
The John Report: WWE NXT 10/22/24 Review

WWE NXT October 22 Review New

This week on WWE NXT featured Trick Williams face to face with Ethan Page, plus Stephanie Vaquer & Giulia team up against Fatal Influence.

The next NXT PLE is Halloween Havoc is this Sunday, October 27th, which means they’ll finalize the card on this week’s show.

For WWE NXT reviews I do a summary style for most of the show and then play-by-play for one or two matches.

They are at WWE Performance Center in Orlando for this week’s show. Follow me on Twitter/X @johnreport. Let’s get to it.

The show intro video played. They showed some arrivals of key superstars. It was Vic Joseph and Booker T on commentary as usual.

Damage CTRL – Iyo Sky & Kairi Sane vs. Meta-Four – Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson

Welcome back Sky & Sane to NXT. Sky was in control of Jackson early on and Sane tagged in for a double dropkick. When Lash tagged in, she tried a power move on Sane, but Sane avoided it and slapped Lash in the face. Lash hit a spinning slam on Sane. The screen went black a few times maybe because of some particular skin exposure of Lash. There was a headscissors by Sane that sent Lash out of the ring. Sky jumped off the apron with a forearm to Lash. Sky hit a springboard moonsault on both opponents on the floor.


Sky was in control of Jackson with a double foot stomp to the ribs. Sane tagged in and splashed both opponents followed by a top rope forearm on Jackson. Sky and Sane made quick tags leading to Sky launching Sane, who hit an elbow drop. Sky slipped on the top rope and then recovered fast with a palm strike. Sky hit double knees on Jackson. Lash was back in with a pump kick and backbreaker. Jackson ran the ropes when Piper Niven showed up and attacked Jackson with a clothesline. It’s a DQ finish. It lasted about 11 minutes.

Winners by disqualification: Meta-Four – Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson

Analysis: *** It was a good match with a non-finish due to the DQ ending. Lash & Jakara have really come a long way in the last couple of years and they’re proving how good they are against some of the best women in the company. Sky and Sane are always fun to watch. I think both of them are better in this babyface role.

After the match, Chelsea Green was in the ring and she dropped Lash with a neckbreaker. Niven splashed Lash off the ropes and Niven hit a running cross body block. Green went up top and hit a top rope cross body block on both Damage CTRL women.

Analysis: A cheap attack by Green & Niven to add some more heat to the women’s tag team division. That’s fine.

There was a clip shown from earlier today of Hank & Tank hanging out with NASCAR driver Cole Custer. The OTM team and Jaida Parker showed up to argue, so that set them up for a match.

Jaida Parker made her entrance for a match.


Karmen Petrovic was training with Sol Ruca & Brinley Reece. Ashante “Thee” Adonis walked up to Karmen saying it seemed like they shared a look. Karmen said Adonis cost her a match so she did it to him. She played as if she was hard to get, so Adonis said she’d come around. After Adonis left, Karmen snapped at her lady friends for thinking they knew what was best for her.

The Wednesday, November 6th episode will take place in Philadelphia at the old ECW Arena that’s now the 2300 Arena. It’s a Wednesday show due to the US Presidential Election on November 5th.

Jaida Parker vs. Tatum Paxley

Paxley got a rollup for a two count. Paxley hit a cross body block against the turnbuckle. Parker set up Paxley against the turnbuckle followed by a running butt splash. Parker hit a reverse suplex. Paxley connected with a facebuster onto the top of the knee. After Paxley got a rollup, Parker avoided an enziguri kick. Parker rolled through after a rollup attempt and hit a hip attack. Parker hit the Hipnotic on Paxley for the pinfall win after four minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Jaida Parker

Analysis: ** A simple match to give Parker the easy win. Paxley isn’t pushed that much while Parker has a bright future.

After the match, Lola Vice was in the aisle being held back by referees while Jaida Parker yelled at her. On the other side of the ring, Wendy Choo tripped up Paxley and put her into some crate of some kind to wheel her out of there.

Analysis: I like the intensity shown by Parker & Vice to build up their rivalry. Choo taking Paxley continues that creepy angle.

Lexis King was backstage talking to Heritage Cup Champion Charlie Dempsey, who had the No Quarter Catch Crew with him. King suggested a match. Dempsey gave King a match for the Heritage Cup and they shook hands. Wren Sinclair said all Lexis needs now is a cornerman for the match. King left.


The NXT Tag Team Champions Nathan Frazer & Axiom spoke to Je’Von Evans & Cedric Alexander. Frazer said that Evans will win the big one eventually and said “get used to it, kid” while adding that Frazer had to deal with that at his age. Evans slapped Frazer in the face. Axiom held Frazer back. Evans walked away and Wes Lee said that hate will keep at him saying it’s because of his age and because he’s too successful while adding that Evans had time for that. Lee left while Alexandre held Evans back.

Analysis: I would like to see a rivalry between Evans and Lee. It would be good for both.

A video package aired about Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer. They had the English translations on the screen for both. It was about how Vaquer is from Chile and wrestled all around the world. Vaquer spoke about collecting titles from all over the world and now she has arrived in WWE. Giulia spoke about how they wrestled eachother in Japan and then became friends. Giulia spoke about becoming friends with her. Giulia ended it by talking about beating Perez & Jade at Halloween Havoc and then they’ll be on their way to winning gold.

Analysis: Giulia and Vaquer both have a lot of potential. While the WWE audience gets to know them in the weeks and months ahead, I’m sure they will both work at speaking English better as well. They are very talented in the ring as we know.

There was a mystery attack where Adrianna Rizzo was on the ground selling while Luca Crusifino & Channing “Stacks’ Lorenzo checked on her. Referees showed up along with Tony D’Angelo. Tony said he’d take her to get checked out by medical while Luca & Stacks left for Luca’s match.

Analysis: The dreaded mystery attack is back. At least it wasn’t in the parking lot.


Oba Femi vs. Luca Crusifino (w/Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo)

Luca hit a dropkick early, but Oba came back with a shoulderbreaker. Oba went for a power move and Luca countered it with knees. Oba slapped Luca in the back. Oba did a toss across the ring. Oba hit a Fall From Grace popup Powerbomb for the pinfall win after two minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Oba Femi

Analysis: *3/4 That was an easy win for Femi. It was pretty much a squash match with Luca barely getting any offense.

After the match, Femi tossed Stacks out of the ring and Femi sent Luca shoulder-first into the ring post. Stacks tried to fight back, so Femi pushed Stacks over the top to the floor. Femi put a table against the barricade Tony D’Angelo tried to make the save, but Femi sent Tony into the steel steps. Femi got a zip tie and tied Tony D’s right hand to the turnbuckle. Femi picked up Stacks and slammed him through a table set up against the barricade. Femi also gave Luca a stiff Powerbomb through a ladder bridge that was set up from the apron to the table. Femi argued with Tony D, who was still tied to the turnbuckle.

Analysis: That’s a way to show how dominant Femi was by taking out Tony’s allies just days before the Tony D-Femi match at Halloween Havoc.

A clip was shown of the new female wrestler debuting at Halloween Havoc and her name is Zaria.

The Trick Williams-Ethan Page promo segment was up next.


Andre Chase was featured in a video talking about Chase U is a place that helps become better. That led to Andre talking about how Ridge Holland was welcomed in with open arms and they won tag team gold together. Andre said that the measure of a man comes in defeat, not victory. Andre told Ridge that he could make him feel the pain he felt. Andre said at Halloween Havoc, he’ll put an end to Ridge’s pain in an Ambulance Match.

Analysis: That’s a fitting stipulation for the Chase-Holland feud since Holland sent Chase to the hospital and now Chase wants revenge.

Face To Face: Trick Williams And Ethan Page

The NXT Champion Trick Williams was in a white outfit with a white fur coat. Trick told Ethan Page that he’s going to wait until Sunday. Trick said he’s not all ego because he’s all desperate. Page said that maybe he is desperate. Page spoke about how you might know him as a father and husband and wrestler who has been in the game for over 17 years. Page said when he talks about that journey he often glosses over that journey to get here. Page said he never had a Performance Center like this with state-of-the-art equipment and staff on site 24/7. Page said he never had the greatest minds prepping him for a top position in the top company. Page said he went through hell to get where Trick is at. Hell? Poor AEW. I’m kidding. Relax. It’s just a joke!

Trick spoke about how gets it. Trick said that he’s not going to let Page shame him because he is blessed. Page said Trick doesn’t get it. Page wondered if Trick had been busted open so that blood was pouring down his face. Page kept talking about the blood and sweat going into his mouth while saying it happened so many times that you start to like it. Trick said he’s glad Page is used to it because Trick is going to bust his ass on Sunday. Page said that’s the Trick Williams we know. Page said that Trick is all flash and fake confidence. Page reminded Trick that anything goes in a Devil’s Playground match and it only benefits him. Page told Trick he looks great showing his body and blinged out. Page said that Trick has every skill he needs to defend his title, but he doesn’t have the devil inside, which Page had. Page told Trick that he isn’t tough and he isn’t built for the Devil’s Playground.

Trick mentioned going to war with Melo, Ilja and Pete Dunne. Page wondered if those guys thought of every single way they could inflict pain on Trick. Page said that Sunday, we’ll see a version of Page that you haven’t seen in a ring in Trick’s entire career. Trick said that all Page does is talk. Trick said that Page hadn’t beaten him and when Page got the title, he didn’t beat Trick. Trick once again called Page desperate and said it wasn’t going to happen for Page. Page admitted he is desperate and Trick is 1,000% right. Page said it took 17 years to be a champion in WWE. Page said that after he got a taste, he became addicted, so he’ll satiate that addiction when he gets back what is his. Page said that we’re about to play in the Devil’s Playground and somebody will make Trick walk through hell where they’ll play by the devil’s rules, which are Page’s rules. Trick said he’s looking forward to it. Trick turned his back and walked away.

Analysis: That was a good promo exchange. Page spoke for about 75% of it, which is fine since he’s the heel and one of the best talkers on the brand. Page talking about his experience in pro wrestling as his experience in bloody matches makes me think that they are going to have a bloody match since WWE is allowing that sometimes. Trick was confident as usual and he was right to say Page hasn’t beaten him. I think Trick winning at Halloween Havoc is very likely.

The NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade were talking backstage. Lexis King was talking to Dante Chen backstage perhaps asking Chen to be his cornerman. The Fatal Influence trio showed up to brag about how they have been running this division in agreement with Perez & Jade. Kelani Jordan showed up with her NXT Women’s North American Title wondering which one of Fatal Influence she has to face at Halloween Havoc. Fallon Henley said that Jordan will find out on Sunday. Jayne said tonight the wheel will determine what the match is going to be.

Sol Ruca made her entrance for a match.


Karmen Petrovic vs. Sol Ruca

During Karmen’s entrance, she saw Ashante Thee Adonis talking to a blonde woman in the crowd. When Karmen tried a monkey flip, Sol landed on her feet and Sol hit a superkick for two. Karmen nailed Sol with a discus clothesline. Karmen worked over Sol with repeated kicks and a jumping kick for two. Sol hit a double knee Codebreaker-like move and Sol hit a springboard cross body block. Karmen slammed Sol off the middle turnbuckle and then she looked into the crowd where she saw Adonis walking away with the pretty blonde girl. Sol took advantage with the Sol Snatcher for the pinfall win after about four minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Sol Ruca

Analysis: ** It was a solid match between two babyfaces with bright futures. Since Karmen has a story where she may or may not like Ashante, that played a role in the finish. The Sol Snatcher remains one of the coolest matches in NXT and all of WWE.

Nikkita Lyons was backstage talking to Tyson Dupont & Tyriek Igwe and she said she was glad to be back. Tyson & Tyriek said they’ll be ready for their moment. Oba Femi handed Lyons her coat saying she dropped this. Lyons thanked Femi and Femi thanked her.

Analysis: I wonder if Femi thanking Lyons is a reference to them working together and it was Lyons who attacked Adrianna Rizzo earlier.

The team of Hank & Tank are up next.


A Tweet/X post from Rhea Ripley was shown welcoming Zaria to WWE since she’s a fellow Australian.

OTM – Lucien Price & Bronco Nima (w/Jaida Parker) vs. Hank Walker & Tank Ledger (w/Cole Custer)

Hank & Tank were with NASCAR driver Cole Custer for their entrance. Hank & Tank hit a double team splash on Price. Nima took control for his team with a running kick on Tank. Price nailed a running clothesline on Tank. Hank got the tag and hit running splashes on Nima, who had a facemask on. Hank hit a top rope clothesline on Nima and Hank hit a Bossman Slam for two because Price made the save. Parker tried to attack Tank on the floor, but Lola Vice ran out there and tackled Parker. Custer hit Nima in the back with his race helmet and Hank/Tank hit their Collision Course powerslam/spear combo for the win. This got about three minutes.

Winners by pinfall: Hank Walker & Tank Ledger

Analysis: *3/4 It was an easy win for Hank & Tank thanks to the cheap shot by NASCAR driver Cole. I’d like to see OTM used better than this, but I get that it was done to have Cole do a quick move to help the babyfaces win.

After the match, Lola Vice went into the ring to do her dance moves with Hank & Tank along with Custer, which looked awkward.

Analysis: Some people shouldn’t dance and I include myself in that statement.

Nathan Frazer & Axiom were in the office of NXT GM Ava. Frazer was angry about getting slapped in the face, then he suggested a tag team match, Axiom wasn’t thrilled about it and Frazer insisted so it’s on for next week.

Lexis King talked to Ava about how he couldn’t find a cornerman for his match against Charlie Dempsey. King wanted her to assign somebody for the role, but she said she couldn’t do that because he had to pick somebody. King said nobody trusts him because they think he’s like him (Brian Pillman) and Ava wouldn’t’ get it because everybody loves her family (hey The Rock).


A video aired featuring Ridge Holland talking about how Andre Chase had control as a teacher, but now he has no control. Ridge talked about taking out Chase U so now the only one standing in front of him is Ridge. Ridge said he can finally be the most dangerous man in NXT. Ridge told Chase he’d be taking a ride. Ridge was seated in an ambulance and closed the door.

Tony D’Angelo, the NXT North American Champion, was interviewed by Sarah Schreiber backstage. Tony said he didn’t know what was going on. Tony said that Oba Femi has made this more than just a championship match. Tony said he’d use every table, ladder & chair to beat Oba’s ass. Tony said Oba wanted Tony by himself so be careful and on Sunday he’s going to get it.

Analysis: Tony did a good job summarizing the story. Tony took the NXT North American Title so Oba has taken out Tony’s family.

Giulia & Stephanie Vaquer were walking backstage where they had a staredown with Damage CTRL’s Iyo Sky & Kairi Sane. That would be an awesome tag team match.

Fatal Influence entered for tag team action.


Stephanie Vaquer & Giulia vs. Fatal Influence – Jacy Jayne & Fallon Henley (w/Jazmyn Nyx)

Giulia got an arm drag on Henley and then a dropkick. Giulia kicked legal woman Jayne down followed by a body slam. Vaquer tagged in leading to a kick along with a suplex. Vaquer did the repeated smash that sent Jayne’s head into the mat several times. Henley distracted Vaquer a bit, so Fatal Influence took over for a bit. Jayne hit a running hurricanrana, but Vaquer was back up with a dropkick. Vaquer hit a 619 kick on Jayne and Giulia hit a dropkick on Jayne as well. Vaquer & Giulia knocked down Henley, which led to a double elbow drop. Nyx got involved behind the referee’s back, Henley kicked Giulia and Jayne kicked Giulia to knock her down to the floor.


The match continued with Giulia rolling up Henley for a two count. Henley tripped up Giulia and Jayne hit a superkick while Henley hit a bulldog. Jayne hit a running senton splash for two. Jayne held Giulia down on the mat for about a minute and Giulia broke free leading to a dropkick. Vaquer got the hot tag against Henley leading to a top rope cross body block and a boot to the face. Vaquer headbutted Jayne repeatedly and Vaquer hit Henley with a forearm. Vaquer did a dragon screw leg whip off the turnbuckle for a two count. Giulia tagged in, jumped off the top, Henley moved and Vaquer/Giulia hit a double boot on Henley. Jayne broke up a pin attempt. Jayne hit a neckbreaker on Vaquer on the floor. Giulia and Henley exchanged strikes. Henley hit a back elbow. Giulia tried a superplex, but Henley blocked and hit a suplex of her own. Henley hit a neckbreaker off the turnbuckle and Jayne hit a spinebuster on Giulia for two because Vaquer kicked Jayne to break it up. Henley went after Vaquer, but Vaquer pulled Henley out of the ring. Jayne got a rollup on Giulia for two. Nyx was on the apron so Kelanie Jordan showed up and hit Nyx with a forearm. Giulia headbutted Jayne, who was distracted by what Jordan was doing it. Giulia hit a running knee on Jayne. Vaquer hit a double underhook backbreaker on Jayne for the pinfall win after 12 minutes.

Winners by pinfall: Stephanie Vaquer & Giulia

Analysis: ***1/4 It was a good main event match. The result was not a surprise because it was about giving Vaquer & Giulia some momentum going into Halloween Havoc. Jayne & Henley are consistently good workers who had their moments to shine. I liked the finish of the match with Vaquer getting the win for her team.

Post match, Stephanie Vaquer & Giulia celebrated with Kelani Jordan. Moments later, Stephanie & Giulia had a staredown with Roxanne Perez & Cora Jade, who were on the platform in the WWE PC.

Fatal Influence’s Jayne, Henley & Nyx were by the wheel in the entrance area. Jayne spun the wheel and it landed on Spinner’s Choice.

Analysis: I think they might pick a handicap match or triple threat match with two of them in the match against Jordan. I think there might be a title change too.

The lights went out in the building and the newcomer Zaria was in the entrance area while there were bright lights on her. Vic screamed about how “she’s here” and Booker said “wow” so that was the end of the show.

Analysis: I like how Zaria (formerly Delta) has been presented so far. We’ll see her at Halloween Havoc as well.



Three Stars of the Show

  1. Stephanie Vaquer & Giulia
  2. Oba Femi
  3. Damage CTRL – Iyo Sky & Kairi Sane


The Scoreboard

This week: 6.75 out of 10

Last week: 7

2024 Average: 7.16


Final Thoughts on WWE NXT

This episode was okay although not that strong in terms of matches. They did a nice job of building the Halloween Havoc card for this Sunday. I liked the build for the Oba Femi-Tony D’Angelo with Femi taking out Tony’s “family” so it makes the feud more personal. The Trick-Williams Ethan Page promo was mostly Page talking about his past in pro wrestling.

The women’s division was featured heavily since they were the main event tag team match along with the opening match. Stephanie Vaquer & Giulia are a great team to watch while Jacy Jayne & Fallon Henley did a nice job in the match too. The opener between Damage CTRL and Lash/Jackson was ruined by Green/Niven, so that should set up future matches as well.

It was a weak lineup going into this episode, but there was a heavy focus on Halloween Havoc and I think all of those matches have been set up very well.

WWE NXT Halloween Havoc takes place on Sunday, October 27th in Hershey, PA with this lineup so far:

* Devil’s Playground match for the NXT Championship: Trick Williams (c) vs. Ethan Page

* Tables, Ladders, and Scares match for the NXT North American Championship: Tony D’Angelo (c) vs. Oba Femi

* Roxanne Perez & Cora Jade vs. Giulia & Stephanie Vaquer

* Ambulance Match: Ridge Holland vs. Andre Chase

* NXT Women’s North American Championship: Kelani Jordan vs. Jacy Jayne, Fallon Henley or Jazmyn Nyx. The Fatal Influence trio gets to choose what kind of match it is because when they did “Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal” it landed on Spinner’s Choice.

You can watch NXT Halloween Havoc on Sunday, Oct. 27, streaming live at 7 p.m. ET/4 p.m. PT on Peacock in the United States and on WWE Network everywhere else.


Thanks for reading. My contact info is below.

John Canton


Twitter/X @johnreport