
The John Report: WWE NXT 09/24/24 Review

WWE NXT September 24 Review

This week on WWE NXT featured press conferences to build up next week’s huge matches.

The NXT brand continues to build up their debut on The CW Network on October 1st. The big matches at that show include Ethan Page defending the NXT Title against Trick Williams (with CM Punk as the referee), Roxanne Perez defending the NXT Women’s Title against Giulia and Wes Lee-Zachary Wentz Chicago Street Fight as well. The debut on The CW also means this is the farewell for NXT on USA Network after five years of television for WWE’s developmental/third brand.

I don’t remember exactly when I started reviewing NXT shows on a weekly basis. I think it was mid-2020 because we had other writers covering it in the years before. I could be wrong on that, but I looked into my files on my computer and I think it was the summer of 2020 when I added NXT to my show review workload.

As usual with NXT, I will do a summary style for most of the show and then play-by-play for one or two matches.

It was Vic Joseph and Booker T on commentary as usual. They went right to the action.

NXT Women’s North American Championship: Kelani Jordan vs. Wren Sinclair (w/Charlie Dempsey, Myles Borne & Tavion Heights)

Wren got some offense going with a shoulder tackle and a splash for two. They did a sequence of multiple pin attempts for each woman. Jordan sent Wren to the floor and then Jordan hit a twisting splash over the top onto a standing Wren on the floor. It looked like Jordan’s leg hit Wren in the head so it was a rough landing.


Jordan got some momentum going with a cartwheel back elbow and a sitout DDT. Jordan jumped off the top with a splash, Wren avoided it and Wren hit two suplexes in a row. Jordan was out on the floor where the NQCC guys were trash-talking her, so Wren jumped off the top, Jordan moved and Wren took out Borne & Heights on the floor. Back in the ring, Jordan hit a spin kick and One of a Kind split-legged moonsault for the win after 10 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Kelani Jordan

Analysis: **3/4 A solid match to give Jordan a win. Sinclair got a title match because it was an open challenge, but she hasn’t been built up as a title contender.

They showed clips of NXT’s Trick Williams and Shawn Michaels talking to the media about the move to The CW next week.

Ethan Page, the NXT Champion, was at a press conference talking to fake media people with Sarah Schreiber hosting the fake press conference. Page said what separates him from everybody else is how he handles the pressure. Page credited Trick Williams for being a former NXT Champion, but he doesn’t think Trick’s resiliency will lead to him winning the NXT Championship. Page said that referee CM Punk won’t be a factor in his match and said he’ll go see CM Punk to make sure he’s a non-factor.

Analysis: It’s a confident Ethan Page as usual.

Grayson Waller & Austin Theory were shown walking backstage for Waller’s talk show segment up next.


CM Punk was in the locker room talking to Je’Von Evans. Trick Williams walked in, so Evans left. Trick thanked Punk for stepping in as the special guest referee. Punk said he’s proud of Trick and Trick should be proud of himself. Punk will make sure Page doesn’t cheat and he knows Trick won’t cheat. Punk hopes Trick wins, but he won’t lean that way. Punk said if you’re not that guy and it’s Ethan Page then he’ll raise his hand. Punk said he’s not playing favorites. Punk wished him good luck, they shook hands and had a bro hug.

Analysis: CM Punk is a babyface who wants the babyface Trick Williams to win next week, but he isn’t going to be biased as a referee, which is the right thing to say.

Grayson Waller Effect with Nathan Frazer & Axiom

Grayson Waller and Austin Theory were in the ring hosting the talk show segment. Theory claimed they are the greatest graduates in NXT history. Waller brought out their opponents in two weeks, the NXT Tag Team Champions, who are a man that looks like Kurt Cobain while the other is a Power Ranger…it’s Fraxiom.

Nathan Frazer and Axiom sat in the ring as the NXT Tag Team Champions. Waller said Frazer & Axiom would be great additions to Smackdown as individual wrestlers. Frazer said that “Fraxiom” is fine. Frazer and Axiom mentioned how Waller and Theory are always trying to backstab eachother. Waller said they’re disrespectful. Waller told them that in two weeks, Fraxiom is done. Theory and Waller made up move names that the champions do. Axiom mentioned all the teams they have beaten as a team. Frazer said in two weeks in St. Louis, they are sending A-Town Down six feet under.

Theory reminded the champions that it doesn’t matter if it’s a Hall of Famer, legend, or champion, they put them down. Theory said there are levels to this game. Waller said that he understands Frazer & Axiom put on great matches. Waller said that they not just hang, but they show they belong. Waller said in two weeks they’ll take the titles and that is the Grayson Waller Effect.

Frazer wondered why is it just the Grayson Waller Effect while wondering if it should be the Grayson Waller and Austin Theory Effect. Theory said that is a good idea. Waller said that’s what it was before they were a team. Waller punched Frazer and Theory punched Axiom. The challengers Waller & Theory posed with the NXT Tag Team Titles to end it.

Analysis: This was okay. It was more of the same form the Waller & Theory team bragging about how good they are even though they lose a lot of matches to bigger names on Smackdown. Frazer mentioned how Waller steals the spotlight from Theory a lot, which is similar to what guys on Smackdown say about the Waller-Theory team. It should be a great match in two weeks and I think Frazer/Axiom will keep their titles.

The Meta-Four trio of Oro Mensah, Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson were talking backstage. Lexis King walked up to Oro saying he had issues with his father. King said he knows what it’s like to go through life with somebody to lean on. King said if his father was here he would want him to be the bigger man. King said let the best man win and they shook hands. Oro told King to make sure his dad would be proud.

Hank & Tank were walking backstage about how they used to respect Gallows & Anderson, but then they cost Hank & Tank the tag team titles. They said revenge is on their mind.


They showed Karmen Petrovic, Brinley Reece, and other women in the locker room hanging out. Ashante Thee Adonis walked into the room to try to flirt with the women and he left. Petrovic & Reece were getting ready for their match. There wasn’t much going on here.

Hank Walker & Tank Ledger vs. The Good Brothers – Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson

Gallows & Anderson were in control of Hank early on until Tank got the tag and hit a splash on Gallows. Hank & Tank hit a running double splash on Gallows for two. After Karl went into the ring, Gallows nailed Tank with a roundhouse kick to the head. Karl & Gallows made quick tags to isolate Tank from his partner. Hank saved Tank from hitting the turnbuckle and Tank hit a clothesline. Hank hit Karl with a clothesline along with a Bossman Slam for two. After a Gallows distraction, Karl kicked Hank and hit a superplex. Karl gave Tank a spinebuster on Hank for two. Tank pulled Karl out of the ring, Tank got the tag, Hank with a powerslam while Tank did a Spear to the back and Hank covered Luke for the win. It was about five minutes.

Winners by pinfall: Hank Walker & Tank Ledger

Analysis: **1/4 A solid win for the younger team Hank & Tank over the veterans Gallows & Anderson. It was kept short, which is probably for the best. I think Hank & Tank are a team to keep an eye on over the six months about possibly being NXT Tag Team Champions. It might happen.

Je’Von Evans was talking to Cedric Alexander with Evans saying his match against Randy Orton is the biggest match of his life. Grayson Waller & Austin Theory went up to them to mock Evans for having no chance against Randy Orton. Waller & Theory mocked Cedric too. Evans said that Uncle Ceddy is his dude. That led to a tag team match challenge. Evans shouted as if Kevin Owens was behind them, so Theory & Waller were scared as if Owens was there even though he was not.

Lexis King entered for singles action.


Oro Mensah (w/Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson) vs. Lexis King

There was some quick offense from Oro early on with a headscissors and a slam for two. When Oro went for something on the apron, King, shoved him down to the floor. King connected with a backbreaker and a superkick by King led to a two count. Oro made the comeback with a springboard moonsault onto King. Oro hit a rolling kick. King tripped up Oro, put his feet on the ropes, and then King said after getting a two count that he’s not winning like that. Oro tripped up King and put his feet on the ropes for the pinfall win.

Winner by pinfall: Oro Mensah

Analysis: **1/2 A cheap win for Oro after King tried to cheat, so Oro cheated to get the win. It probably means this rivalry will continue and they’ll have another match soon. I think this rivalry has been about turning Oro into a face since King is more of a dastardly heel.


Tony D’Angelo and The Family were shown having a training session in an old gym to try to get Tony D ready for a future match with Oba Femi. They showed Tony doing some rope climbing, smashing cinderblocks, going on a run, doing situps, pushing a truck, and so on. Tony D also went into the ring to have a sparring session with a black man who I guess is representing Femi. Tony took some shots early, but then he came back to win. Tony said let’s go to Chicago to get the contract signed.

It was announced that Oba Femi will defend the NXT North American Title against Tony D’Angelo on October 8th.

Analysis: Since this story is continuing like this, I think Tony D will beat Oba Femi to win the NXT North American Title.

Ridge Holland vs. Riley Osborne (w/Thea Hail)

Osborne dove onto Ridge on the floor when Ridge was making his entrance. After the bell rang, Ridge nailed Osborne with a clothesline along with an overhead suplex. Osborne got a pin attempt after a dropkick. Ridge used his power to suplex Osborne over the top to the floor. Osborne tackled Ridge into the barricade so they broke a piece of the barricade. Back in the ring, Ridge avoided a top rope attack and Ridge hit the Redeemer for the pinfall win after three minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Ridge Holland

Analysis: **1/4 It was an easy win for Ridge as expected. Osborne is fun to watch, but he isn’t being pushed much at all.

After the match, Ridge stomped on Osborne. Ridge sent Osborne into the steel steps. Osborne jumped off the steps onto Ridge with a leaping leg lariat. Security and officials showed up to break it up.

Analysis: That might lead to another Ridge/Riley match in the coming weeks.

The Miz was featured in a video saying he will host Miz TV on October 1st with Oba Femi and Tony D’Angelo signing the contract for their match.

A split-screen interview with Wes Lee and Zachary Wentz was up next.


Oba Femi, the NXT North American Champion, was at the fake press conference. Femi had no thoughts about being on Miz TV next week. Femi said that Tony D’Angelo is broken and he can’t fool Femi.

Wes Lee And Zachary Wentz Exchange Words

A clip was shown from during the break when Wes Lee and Zachary Wentz got into an argument during a split-screen interview. Wentz said he beat the f**k out of him at No Mercy. Lee said this time he won’t have Trey Miguel. Lee told Wentz to make sure that Gigi (Dolin) doesn’t watch. Wentz said keep his fiancée’s name out of Lee’s mouth. Lee kept saying “Gigi” into the microphone. Wentz left, so Lee got up too and Lee got into a fight backstage where they exchanged punches. Wentz and Lee were pulled apart by security and officials.

Analysis: It was an intense argument that featured swear words from both guys and a lot of it was bleeped.

A video package aired about the last five years of NXT on USA Network.

Analysis: It was a great video. A lot of the wrestlers in the video are on the main roster and doing very well there.

The creepy team of Wendy Choo and TNA’s Rosemary made their entrance for tag team action.


There was a scene in NXT GM Ava’s office talking to Jaida Parker and Lola Vice. Ava told Parker & Vice they’ll team up next week against Fatal Influence. Ava and Parker argued about it, but Ava told them it’s going to happen.

Karmen Petrovic & Brinley Reece vs. Rosemary & Wendy Choo

I think they have dropped the Brinley Reece gimmick of being the over the top gym enthusiast. She’s more of a generic face now. Karmen nailed Choo with a spin kick and clothesline. Rosemary tagged in to make some scary faces at Reece and Choo got a headbutt on Reece as the heels took over. Choo and Rosemary hit a double team suplex on Reece. Good job by Reece hitting a cartwheel clothesline on Choo. Ashante Thee Adonis walked out to ringside with a flower, Karmen yelled at him wondering why he was out there. Rosemary hit a move called As Above So Below like a cradle DDT for the pinfall win. It lasted about four minutes.

Winners by pinfall: Rosemary & Wendy Choo

Analysis: ** A short tag team match to give the creepy duo of Rosemary & Choo a victory over a team that was just put together for this show. Karmen confronting Adonis led to Reece not making a tag and then Reece got beat. I don’t know if it will lead to Reece turning on Karmen or if it was just a way to put over the heel duo.

CM Punk was backstage talking to Sol Ruca, but NXT Champion Ethan Page showed up and Sol left. Page said he wasn’t thrilled about Punk being the referee in his match. Page said that he’s been where Punk’s been and he’s worked too hard for this. Punk said in Chicago, he’s calling it down the middle and not letting either of them cheat. Punk said he’s not going to let Page low blow a guy behind the referee’s back. Punk reminded Page he won the NXT Title by falling on top of a guy. Punk said he’ll raise his hand if he’s the guy, but if he’s not the guy then Punk won’t be doing that.

Analysis: It makes sense for the heel NXT Champion Ethan Page to not like a babyface like CM Punk as the referee of the match next week. Punk told Page what he told Trick earlier, so it was consistent from Punk as the referee.

The team of Je’Von Evans and Cedric Alexander entered for tag team action.


The Fatal Influence trio of Jacy Jayne, Fallon Henley & Jazmyn Nyx were at the fake press conference. Henley said they won’t tell us which two of them won’t be in the tag team match next week. Nyx is confident they will win next week. Jayne said they want to beat the top of the women’s division and they want to do that by winning championships. Jayne said that Kelani Jordan doesn’t deserve to be NXT Women’s North American Champion. Jaida Parker & Lola Vice walked into the room, but security held them back.

A-Town Down – Austin Theory & Grayson Waller vs. Cedric Alexander & Je’Von Evans

I’ll go play by play for this one as the last match on the show. Theory sent Evans into the turnbuckle. Waller beat up Evans a bit sending him into the turnbuckle as well. Theory rolled up Evans for a two count. Evans hit a running hurricanrana on Theory. Evans with a headscissors on Waller and a dropkick. Waller stopped Evans with a punch to the jaw. Cedric pulled Waller out of the ring and threw him into the barricade. Theory did a snapmare to Evans followed by a stomp to the chest. Evans got an inside cradle on Theory for two. Evans sent Theory into the turnbuckle followed by a forearm. Cedric tagged in as Evans hit a neckbreaker and Cedric hit a running kick on Theory for two. Cedric hit a leg whip takedown. Both heels were on the floor, so Evans hit a somersault dive over the top, but Waller caught him. Cedric hit his own somersault dive over the top to knock both heels down on the floor.


Theory was in control of Cedric with a backbreaker. Waller worked over Cedric a bit with some basic moves. Cedric came back with an inside cradle for two, but Waller was back up with a jumping side kick. Waller hit an elbow drop off the middle rope for a two count. Evans got the tag against Theory leading to Evans cleaning house with punches for both opponents. Evans hit a superkick on Theory. Evans dove onto Waller on one side of the ring and then Evans dove over the top onto Theory on the other side of the ring. Evans hit a springboard clothesline on Theory (who jumped) for a two count because Waller made the save. Waller and Theory each hit Evans with forearms at the same time for two because Cedric made the save. Cedric tackled Theory on the apron. Waller clotheslined Cedric on the floor and Waller sent Cedric into the steel steps. The NXT Tag Team Champions Nathan Frazer & Axiom confronted Waller on the floor. Waller went back into the ring and Evans hit a spinning kick to the jaw. Frazer went on the apron, Axiom pulled him down, so Evans was tripped on the top rope. Waller hit a flipping neckbreaker on Evans. Theory hit A-Town Down on Evans for the pinfall win after 12 minutes.

Winners by pinfall: A-Town Down Under – Austin Theory & Grayson Waller

Analysis: ***1/4 A pretty good tag team match that was the best match on the show. It makes sense for A-Town Down Under to get the win since they are getting an NXT Tag Team Title match in two weeks. The involvement of Frazer & Axiom cost Evans because Frazer accidentally knocked Evans off the top rope and A-Town Down Under capitalized to get the win. I didn’t love it as a finish, but I get why it was done that way to give the A-Town Down Under heels a cheap win.

Trick Williams was at the fake press conference speaking about what a win would mean to him next week. Trick wants to be part of the group that held the NXT Title twice. Trick said NXT is reaching new heights and he wants to be the leader of that, so Trick will do everything in his power to do that. Trick said he’s good with CM Punk. Trick said that he respects that Ethan Page finds a way to get the job done. Trick said he has to be confident, control his emotions and be Trick Williams. Trick said if he does those things then you will have a new NXT Champion next week.

Analysis: I think Trick is going to win. I like Page as champion, but I think the timing is right for Trick get the title back on the first episode of NXT on CW.

The NXT Women’s press conference was the main event between Roxanne Perez and Giulia, who had Funaki the translator with her.


Next week on NXT on the CW Premiere from Chicago:

* NXT Championship: Ethan Page vs. Trick Williams (CM Punk is the special guest referee)

* NXT Women’s Championship: Roxanne Perez vs. Giulia

* The Miz hosts Miz TV with Oba Femi & Tony D’Angelo

* Street Fight: Wes Lee vs. Zachary Wentz

* Lola Vice & Jaida Parker vs. Fatal Influence (Jacy Jayne, Fallon Henley & Jazmyn Nyx) – two members of the team.

Analysis: It’s a very strong lineup. I think there might be two title changes too.

NXT Women’s Championship Press Conference: Roxanne Perez and Giulia

They had the ring ropes down on the side facing the camera. Byron Saxton was in the ring moderating this segment. They had reporters (I have no idea how many of them are legit reporters) and they asked questions. Roxanne Perez was seated at a table and so was Guilia, who had Funaki with her to help translate.

Giulia answered a question by speaking in Japanese, so obviously I had no idea what she was saying. Funaki summed it saying that Perez’s time was up and Giulia came here to become the NXT Women’s Champion. They also showed the text on the screen. Funaki said that Giulia said that it was time for Perez to pass the torch to her.

Perez was asked how is this different than other matches. Perez admitted she was a Giulia fan before any of you were fans of her. Perez thinks she has watched every match that Giulia has had in Japan. Perez said that this is a dream match for Giulia because she’s so excited for this since she’s never faced somebody with the equity that Perez has. Perez said that Giulia came looking for her. Perez said that this is the only championship that actually matters. Perez said she deserves to be at the forefront of NXT while claiming she built the brand.

Giulia wondered if Perez had thought about what would happen when Giulia beat her and Perez said she hadn’t thought about it.

Giulia answered a question saying she feels good and moving to America has been incredible, so there were some light “USA” chants. Giulia said everything is new, but what’s not new is that she is still the most feared wrestler in the world. Giulia said that NXT gets to feel the beautiful madness. Giulia tried to speak in Japan again, but there was an interruption.

They showed new NXT signee Stephanie Vaquer from San Fernando, Chile on the screen. Vaquer asked what are you going to do when Stephanie is standing on the other side of their match? Perez held up her title in front of Giulia and that was it. That was the end of the show.

Analysis: This was okay. Giulia’s English-speaking parts were actually fine and I think she should do more of that. Perez was her usually cocky self. She’s done very well as a heel champion. I think Giulia is winning next week, though.


Three Stars of the Show

  1. Austin Theory & Grayson Waller
  2. Trick Williams
  3. Roxanne Perez


The Scoreboard

This week: 6.25 out of 10

Last week: 7

2024 Average: 7.18


Final Thoughts on WWE NXT

This was one of the weaker NXT episodes of the year. It did a good job of building up to next week’s big show and the week after that, but in terms of a standalone episode, this wasn’t very interesting. I only had one match above the three star level, which is rare for any TV show in this era, so it was really not that memorable of an episode in a lot of ways.

The “press conferences” were a unique way to have people do promos about their upcoming matches. CM Punk was also featured backstage talking to Ethan Page and Trick Williams as well.

I am looking forward to next week’s NXT debut on the CW because it’s a very strong lineup. That should be an awesome show.


Thanks for reading. My contact info is below.

John Canton


Twitter/X @johnreport