The John Report: WWE Smackdown 03/06/20 Review
Welcome to another WWE Smackdown review here on TJRWrestling. This is the last Smackdown before Sunday’s Elimination Chamber pay-per-view event.
Live from Buffalo, New York, this is Smackdown for episode #1072. Follow me on Twitter @johnreport. Please visit daily for our regular updates on the wrestling business featuring WWE news coverage along with reviews about wrestling’s past and present. Thanks to Melo Man for the banner up top.
The show began with a recap of John Cena’s speech on Smackdown last week. Cena said he wasn’t going to be part of WrestleMania this year, then “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt showed up when Cena was on the stage, Fiend pointed at the WrestleMania sign and Cena nodded him to say that the match is on. The Smackdown intro video played after that.
The pyro went off in the arena to hype up the fans in Buffalo. The announce team of Michael Cole and Corey Graves welcomed us to the show. This week of Smackdown: Bray Wyatt in the Firefly Fun House, a tag team gauntlet match and the Alexa Bliss talk show starts the show.
A Moment of Bliss with the New World Order
Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross were in the ring to host their “A Moment of Bliss” talk show. Bliss said as they are on the road to WrestleMania, they are celebrating the WWE Hall of Fame class of 2020. They showed images of the names already announced including Batista, John Bradshaw Layfield and The Bella Twins. Bliss said speaking of WrestleMania, the Kabuki Warriors should know that the Women’s Tag Team Titles can be defended on any show.
Analysis: Does WWE management even remember they have Women’s Tag Team Titles? The last time they were defended was on the TLC PPV in mid-December, so it’s been nearly three months.
The trio of Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Sean “Syxx” Waltman made their entrance wearing NWO shirts while entering to the theme song. There’s no Hulk Hogan there tonight. Scott Hall started it off right: “Hey yo!” The fans popped for that. I love that and I still use “Hey yo” to greet people.
Bliss pointed out that all three of them are now two-time Hall of Famers. Nikki Cross said she was the biggest fan of theirs…for life and Nikki took a selfie with them. Bliss asked Sean what do we call him while running down his many names. Waltman said just call him “Hall of Famer” and fans cheered. Bliss pointed out that last year Waltman was inducted with DX and now NWO this year. Bliss pointed out that one of their biggest rivals was Goldberg, which drew boos. Bliss pointed out that Nash ended Goldberg’s winning streak (Starrcade 1998).
Nash was asked what does Roman Reigns have to do to beat Goldberg. Nash joked that he forgot that he beat Goldberg. Nash told Reigns that you need two things to beat Goldberg: Scott Hall and a cattle prod. Hall joked that it was a shocking finish. There was this awkward silence for about five seconds, Hall was about to speak and there was an interruption.
The trio of Sami Zayn, Shinsuke Nakamura and Cesaro entered to boos. Zayn said that NWO was great in the past, but they are the future while adding that the three of them will beat Braun Strowman to take back the Intercontinental Champion at Elimination Chamber. The trio entered the ring.
Zayn said that they know what it means to be Intercontinental Champion since Hall was one of the best IC Champions ever as Razor Ramon. Zayn pointed out that Diesel won the title too. Zayn moved onto Waltman…who did not win the IC Title and he said he knows how much the IC Title weighs because Waltman carried their bags for so many years. Waltman stood up in Sami’s face. Nash told Sami he had a big mouth for somebody who looks like Seth Rogen after two weeks of the stomach flu. That was funny. Zayn said that they could drop them in two seconds. Nash said those three couldn’t touch them on their best day and the NWO all stood up for a face off. Zayn asked if they want to fight, the fans chanted “yes” and Zayn said it’s not going to happen. That drew boos as the heels left. Zayn told them they won’t give them what they want and they won’t let the NWO be relevant again by fighting Sami and his buddies. Zayn said they are focused on destroying Braun Strowman at Elimination Chamber.
Braun Strowman made his entrance with the Intercontinental Title. Cesaro with a boot to Strowman, then Braun fought him off and launched him into the set on the stage. Strowman sent Nakamura into the barricade. Zayn went into the ring with the NWO waiting for him and then Strowman followed him into the ring. Zayn pulled Bliss in front of him and then Sami backed out of the ring. Cole: “What a coward.” True, but it worked. Strowman threw a chair and table towards Sami, but the heels were able to get away.
Strowman told the three heels that they are going to “get these hands” at Elimination Chamber. Strowman told the NWO it’s going to be “too sweet” because the wrestling business has always been about catchphrases. This segment ended after about 18 minutes.
Analysis: This was fine as way to push the IC Title match. I thought the NWO guys had some good lines when they had a chance to fire back against Zayn, who has really become of the best promo guys on any WWE show. The line that Nash had about Zayn looking like Seth Rogen if Seth lost weight was the best part of that. It’s not a surprise that the NWO guys were kept from doing anything physical. While Waltman is still able, it’s probably smart for the others to avoid taking unnecessary bumps. The other thing I got from that is that WWE fans are not excited about Goldberg as Universal Champion with the fans booing Goldberg’s name just like they booed him last week.
The team of Lacey Evans and Naomi were shown walking backstage for their tag team match. Bayley and Sasha Banks were also shown backstage in a different part of the arena because that match is next.
It was mentioned by Cole that the tag team elimination match was the main event of the show.
The introductions took place for the women’s tag team match that was a rematch from last week with Naomi pinning Bayley in that match. Naomi and Lacey Evans were up first. The Smackdown Women’s Champion Bayley and Sasha Banks were up last.
Bayley and Sasha Banks vs. Lacey Evans and Naomi
Bayley and Banks sent Evans back first into the turnbuckle. Bayley went to Naomi on the floor, Naomi with a punch on Bayley and Banks shoved Naomi into the barricade. Banks whipped Naomi into the barricade again with Naomi grabbing at her shoulder. They went to break one minute into this match.
The match returned with the heels still in control as Banks wrenched on Evans’ left leg while Naomi was back on the apron. Bayley tagged in, she stepped on Evans’ foot and the technical difficulties screen was shown with an envelope, but we don’t know what that is yet. Banks tagged back in, Evans managed to break free, Naomi kicked both heels to the floor and Naomi hit a corkscrew plancha over the top on both heels. Naomi with a springboard cross body on Banks in the ring. Naomi hit some jumping kicks, but some of them weren’t connecting, Banks with a knee, Naomi with a kick and Naom with a bulldog into a turnbuckle. Naomi with a flip into a pin for two on Banks as Bayley made the save. Evans took Bayley out of the ring and Banks hit a dropkick to send Evans out of the ring. Naomi with a kick to the head of Banks, Bayley distracted Naomi and Banks hit a double knee attack on Naomi by the ropes and Banks covered Naomi for the pinfall win after about seven minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Bayley and Sasha Banks
Analysis: **1/2 This was okay with the heels working well together to get the win. The fans were into it even though the faces got their asses kicked for most of it. There wasn’t much of a comeback from Naomi and Evans. Last week the faces won, so it made sense for the heels to win this week. Banks needed the win more than Bayley too, so that was the right call. This is also one of those matches where I say it would be nice if WWE timed it better. If they are getting seven minutes then they should time the match so that they can show it all. Don’t show us four minutes of a seven-minute match. Show all of it.
Post match, Bayley and Banks celebrated the win in the ring.
Big E and Kofi Kingston of The New Day were interviewed by Kayla Braxton in the interview area. Whatever team wins the Gauntlet Match later in the show gets to enter Elimination Chamber last. Kingston said he loved KofiMania last year, but he’s focusing on the present. Big E talked about how they can go on for hours and hours and hours and Kingston said that they are going to go onto Elimination Chamber and then onto WrestleMania as the tag team champions because…New Day rocks.
Sheamus made his entrance for a match.
Sasha Banks and Bayley were shown walking backstage. Bayley bragged about how they have beaten Carmella, Naomi and Lacey Evans. Banks complained about the Bella Twins being in the Hall of Fame before them. They are mad about retired people in a Hall of Fame? I guess that’s heel trash talk. There was a point here where Banks put her hands on the title, which could be foreshadowing a rivalry. Bayley said maybe she’ll take WrestleMania off and then they left to celebrate the win.
Analysis: The only thing interesting here was when Banks touched the title. I don’t know if that means there’s a turn for Banks coming or if it’s nothing for now. I think a multi-woman match with five or six women is probably the best thing they can do. I’m not sure what the plan is right now. Doing Bayley vs. Banks is fine of course, but it hasn’t been teased enough yet.
Apollo Crews was shown in Gorilla position ahead of his match. Shorty G showed up, Crews said he didn’t want his help and Shorty said that if Crews needs help, Shorty has his back. Shorty wanted a handshake, but Crews didn’t shake it and he just left on his own. Apollo Crews made his entrance for a match.
Sheamus vs. Apollo Crews
Crews was aggressive, he hit a cross body block off the top, then he knocked Sheamus down and hit a standing moonsault for two. Sheamus came back with a kick followed by uppercut punches. Crews with a dropkick that sent Sheamus into the turnbuckle, but then Sheamus bounced off and hit a Brogue Kick on Crews for the pinfall win just over one minute.
Winner by pinfall: Sheamus
Analysis: * It was another dominant showing for Sheamus, which has been the usual booking for him since he returned to action earlier this year. Crews got some offense in the first part of it, but then Sheamus got the easy win with the Brogue Kick as a knockout finish.
Drew Gulak was shown in the locker room looking at his phone and Drake Maverick showed up to say he wanted to fight Daniel Bryan. Gulak called him Mr. Maverick, he said he knew all of Daniel’s weaknesses and he wanted to talk about the weakness of Bryan’s roundhouse kick. Daniel Bryan showed up behind Gulak to say that he’ll be at Elimination Chamber in Philadelphia, so if Gulak is so confident about Bryan’s weaknesses, maybe he should get in the ring with Bryan. Gulak said nothing as Bryan left.
Analysis: That’s fine with me even though Gulak has barely been on TV and when he was having matches on TV, he was losing quick matches. Daniel Bryan should be featured more than he is, but at least he’s getting a PPV match. It should be a great technical wrestling match if they get time.
A commercial aired for Steve Austin appearing on Raw on March 16 because that’s Austin 3/16 Day and that’s the bottom line cuz Stone Cold Said So.
The guest on WWE Backstage next Tuesday on FS1 is AJ Styles. The show is hosted by Renee Young and Booker T and it does not have a big audience.
The team of Carmella and Dana Brooke entered for a match for the second women’s tag team match on this show. Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville entered with Dolph Ziggler with Cole saying that Mandy and Dolph are pretty much an item now. I don’t believe Mandy and Dolph are really a couple, but Dolph and Dana did date a few years ago.
Carmella and Dana Brooke vs. Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville (w/Dolph Ziggler)
Rose drove Carmella into the ropes and Deville got some cheap shots. The fans were chanting for Otis briefly. It was hard to notice the action due to how short Mandy’s shorts are. Believe me, that is not a complaint. Deville wrapped up Carmella on the mat to prevent her from getting up. Carmella with the headscissors, then Carmella with a dropkick and Brooke tagged in with the faces doing a double hip toss. Brooke with a kick on Deville followed by a handspring back elbow on Deville. Brooke with a kick to the face. Ziggler distracted, Rose made the tag, Deville knocked Carmella off the apron and Rose hit a running knee on Brooke for the pinfall win after three minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville
Analysis: * It was a short match with the heels winning due to Ziggler’s distraction. Basic booking right here. It looked like Brooke was getting a mild push a few months ago, but lately she hasn’t been doing much at all. I don’t mind Rose using the running knee as a finish because it looks impressive.
Post match, Ziggler raised the hands of Rose and Deville as the winners.
Bray Wyatt is up next in the Firefly Fun House up next.
The announcers were shown on screen plugging the Elimination pay-per-view. It is one of the weakest PPV lineups WWE has ever had. I’ll cover that in the preview that we will post on Saturday.
There was another video of John Cena saying this year’s WrestleMania should go on without John Cena. When Cena was on the top of the ramp, “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt showed up, pointed at the WrestleMania match and after the show, the match was official.
Firefly Fun House
Bray Wyatt was shown on the Firefly Fun House set with framed photos of John Cena where he marked up the photos. Wyatt asked why John Cena and Ramblin’ Rabbit said it’s because Cena destroyed Wyatt at WrestleMania six years ago to begin a downward spiral in Bray’s life. Bray said “yowie wowie” as highlights were shown of Cena beating Wyatt. Wyatt claimed that without John Cena, the Firefly Fun House would not exist. Wyatt said he thanks Cena and he forgives him, however there is a catch. Wyatt said that Cena also built something else built on pain, fueled by vengeance and he (The Fiend) is waiting at WrestleMania and unlike Bray, he is not so forgiving. Wyatt said that life is a circle and no matter how bright one side is, inevitably the dark side comes again. Wyatt said that’s the beauty of a circle because round and round we go. Wyatt said: “Let me in!” Wyatt did his crazy laugh and said “bye” to end it. No “see you in hell” to end it? That’s a shame.
Analysis: This was pretty good in terms of explaining the obvious that Wyatt wanted to face Cena because he couldn’t get over his WrestleMania loss against Cena six years ago. The Ramblin’ Rabbit character is the one that usually supports the babyface wrestlers, so having him explain Bray’s motives that way was the right way to do it. I think Wyatt should beat Cena at WrestleMania, but it’s hardly a lock.
The graphic was shown promoting John Cena vs. “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania on April 5.
A replay aired from last week on Smackdown showing Roman Reigns challenging Goldberg for the Universal Championship at WrestleMania. They did not show the fans booing Goldberg, but they did show fans cheering Reigns.
That Goldberg/Reigns graphic was shown on camera as well.
King Corbin was interviewed backstage by Kayla Braxton. Corbin said that his history with Roman Reigns is finished. Corbin wanted to talk about his plans for WrestleMania, Elias was playing his guitar backstage and Corbin yelled at him for interrupting. Elias said that Corbin’s voice was annoying him, so he tuned him out. Corbin said that Elias is not a rock star or cowboy. Corbin called Elias a gimmick, a one-trick pony that looked ridiculous and said he doesn’t live in reality. Corbin told Elias to keep it up and he’d have to answer to his king.
Analysis: Corbin telling Elias he looks ridiculous while Corbin actually looks ridiculous is the kind of humor WWE thinks is hilarious. It’s really not that funny, but if Vince McMahon loves it then you know it’s going to be on the show. This might lead to a match between Corbin and Elias at Elimination Chamber, but that’s not official.
The Heavy Machinery duo of Otis and Tucker were shown talking backstage. Otis mentioned he was sorry about Valentine’s Day because he got a text saying she would be late for the date. Mandy said that it’s too late and a woman doesn’t appreciate being stood up like that. Mandy left while Otis was upset about it.
Analysis: The story should be that Ziggler is the one that sent the text from Mandy’s phone to say that she would be late. They could even go with Sonya for that because they can say she has a crush on Mandy too. Otis should figure that out, but I don’t know if the story is going to be complex enough that they get to that point. They should have had Mandy say that she never sent that text, but she didn’t say that.
The tag team gauntlet match is next.
There was a clip of Daniel Bryan’s “Occupy Raw” segment on Raw on March 10, 2014 when WWE finally realized Bryan should get the WWE Title at WrestleMania 30. They showed the part where Bryan demanded a match with Triple H, which was a great match and then he won the WWE Title later that night. I was at WM30. Great show.
The announcers plugged Corey’s WWE podcast with Big Show as the guest. Corey said that next Thursday, he gets to announce the next inductee in the WWE Hall of Fame.
It was time for the main event Tag Team Gauntlet Match with about 40+ minutes left in the show. The winners get to enter the Elimination Chamber tag team match as the last team.
Tag Team Gauntlet Match #1: The New Day (Kofi Kingston and Big E) vs. Heavy Machinery (Tucker and Otis)
Tucker with a monkey flip that led to Kingston landing on his feet. Tucker with an impressive tumble leading to each man hitting a dropkick. Big E squared off with Otis in the battle of the bigger men. Big E ran the ropes, they collided and Otis ran the ropes leading to him sending Big E into the ropes. They did a double clothesline with neither guy getting the advantage. Big E ran right into a body slam by Otis. Heavy Machinery each hit vertical suplexes to the members of the New Day. A double clothesline by Heavy Machinery sent New Day out of the ring. Kofi went over the top to the floor while Big E went under the bottom rope. Tucker whipped Otis into the New Day guys for a double clothesline and that led to a break.
The match returned with Big E and Otis down on the mat, then Kingston and Tucker tagged in. Kingston with a leaping clothesline on Tucker, then the boom drop leg drop and Kingston hit a missile dropkick off the top rope to send Tucker out of the ring. Big E tagged in, he launched Kingston over the top and Tucker gave Kingston a belly to belly slam on the floor. Tucker with a dropkick on Big E. Back in the ring, Otis got the tag and Heavy Machinery got the Trash Compactor for the pinfall win.
The New Day eliminated
Tag Team Gauntlet Match #2: Heavy Machinery (Tucker and Otis) vs. Lucha House Party (Lince Dorado and Gran Metalik)
Metalik and Dorado attacked with kick followed by a cross body block for two by Dorado on Otis. Tucker got the tag, he did a cartwheel and hit a shoulder tackle on Dorado followed by an armbar. Dorado broke free with a kick on Tucker, then Metalik tagged in with a splash off the top for a two count. Otis went into the ring, both LHP guys hit chops and Otis hit a running clothesline on both guys. Dorado sent Otis to the floor and both LHP guys hit a springboard planchas on both Heavy Machinery guys on the floor.
Heavy Machinery was in control with Otis giving Tucker a body slam on Dorado. Tucker slapped on a half crab submission on Dorado to slow the pace down. Tucker missed a corner charge because Dorado moved. Otis with a waistlock takedown on Dorado followed by a bearhug. Dorado sent Otis to the floor, Otis went back in and Dorado hit a springboard Stunner. Otis stumbled around after that, Metalik tagged in against Tucker. Metalik with a bulldog, then he hit a missile dropkick off the middle ropes and got a two count. Dorado tagged in and he got a splash off the top rope on Tucker for a two count. The fans chanted for Otis as Tucker hit a back elbow on Dorado. Tucker with a running splash on Dorado for a two count. Tucker with a double underhook throw across the ring. Otis got the tag with a running splash on Dorado against the ropes. That led to Otis hitting the Caterpillar dance routine into the elbow drop. They kept cutting to the crowd to show reactions. Otis pinned Dorado after an elbow drop.
Lucha House Party eliminated
The Usos made their entrance as the next team.
Tag Team Gauntlet Match #3: Heavy Machinery (Tucker and Otis) vs. The Usos (Jimmy and Jey Uso)
Jimmy was in control of Tucker with an armbar as fans chanted for Otis again. Jimmy and Otis were sent out of the ring to the floor. Jey hit a superkick on Tucker for a two count as Tucker hooked the arms and pinned Jey to beat him. Jimmy was shocked by what happened as The Usos were eliminated. That fall was only about two minutes.
The Usos eliminated
The Smackdown Tag Team Champions duo of The Miz and John Morrison were next.
Tag Team Gauntlet Match #4: Heavy Machinery (Tucker and Otis) vs. The Miz and John Morrison
Miz held up Tucker and Morrison tagged in with a springboard kick for a two count. Morrison with another kick followed by Miz tagging back in with a kick. Morrison back in with a punch followed by a leap over the top into an elbow drop for two. Tucker knocked Morrison down, Miz tagged in, Miz pulled Otis off the apron to prevent a tag and Miz sent Tucker into his own corner. Miz with the running knee against the turnbuckle that looks like the softest knee attack in the history of wrestling. Miz with a corner clothesline. Morrison tagged in with a leap off the top with a twisting elbow drop for a two count with Otis making the save. Miz kicked Otis into the barricade. Morrison looked back at Tucker in the ring, Tucker got an inside cradle and pinned Morrison to eliminate the champs.
The Miz and John Morrison eliminated
Analysis: That loss means Miz and Morrison were pinned on Smackdown two weeks in a row after winning the SD Tag Team Titles last Thursday. I think they are likely to retain the titles in the Chamber match on Sunday.
After they lost the fall, Miz and Morrison attacked Heavy Machinery. Miz held Tucker and Morrison hit a double foot stomp to the back of Tucker to knock him down. Miz and Morrison grabbed Otis out of the ring, then they whipped Otis into the thin barricade at ringside.
There was a scene of Mandy Rose looking backstage at Otis down on the TV. Dolph Ziggler walked up to her, said to wish him good luck, I couldn’t hear what she said, then he said he didn’t need luck and then he left for the match. While they spoke, the screen was interrupted by whatever the mystery blue graphic is.
Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode entered for the final part of the gauntlet match.
A commercial aired promoting Edge is back on Raw for the first time since he was attacked by Randy Orton on January 27. That should be good. Raw has definitely been better than Smackdown to start 2020.
Tag Team Gauntlet Match #5: Heavy Machinery (Tucker and Otis) vs. Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode
The show returned with Otis still out on the floor as he continued to sell the spot where he went through the barricade. Roode was in control of Tucker with a headlock, but Tucker managed to turn it into a belly to back suplex. Ziggler tagged in with a back elbow that got a two count. Ziggler connected with a dropkick for two. Ziggler with a corner splash on Tucker as Roode tagged in with a neckbreaker for two. Ziggler laughed at Otis still out of the ring. Ziggler with a kick to the ribs of Tucker followed by some eye gouging. The crowd came alive as Otis got back up, so Roode attacked with a punch, but then Otis sent Roode into the top of the announce table and Roode sold it like it stunned him. Otis was on the apron in his corner as Ziggler hit a neckbreaker on Tucker. Ziggler missed a corner splash as Tucker moved and Tucker hit a clothesline on Roode. Otis got the hot tag to a big pop as he hit a running shoulder tackle on Roode and a back body drop. Otis with a punch on Ziggler to knock him off the apron. Roode with a kick and punch lead to Otis firing back up with some hip-swiveling dance moves followed by Otis hitting a belly to belly suplex across the ring. Roode with a dropkick into the turnbuckle. Ziggler got the tag after Otis avoided a Roode charge to the turnbuckle. Otis hit a splash on Roode. Otis went for his Caterpillar move, but then Ziggler slid back in the ring and hit a superkick on Otis for the pinfall win after 43 minutes of action in this match.
Heavy Machinery eliminated
Winners: Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode
The win means that Ziggler and Roode will enter the Tag Team Elimination Chamber match as the final team.
Analysis: ***1/4 The match was good for most of it with Heavy Machinery racking up four wins while wrestling for over 40 minutes. The fans are really getting behind the Heavy Machinery team, especially Otis, so perhaps WWE is going to use this match to try to propel them to win the Tag Team Titles at WrestleMania or soon after that. I don’t know what the plan is there. I thought the match was well booked for the most part with Heavy Machinery getting impressive wins especially over New Day, The Usos and Miz/Morrison. I was surprised Lucha House Party went as long as they did, not because of their talent, but because of how poorly WWE books them. The big thing at the end was Otis finally getting a chance to get his hands on Dolph after Dolph “stole” Mandy from him, yet there was Dolph to knock him down with that superkick to finish. That finish was booked well, so they ended on a high note.
The graphic was on the screen to end the show right after the pinfall. Ziggler and Roode celebrated for a brief moment and then that was the end of the show.
Three Stars of the Show
- Heavy Machinery
- The New Day
- Sasha Banks/Bayley
The Scoreboard
4.75 out of 10
Last week: 6
2020 Average: 6.18
Last 5 Weeks: 6, 6.5, 6, 5.75, 5.75
Final Thoughts
I give this week’s Smackdown a 4.75 out of 10.
I thought this was a below average show. Smackdown continues to be a frustrating product to watch. This may have been the worst episode of the year (it was based on my score) where they didn’t really do much to get me excited about Sunday’s Elimination Chamber PPV. The two main WrestleMania matches on Smackdown were featured in video packages, so if you missed this show, you didn’t miss much at all. The IC Title situation being furthered in the NWO opening segment was okay because of some funny lines, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to see it if you missed it.
The second hour was all about the Gauntlet Match with Heavy Machinery working over 40 minutes. They did a good job and they might have a future as Tag Team Champions, but it’s not like this was compelling television. There were two women’s tag team matches as well. Neither one was very interesting although Banks putting her hands on Bayley’s title in the backstage segment could mean a split is coming soon. I don’t know if that’s the plan.
There was nothing on the show that was must-see television. Last week was more interesting because they set up big WrestleMania matches. This week’s Smackdown didn’t make me more interested in the Elimination Chamber PPV, which is on Sunday. I really hope Smackdown improves in the last month before WrestleMania, but I don’t know if it will.

The next WWE pay-per-view is Elimination Chamber in Philadelphia on Sunday, March 8. Here’s what we know so far.
* Women’s Elimination Chamber Match (Raw): Asuka vs. Natalya vs. Ruby Riott vs. Shayna Baszler vs. Sarah Logan vs. Liv Morgan – The winner will challenge Becky Lynch for the Raw Women’s Championship at WrestleMania.
* No Disqualification Match: AJ Styles vs. Aleister Black
* Intercontinental Championship: Braun Strowman (c) vs. Shinsuke Nakamura, Cesaro and Sami Zayn
* Elimination Chamber Match for the Smackdown Tag Team Titles: The Miz and John Morrison (c) vs. The New Day (Kofi Kingston & Big E) vs. The Usos (Jimmy & Jey Uso) vs. Bobby Roode and Dolph Ziggler vs. Heavy Machinery (Otis & Tucker) vs. Lucha House Party (Kalisto, Gran Metalik & Lince Dorado – two of them)
* Raw Tag Team Championships: The Street Profits (c) vs. Seth Rollins and Murphy
* United States Championship: Andrade (c) vs. Humberto Carrillo
* Daniel Bryan vs. Drew Gulak
That appears to be the full card. They might add more matches, but those are the seven matches for now.
Thanks for reading. Go reigning NBA Champions Toronto Raptors and Toronto Maple Leafs. My contact info is below.
John Canton
Twitter @johnreport