
The John Report: WWE NXT 10/08/24 Review

WWE NXT October 8 Review

This week on WWE NXT featured Randy Orton against Je’Von Evans, Oba Femi facing Tony D’Angelo and Nathan Frazer & Axiom taking on Grayson Waller & Austin Theory.

It’s the second episode of WWE NXT and they are away from the home base in Orlando. They are in the St. Louis area this week in a venue with about 2,000 fans, which isn’t like what they had last week in Chicago, but it’s better than what they have at the WWE PC in Orlando. Last week’s NXT ended with Trick Williams beating Ethan Page to regain the NXT Championship, which was a title change I expected. There are a more title matches this week, so we’ll see if there are title changes as well.

The next NXT PLE is Halloween Havoc on Sunday, October 27th so they will need to start building up some matches for that show.

Normally for WWE NXT reviews, I do a summary style for most of the show and then play-by-play for one or two matches. For this episode, I’ll do a regular review with a full play-by-play recap.

They are at The Factory in St. Louis, Missouri for this week’s show. Follow me on Twitter/X @johnreport. Let’s get to it.

There were arrivals shown from earlier in the day including hometown legend Randy Orton and his opponent Je’Von Evans. The NXT Champion Trick Williams was also shown arriving with his NXT Title.

A recap video aired showing highlights of last week’s NXT episode, which was the debut of NXT on the CW.

It was Vic Joseph and two-time WWE Hall of Famer Booker T on commentary as usual.

Let’s Hear from Trick Williams

Trick Williams made his entrance to a big ovation with the fans singing “Whoop That Trick” for the NXT Champion. Booker T was doing his adlibs as usual. The venue looked pretty good even with under 2,000 fans in attendance. It feels good for NXT.

Trick said they are in St. Louis, they’ve got Sexyy Red in the back and NXT is reaching new heights. Trick said he’s “Tricky Two Times” because he’s the new NXT Champion. Trick said he’s got the brand new NXT Title around his waist. Trick said he knows there are sharks in the locker room with their eyes on him.

Wes Lee appeared in the balcony of the arena. Lee said that he also picked up a big win last week. Lee said he wants to be a triple crown champion by winning that NXT Championship. Trick called Lee “light skin” and said he knew that Lee was the kind of guy to stab people in the back, which Trick has dealt with before. Lee told Trick that “you ain’t it” and Wes will be the one to take that NXT Championship from him and leave his ass in the dust.

It’s Jey Uso showing up with the Intercontinental Championship and the fans were going crazy for the Yeet Man. The fans were chanting “Yeet” as Jey greeted Trick in the ring.

Jey: “Main event Jey Uso is now in your city.” Trick said he appreciated Jey being here at NXT after his victory last night. Trick said they look good with gold around their waists. Trick said that they would whoop that trick on anybody coming for their titles. Jey did “Yeet” gestures and then the fans chanted “Whoop That Trick” and “Yeet” in unison. Trick’s music played to end it.

Analysis: It’s good to see Jey Uso on NXT, but it didn’t really lead to anything other than mixing Trick and Jey’s catchphrases. I thought maybe it would lead to Jey being in a match on a future episode of NXT. Nope. Anyway, Trick’s promo was what it needed to be as the babyface NXT Champion, who has said he is ready to take on all comers. I like the idea of Lee challenging Trick for the NXT Title because Lee hasn’t gone after the NXT Title in his career yet, so it’s new for him and it’s a fresh matchup for Trick.

The trio of NXT Women’s North American Champion Kelani Jordan and WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill made their entrance. Trick and Jey were still in the ring, so all of these babyface wrestlers were showing respect to each other and all of them had championships as well.

This Friday on Smackdown: Roman Reigns sounds off now that his cousin Jimmy Uso is back with him. That’s all they promoted in the commercial.


I like the entrance of the Fatal Influence trio. It’s not as good as Toxic Attraction was (I miss Mandy Rose always), but they are doing a good job of being a cohesive unit.

Bianca Belair, Jade Cargill & Kelani Jordan vs. Fatal Influence – Jacy Jayne, Fallon Henley & Jazmyn Nyx

The heel Fatal Influence group got in a cheap shot on Jordan. That didn’t last long since Jordan got an arm drag and dropkick on Nyx. Belair and Cargill joined Jordan in the ring leading to the babyface team of Jordan, Cargill & Belair all hitting body slams on their opponents. Jordan hit a running cross body block on Nyx. Belair tagged in with a running shoulder tackle on legal woman Henley. Belair did a backflip over Henley followed by the hammer fists to the head, but Jayne went into the ring and pulled Belair’s hair. Belair decked Jayne with a clothesline. Belair hit a delayed vertical suplex on Henley. Belair bounced off the ropes leading to a moonsault on Henley. Jade tagged in for a double team slam on Henley. Jordan tagged in, so Jade press slammed Jordan onto Henley for two. Henley hit Jordan in the throat and then Nyx tagged in with a bulldog. Jordan was sent out of the ring, so Jayne hit a cannonball off the apron onto Jordan on the floor. The show went to break there.


The match continued with the heels in control of Jordan as the face in peril. Henley hit a running facebuster into the mat. Jayne took over with a neckbreaker for two. Jayne missed a cannonball attack because Jordan moved and Jordan hit a jumping side kick to the head. Jayne tried a lifting move, Jordan hit a jawbreaker and Jade got the tag, which the fans loved. Jade nailed three forearms along with a spinebuster. Jade hit a backbreaker. Jade gave Nyx a fallaway slam across the ring. Jade hit running splashes on Nyx and Jayne. Jade spiked Nyx with a Chokeslam. Belair tagged in so Jade slammed her onto Nyx, but Henley broke up the pin. Jade superkicked Henley. Jordan hit a jumping DDT on Jayne. Jordan went up top and did a moonsault onto two women on the floor, but it looked like she barely touched them. Nyx hit a jumping kick like a Pele Kick called a Nyx Kick for two. Belair caught Nyx and slammed her across the ring. Bealri and Jade hit their double knees into a German Suplex combo move. Jordan tagged in and hit her One of a Kind split-legged moonsault off the top onto Nyx for the pinfall win. It went for about 12 minutes.

Winners by pinfall: Bianca Belair, Jade Cargill & Kelani Jordan

Analysis: *** A pretty good match between six women who had a fast-paced match. The trio of champions winning was the obvious result because it’s not like Belair and Cargill should lose a match when they are on NXT. I liked how it was booked with Jade getting the hot tag and cleaning house after that. Belair is one of my favorite people to watch in all of WWE. The tag team work this year has been fun, but I miss her being pushed as a singles wrestler too.

The NXT Tag Team Champions Nathan Frazer & Axiom were backstage getting ready. Randy Orton asked them how fast Je’Von Evans is. Axiom said that Evans might be the fastest guy and Frazer didn’t like that because Frazer thinks he’s the fastest. Frazer said sometimes he’s a hothead. Orton said he could relate to that and said that sometimes being a hothead could help them find a dark place. Frazer said he’s taking that and running with it. Orton wished Axiom good luck.

Analysis: They have been pushing the idea that Nathan Frazer is kind of a hyper guy, which fits into his real skills as a talented in-ring performer.

Giulia was interviewed by Sarah Schreiber backstage with Sarah mentioning Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade being together again. Somebody knocked on the door off screen, Giulia said hello to her old friend and said they’ve got it. We didn’t see who it was.


Let’s Hear from Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade

The NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez went into the ring for a promo. Perez laughed about how Giulia failed to take the NXT Women’s Title with her. Perez said maybe you will believe everything she has been saying since April. Perez said in no time you’ll prop somebody else up and she’ll still be here drinking the tears of your flavors of the month. Perez said that she didn’t have to drink alone because an old friendship was starting to reignite.

Cora Jade made her entrance with a big knee brace on her left knee since she missed most of this year with a serious knee injury. Jade was an ally of Perez in the past when they were rookie babyfaces, then Jade turned heel on her and Jade is back as an ally of Perez again since they are both heels.

Jade said that for the past nine months she had to sit back at home about how this was the deepest division in WWE. Jade said that for some reason, people didn’t talk about her when talking about this division. Jade said that pissed her off. Jade said when she came back, she wanted everybody to pay for forgetting about Cora Jade. Jade said nobody saw it coming when she cost Giulia the NXT Women’s Championship, not even Roxanne. Perez said that she is not the little girl in NXT and said that she’s the woman that will make NXT. Jade said she always knew Perez could be like this, which is why their friendship has been mended. Jade said that’s really bad for the deepest division in NXT. Perez said she should have listened to Jade sooner instead of listening to the fans. Perez said that this NXT Championship may have shattered their friendship in the past, but she thinks it will bring them together now.

Giulia made her entrance to a good ovation. Jade invited Giulia into the ring. Giulia looked back and it was her old friend Stephanie Vaquer making her NXT debut. Giulia and Vaquer went into the ring to beat up Jade and Perez. Giulia and Vaquer each hit headbutts to clear the ring. Giulia and Vaquer each picked up the NXT Women’s Title to end it.

Analysis: I liked the promos from Perez and Jade talking a bit about their past. Both women have grown a lot in the three years since they started, so having them in this role as heel allies is fitting for them. It’s a good spot to debut Vaquer as a top babyface who is an ally of Giulia. They have Delta coming in soon as well, so there’s a lot of talented foreign wrestlers joining the brand at around the same time.

The No Quarter Catch Crew was shown backstage where Wren Sinclair said she would challenge Stephanie Vaquer to a match next week.

Analysis: That’s a win for Vaquer next week.

Lexis King was looking at a tablet so he asked Charlie Dempsey if he had an idea for a match so he could face Oro Mensah. Dempsey suggested a Gentleman’s Duel and the camera cut away at that point.

Tony D’Angelo made his entrance for the NXT North American Championship match with his “family” by his side.


The dominant NXT North American Champion Oba Femi made his entrance. Femi recently set the record for the longest North American Title reign in history. Femi also has had ten title defenses.

Analysis: I wrote last week that I thought Tony D’Angelo would beat Oba Femi in this match to become the new champion, so we’ll see if it happens. I think based on the story, it makes sense to do a title change since Tony has recently gained more confidence going into this match.

NXT North American Championship: Oba Femi vs. Tony D’Angelo (w/Luca Crusifino, Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo & Adrianna Rizzo)

Femi connected with a clothesline followed by a body slam. Tony managed to send Femi out of the ring. Tony went for a move on the floor, but Femi caught him and Femi gave Tony a spinebuster on the edge of the ring apron. Ouch. That led to a break.


The match continued with Femi in control by grounding Tony across his knee. Femi tried a Powerbomb, but Tony did a back body drop to send Femi across the ring. A crowbar was sent into the ring to help Tony, but Tony tossed it back to Stacks rather than use the weapon. Tony went for a spinebuster, but Femi was too powerful and Femi hit a running clothesline to send Tony out of the ring. Femi punched Tony in the chest to knock him down on the apron. Femi shoved Stacks and Luca, so then Stacks accidentally knocked down Rizzo as well. Tony saw that, so he was fired up. Tony tackled Femi and delivered punches on the floor. Tony sent Femi into the ring apron and sent Femi into the steel steps. Tony gave Femi a belly-to-belly suplex on the ramp. Back in the ring, Tony hit a Spear for a two count. Femi got back on offense with a running kick and a Chokeslam for one…two…no. It is not Femi’s finisher, but it’s good for a nearfall. Tony hit some belly-to-back suplexes. Femi broke free and tossed Tony across the ring, but then Femi collapsed to the mat. The fans chanted “this is awesome” for them. Femi hit a running uppercut against the turnbuckle. Tony D knocked Femi down by the turnbuckle and Tony jumped off the turnbuckle, but Femi hit an uppercut to knock Tony down. They left the ring where Femi cleared off the commentary table. Femi went for a Powerbomb, Tony slipped out of it and Tony gave Femi a spinebuster through the commentary table. Back in the ring, Tony hit a spinebuster for the one…two….and no! That was a great nearfall. Tony was frustrated while Femi got back to his feet. Femi lifted Tony up going for a Chokeslam, but Tony flipped over into a sunset flip and Tony leaned forward for the one…two…and three! It’s a win for Tony D! The fans popped huge for it. The match went about 13 minutes.

Winner by pinfall AND NEW NXT North American Champion: Tony D’Angelo

Analysis: ***3/4 It was a great match that was the biggest win of Tony D’s NXT career during his three-year run on the brand. They really built this match up well in the weeks leading up to it and then they had a bunch of nearfalls for both guys, which led to the hot crowd reacting to everything they did in a big way. I continue to be so impressed by Femi, who is still in his first full year on television as a wrestler and he continues to have four-star level matches when he gets a chance to have a big match like this. Anyway, I felt like it was the right time for a title change. They did a great job with this match in terms of the wrestler’s performance and how WWE presented it. Femi is going to be just fine after losing this title and has as bright of a future as anybody in WWE.

Tony D’Angelo was presented with the NXT North American Championship while Stacks, Crusifino & Rizzo celebrated with him. They put an Italian flag on his shoulders.

Analysis: I wish they did more for the celebration because they showed the replays after the finish, but then cut away shortly after because it was onto the next thing. I understand wanting to move on to the next thing. I think maybe a short interview with Tony thanking the fans for believing in him would have been cool there. There was a short interview with Tony on WWE’s YouTube channel and socials, which is fine, but I think a quick interview in the ring after the match would have been cool.

Lola Vice was in the office talking to NXT GM Ava. Vince said she wanted to fight Jaida Parker. Nikkita Lyons walked into the room, so she exchanged words with Vice, who mentioned Lyons was cleared and said she would put Lyons on the injured list again if she didn’t watch it. Ava said she was trying to figure out who to put Lyons against in her return match and decided it would be Vice. That led to Vice leaving while Lyons was happy to be back.

Analysis: Welcome back to Nikkita Lyons, who has been out all year like Cora Jade. It was a lengthy injury layoff for Lyons, so it’s nice to see her back. Lyons has a lot of potential.

The A-Town Down Under team of Austin Theory & Grayson Waller entered for tag team action.


The trio of Bianca Belair, Jade Cargill, and Kelani Jordan were backstage. Jordan thanked them for having her back. Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson walked up to the champions saying they wanted a Women’s Tag Team Title match. Jade said they saw them talking about the champions. Belair said if you think you can hang with them then come to Smackdown this Friday. Lash & Jakara said they’d talk to Smackdown GM Nick Aldis, so that sounds like a Smackdown match.

Analysis: I like Belair & Cargill taking on all comers on all brands. That’s the point of those titles being on all the WWE brands. Sometimes WWE could build up some teams more instead of just issuing a challenge, but it’s not like Belair & Cargill are losing the titles any time soon.

NXT Tag Team Championships: Nathan Frazer & Axiom vs. A-Town Down Under – Austin Theory & Grayson Waller

Theory knocked down Axiom with a shoulder tackle. Axiom came back with a dropkick. Frazer ran the ropes leading to a running kick. Frazer took down Theory with two arm drags. The champions got some fast-paced office going as Axiom hit a DDT on Waller. Theory was on the turnbuckle, Waller held onto him to prevent Axiom from doing a move and then Theory clotheslined Axiom to take control.


Axiom gave Waller a hurricanrana on the floor, but Theory pulled Frazer off the apron to prevent a tag. Waller hit a jumping side kick on Axiom to knock him down. Theory and Waller hit a double forearm smash on Axiom for two. Theory went for a superplex, but Axiom knocked him down and Axiom hit a splash off the top. Frazer tagged in with a springboard dropkick. Frazer ran the ropes leading to a running forearm. Frazer hit a reverse DDT on Theory and slammed Waller at the same time for two. Frazer dove over the top onto Waller on the floor. Frazer hit a running SSP on Theory, but Theory got the knees up and got a cradle for two. Waller pulled Axiom off the apron to stop a tag. Theory hit a spinning slam on Frazer for two. Axiom tagged in for a high-low kick combo on Waller for two. Theory smashed Frazer with a forearm. Axiom knocked Theory down on the floor. Waller went for a jumping attack, but Axiom caught him with a sleeper. Theory overpowered Frazer and slammed Frazer onto Axiom to break the submission. Theory picked up Frazer, whose legs inadvertently hit Theory and Axiom covered Theory for two. Waller nearly clotheslined Theory by accident, so then Theory hit Frazer and Axiom hit Theory with a Golden Ratio kick. Frazer hit a Canadian Destroyer on Waller. Axiom gave Waller a Spanish Fly off the top. Frazer was the legal man and hit a Phoenix Splash off the top onto Waller for the pinfall win. It went about 12 minutes.

Winners by pinfall: Nathan Frazer & Axiom

Analysis: ***1/2 It was a fun and exciting tag team match, which is common any time Frazer & Axiom are in a match. It was crazy how much action they fit into 12 minutes with so many big moves and nearfalls. I think sometimes they could slow down and sell some of those big moves, but I understand they’re trying to keep the pace up. Theory & Waller almost hit eachother a couple of times, which has also been something we have seen in their matches to show that they aren’t always on the same page. I think that split is coming at some point in the next few months, but there’s no rush on it. Frazer & Axiom are my favorite team to watch in all of WWE. I’d say it’s them, #DIY and The Street Profits at this point.

Sexyy Red was up next.


A video package aired about Ridge Holland turning on Chase U recently.

Ridge Holland was interviewed by Sarah Schreiber backstage. Ridge said he’d run through all of Chase U and that’s what he did. Ridge said that’s the price they paid for their mediocrity ruining his dreams. Riley Osborne attacked Ridge with a forearm to the back. They got into a brawl that was broken up quickly.

Analysis: That should lead to another Ridge-Riley match.

Sexyy Red Interrupted By Ethan Page

Sexyy Red stood in the ring performing a song. I’ll be honest in saying I had no idea who she was before she made NXT appearances. Booker T was standing up dancing and the song ended after about one minute.

Ethan Page walked out with the interruption saying that the concert was cancelled. Page claimed this place was falling apart while complaining about a lot of things going on in NXT. Page said that he should be Randy Orton for Page’s NXT Champion. Page claimed he wasn’t leaving the ring until he got his rematch clause.

Je’Von Evans made his entrance for his main event match. Evans wanted Page to calm down. Page said he didn’t give a damn that Evans was wrestling Orton. That led to Evans punching Page and clotheslining Page out of the ring.

Analysis: It wasn’t much of a concert, but it ended on a happy note since Evans knocked Page out of the ring.


A video aired about a woman beating up several other women in some field. The woman doing the beating up is a newcomer named Delta, but they don’t say her name.

Next week on NXT Back in the WWE PC in Orlando:

* Return of the Halloween Havoc Wheel

* Tony D’Angelo Championship Celebration

* Lola Vice vs. Nikkita Lyons

* Stephanie Vaquer vs. Wren Sinclair

* Gentlemen’s Duel: Oro Mensah vs. Lexis King

Analysis: That lineup is weaker compared to this week and last week. I understand you can’t put on huge matches every week and there was a heavy focus on these first two weeks because of the CW Era launch, but they need to put on a stronger card than that. At the end of the show, they did add a big match too.

The future WWE Hall of Famer Randy Orton made his entrance to a huge hometown pop since he’s a St. Louis guy who still lives in the area. Orton waved to some fans in the front row. That’s probably some family members in attendance.

Randy Orton vs. Je’Von Evans

There’s a big age difference here since Randy Orton is a 44-year-old WWE legend and Je’Von Evans is a 20-year-old with a very bright future.

There were loud “Randy” chants to start the match. They ran the ropes with Evans going for a dropkick, but Orton stopped himself and Evans hit the mat instead. Orton sent Evans into the ropes, Evans jumped off the middle ropes, Orton avoided that and Evans hit the mat again. Orton wagged his finger telling Evans that isn’t going to work. Orton set up Evans against the turnbuckle, tapped Evans on the head and Evans kicked Orton to knock him down. Evans hit a dropkick that sent Orton rolling out of the ring.


They were out on the floor where Orton tried a slam onto the commentary table, but Evans avoided it. Evans kicked Orton. Evans tried a suicide dive, but Orton caught him. Orton picked up Evans and gave him the belly-to-back slam onto the commentary table. Orton gave Evans another belly-to-back slam onto the commentary and a third time right after that. The referee was doing a very slow count. Orton gave Evans a fourth belly-to-back slam onto the commentary table. Orton went into the ring to break the referee’s count. Orton went back out and brought Evans back into the ring. Orton gave Evans a hard whip into the turnbuckle. Evans slid under the bottom rope, then jumped to the top and Evans hit a springboard clothesline on Orton. Evans jumped over Orton and Evans hit a spinning kick to the head for two. Orton blocked Evans doing a springboard move and Orton came back with a powerslam for two. Orton got a hold of Evans by the ropes leading to the draping DDT. Evans got back up leading to a superkick while Orton was setting up for an RKO. Evans went up top and jumped off the top with a Cutter for one…two…no! Evans went for a twisting attack off the top, Orton wanted an RKO but it didn’t connect. Orton picked up Evans and hit a regular RKO for the win. It went 11 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Randy Orton

Analysis: ***1/4 This was a solid match with the veteran Orton using his knowledge to wear down Evans and avoid some of the big moves by Evans. They did “botch” the finish if you want to call it that, but a guy doing a twisting dive off the top into an RKO isn’t an easy spot to do. Wrestling fans who can’t do anything close to what Evans can do in the air will complain about that one spot, but it was fine to try it and I don’t mind that it failed to connect properly. Orton worked well with Evans in a match between a rising young star and one of the greatest WWE superstars of all time. It wasn’t some epic back and forth match, but I liked the story of Evans going for high-risk offense, Orton avoided some of it and then a few times Evans hit it. Orton winning is what I expected.

Randy Orton celebrated the win while his family was shown at ringside. After they showed some replays, Orton picked up Evans and raised his hand as a sign of respect.

Analysis: I hope they build off this with Evans. I think they will.

They showed the NXT GM Ava talking to Ethan Page and Wes Lee in her office. Ava said next week it will be Ethan Page vs. Wes Lee vs. Je’Von Evans and whoever wins will face Trick Williams for the NXT Title at Halloween Havoc.

Analysis: That sounds good to me. I think Page will win, but I wouldn’t mind it if Lee or Evans won either. They are all great performers. I’d have Page win to put him against Trick and then have Lee feud with Evans because Evans will improve by working with a veteran like Lee.

There was a shot of Randy Orton posing in the ring. That was the end of the show.


Three Stars of the Show

  1. Tony D’Angelo/Oba Femi
  2. Nathan Frazer & Axiom
  3. Randy Orton


The Scoreboard

This week: 7.5 out of 10

Last week: 7.75

2024 Average: 7.17


Final Thoughts on WWE NXT

I thought it was a good show although I liked last week a bit more. The format was similar to last week and also similar to what we get on Raw/Smackdown most weeks. There were four matches that all got over ten minutes, so nothing was bad in the ring. Randy Orton beating Je’Von Evans in the main event was fun. I was not surprised by that result. They did miss on the finish because Evans went for a twisting attack and Orton didn’t catch him with the RKO, but it’s also not easy to do. Orton showed respect to Evans after the match, which was cool to see.

Out of all the matches, I liked the Tony D’Angelo win over Oba Femi the most. I expected it and I thought they told a great story. Oba Femi is so impressive for a guy in his mid-20s who has been wrestling on TV for less than a year and he’s capable of having these four-star level matches a lot of the time. That guy is going to be a massive star if he can improve as a character, doing promos, and so on. Anyway, I’m happy for Tony getting his biggest win in his three-year NXT run. The two tag team matches were good too. It was also nice to see Stephanie Vaquer’s debut.

The venue in St. Louis had about 2,000 fans and it worked for NXT as a venue that wasn’t too big, but not too small either. I liked it. They are back to the WWE PC next week and we don’t know when they go on the road for TV again. I think they should hit the road once in a while, but I can see why they like being at the WWE PC regularly as well since the talent is already there. Anyway, fun show overall.


Thanks for reading. My contact info is below.

John Canton


Twitter/X @johnreport