
The John Report: WWE NXT 08/06/24 (Great American Bash – Part 2) Review

WWE NXT August 6 Review

This week on WWE NXT featured three title matches for the second week of the Great American Bash.

As usual with NXT, I will do a summary style for most of the show and then play-by-play for one or two matches.

There was a video recapping last week’s NXT Great American Bash show, which was pretty good.

It was Vic Joseph and Booker T on commentary as usual. This episode aired on Syfy in the US.

Trick Williams vs. Pete Dunne

There were hard chops by Trick to start the match along wit ha delayed vertical suplex. Dunne got some offense going that included a stomp on the right arm. They were exchanging hard strikes that led to loud reactions from the fans. Dunne dove off the middle turnbuckle, but Trick countered him with a neckbreaker.


They did a spot where Dunne charged at Trick, who nailed a clothesline and Dunne did a good flip bump. Trick continued the attack with jumping side kicks along with a flatliner. Trick hit a Book End for two. Dunne came back with a German Suplex and roundhouse kick. Trick connected with a flapjack from the top, which was good for a two count. After Dunne hit a jumping kick, Trick hit a spinning kick to the face for two. That looked like it connected too. Dunne hit a Powerbomb along with repeated stomps to the head. Trick punched and kicked Dunne a lot by the turnbuckle. Dunne pulled down the turnbuckle pad, so Dunne avoided a knee and Trick’s knee hit the steel turnbuckle. Dunne hit Bitter End for the pinfall win after 13 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Pete Dunne

Analysis: ***1/4 A very good match to give Dunne a quality win. Trick doesn’t lose that often in NXT these days, so it’s a meaningful win for Dunne. That could lead to Dunne getting a solid push in NXT while he’s there. The announcers didn’t even mention Dunne pulled down the turnbuckle to expose it so when Trick hit his knee against the turnbuckle, the idea is it would hurt more. Anyway, Dunne got the pin right after that.

There was an NXT Great American Bash party backstage in the WWE PC. The hosts Hank & Tank were trying to have fun. Lexis King was on music, but Eddy Thorpe was also there and they argued. Robert Stone and Stevie Turner had a wing-off eating battle. They cut away.

The NXT Women’s North American Title match was up next.

This Friday on Smackdown: The “Original” Tribal Chief Roman Reigns returns.


Ethan Page, the NXT Champion, was in the trainer’s room talking to a trainer about how he needs an ice bath later. Nathan Frazer, who is an NXT Tag Team Champion, exchanged words with Page, and Page mentioned Frazer’s absent tag team partner Axiom. Page left so Frazer wondered where Axiom was.

NXT Women’s North American Championship: Kelani Jordan vs. Tatum Paxley

After the bell rang, the trio of Jacy Jayne, Fallon Henley & Jazmyn Nyx were watching on a TV backstage while Wendy Choo was lurking in the background. Jordan used her legs to hook Paxley’s arms for a pin attempt for two. Jordan hit multiple arm drags and a spinning leg drop. They were on the floor when Paxley kicked Jordan away, then Paxley went under the ring and got back up to hit a chop block to the left knee.


They did a double hair pull takedown spot so both women were down. The crazy one Wendy Choo walked out to hold Paxley’s doll. Jordan was selling a left leg injury so she collapsed when doing a move off the ropes. Jordan hit a flatliner and went for a moonsault off the top, but Paxley avoided it. Paxley hit a 450 Splash off the top for two. Good nearfall. They battled on the top where Jordan hit a Spanish Fly off the top. Jordan jumped off the top with a Frog Splash to win after about 10 minutes

Winner by pinfall: Kelani Jordan

Analysis: *** There were some sloppy parts early, but it was pretty good by the end. Paxley got that nearfall with a 450 Splash although I didn’t think she had a shot to win here. Jordan doesn’t usually win with the Frog Splash, but she connected with it well and that was enough to win.

After the match, Wendy Choo gave Paxley the doll and then Choo choked her out. Jordan stared at Choo on the floor to tease a future match.

Wren Sinclair spoke to Charlie Dempsey and Myles Borne about how she wanted to be in the group. Wren wondered where Tavion was and Charlie said he was wrestling in Japan. Tony D’Angelo offered Charlie Dempsey a Heritage Cup match if he put Wren in the No Quarter Catch Crew and Dempsey agreed to do it by saying if Wren wins then she can join the NQCC group.

Oba Femi walked Tony D by with the NXT North American Title and then Axiom walked up to Nathan Frazer. Axiom said he gave Frazer some space. Frazer went with him to go strategize.

The NXT Title match between champion Ethan Page and challenger Oro Mensah was up next.


Pete Dunne was shown walking backstage talking about how he’s on top of his game. Dunne said he proved he was ready to challenge for the NXT Title. Trick Williams went up to saying “figure this out” and Trick punched Pete in the jaw. They exchanged punches and then referees showed up to break it up.

Analysis: That likely means the feud is continuing, which isn’t a surprise. I assume that Trick wins the feud.

NXT Championship: Ethan Page vs. Oro Mensah (w/Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson)

The fans chanted “one, two, three” at Page during his entrance since Oro “pinned” Page in non-match situations a few times. Booker T likes Ethan’s song and was mad when Vic spoke during the entrance. That was funny. I like Ethan’s song too. I’ll go play-by-play for this one.

Page worked over Oro with chops and punches. Oro came back with a headscissors along with a clothesline and a running kick. Page nailed Oro with a forearm to the head along with an elbow to the back of the head. Oro chopped Page repeatedly against the turnbuckle. Oro went for a rollup, but Page sat down for two. Page left the ring, so Oro kicked Page to knock him down as the show went to break.


Oro got some offense going with a spinning kick to the head. When Oro went for a move off the ropes, Page kicked him in the face. Page connected with a powerslam for two. Oro came back with a suplex across the ring. Oro connected with some punches along with a scissors kick to the back of the neck for a two count. Page hit a roundhouse kick to the head. Page teased a suplex to the floor that was never going to happen, Oro broke free and Page headbutted Oro to knock him down. Oro ran up the ropes leading to a kick to the head. Oro hit a suicide dive to send Page into the commentary table. Oro hit a rolling kick to the head for two. Oro hit a jumping kick to the head and then a springboard kick off the top to knock Page out of the ring. Oro kicked Page on the floor. They left the ring where Page slammed Oro on a picnic table outside the ring. Page gave Oro an Ego’s Edge onto a picnic table. The referee wasn’t counting very fast because they were outside the ring for a while. Back in the ring, Page hit a DDT for two. Oro got a rollup for two, then a superkick and another rollup for two. Oro hit a jumping DDT. Oro hit a running spinning heel kick by the turnbuckle and covered for two, but Page’s foot was under the bottom rope so the referee stopped when he saw the foot. It’s the right call by the referee. Oro slipped jumping off the ropes (a working slip, not like he fell by accident), so Page hit him with a boot to the face. Page hit Ego’s Edge for the pinfall win after 13 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Ethan Page

Analysis: ***1/4 A good title match that had an obvious result, but I still enjoyed it. Oro is a talented in-ring performer while Page is a veteran that knows how to be an entertaining heel. There were a couple of nearfalls for Oro in the match that I liked as teases of a potential title change. That result put an end to this story that has been going on for a couple of months. It’s good for Page to have successful NXT Title defenses like this to continue building him up as a credible champion.

After the match, Ethan Page spoke into camera saying he didn’t care who was next whether it was Trick Williams or Pete Dunne while claiming it’s NX-Me with him.

The Rascalz group of Wes Lee, Zachary Wentz & Trey Miguel were interviewed by Kelly Kincaid. Wentz talked about how ready they are. Wes said they didn’t think this day would come when they could compete for the NXT Tag Team Titles again. Wes said there were dark days when Wentz was gone but he was able to come back as the NXT North American Champion. Lee talked about how great it feels to be together again. Miguel said that they are the Rascalz but tonight is about MSK, so Wentz and Lee did their catchphrase to end it.

A commercial aired for NXT No Mercy featuring Lola Vice on September 1st.


There were clips from the NXT GAB party. Ashante Thee Adonis hit on Jaida Parker, who said she only cared about the NXT Women’s North American Title. Lola Vice walked in saying she wants it. Lola punched a guy in the ribs who hit on her. Three women (Parker, Vice & Ruca) picked up the dude and gave him a Powerbomb through a table. Hank & Tank thought it was a good barbecue after that.

Joe Coffey (w/Wolfgang & Mark Coffey) vs. Joe Hendry

The fans loved Hendry during his entrance of course. It’s a matchup of two Scottish guys named Joe. Hendry dove over the top onto Mark & Wolfgang. The bell rang to start the match after that. Coffey was in control with a backbreaker and elbow drop. Hendry avoided a diving Coffey and Hendry hit a suplex. Hendry knocked Coffey out of the ring leading to a break.


Coffey sent Hendry throat first into the top rope. The Gallus boys tried to interfere, so Hendry used a steel chair to make it look like Wolfgang hit him and when the referee turned around, Mark & Wolfgang got ejected. The classic Eddie Guerrero move. Hendry got some offense going with a fallaway slam while Booker said he believed. The fans chanted “We Believe” as Joe hit the Standing Ovation slam for the win. It went about eight minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Joe Hendry

Analysis: **1/2 It was an average match to showcase Joe Hendry a lot by having him outsmart the Gallus boys and then he beat Joe Coffey easily while the crowd was behind Hendry a lot. Hendry winning was the right choice here.

Joe Hendry was interviewed by Sarah Schreiber in the ring. Hendry said that he liked it here and he might just stay for a lot longer. Hendry said if you had a problem with him, you can fight him next Tuesday. Hendry said you don’t even have to say his name because he will appear.

Analysis: That sounds like an assurance from Joe Hendry himself that he’ll remain a part of NXT for many more weeks and months. That’s good to see because he’s doing great while also working for TNA as well.

Chase U was in class while Andre Chase thanked Ridge Holland for the classroom. Ridge said that they need to bring gold to Chase U. Ridge said that Chase U gets a Tag Team Title match against the winners of the Tag Team Title match tonight. Duke Hudson thought that he would team with Andre Chase again, but instead, it’s Ridge teaming up with Andre. Ridge encouraged everybody while Duke looked sad about it.

Analysis: I think maybe Andre & Ridge will win, which could make Duke jealous and lead to Duke going heel because of it. There are a lot of ways it can go.

Wren Sinclair entered for her singles match.


The GAB BBQ was shown with Shawn Spears talking to Brooks Jensen about how Spears vouched for Brooks. Spears said that Brooks owed him an open mind and told Brooks he didn’t need alcohol. Roxanne Perez the NXT Champion mocked some women that she hadn’t beaten yet. Robert Stone heard some women talking about wanting an opportunity, so Stevie Turner punched Stone and said she’ll tell Ava about a multi-woman match. Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson walked in saying that the food and drinks sucked. Hank & Tank got into a brawl with them as the scene ended there.

Analysis: Riveting television. Some of these skits on NXT weekly are lame. This was one of those lame ones.

NXT is heading on the road on October 1 in Chicago with CM Punk and October 8 in St. Louis with Randy Orton when they debut on The CW on October 1.

Kendal Grey (w/Carlee Bright) vs. Wren Sinclair (w/Charlie Dempsey & Myles Borne)

Grey got some offense early with a cross body block and an armbar. Wren ran the ropes leading to a bulldog. Grey hit a neckbreaker and an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Bright tripped up Borne on the floor when Borne tried to get involved. Grey hit a move like an Angle Slam for two. Wren countered a pin attempt for two. Wren hit Grey with a forearm and face first slam into the mat for the pinfall win. It went about four minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Wren Sinclair

Analysis: ** An easy win for Wren as the more experienced wrestler who actually has a storyline. Grey has potential for sure, but it’s still so early in her career.

The win by Sinclair means she has earned a spot in the No Quarter Catch Crew and Charlie Dempsey gets a shot at the NXT Heritage Cup held by Tony D’Angelo.

A video aired about Je’Von Evans saying that wrestling was always his goal. Evans got signed by WWE last November and ever since then it’s been going crazy. Evans showed a picture with Matt Bloom in 2013 when Bloom was Lord Tensai and now Bloom is his coach. Evans said he didn’t know where he’d be in ten years, but he’ll grow up before our eyes and invited the fans to come along with him.

Analysis: The future is very bright for Je’Von Evans. I am excited to see what his future brings.

The NXT Tag Team Title match was up next in the main event.


Oba Femi, the NXT North American Champion, was said next week he’s defending this title against anybody who is brave enough to challenge him. Tony D’Angelo walked by with The Family saying next week he’ll face Charlie Dempsey in the NXT Heritage Cup Match.

Next week on NXT:

* NXT Heritage Cup Match: Tony D’Angelo vs. Charlie Dempsey

* Eddy Thorpe vs. Lexis King

* NXT Tag Team Championships: Nathan Frazer & Axiom or MSK vs. Chase U’s Andre Chase & Ridge Holland

The MSK duo of Wes Lee & Zachary Wentz entered for tag team action joined by Trey Miguel. The exciting NXT Tag Team Champions Nathan Frazer & Axiom were up next as the champions.

NXT Tag Team Championships: Nathan Frazer & Axiom vs. MSK – Wes Lee & Zachary Wentz (w/Trey Miguel)

I’ll go play by play for this one between four really good wrestlers who are very athletic. Axiom grounded Lee and knocked Wes down with a kick. Frazer tagged in for a rollup on Lee followed by an armbar. Frazer tripped up Lee going for a pin, then Lee got a pin attempt of his own. Lee and Frazer did some impressive moves to avoid eachother followed by Lee punching Frazer to knock him down. Lee hit a jumping kick to knock Frazer down. Wentz tagged in with a long bronco buster on Frazer. Lee tagged in for a nearfall. Frazer kicked Lee and brought in Axiom, sent Lee out of the ring with a headscissors. Frazer did a somersault dive over the top onto both guys on the floor. Axiom was next with moonsault onto both opponents on the floor.


Frazer had Wentz grounded with a chinlock. Frazer broke free, went for a springboard moonsault and Wentz stopped that with a superkick. Lee flipped over legal man Axiom leading to a superkick. Lee hit a couple of kicks followed by a German Suplex for two. Wentz was back in with a kick, but Axiom fought back and did a jumping kick to Wentz. Frazer tagged in leading to Axiom doing a Spanish Fly slam off the top on Wentz and Frazer hit a Phoenix Splash off the top on Wentz for two. Frazer held Lee, so Axiom delivered a kick, but Lee moved and Axiom kicked Frazer by accident. Lee hit a superkick on Axiom. Wentz jumped off the ropes with a Cutter on Frazer for two! The fans thought that was it. The fans chanted “this is awesome” for them. Lee tagged in, Wentz did the moonsault and Lee tossed him onto Frazer for the two count. Frazer dropkicked Lee off the top while Axiom kicked Wentz on the floor. Frazer went up top with a superplex on Lee and Axiom tagged in for a superkick into a brainbuster for two on Lee, who got his right shoulder up. Axiom hit the Golden Ratio kick on Lee for the pinfall win after 11 minutes.

Winners by pinfall: Nathan Frazer & Axiom

Analysis: ***3/4 A terrific tag team match. I thought they would get more than 15 minutes, but they certainly made the most of the 11 minutes they got. It was a clean and decisive win for the champions Frazer & Axiom even though they had a miscommunication spot in the match. They still found a way to win. Lee and Wentz are so great as a team as well. It was a lot of fun to watch. I wish they got more time, but it was still very entertaining.

After the match, the two teams shook hands as a sign of respect.

Wes Lee was down on the mat selling exhaustion. Miguel and Wentz helped him back up as the trio hugged. Lee separated himself and superkicked Miguel. Wentz: “That’s your brother! What are you doing?” Wes kicked Wentz in the groin! The fans were shocked by it. Lee shouted at Wentz: “You left me alone.” Lee punched Wentz a few times and kicked Wentz out of the ring. The fans booed Lee. Lee threw Trey into a barricade at ringside. Wentz was against the steel steps, so Lee hit him with two running knees. You could tell it was just Lee hitting the knees with his steps, but Wentz sold it well. The fans chanted “asshole” at Lee while the announcers weren’t speaking. Lee walked toward the back with an angry look on his face. End show.

Analysis: I didn’t see that turn coming, so kudos to NXT for the surprising Wes Lee turn there. Wes has been such a good babyface for the past three years whether in a tag or in singles, but now we get to see what he’s like as a heel. Perhaps the heel turn will lead to a bigger push that could lead to the NXT Title at some point. I think Wes is an awesome in-ring performer and very good all around, so he can certainly pull it off. In the past, we’ve seen top NXT stars like Bron Breakker, Carmelo Hayes, Roxanne Perez and others go from face to heel or vice versa, so I think it is Lee’s turn to show what he can do. I liked how it was done with Lee shouting at Wentz for leaving Wes alone in NXT. It was a memorable way to end the show.


Three Stars of the Show

  1. MSK – Wes Lee & Zachary Wentz especially Wes for the heel turn
  2. Nathan Frazer & Axiom
  3. Pete Dunne


The Scoreboard

This week: 7.5 out of 10

Last week: 7.5

2024 Average: 7.16


Final Thoughts on WWE NXT

I liked the show similar to last week. This week probably had better matches. The main event was fun with Axiom & Frazer beating MSK. The heel turn by Wes Lee on The Rascalz isn’t something I expected, but I think Wes is a very good performer, so he’ll be able to pull it off.

There were three title matches and no title changes, which isn’t a surprise to me. Pete Dunne getting the clean win over Trick Williams was a solid match. It looks like a bit of a push for Dunne in NXT while they’ll probably have a rematch since they fought backstage after the match.

Other matches were fine like Joe Hendry getting a decisive win while Kelani Jordan and Ethan Page gained momentum as champions. The NXT brand is doing a good job of using its roster well. They haven’t set up anything for No Mercy next month yet, so hopefully some big matches are coming.


Thanks for reading. My contact info is below.

John Canton


Twitter/X @johnreport