
The John Report: WWE NXT 10/15/24 Review

WWE NXT October 15 Review

This week on WWE NXT featured a triple threat match between Ethan Page, Wes Lee & Je’Von Evans for a shot at Trick Williams’ NXT Title.

After spending the last two weeks on the road with the October 1 CW debut in Chicago and last week’s episode in St. Louis, the NXT brand is back home at the WWE Performance Centre in Orlando. Trick Williams is the new NXT Champion (for the second time) and Tony D’Angelo is the new NXT North American Champion coming out of those shows. We don’t know when NXT will go on the road for a TV taping the next time, so it looks like they are content staying in Orlando. I think it would be a good idea to be on the road once a month. Do it in the same city as Raw one night earlier. Offer combo tickets or something like that even if it’s a smaller venue for NXT. I think getting out of Orlando sometimes is good for the talent to be in front of different crowds. The other side of it is that it’s cheaper to run shows from the WWE PC since the talent is already in Orlando so you’re not flying 100 people (wrestlers, crew, coaches, etc.) in and out of a city for one day. Anyway, it’s back at the WWE PC with the new silver and black NXT colors in place.

The next NXT PLE is Halloween Havoc on Sunday, October 27th so it’s time for the brand to start building up some big matches for that show.

Normally for WWE NXT reviews I will do a summary style for most of the show and then play-by-play for one or two matches, so I’m going to go back to doing that this week.

They are at WWE Performance Center in Orlando for this week’s show. Follow me on Twitter/X @johnreport. Let’s get to it.

The NXT opening video package played to start the show. I think all WWE shows should start with that, but they don’t play them some weeks.

Vic Joseph and Booker T welcomed us to the show as the commentary team. There are new colors, but it’s pretty much the same setup in the building. They set up a video package showing highlights from last week’s NXT episode in St. Louis.

Tony D’Angelo’s Championship Celebration

Tony D’Angelo was seated in the ring with the NXT North American Championship placed on a table. There was some red wine. Tony said he wanted to celebrate with his family because, without them, he wouldn’t be sitting here with this title. Tony gave a toast to former champion Oba Femi for being the longest reigning champion in history and Tony said that Oba did break him. Tony said he needed to win this title by any means necessary, so he used pride against him. Tony said that he baited Oba into thinking that he broke the Don. Tony spoke about how he seized the moment and he beat Femi. Tony said he knows this isn’t over because he has been doing this for a long time. Tony raised a glass to Oba Femi along with a Salut, but here comes Oba.

Oba Femi, the Ruler, made his entrance and confronted Tony in the ring. Tony had Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo, Luca Crusifino & Adrianna Rizzo with him.

Femi told Tony that he got him and he congratulated Tony on the win. Femi said that it happened once, but it will not happen again because at Halloween Havoc, Femi will regain the NXT North American Championship to become the ruler of NXT. Femi told Tony that his “family” would not be by his side to help. Femi spun the Halloween Havoc wheel and it said it will be a “Tables, Ladders & Scares” match. It’s another way of saying it’s a TLC match.

Analysis: I liked how this was done in a way where they only spent about five minutes to have Tony talk, Oba respond and then they made the match for Halloween Havoc. Doing a TLC (or TLS) match is an interesting choice, but I’m sure they’ll figure out some creative spots for it and plenty of table breaking as well.

Oro Mensah was interviewed by Byron Saxton, who went over the rules of the Gentlemen’s Duel match. Oro said that Lexis King is annoyed that Femi beat him at his own game. King said Femi cheated in their last match, but tonight will be a fair match. Femi said he’s not buying this from King.

Stephanie Vaquer made her entrance for her first televised NXT match.


Wren Sinclair (w/Charlie Dempsey, Myles Borne & Tavion Heights) vs. Stephanie Vaquer

There was some mat wrestling with Wren trying to ground Vaquer and Vaquer came back with a nearfall. Wren hooked the arms and went for an armbar. Vaquer got a rollup pin for two. The bad girl duo of NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade were watching on a TV backstage and then they walked out of the room. Vaquer did a repeated knee smash move into the mat. Wren got some offense going with a double underhook suplex. Vaquer blocked a move leading to a dragon screw leg whip followed by double knees against the turnbuckle. Vaquer picked up Wren and hit a package backbreaker onto the knee for the pinfall win after five minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Stephanie Vaquer

Analysis: **1/4 An easy win for Vaquer in her WWE televised debut match. That result was an obvious one. Wren has talent and can go in the ring, but she’s not being pushed that much now.

After the match, Roxanne Perez & Cora Jade attacked Vaquer with punches and kicks. Giulia ran out to the ring to make the save. Giulia punched and headbutted the heels. Giulia was sent into the ropes and Giulia hit a running dropkick. Vaquer & Giulia each hit jumping kicks on Perez & Jade. Vaquer said they should have a tag team match at Halloween Havoc.

Analysis: I like that idea for a tag team match. I know I wrote in the past that I thought Giulia would be the one to take the NXT Women’s Title from Perez and I still think that. I thought it would happen on October 1, but it didn’t happen because of Jade, so now I think it will probably be before the end of the year.

The NXT Champion Trick Williams and NXT Women’s North American Champion Kelani Jordan were hanging out backstage and talking. Trick said he knows that this title run will go better than the last one. Fatal Influence was walking in the background so they were staring at Jordan. As they looked at Jordan from a distance, Jordan said that she’ll let NXT GM Ava pick her next opponent. Fatal Influence walked into the shot saying they’ll go pay NXT GM Ava a visit.

Lexis King made his entrance for singles action.


There was a backstage scene with Karmen Petrovic talking to Brinley Reece. Ashante “Thee” Adonis walked up with a red rose and hit on Reece. Shawn Spears and Brooks Jensen interrupted with Spears saying that these are ladies who deserve to be treated with respect. Brooks ripped the rose off and threw it down. Mr. Stone walked in with security and instructed them to go to Ava’s office. Petrovic walked back in and picked up the broken rose.

Analysis: It’s a simple way to set up a match for later. That Karmen thing at the end will likely lead to something for her as well.

Gentlemen’s Duel: Oro Mensah vs. Lexis King

The story here is that Lexis King is trying to be an honorable man and not a bad guy like his late father (Brian Pillman) while Oro doesn’t feel like King is being genuine.

Here are the rules for the match that were posted on the screen earlier in the night:

  • Can’t strike opponent when they have four points of contact on the ground
  • Can’t throw opponent over the top and to the floor
  • Competitors have until the referee’s count of 3 (not 5) to break when in the ropes
  • There is absolutely no fighting on the floor

** All violations will result in a disqualification **

They locked up and then there was a quick break when they were up against the ropes. King was on all fours, so Oro wasn’t allowed to kick him and King got a rollup. Oro got a pin attempt for a two count. When Oro was on the ropes, King nearly pushed Oro over the top to the floor, but King stopped Oro to prevent a DQ finish. They did a double running cross body block spot so both guys were down.


King knocked down Oro by the turnbuckle and King hit a senton bomb for two. Oro got some offense going with a slam and King came back with a Michinoku Driver like move for a two count. After they exchanged strikes, Oro hit a rolling kick to the head. Oro hit a springboard side kick off the top for two. After a superkick by King, Oro hit a clothesline. They exchanged pin attempts, then King used his legs to pin Oro and King bridged back for the three count. It went 11 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Lexis King

Analysis: *** I don’t think the Gentlemen’s Dule rules leads to an exciting match, but it was solid. They did some good spots to tease the match ending because of the rules. It was a very even match most of the way and then it ended with King pinning Oro with a bridge, which is a creative way to end the match. That kind of finish also shows that it was a very close match.

After the match, King shook hands with Oro while Oro was confused about King being so nice.

Je’Von Evans was backstage talking to Cedric Alexander with Evans saying he was focused on his triple-threat match. Nathan Frazer & Axiom walked in as the NXT Tag Team Champions and Cedric didn’t like Frazer & Axiom getting involved in a match a few weeks ago. Cedric didn’t like Frazer & Axiom walked up to chat. Wes Lee told Evans he wasn’t going to win tonight, so they exchanged words as a way to tease the triple threat match later.


A clip was shown from Raw when Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson were at ringside. Legend hit Iyo Sky with a forearm. Iyo Sky and Kairi Sane did tweets about how they weren’t happy about it.

Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson of Meta-Four spoke about how Iyo Sky and Kairi Sane have been successful, but they don’t care how bad Damage CTRL is. Lash said they’ll eliminate Damage CTRL from the title picture. They have a match next week.

Analysis: I like Lash & Jakara a lot. They have improved a lot over the last three years and I think they are a future championship team.

A video aired about Nikkita Lyons making her return to the ring. Lyons has been out all year rehabbing a serious knee injury. She’s been injured in past years as well. Lyons does have a bright future. Lyons said she is ready to take over.

Lola Vice made her entrance for singles action.


Nikkita Lyons vs. Lola Vice

Vice connected with some knees to the ribs and Lyons came back with a body slam two times in a row. Vice came back with a sleeper attempt, so Lyons hit a spinning slam. Lola got control after some kicks followed by her “I’m a Latina” running hip attack. Jaida Parker showed up, so Vice kicked Parker down. Lyons superkicked Vice. Lyons was by the ropes, the referee held her back and Parker hit the running Hypnotic (running hip attack) and sent Vice back into the ring. Lyons hit a Lyons Roar move off the ropes that is like a Vader Bomb and that was enough to give Lyons the win. It went about rive minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Nikkita Lyons

Analysis: **1/4 A quality win, but also a cheap win for Lyons in her return match. It’s smart to give Lyons wins after her return from injury to show that she is a wrestler with a bright future. The way it was booked also protects Vice since Parker blatantly interfered to cost Vice the match.

The NXT GM Ava was in her office with Stephanie Vaquer & Giulia. Ava said she liked the tag team match at Halloween Havoc. The Fatal Influence trio showed up to say that they wanted a NXT North American Women’s Title match. Ava said if they wanted a shot they could take on Stephanie & Giulia next week. Fatal Influence said that was fine.

Je’Von Evans was shown getting ready in the locker room with his buddy Cedric Alexander there talking to him.

Riley Osborne made his entrance for singles action with his Chase U ally Thea Hail by his side.


Ridge Holland vs. Riley Osborne (w/Thea Hail)

Osborne dove onto Ridge two times before the bell rang. They went into the ring to start the match. Osborne was in control and hit a running Shooting Star Press for two. Osborne jumped on Ridge’s back leading to Ridge hitting a side slam. The fans chanted “Ridge you suck” as Ridge took control with a running knee lift by the apron. They were fighting outside the ring as Osborne hit a Tornado DDT on the floor. Osborne went up top, Ridge met him there and Ridge hit an overhead suplex across the ring. Ridge followed up with a Powerbomb. Ridge hit the Redeemer DDT on Osborne to win. It went four minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Ridge Holland

Analysis: **1/2 A short match to give Ridge a decisive win as expected against a guy like Osborne, who isn’t pushed that much. Osborne got some offense, but this was about putting Ridge over decisively against another member of the Chase U group.

After the match, Ridge attacked Osborne again. They left the ring where Ridge cleared off the commentary table and Ridge teased a move on the table, but here comes Andre Chase. They met in the ring where Chase punched Ridge and Chase clotheslined Ridge over the top to the floor.

Analysis: A good babyface return for the Chase U leader Andre Chase. I expected that to happen and it should lead to a match between them soon.

A clip was shown of Sol Ruca beating Wendy Choo before NXT last week. After the match, Tatum Paxley attacked Choo.

Tatum Paxley was playing in a dollhouse with Byron Saxton there to interview her. Paxley spoke about how she never forgot about her issues with Choo. That led to Jaida Parker interrupting while the OTM guys where there too. Parker said that Lola Vice is going to learn to not mess with her. Paxley interrupted, Parker said she doesn’t doubt that Paxley can handle Wendy Choo, but Parker doesn’t play at all.

Analysis: They are obviously building to the Jaida Parker-Lola Vice match to continue that story.

A match between Ashante “Thee” Adonis and Brooks Jensen was up next. They were shown getting ready backstage.


Brooks Jensen (w/Shawn Spears) vs. Ashante Thee Adonis

Spears had his right arm in a sling. Spears and his wife Cassie Lee (former Peyton Royce) had their second child recently. Jensen got married recently. Congratulations to those guys for those happy events.

Brooks was in control with punches as he used his size advantage early in the match. Adonis did a thumb to the eye followed by punches of his own. Brooks elbowed Adonis in the nose. Adonis sent a charging Brooks out of the ring. Adonis hit a charging dropkick on Brooks on the floor. The lovely Karmen Petrovic walked out and threw a kick at Spears, who avoided it. Karmen had a small bag that had the broken rose petals in it, so she poured them. That fired up Adonis who hit a running kick on Brooks against the turnbuckle. Spears distracted Adonis while he was on the apron and Brooks hit the ropes to knock Adonis down. Brooks hit a draping DDT off the turnbuckle for the pinfall win after five minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Brooks Jensen

Analysis: ** The match was okay, but also not that interesting since both guys are heels although I guess Adonis could be turning into a face. It was one of those distraction finishes that we see often for the heel to get the win as Brooks got some momentum by winning that match.

After the match, Karmen Petrovic was staring at Ashante Thee Adonis, who said he sees her.

Analysis: It looks like Adonis and Karmen will be come a couple. I’m happy for my fellow Canadian Karmen finally having a storyline.

The main event triple threat between Je’Von Evans, Wes Lee and Ethan Page was up next, so we saw all of them walking separately in the backstage area.


Lexis King walked up to the No Quarter Catch Crew in the backstage area. King said he got a huge win in a match that was right down the middle. King thanked Charlie Dempsey for his advice in picking that match. King said maybe he’s ready for that rounds match. Dempsey wasn’t sure. King kept walking and Tony D’Angelo and the family was walking backstage.

Tony D’Angelo was with the family. Luca Crusifino suggested to Tony D that he face Oba Femi next week to show the true power of the family. Tony D likes that idea.

Next week on NXT:

* Iyo Sky & Kairi Sane vs. Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson

* Giulia & Stephanie Vaquer vs. Fatal Influence – Jacy Jayne & Fallon Henley

* Oba Femi vs. Luca Crusifino

Je’Von Evans made his entrance for the main event and the fans loved him. Wes Lee was up next getting booed by the crowd.


A NASCAR driver Cole Custer is going to be on NXT next week. I’ve never heard of him, but the name Cole Custer does sound like a NASCAR driver. Just saying.

Ethan Page, another of my fellow Canadians, was last as the former NXT Champion.

Analysis: My prediction for this match, as written in last week’s review, was: “I’d have Page win to put him against Trick and then have Lee feud with Evans because Evans will improve by working with a veteran like Lee.”

NXT Championship #1 Contender’s Triple Threat Match: Je’Von Evans vs. Ethan Page vs. Wes Lee

The winner gets to challenge Trick Williams for the NXT Championship at Halloween Havoc. No countouts and no disqualifications in a triple threat in WWE.

Evans superkicked Lee to start the match. Evans jumped off the ropes leading to a rollup on Page and then Lee pinned Evans for two. Evans got a sunset flip on Page and then Lee kicked Evans to knock him down. Evans kicked Lee followed by a hurricanrana on Page and a dropkick on Page. Lee dropkicked Evans to knock him down. Page gave Evans a fallaway slam into Lee, who was on the apron so Lee was knocked down. Page hit a running boot on Evans for two. Page connected with a backbreaker. Evans countered a Page move with a Sliced Bread neckbreaker while Lee broke up a pin attempt with a senton splash onto the back of Evans and Lee got a two count. Lee and Evans exchanged strikes so Page was smiling about it, which led to Lee and Evans each kicking Page out of the ring. Page tripped up a running Evans and Lee kicked Page onto the commentary table. Page gave Lee a back body drop onto the hood of the commentary table. Page was laughing about it by sitting on the table, so Evans dove onto Page from inside the ring. Great dive by Evans of course.


The match continued with Evans going for a corner splash, but Lee and Page avoided it so all three guys were down. The replay was shown of Evans hitting a suicide dive on Page before the break. Page and Evans exchanged strikes followed by a double clothesline that led to each guy doing a flip bump. Page bodyslammed Evans onto Lee. Page gave Lee a front suplex onto Evans. Page hit a powerslam on Evans for a two count because Lee broke it up or maybe Lee was a bit late with the pin breakup there. Lee hit an impressive DDT/kick combo to knock both guys down and Lee hit an SSP on Page for two. The fans were into it with “NXT” chants. They did a spot where all three guys exchanged strikes and then they all kicked eachother in the head. It’s a way to get them all to lay down selling leading to “NXT” chants from the crowd again. Page went up top, which isn’t common for him and Lee punched him. Page knocked Lee down. Evans jumped off the top with Page and Evans hit a Spanish Fly. Evans hit a flipping kick on Lee for a two count. The fans thought that was it. Page was back up with a roundhouse kick on Evans and then Evans hit a hurricanrana. Lee hit a Meteora double knee attack on Page. Evans jumped off the top with a Cutter on Lee for one…two…no! The fans thought that was it. Evans slowly climbed up top, which was done to allow Page to get back up and there was Page to hit Evans in the back. Lee kicked Page in the gut. They did a Tower of Doom spot where Page hit a Powerbomb on Lee while Evans backflipped onto his feet. Evans superkicked Lee out of the ring. Evans jumped off the top with a twisting splash onto Lee. While Evans was covering Lee, Page hooked Evans and Page hooked Evans with a ROLLUP OF DEATH~! and a forward lean for the one…two…and three! Ethan Page wins. It went 16 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Ethan Page

Analysis: **** It was an outstanding match similar to some of the great matches we saw on NXT in the last two weeks. They got a lot of time, there were so many believable nearfalls and the fans were absolutely on fire for the whole thing. It looked like Evans was going to win a few times, but of course it was the heel Page getting the win instead. In a triple threat match you can use weapons because there are no disqualifications, so I’m a bit surprised they didn’t do a table bump spot or use kendo sticks or chairs. I thought Evans really stood out in the match due to his exciting style and ability to pull off big moves from everywhere. Lee did well in his role while Page ended it as the smart veteran wrestler who found a way to get the win.

Ethan Page did a promo saying to Trick Williams that he’s not going anywhere. Page called for NXT Champion Trick Williams to get out there so they can spin the damn wheel.

Trick Williams made his entrance as the NXT Champion and he told Page to spin the wheel. It landed on a Devil’s Playground Match. Trick said he was not scared, so he held up the NXT Title. Page hit Trick in the head with a metal pot of some kind. Page celebrated with the NXT Title over a fallen Trick. It said the Executive Producers were Paul Levesque, Shawn Michaels, and Lee Fitting. That was the end of the show with Page celebrating over a fallen Trick.

Analysis: A Devil’s Playground Match is likely another way of saying No Holds Barred and anything goes. It’s a feud-ender for these guys with Trick likely to get the win to keep his title.


Three Stars of the Show

  1. Ethan Page
  2. Je’Von Evans
  3. Wes Lee


The Scoreboard

This week: 7 out of 10

Last week: 7.5

2024 Average: 7.17


Final Thoughts on WWE NXT

It was a solid episode overall although the last two weeks were definitely better. The format for NXT the last two weeks in bigger buildings was four matches over two hours, which is like what they do on Raw and Smackdown. This week they had more matches, including multiple shorter matches under five minutes, which is a way to get more people on the show. It makes sense to do that in NXT when you have so many young talents who are learning on the job.

The main event with Page/Lee/Evans was easily the best match and an outstanding main event. I’m fine with Page winning to set up a Halloween Havoc match with Trick Williams because I expected it while I’d like to see a Lee-Evans feud. I think Evans will improve by working with a talented vet like Lee.

They featured the women’s division a lot as usual. There are multiple storylines involving the women, so it doesn’t just revolve around the champions. I really like how they have booked Giulia & Stephanie Vaquer as allies setting up their Halloween Havoc match with Roxanne Perez & Cora Jade. The TLS (or TLC) match between Tony D & Oba Femi should be a lot of fun at Halloween Havoc too.

WWE NXT Halloween Havoc takes place on Sunday, October 27th in Hershey, PA with this lineup so far:

* Devil’s Playground match for the NXT Championship: Trick Williams (c) vs. Ethan Page

* Tables, Ladders, and Scares match for the NXT North American Championship: Tony D’Angelo (c) vs. Oba Femi

* Roxanne Perez & Cora Jade vs. Giulia & Stephanie Vaquer

There will be more matches added to the show.


Thanks for reading. My contact info is below.

John Canton


Twitter/X @johnreport