The John Report: WWE NXT 12/03/24 Review
This week on WWE NXT featured two huge 4-way qualifying matches and Eric Bischoff talking to Trick Williams & Ridge Holland.
The NXT Deadline PLE is this Saturday, December 7th as the final WWE PLE of 2024. I’ll be back later in the week for a preview and a review of the show that could be live if I’m home that night.
When I do WWE NXT reviews I do summary style for most of the show and then play-by-play for one or two matches.
They are at WWE Performance Center in Orlando for this week’s show. Follow me on Twitter/X @johnreport, friend me on Facebook, or chat with me on the Bluesky App as well. Let’s get to it.
The commentary team was Vic Joseph and Booker T as usual. It was right to the action with the first match.

Last Chance Women’s Iron Survivor Challenge Qualifying Match: Cora Jade vs. Wren Sinclair (w/Charlie Dempsey) vs. Kelani Jordan vs. Jaida Parker
The first fall wins in a four-way match. There are no disqualifications and no countouts. I’ll go play-by-play here.
There were multiple pin attempts by the four women to start the match. Wren did a pin attempt on two women and Jade got a sunset flip on Wren for two so Jordan pinned Jade for two because Parker broke it up. Jordan cleared the ring after a double dropkick and then Jade tripped up Jordan leading to an attack on the floor. Jordan hit a moonsault onto Jade on the floor where Jordan’s feet hit Jade more than anything else. Jordan hit a twisting dive over the top on Parker & Wren. Parker caught Jordan doing a cross body block and then Jade hit a missile dropkick for two. Jade hit a running double clothesline on Jordan and Wren. Jade continued the offense with a double stomp along with a running knee attack. Parker connected with her jumping ass drop against the turnbuckle followed by a high-stepping celebration. That led to a break.
The match returned with a Tower of Doom spot out of the corner with Jade hitting a Powerbomb. Wren pulled Jade out of the ring and then Wren got two nearfalls. Jade hit running knee attacks, but Jordan hit a sitout Powerbomb. That looked like Jade took the bump on her lower back. Wren did a facebuster on Jordan for two. Parker hit a spinebuster on Wren for two because Jade hit a senton splash to break it up. The fans chanted “NXT” while the four women were down on the mat. The NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez was watching on a TV backstage. Jordan nailed a spin kick on Jade and Wren hit a double underhook suplex on Jordan. Parker hit a Falcon Arrow slam on Wren for two because Jordan broke up the pin. Jordan hit a Frog Splash off the top on Parker and Wren for two because Jade broke up the pin. Jordan punched Jade, who came back with a kick that sent Jordan out of the ring. Jade got some two counts. Jordan stopped Jade from hitting a move with a handspring clothesline. Jordan hit a 450 Splash on Jade, but Parker slammed Wren on top to break it up. Lola Vice showed up on the apron, she went for a spinning back fist on Parker, who moved and Vice hit Wren, who fell on top of Jade (who had just taken a 450 Splash) and Parker went tumbling out of the ring fighting her rival Vince. Wren got the three count on Jade while Jordan wasn’t able to break up the pin. It went about 12 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Wren Sinclair
Analysis: ***1/4 It was a good match with a lot of two counts and pin breakups. The finish was a fluky win for Sinclair because Vice went after Parker, who avoided the back fist of Vice and that led to the cheap win. I don’t mind that as a finish because it’s a creative thing that they do sometimes like when Ethan Page won the NXT Title in a four-way match after taking a move. Going into this match I thought Jade or Jordan would win while I expected Vice to show up to cost Parker the match.
After the match, Charlie Dempsey picked up his buddy Wren to let her know that she had won. That means the Women’s Iron Survivor Challenge Match is Sol Ruca vs. Stephanie Vaquer vs. Zaria vs. Giulia vs. Wren Sinclair.

Analysis: I don’t think Wren Sinclair is going to win at Deadline, but I’m happy for her being in the match. I think Giulia or Vaquer will win. I haven’t made my official pick yet.
Eddy Thorpe was interviewed backstage by Sarah Schreiber. Thorpe said that Ava and Shawn Michaels would let him compete because they saw he didn’t do anything wrong. Lexis King interrupted with his ridiculous beard look to tell Thorpe not to be a loose cannon, which was the nickname of King’s later father Brian Pillman. King and Thorpe argued about it. They’re in the men’s four-way match later.
Jaida Parker showed up with a brick and a referee saying she knows Lola Vice wants an Underground Match so take down the ropes now. They went to a break.
Let’s Hear from Jaida Parker and Lola Vice
Jaida Parker was in the ring saying that Lola Vice cost her the Iron Survivor Challenge qualifying matches twice, so they need to run this shit back. The swear word wasn’t bleeped here on the feed in Canada. The referees were taking down the ring. Ava said that she won’t give Parker the match with Vice tonight, but she will give it to her at Deadline. Ava said that at Deadline it will be Vice vs. Parker in an NXT Underground Match. Lola Vice walked into the ring to tell Parker she was going to knock her ass out and unlike last time, Parker can’t use a brick. Parker decked Vice with a hard elbow smash that Vice sold like she was knocked out. The referees checked on Vice.
Analysis: It makes sense to do that Jaida Parker-Lola Vice match at Deadline. They had that great match at the Philly episode of NXT where Parker used a brick to win.

Karmen Petrovic was backstage talking to her friends Brinley Reece and Dion Lennox. Karmen received some red roses from Ashante “Thee” Adonis. There was a note from Adonis apologizing and saying the texts he sent to Nikkita Lyons were before Karmen. Adonis wished Karmen good luck. Dion and Brinley were excited. Karmen was impressed saying that it was sweet. Dion and Brinley were happy for her.
There were tag teams making their entrance for a tag team battle royal up next.
The NXT Tag Team Champions Nathan Frazer & Axiom were in the locker room. Axion was speaking and Frazer wasn’t paying attention while he looked at the TV. Frazer said he’s worried about the Tag Team Title match since he has to defend the titles and win the Iron Survivor Challenge Match. Axiom said he could have the same situation if he qualifies for the ISC match.

#1 Contender’s NXT Tag Team Battle Royal
The NXT tag teams were in the ring for a battle royal. If a wrestler is eliminated, his teammate is still alive in the match. The winners will get a shot at the NXT Tag Team Titles at Deadline.
There was a lot of standing in corners while exchanging strikes. Some guys were using the middle of the ring to do moves, but there wasn’t much going on in the early going. Hank & Tank eliminated Tyson Dupont, who then shook hands with Hank & Tank. Luca Crusifino was chopped out of the ring by Yoshiki Inamura the partner of Josh Briggs. That led to Briggs eliminating Tavion Heights. The Gallus boys eliminated Briggs with a clothesline over the top. The OTM boys tossed Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo over the top onto a bunch of guys on the floor.
There were eliminations during the break including Inamura and Bronco Nima. The eliminated guys stayed on the floor to encourage their partners. Hank & Tank eliminated Tyriek, who didn’t want a handshake after it was over. Tyriek was holding onto the rope and Mark Coffey hit Hank Walker, who bumped over the top to the floor.
The final five were Tank Ledger, Lucien Price, Myles Borne and the Gallus boys Wolfgang & Mark Coffey. Tank was sent over the top, but Hank caught his partner to save him. Wolfgang hit running splashes against the turnbuckle to take control. Price went behind Wolfgang and sent him over the top to eliminate him. Hank clotheslined Mark over the top to the floor.
The final three were Tank Ledger, Lucien Price and Myles Borne. Price hit a stomp to the chest and then Price slammed Borne onto Tank. They did a spot where Price tried a move off the top and then he was crotched up there. Borne clotheslined Hank out of the ring and Borne dropkicked Price off the top to the floor. It’s a win for Myles Borne, which shocked the fans and also got a good reaction. It lasted about 15 minutes.
Winner: Myles Borne
Myles Borne got the win so his team with Tavion Heights won the match to get the NXT Tag Team Title match. The No Quarter Catch Crew boys are getting the title shot.
Analysis: **3/4 It was an average battle royal. I didn’t expect that result. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Borne & Heights win a tag team match on NXT television in all my years of doing this, yet here they are getting a title match. That’s what happens when you have a battle royal where anything can happen. I thought Gallus would win or maybe Hank & Tank, but instead, it’s a surprise team.

There was some backstage walking showing NXT Champion Trick Williams, Ridge Holland and WWE Hall of Famer Eric Bischoff to mediate a conversation between the two rivals.

Trick Williams And Ridge Holland Chat With Eric Bischoff
The WWE Hall of Famer Eric Bischoff made his entrance to host an interview segment. Eric sucked up to the fans saying this place is undeniable. Eric spoke about how he’s always been on the cutting edge of pro wrestling. Eric claimed he revolutionized the industry with WCW Nitro and when he created the NWO, he revolutionized the industry and it felt awesome. Eric said when he arrived at NXT, that feeling was awesome and he said that the revolution is happening here at NXT. Eric said when he saw the amazing array of talent backstage, he thought they could take this business to the stratosphere. That led to Eric introducing Ridge Holland first and he was booed heavily by the fans. Ridge walked out shirtless to show off his physique.
Trick Williams made his entrance as the NXT Champion with the fans singing “Whoop That Trick” for him. Trick joined Ridge in the ring.
Eric spoke about the intrigue and the tension between them. Eric complimented Ridge saying he’s like a throwback to his childhood who took no prisoners and apologized to no one. Eric said that you’re like the evolution of the revolution. Eric put over Trick for his look and his talent. Eric said he can’t wait to see what develops here.
Ridge told Trick that he’s nothing but a standup comedian with abs. Ridge called Trick an insult to the vision of what NXT should be. Ridge said that Eric can praise Trick and the fans can keep singing, but after he beats Trick, he won’t have to listen to that anymore. Trick said that Ridge did all that to destroy Chase U just so he could come out here to chase Trick. Trick told Ridge he’s bland, vanilla and boring. Trick said don’t let this flash fool you because he’ll take his coat off and whoop him. Trick said that Ridge wishes he had what Trick had. Ridge said he didn’t need that. Ridge said he proved what he’s about when he took out Chase U and beat Trick in Philly. Ridge said they came up differently while Trick played football wearing pads and Ridge played a man’s game like rugby. Ridge told Trick that he is soft. Ridge told Trick that he would put Trick down and Ridge will leave as NXT Champion.
Trick threw the first punch and that led to a brawl around ringside. Ridge tackled Trick into the ring apron followed by Ridge sending Trick hard into the steel steps. Ridge cleared off the commentary table. Ridge picked up Trick and hit an Implant DDT onto the commentary table. The table didn’t break while officials checked on Trick, who was grabbing his neck to sell it.
Analysis: The segment was okay. It got some heat on Ridge for the attack on Trick. Even though Trick delivered the first shot with that first punch, Ridge found a way to dominate Trick and it ended brutally with the DDT on the table. Eric Bischoff didn’t do much other than set up the in-ring promo exchange by praising both guys. I doubt Trick loses at Deadline.

There was a replay of Ridge Holland giving Trick Williams a DDT on the commentary table. Trick was put in a neckbrace and taken away on a stretcher.
Sarah Schreiber reported from the parking lot saying that Trick was taken away in an ambulance. The NXT GM Ava left with Trick. Ava told Sarah she didn’t know what that meant for Trick’s NXT Title match at Deadline.
Karmen Petrovic vs. Nikkita Lyons
This match was set up because Karmen has feelings for Ashante “Thee” Adonis, who had previously shown interest in Lyons, so now the women have a match. It’s not the most riveting storyline on television.
Karmen connected with some kicks early on. Lyons hit a spinning back kick that Karmen blocked with her arms. Lyons was in control on the mat with a weak-looking chinlock. Karmen avoided a charging attack leading to spinning clothesline. Lyons hit a German Suplex across the ring. Lyons went for a Vader Bomb off the middle turnbuckle. Adonis showed up at ringside, he moved Karmen out of the way and Lyons nailed Adonis with a forearm off the apron to the floor. Adonis hit a Silent Slice roundhouse kick to the head for the pinfall win. It went about 4 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Karmen Petrovic
Analysis: *1/2 It was a short match with a lot of kicks. I thought Lyons would be booked stronger since she came back from injury a few months ago, but here she is losing a short match. Anyway, I’m happy for Karmen my fellow Canadian picking up a win.

After the match, Karmen shouted at Adonis saying that he pushed her. Adonis wondered what she was talking about.
Analysis: The push by Adonis won Karmen the match since he helped her avoid the shot by Lyons, but she’s still mad at him for it.
Shawn Spears was backstage talking to Brooks Jensen and their new friend Niko Vance. Spears talked about how they took out Tony D’Angelo and they can achieve even more than what Tony has accomplished. Shawn said that Niko is almost ready to be unleashed on this roster. Gigi Dolin & Tatum Paxley were walking backstage. Spears told Dolin welcome back and said he’ll be watching. Paxley told Dolin that he’s so creepy and that’s coming from her. Well played.
Analysis: I don’t know if the Spears group needs a woman to join them, but that was obviously a tease for a possible female addition in the future.
The No Quarter Catch Crew group was celebrating their big night with Myles Borne & Tavion Heights getting an NXT Tag Team Title match at Deadline and Wren Sinclair in the Women’s Iron Survivor Challenge match at Deadline. The leader Charlie Dempsey is the Heritage Cup Champion, so the group is doing well.
Gigi Dolin (w/Tatum Paxley) vs. Izzi Dame
Dame hasn’t been featured that much on NXT in recent months. The Fatal Influence girls were watching on a TV backstage since Dolin returned last week to attack them. Dolin connected with a headscissors followed by a dropkick against the ropes. Shawn Spears walked out by the entrance area to watch the match. Dame took over with some power moves including kicks and a slam off the shoulders. The women left the ring where Dame kicked Paxley on the floor. Spears smiled about that. Dame hit a boot to Dolin’s face for a two count. Dolin made a comeback with a kick along with an STO clothesline. Dame went crashing into the turnbuckle and Dolin hit the Gigi Driver for the win. It went 4 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Gigi Dolin
Analysis: ** It was like the women’s match before it with the babyface Dolin selling for a bit until she put Dame away. Dolin came back last week after a long layoff, so it’s a way to give her a win after a long time off.

Je’Von Evans was interviewed by Sarah Schreiber backstage about the Men’s Iron Survivor Challenge. Evans said he wanted Cedric Alexander to win the last chance match. Sean “X-Pac” Waltman interrupted to say he’s a big fan of Evans and Evans said he’s a fan of his. X-Pac said he was the same age as Evans (20 years old) when he beat Razor Ramon on Raw. X-Pac said his Hall of Fame career with NWO and DX never would have happened without that moment. X-Pac told Evans he believed in him. Evans did a “too sweet” hand gesture and Evans was happy to have that moment.
Analysis: It was a cool cameo with X-Pac. It was only about one minute, but it puts over Evans to have a Hall of Famer say they are a fan of Evans.
Lexis King made his entrance for his four-way match.

Last Chance Men’s Iron Survivor Challenge Qualifying Match: Lexis King vs. Cedric Alexander vs. Eddy Thorpe vs. Axiom (w/Nathan Frazer)
The first fall wins in a four-way match. There are no disqualifications and no countouts. I’ll go play-by-play here. Ethan Page was on commentary for this match while Wes Lee watched from the platform in the arena. Je’Von Evans was watching from the crowd.
Cedric and Thorpe exchanged some moves with Thorpe hitting a cross body block. King dropkicked Thorpe into a Crucifix Bomb by Axiom. King did a headscissors on Cedric to clear the ring. Axiom kicked a running King. Thorpe launched Axiom into a running kick on King. Cedric and Thorpe exchanged some moves leading to Cedric hitting a flatliner. Axiom hit an impressive running dropkick on King. Axiom and Cedric exchanged clotheslines. Cedric and Axiom each hit suicide dives on opposite sides of the ring. Cedric hit an impressive Spanish Fly on Axiom for a two count that was broken up by the other two guys.
The match returned with a Tower of Doom spot out of the turnbuckle with a Powerbomb by King and a double suplex. King hit a suplex on Cedric while also pinning Axiom and it got a two count. King followed up with a somersault dive over the top. Back in the ring, King jumped off the top with a Swanton Bomb on Cedric for two. Thorpe hit a snap German Suplex, a big boot and then King hit a brainbuster on Axiom for two. Cedric gave Thorpe a uranage slam and a moonsault. Axiom hit an incredible hurricanrana on Cedric. Axiom hit a running knee on King. Axiom hit a super Spanish Fly off the top on Thorpe for two. Axiom applied an armbar to Thrope and then Cedric hit a Frog Splash on Axiom. Cedric did an SOS on Thorpe on the apron. Cedric hit a Michinoku Driver on King for two because Thorpe broke up the pin. Axiom hit a half-n-half suplex on Thrope. Axiom hit the Golden Ratio running kick on King for two because Thorpe pulled Axiom out of the ring. Thorpe stole the pin and covered King for the win. It went 11 minutes. Page: “I like that.”
Winner by pinfall: Eddy Thorpe
Analysis: ***1/2 I liked the match. It was fast-paced the whole way like the women’s match along with a lot of counters throughout the match. They worked very well together. I really thought that Axiom was the most likely winner since his partner Nathan Frazer is already in the match, but they went a different route by going with Thorpe. I like the story that Eddy has going on where he’s turned into a whiner who is probably going to be a heel soon, so it gives him some momentum after a big win like that. King and Cedric did well in the match while I thought Axiom was the star of the match. All four guys timed everything well in terms of the nearfalls. It was fun.

At Deadline, the Men’s Iron Survivor Challenge looks like this: Wes Lee vs. Je’Von Evans vs. Nathan Frazer vs. Ethan Page vs. Eddy Thorpe.
After the match, Eddy Thorpe stared at his opponents in the match. Axiom also looked at Myles Borne & Tavion Heights while Frazer was only focused on Thorpe.
They showed Robert Stone & Stevie Turner on FaceTime with NXT GM Ava. Ava said that Trick is insistent that he’ll still have his match at Deadline. Ava said he’ll keep them updated.
The NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez was shown walking backstage for a promo segment in the main event up next.
Cora Jade was complaining to Stevie Turner and Mr. Stone about losing her match. Turner said it was a four-way and Jade left. Eddy Thorpe walked in saying when given the opportunity, he succeeds and said nobody deserves it more than him. Stevie said is it just her or is everybody pissed off? Stone and Turner each looked off screen at somebody. We don’t know who it was.
There was a rundown of the NXT Deadline card for this Saturday in Minnesota.
* NXT Championship: Trick Williams (c) vs. Ridge Holland
* NXT Underground Match: Lola Vice vs. Jaida Parker
* NXT Tag Team Championships: Nathan Frazer & Axiom (c) vs. No Quarter Catch Crew’s Myles Borne & Tavion Heights
* Men’s Iron Survivor Challenge Match: Wes Lee vs. Je’Von Evans vs. Nathan Frazer vs. Ethan Page vs. Eddy Thorpe
* Women’s Iron Survivor Challenge Match: Sol Ruca vs. Stephanie Vaquer vs. Zaria vs. Giulia vs. Wren Sinclair

Let’s Hear from Roxanne Perez And Others
There were only a few minutes left in the show as NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez made her entrance for an in-ring promo. Perez said that Deadline can be life changing. Perez said that for one lucky lady, she’ll get a gift-wrapped title shot against Perez. Perez said it’s not going to be easy and that’s speaking from experience since she won the first Iron Survivor. Perez said it changed everything for her because she knows what it takes. Perez said that they are all fighting for second place since they can’t beat her.
Perez congratulated Wren Sinclair saying that she could be like Perez of 2022, but she can’t beat the Perez of today. Perez said Sol Ruca isn’t snatching victory from Perez. Perez it was supposed to be Giulia, but they can’t beat her when it counts. Perez mentioned that Stephanie and Zaria have beaten her in tag team matches, but Perez has proven that nobody beats The Prodigy. It was interruption time.
Sol Ruca walked out first followed by Zaria. Stephanie Vaquer, and Giulia. The four women joined Perez in the ring. Wren Sinclair showed up and pulled Perez out of the ring. Wren punched Perez to knock her down. The foursome of Zaria, Vaquer, Giulia and Ruca got into a fight in the ring, so the referees and security tried to break it up. Wren posed over Perez with the NXT Title as well. There was also a comment from Vic about the women closing the Deadline show, so I guess that could be the main event.
Analysis: It was the same “nobody can beat me” promo from Perez, who has been doing the same promo for six months at least. Perez only retained against Giulia because of help from Cora Jade, but a heel like Perez isn’t going to mention that. Anyway, the NXT brand loves booking wild brawls, so here was yet another one.

There was a locker room shot of Eddy Thorpe down on the floor in the locker room while referees checked on him. Other wrestlers were there to check on Thorpe. Vic wondered what does this mean for Deadline and who attacked Thorpe? That was the end of the show.
Analysis: The NXT brand loves wild brawls and they love mystery attacker angles. Cue the NXT parking lot attacker jokes. At least in this case, it was in the locker room. It could be related to whoever Stone & Turner looked at backstage. My only guess at this point is that it may have been Oba Femi, who has been away since losing to Tony D’Angelo for a second time, so it would be a way to bring Femi back and maybe he’ll be in Iron Survivor Challenge instead of Thorpe. I don’t know if that’s the plan. It’s just my hunch for now.
Three Stars of the Show
- Men’s Fatal 4-Way Match
- Women’s Fatal 4-Way Match
- Myles Borne
The Scoreboard
This week: 6.75 out of 10
Last week: 7.75
2024 Average: 7.18
Final Thoughts on WWE NXT
The show was good for the most part, but also had some parts that dragged it down and almost felt like filler a bit. The two 4-way matches were good although they feel repetitive when there are two of them on the same show. It’s a lot of nearfalls and pin breakups. At least the results weren’t obvious.
Those talking segments with Trick & Ridge joined by Eric Bischoff and Roxanne’s main event promo were just average. Neither one really stood out that much. Obviously, the story will be about Ridge weakening Trick, but I don’t see that leading to a title change.
I don’t think any booker in wrestling history has booked as many “mystery attacker” stories than Shawn Michaels does running NXT. It’s not a complaint. It’s more like an observation on my part as somebody who reviews the show every week. Plus, we literally had Jade Cargill recently mystery attacked on Smackdown and Jey Uso mystery attacked on Raw. It happens a lot in this era.
The NXT Deadline PLE is on December 7th with this lineup.

* NXT Championship: Trick Williams (c) vs. Ridge Holland
* Men’s Iron Survivor Challenge Match: Wes Lee vs. Je’Von Evans vs. Nathan Frazer vs. Ethan Page vs. Eddy Thorpe
* Women’s Iron Survivor Challenge Match: Sol Ruca vs. Stephanie Vaquer vs. Zaria vs. Giulia vs. Wren Sinclair
* NXT Underground Match: Lola Vice vs. Jaida Parker
* NXT Tag Team Championships: Nathan Frazer & Axiom (c) vs. No Quarter Catch Crew’s Myles Borne & Tavion Heights
You can watch NXT Deadline on Saturday, Dec. 7, streaming live at 7 p.m. ET/4 p.m. PT on Peacock in the United States and on WWE Network everywhere else.
Thanks for reading. My contact info is below.
John Canton
Twitter/X @johnreport