gable, but Gable caught him and Otis tagged in. Gable hit a rolling German Suplex and legal man Otis hit a splash off the middle ropes for the pinfall win after five minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Alpha Academy (Chad Gable & Otis)
Analysis: ** It was fine for a shorter match with Otis looking dominant again. Otis has been booked in a strong way since going heel although I’m not sure if he’s going to be a champion any time soon. Rey sells so well of course while Dominik is doing well for a young kid still learning out there. As soon a the match was booked, I figured the Mysterios would lose.
Post match, the champions Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode posed with their titles. They were telling the other teams that they will defend the titles against anybody. At least that’s what it seemed like.
Analysis: They seem to be building to a multi-team match at WrestleMania. That’s fine. WWE tends to do that kind of thing at WrestleMania most years to get more wrestlers on the show.
Sami Zayn was shown backstage talking to his documentary crew. Kevin Owens walked up to Sami, who asked if KO was going to be in the documentary. Zayn talked about how he reached out to Logan Paul, who has 23 million subscribers on Youtube. Owens said that Zayn twisting reality a bit with this conspiracy stuff. Zayn complained about how “they” are against him Owens asked who “they” are. Zayn wanted Owens to watch his match later and if nothing suspicious happens then Sami will drop this whole thing. Owens agreed to watch the match later.
Analysis: I’m all for interaction with the best friends Owens and Zayn, who have a 15-year history together going back to their indy days. They have a lot of WWE history together as allies and rivals. It’s never a bad thing to see them on screen together because there’s chemistry there.
Daniel Bryan made his entrance as they plugged WrestleMania tickets again. Bryan has a promo at the top of hour two.
There was another Edge on Smackdown history clip from 14 years ago in 2007. That was when Edge cashed in Money in the Bank on The Undertaker and he became the World Heavyweight Champion. This happened after Mark Henry attacked Undertaker. Edge left with the World Title and he was one of the main guys on Smackdown for the next four years.
Let’s Hear from Daniel Bryan
Daniel Bryan was in the ring for a promo. Bryan said in tonight’s main event we have Edge vs. Jey Uso for Edge’s first match on Smackdown in ten years. The winner gets to be the Special Ringside Enforcer for his match against Universal Champion Roman Reigns at Fastlane. Bryan said that if Jey wins then he’ll help Roman as much as he can. Bryan said on the other hand, Edge is the ultimate opportunist that will do anything he can to get what he wants. Bryan said that Edge wants to face Roman Reigns one on one at WrestleMania. Bryan said the reason why is because Edge doesn’t want to face Bryan and Edge thinks he can beat Roman Reigns. Bryan said that he knows he can beat Roman Reigns and he’s going to prove it this Sunday at Fastlane. Bryan said he’ll do to Roman Reigns what he did to Jey Uso and that’s make Roman Reigns tap out.
Roman Reigns, the Universal Champion, did his slow walking entrance with Special Counsel Paul Heyman by his side. Reigns stood on the ramp for a promo laughing about Bryan saying that Reigns will tap him out. Reigns said he can deal with Bryan telling white lies about himself, but he didn’t like Bryan lying about the Tribal Chief. Reigns said Bryan can’t tap him out – he has no chance. Reigns said that Bryan has a better chance of shooting lightning out of his ass or flying like a bird than tapping Reigns out. Reigns said that nobody has ever made him tap out and he would rather lose his arm than tap out to any man. Reigns said that he would rather die in that ring than tap out to somebody like Bryan.
Bryan said that was pretty strong. Bryan said that all the things that Reigns says about himself are lies and delusions. Bryan said that everybody thinks they’re invincible until they’re not, they’re unbeatable until they lose and they’re un-tapout-able (a new word?) until they tap out. Bryan said that he is going to break Reigns of his beliefs and break him of everything that he thinks he is. Bryan said he hopes Reigns doesn’t die, but if he does tap out or he doesn’t tap out, Bryan is beating Reigns for the Universal Championship at Fastlane. Bryan’s music played to end it.
Analysis: This was another very good promo from Daniel Bryan as usual. I don’t expect Daniel Bryan to beat Roman Reigns for the Universal Title, but maybe they do a spot where Bryan makes Roman tap and there’s no referee to see it. Then Roman beats Bryan to keep the title.
There was a video about Sami Zayn vs. King Corbin in the “least anticipated match” in Smackdown history. They said it was a match that nobody asked for, but thankfully there will be a loser. That was funny because it plays into Sami’s character that the company is against him.
A video aired with WWE superstars encouraging viewers to get a COVID-19 vaccine when it’s available to you. I agree.
Sami Zayn vs. King Corbin
It’s the “least anticipated match” in Smackdown history. Sami’s documentary crew was at ringside. They were already in the ring. Kevin Owens was on commentary. Corbin was in control with punches on Zayn followed by a running clothesline against the turnbuckle. Zayn did an eye poke, Corbin missed a corner attack when Zayn moved and Zayn tried a cover with his feet on the ropes, but the referee saw it. Zayn tried to take the turnbuckle pad off, the referee stopped that and Corbin hit the End of Days slam on Zayn for the pinfall win after two minutes.
Winner by pinfall: King Corbin
Analysis: *1/2 A quick match to set up some spots where Zayn tried to cheat, but the referee stopped him from doing it multiple times. Corbin took advantage for the easy win.
Owens was asked if he saw anything that was a conspiracy. Owens said that it was some pretty good officiating. Zayn told Owens that he head him beat and Owens told Zayn that the referee made the right calls. Zayn told Owens that he was out of his mind, so Zayn yelled that Owens wasn’t seeing things clearly. It looked like Zayn was about to leave while Owens talked to Cole/Graves, but then Zayn hit Owens with a Helluva Kick while Owens was on commentary. It was a total cheap shot that Owens didn’t see coming at all. Zayn yelled at Owens that he wasn’t crazy and he thought Owens was smarter than that. Zayn backed away with his documentary team with Zayn yelling at Owens for not seeing things his way.
Analysis: It was pretty obvious that was coming since Owens is a face and Zayn is a crazy heel, so it’s not like they were going to be on the same page. This should set up Owens vs. Zayn at WrestleMania, which is really cool for them as best friends and it’s a great match for us. I know they have wrestled many times in the past. However, it has been a long time since their last match and their previous rivalry was with Owens as the heel with Zayn as the face, so it feels different this time.
There was a commercial Fastlane promoting the Alexa Bliss vs. Randy Orton “match” that is advertised for the show. It should lead to The Fiend coming back.
A new match added to Fastlane: Seth Rollins vs. Shinsuke Nakamura. That will be awesome. I think it will be a win for Rollins.
Big E and Apollo Crews Interview
There was a split-screen interview with Intercontinental Champion Big E and Apollo Crews. Big E said that all he wants to talk about is vengeance. Big E told Apollo he has two days until Fastlane and he advised him to enjoy the crispness of the March air while enjoying the normal function of his limbs. Big E told him to enjoy the present because the future is bleak. Big E said that he’ll retain his Intercontinental Championship, no question about it and Big E is going to give Crews everything that he deserves.
Crews spoke in his accent saying that Big E should think twice about speaking with such disrespect. Crews said that this reminds him of an old Nigerian proverb from his grandfather – if you fill your mouth with a razor, you’ll split blood. Crews said that he is going to crack Big E’s face and you will see the Nigerian warrior within Crews. Apollo said that he’ll finally have what he deserves as he stands over Big E’s mangled body as the new Intercontinental Champion.
Big E said there’s no waiting for Sunday night and he took off his microphone. Big E walked out into the baseball stadium and jumped on a golf cart that was nearby. Big E drove across the baseball field while calling out Crews. Big E drove the golf cart into the backstage area where Crews was walking down a hallway. Crews tried to back away, but Big E managed to catch up to him and punch Crews repeatedly. Big E hit Crews with a trash can to the back. Big E whipped Crews into some lockers. Big E whipped Crews into some doors. That’s when officials showed up to stop Big E from attacking some more, so then Apollo drove away on the golf cart.
Analysis: This was exactly what the feud needed. They did some trash talk with Big E showing he was very serious heading into Fastlane while Crews has a lot of confidence since he has hurt Big E in the past. I think the brawl with Big E getting his hands on Crews and getting the advantage the way he did. I expect Big E to retain the IC Title at Fastlane.
Bianca Belair made her entrance for her match.
Shayna Baszler entered to face Bianca Belair. The Fastlane match is Baszler/Jax vs. Belair/Banks for the Women’s Tag Team Titles. The announcers ran down the Fastlane lineup. They mentioned Shane McMahon vs. Braun Strowman, which is off WWE’s website, so I guess the match is back on? I don’t know. Anyway, Sasha Banks entered and then went to the back.
Bianca Belair vs. Shayna Baszler (w/Nia Jax)
Baszler tripped up Belair and then hit her with a knee strike. Baszler tossed Belair out of the ring right at the feet of Jax. Nia was mad about what happened earlier, so she walked to the back. That led to Belair hitting a spinebuster. That led to Natalya and Tamina attacking Baszler and Belair, so the match was a no contest after about one minute.
Match Result: No Contest
Analysis: There was barely a match here. No point in rating that.
Natalya and Tamina tossed Baszler out of the ring. They sent Baszler over the announce table. Natalya and Tamina focused on Belair with Tamina hitting a superkick on Belair. Tamina hit a spinning slam on Belair as well. Natalya and Tamina stood tall.
Analysis: The team of Natalya and Tamina have been picking up wins of late, so it was their way of showing that they want to be in the title picture too.
There was another Edge on Smackdown history clip from 10 years ago with Edge announcing his retirement from wrestling. Edge retired due to a serious neck injury. The actual announcement took place on Raw and then he relinquished the World Title on Smackdown.
Edge made his entrance for his first match on Smackdown in ten years. Edge was wearing some cool North Carolina Tarheel light blue gear. He lives in North Carolina, so maybe that’s why he did that.
Jey Uso made his entrance for the main event. Daniel Bryan joined commentary for the match.
Edge vs. Jey Uso
Edge was aggressive with a knee lift that rocked Jey and then a knee to the back. Edge wrenched on the left arm of Jey against the bottom rope. Jey broke it with a shot to the ribs, then Jey left the ring and shoved Edge into the steel steps. Jey hit a suicide dive that sent Edge ribs first into the announce table. Edge was down on the floor as the show went to break.
The match returned with Jey remaining in control as Edge was selling the rib injury. Jey suplexed Edge so that Edge’s ribs were up against the top rope. Jey knocked Edge into the barricade at ringside. Bryan talked about how he’s going to make Reigns tap out this Sunday at Fastlane because Reigns hasn’t trained with an elite grappler like Bryan. When Edge got back into the ring, he slid Edge ribs first into the bottom rope. Jey pulled on the right arm/leg of Edge against the ring post. Edge tried a move, but Jey delivered a kick to the ribs. Jey went up top, he jumped off, Edge moved and then they did a double cross body block spot that knocked both guys down. Edge hit a boot to the face to knock Jey down followed by Edge sending Jey shoulder first into the turnbuckle. Edge jumped off the turnbuckle with a knee to the left shoulder of Jey with Bryan pointing it out. Edge had some visible scarring on the right side of his ribs. Jey came back with a Samoan Drop for a two count. Jey went up top, Edge stopped him up there and Edge hit a hurricanrana off the top for two. Edge blocked a superkick and hit the Edgecution DDT that Cole called “vintage Edge” because that’s what Cole does. Edge charged, but Jey stopped him with a superkick. Jey went up top and hit an Uso Splash for the pinfall for one…two…and Edge got the shoulder up. Nice nearfall there. Edge with an arm wringer on the left arm of Jey that sent Jey into the mat. Edge hit a Spear for the pinfall win after 13 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Edge
Analysis: ***1/2 I thought it was a very good match. While it was obvious that Edge was going to win, I liked the story they told. Jey targeted the ribs the whole match while Edge focused on Jey’s shoulder. In the end, Edge hit that arm wringer to drive Jey into the mat and then Edge hit a Spear for the pinfall win. It was the obvious result, but that doesn’t mean it was a bad match. Jey was competitive with Edge the whole way. I liked it a lot.
The win by Edge means he’s the Special Ringside Enforcer for Reigns vs. Bryan at Fastlane.
Post match, Edge was celebrating in the ring and then Roman Reigns hit Edge with a Spear. Reigns called for Daniel Bryan to come into the ring, so Jey Uso attacked Bryan and sent Bryan into the ring. That led to Reigns hitting Bryan with a Spear as well. Reigns stood tall with the Universal Title to end the show.
Analysis: The Universal Champion Reigns stands tall. It makes sense to have him look strong going into Fastlane because Bryan ended the last two weeks celebrating. That’s just how it goes in WWE. I think Reigns retains the Universal Title at Fastlane and I don’t know what that means for Bryan at WrestleMania. I think WWE will stick with Reigns vs. Edge at WrestleMania. Then again, it’s not a sure thing. That’s why we have to watch Fastlane to find out what happens next. The art of storytelling, my friends.
Three Stars of the Show
- Edge
- Jey Uso
- Sasha Banks
The Scoreboard
7.25 out of 10
Last week: 6.25
2021 Average: 6.94
Final Thoughts
It was a pretty good episode of Smackdown where every match and segment seemed to matter as it relates to Fastlane or WrestleMania. It was better than the last couple of weeks in my opinion. The best match was definitely Edge beating Jey Uso in the main event. While it was predictable, I enjoyed the story they told with each guy picking on a body part with Edge finding a way to win.
The stuff with Sasha Banks and Bianca Belair dealing with Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler wasn’t great, but better than last week. Banks beat Jax because Baszler accidentally kicked Jax and Banks covered Jax. When Belair faced Baszler, it was cut short because they were attacked by Natalya and Tamina.
I liked other segments leading to Seth Rollins vs. Shinsuke Nakamura at Fastlane, Sami Zayn attacked Kevin Owens to likely set them up for a WrestleMania and four tag teams had some issues to likely set up a multi-team title match at WrestleMania as well. For the most part, everything made sense to me. Easy show to watch and enjoy.
The next WWE pay-per-view is Fastlane on Sunday, March 21. Here’s what we know so far.

WWE Universal Championship: Roman Reigns (c) vs. Daniel Bryan (Edge will be the Special Ringside Enforcer)
No Holds Barred Match: Drew McIntyre vs. Sheamus
Intercontinental Championship: Big E (c) vs. Apollo Crews
Randy Orton vs. Alexa Bliss
Seth Rollins vs. Shinsuke Nakamura
Braun Strowman vs. Shane McMahon
United States Championship: Riddle (c) vs. Mustafa Ali
Women’s Tag Team Championships: Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler (c) vs. Sasha Banks and Bianca Belair
Check out our WWE Fastlane Preview right here. I will have a live review on TJRWrestling on Sunday night.
Thanks for reading. Go Toronto Raptors and Toronto Maple Leafs. My contact info is below.
John Canton
Twitter @johnreport