
The John Report: WWE NXT 07/23/24 Review

WWE NXT July 23 Review

This week on WWE NXT saw the Rascalz team up for a six-man tag main event against Nathan Frazer, Axiom & Je’Von Evans while Brooks Jensen faced Josh Briggs.

As usual with NXT, I will do a summary style for most of the show and then play-by-play for one or two matches.

A shirtless Trick Williams was shown driving up to the building and he made his way toward the ring. Cedric Alexander tried to talk to Trick about what he was doing and Trick said he wants his NXT Title back. After Trick left, Ashante Thee Adonis told Cedric that Trick wasn’t hearing him.

The commentary team was Vic Joseph and Booker T as usual.

Let’s Hear from Trick Williams

Trick Williams got a big ovation with some “Whoop That Trick” chants as usual. Trick said that Ethan Page is going to see him again and Trick isn’t going to stop until he sees that NXT Title again.

Cedric Alexander interrupted the promo saying the advice Trick asked him for was coming from a good place. Cedric said he knows what Trick is going through since he’s won championships in WWE. Cedric said that Trick was blinded by his passion and Trick said he wasn’t blinded.

Ashante Thee Adonis showed up wearing a robe style jacket as he got into the ring. Adonis said he was there to pick up the ball that Trick dropped. Trick said that Adonis had a whole group that couldn’t get the ball off the ground in the first place. Trick: “Hit Row!” Well played. Cedric said that Trick is letting his emotions dictate his actions. Cedric told Adonis to go to the back. Adonis said that Trick isn’t going to listen to advice and said in this ring, Trick is in third place. Trick said he’s never been in third place, he’s gold and he’s not going to stop. Cedric fired back saying that it sounded like Trick was saying he was better than Cedric. That led to Cedric challenging Trick to a match and Trick accepted the match. Ashante told Trick that was another mistake, so Trick punched Adonis a few times and clotheslined Adonis out of the ring. Referees held Adonis back while Cedric and Trick went face to face to end the segment.

Analysis: It’s a fresh matchup for later. I like it because Cedric and Ashante are in NXT now, so it’s smart to put them in a storyline involving a top NXT star like Trick.

Ethan Page the NXT Champion walked up to Tyson & Tyriek in the parking lot earlier in the day. They mocked Page for getting pinned by Oro Mensah last week even though it wasn’t a match. Page said they aren’t worth his time.

Josh Briggs entered for his match, but he was jumped by his opponent Brooks Jensen with an attack from behind.

No Disqualification Match: Josh Briggs vs. Brooks Jensen

I’ll go play-by-play for this. No DQ also means no countout in WWE. I think they should say Street Fight instead. Briggs gave Jensen a back body drop over the top to the floor. Briggs sent Jensen into the barricade. Briggs unloaded on Jensen with punches and kicks while the fans were chanting “NXT” for the action. Jensen did a drop toe hold sending Briggs into a chair. Briggs tackled Jensen into the ring post. Briggs gave Jensen a huge Chokeslam through the commentary table. That drew a big pop.


The match continued with Jensen clotheslining Briggs, whose back hit the top of the commentary table that was put in the ring. Jensen catapulted Briggs into the hood of the commentary table that was in the ring. Jensen hit Briggs in the back with a kendo stick four times in a row. Briggs’ back was scarred up big time. There were steel steps in the ring, Briggs broke free from a move and kicked the steps against the knee of Jensen. Briggs gave Jensen a back body drop onto the top of the steel steps leading to “holy shit” chants. They exchanged punches, then they each hit kicks to the face and another boot to the face knocked them both down. They each hit eachother with kendo stick shots to the body to knock eachother down. Jensen had a white steel chair, but Briggs punched him in the face to prevent a chair shot. Jensen tried to beg off, which led to Shawn Spears showing up to tell Briggs to hit Jensen. Spears held Briggs so that Jensen could hit Briggs in the back with a steel chair three times. Jensen hit Briggs with another chair shot to the body. Jensen pointed at Spears and Jensen gave Briggs a DDT on the steel chair for the pinfall win after 11 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Brooks Jensen

Analysis: ***1/4 A good match that was very physical from the moment it began. This was two friends letting it all hang out and hitting eachother hard throughout the match. I really liked the intensity. It wasn’t a clean win for Jensen since Spears got involved, but I think the right guy won because Jensen needed a big win like this to give him some momentum.

After the match, Spears put his hand on Jensen’s shoulder and smiled at him while Jensen stared at Spears.

Analysis: It could be a new alliance forming with Spears as a veteran mentor/adviser for the young guys Jensen to be more vicious and it could work to help make Brooks into a bigger star. I like the pairing.

The NXT Tag Team Champions Nathan Frazer were approached by The Rascalz trio of Wes Lee, Zachary Wentz & Trey Miguel. Wentz and Trey work for TNA. Axiom congratulated The Rascalz on winning last week. Trey reminded Axiom & Frazer that Wes and Zach never lost the Tag Team Titles. The six of them ended up agreeing to a six-man tag with Axiom & Frazer saying they’ll find a partner. After The Rascalz left, Axiom told Frazer he was in the WWE Speed tournament. Frazer said that Axiom made him feel bad when Frazer was in the tournament and Axiom said that it turned out to be okay. They bickered a bit.

Analysis: That’s a great six-man tag team match for later in the show.

Lexis King entered for singles action.


They showed some NXT women Lola Vice, Karmen Petrovic & Sol Ruca watching Stephanie Vaquer in action at the WWE live events in Mexico last weekend. Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson interrupted for some mean girl trash talk. Jakara said they’ll put Sol & Karmen in their place tonight.

Lexis King vs. Eddy Thorpe

This match has been building for a few weeks since King likes rock n roll music while Thorpe likes EDM music. It’s not exactly a riveting storyline, but I like them both as wrestlers. King worked over Thorpe with a kick to the back. Thorpe worked over King with chops, a snapmare, and a kick to the back of the head. King got out of a move leading to a superkick. King went for The Coronation, Thorpe got out of it and Thorpe hit an Implant DDT for the pinfall win after three minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Eddy Thorpe

Analysis: ** A short match to give Thorpe a win. I thought it would be a longer match. The result didn’t surprise me that much, but it was shorter than I thought it would be.

After the match, King hit Thorpe with a knee to the back. King sent Thorpe into the steel steps. King used a scepter to hit Thorpe’s right hand after Thorpe’s arm was trapped against the steel steps.

Analysis: That likely means the feud will continue likely with a stipulation match coming soon.

Trick Williams was interviewed by Kelly Kincaid in the locker room while Pete Dunne was in the background. Trick said that nothing or no one will stop him from getting back the NXT Title. Dunne got up telling Trick to figure it out. Whatever that means.

Oro Mensah of Meta-Four made his entrance joined by Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson.


Ashante “Thee” Adonis vs. Oro Mensah (w/Jakara Jackson & Lash Legend)

Adonis tried to flirt with Jackson on the floor, so Oro dove onto Adonis on the floor. When Oro went for a move off the apron, Adonis dropkicked Oro to the floor. Adonis was in control with a dropkick against the turnbuckle. After Adonis was in control for about a minute, Oro did a flipping kick. Adonis came back with a clothesline to the back. Adonis was distracted by Jackson again, so Oro crotched Adonis on the top rope. Oro hit an ax kick and moonsault. Adonis hit a spinebuster for a nearfall. Oro hit a spin kick to the jaw and forearm to the back. Oro followed up with the running spin kick against the turnbuckle for the pinfall win. It went about five minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Oro Mensah

Analysis: **3/4 A fast-paced match that was pretty good and it had a lot of action in the five minutes they were given. Oro has had the rivalry with Ethan Page for a few weeks, so it makes sense for him to pick up the win in a match like this.

Oro Mensah did a promo bragging about pinning NXT Champion Ethan Page last week and said “one, two, three” three times to remind Page.

There was a backstage segment with Wren Sinclair telling No Quarter Catch Crew she knows what they did. Charlie Dempsey wanted Tony D’Angelo and his family to take care of it. Wren said that she had a match up next, so who knows what she will do or say. Wren left for her match with everybody following her.

Analysis: The story is that Wren saw the NQCC “eliminate” Damon Kemp, which was literally shown on this television show. But we are supposed to think that Wren could report what NQCC did and it would get NQCC in trouble because for some reason we have to pretend that it didn’t happen on a television show. Wren also wants to be in the NQCC group, so she suggested that she could be in the group if she doesn’t tell the authorities about what NQCC did. Got it? Good.


Carlee Bright (w/Kendal Grey) vs. Wren Sinclair (w/Charlie Dempsey, Myles Borne & Tavion Heights)

Wren showed off her technical wrestling skills to impress the NQCC guys. Wren pulled back Bright for a submission, but Bright countered for a two count. Bright hit a cross body block that Wren rolled through leading to a two count. Wren hit a facebuster into the mat. Bright hit a missile dropkick for two because Dempsey put Wren’s foot on the bottom right. Grey suplexed Borne on the floor. Wren kicked out of multiple pin attempts. Wren got a ROLLUP OF DEATH~! while Dempsey put his hand on her back for added pressure and it was enough for the win. It went about three minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Wren Sinclair

Analysis: ** An easy, albeit cheap win for Wren, who at least has a storyline trying to get into NQCC while Bright is a new girl who smiles a lot. It advances the story of Wren endearing herself to the NQCC guys a bit.

Hank & Tank were talking about the Great American Bash party on NXT over the next two weeks. They left.

Axiom & Nathan Frazer argued backstage about Axiom being on WWE Speed. Je’Von Evans talked to them about being their partner tonight. Frazer & Axiom told him that he was in. Simple enough.

Analysis: That’s an exciting trio with Evans, Axiom & Evans on the same side.


Chase U was in the locker room with Duke Hudson looking sad about his loss last week. Andre Chase and Riley Osborne assured Duke he did a great job. Ridge Holland walked in with new Chase U shirts that are black.

Thea Hail Interview

Thea Hail was interviewed by Kelly Kincaid, who asked Thea about her title opportunity this year. Hail said that a year ago, she had a title opportunity, so how is she going into this year? Hail said that she has grown up a lot this year and Chase U trusts her to make a decision for herself. Hail said that her friend Ridge Holland empowers her to be herself. Hail talked about how she gained confidence and respect. Hail said she was only 20 years old and wanted to be a champion to represent all the women out there. Hail is focused on winning the NXT Women’s Title.

It’s Thea Hail challenging Roxanne Perez for the NXT Women’s Title next week on NXT Great American Bash.

Analysis: It was well done with Thea making her points well. For somebody so young at 20 years old, she is very talented already in the ring and in terms of being a character. I think Perez will keep the title in that match.

Trick Williams vs. Cedric Alexander

Cedric grounded Trick early, but Trick powered out of it leading to a body slam. They got into a bit of a chop fest with Trick taking control. They miscommunicated a bit on a counter move and then Trick hit a dropkick. Cedrick hit a jumping kick followed by an STO on the apron.


The match returned as they did a kick/dropkick spot to knock both guys down. Cedric connected with strikes, but Trick gave Cedrick a flatliner followed by a spinning kick for two. Cedric hit a Michinoku Driver for two. Trick countered a move leading to a Book End for two. Cedric hit a Falcon Arrow slam for two. Cedric went for an armbar, Trick countered to get out of it. Trick kicked Cedric followed by Trick hitting the Trick Shot knee for the pinfall win after 10 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Trick Williams

Analysis: *** That was a fun match to give Trick a decisive win. Cedric is the definition of an underrated wrestler since he’s so talented in the ring, but he doesn’t get enough TV time. Perhaps in this NXT run he’s going to open people’s eyes a bit more leading to quality matches like this. The energy from the fans helped because they are always invested in Trick’s matches.

After the match, Trick shook hands and hugged Cedric Alexander as a sign of respect.

Pete Dunne attacked Trick from behind with a forearm to the back. Dunne went into the ring followed by a running boot. Dunne stomped on Trick’s head repeatedly. Dunne yelled at Trick that he still hasn’t figured it out and then Dunne stomped on Trick’s head again.

Analysis: A fresh rivalry for Trick or at least a match between them coming soon.

Ethan Page, the NXT Champion, spoke to Mr. Stone and Stevie Turner outside of GM Ava’s office. Page said he was trying to get rid of Oro Mensah. Stone and Turner argued as usual. This didn’t really go anywhere, so Page left.

Sol Ruca and Karmen Petrovic entered as the smiling blonde, babyfaces set for a tag team match after the break.


Kelani Jordan, the NXT Women’s North American Champion, was shown a clip of crazy Tatum Paxley talking to dolls. Wendy Choo was walking in the background too. Ashante “Thee” Adonis faked an injury while two women helped him to the trainer’s room. Adonis smiled at the camera.

Sol Ruca & Karmen Petrovic vs. Meta-Four – Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson

Sol tagged in with a standing moonsault on Jackson. That was followed up by Jackson hitting a sitout neckbreaker. After Lash tagged in, Sol did a hurricanrana into a pin attempt. Sol jumped over the top leading to an X-Factor that sent Lash face first into the mat. Sol went for a leaping attack, so Lash stopped that with a boot to knock Sol down. Jackson got some offense on Sol with a running elbow. Sol superkicked Lash to break free and Karmen was back in for a double superkick on Lash for two. Karmen hit an impressive DDT on Lash while also kicking Jackson down. Lash punched Karmen in the jaw with Booker going crazy about it. Lash slammed Karmen off of her back for the pinfall win because Jackson held onto Sol to prevent a save. It went about five minutes.

Winners by pinfall: Meta-Four – Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson

Analysis: **1/4 A decent match to give the Meta-Four heels a victory. That punch by Lash was awesome! It set up the finish well because of the reaction it got. It wasn’t a big storyline heavy match or anything like that, but it’s a way to put over the heels. I’m all for Lash getting a singles push at some point.

After the match, Lash Legend issued a challenge for the Women’s Tag Team Champions Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn to face Lash & Jakara for the titles at the Great American Bash.

Trick Williams was shown backstage talking to NXT boss Shawn Michaels. Trick said he’s focused on the NXT Title, but if Pete Dunne attacks him then he’ll bust his ass. Trick left. Roxanne Perez, the NXT Women’s Champion, complained to Michaels about Thea Hail getting an interview and Roxanne felt disrespected as the champion.


Joe Hendry Video

A video aired about TNA’s Joe Hendry, who appeared on NXT to do commentary during the main event. Joe was featured in a video talking about how more people are starting to believe. They showed clips of people on social media supporting him. Joe said that he’s been wrestling for 11 years just waiting for his time to shine. Joe mentioned his rise to fame didn’t happen by accident. Joe mentioned his song rising near the top of the British music charts. Joe said that the world was raising their hands from side to side. Joe said that next week, NXT will experience one of his in-ring concerts.

Analysis: That was a good video to show the fans some more information about TNA’s Joe Hendry, who has been featured heavily in NXT.

Gallus was shown leaving the building when they were asked about Joe Hendry. Mark Coffey said they didn’t like him. Wolfgang said that he deserves an ass kicking. Joe Coffey challenged Hendry to a match at Great American Bash. The Gallus boys found flyers that Hendry put in the parking lot and were freaking out about Hendry being there next week as a singer.

Ethan Page found a referee backstage who agreed that Oro “pinning” him last week was not an actual match. Page liked that so he walked with the referee.

The Women’s Tag Team Champions Isla Dawn & Alba Fyre agreed to defend the titles against Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson.

Let’s Hear from Ethan Page

Ethan Page walked out to the ring with the NXT Title and a referee was with him. Page said that Oro Mensah did to him last week was not legal. Page said none of this bothered him. The fans chanted “you got pinned” at Page. The referee said it wasn’t a legitimate match, so it wasn’t official. Page said it didn’t count. Page told the referee he appreciated it.

Oro Mensah went down to the ring and Page tried to punch him. Oro ducked Page and got a ROLLUP OF DEATH~! while the referee counted the pinfall for the three count. The fans chanted “one, two, three” while Page was freaking out.

Analysis: The three count obviously didn’t happen in an official match, but it furthers the angle.

Tony D’Angelo and No Quarter Catch Crew were shown watching backstage. Tony D mentioned he’ll defend the NXT Heritage Cup next week against an Olympian since the Olympics are here. That’s Tavion Heights, who competed in the 2020 (actually 2021) Olympics in wrestling. They mocked Myles Borne for getting suplexed by a girl and Tony said he’ll see Tavion next week.

The Rascalz entered for the main event.


Next week on NXT Great American Bash Part 1 on Syfy for those of you in the US:

* NXT Women’s Championship: Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Thea Hail

* NXT Heritage Cup Match: Tony D’Angelo (c) vs. Tavion Heights

* WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Unholy Union – Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn vs. Meta-Four – Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson

* Joe Hendry is live in concert

The trio of NXT Tag Team Champions Nathan Frazer & Axiom made their entrance along with tag team partner Je’Von Evans.

The Rascalz – Wes Lee, Zachary Wentz & Trey Miguel vs. Nathan Frazer, Axiom & Je’Von Evans

They are all babyfaces and all very exciting wrestlers. I’ll go play-by-play for this match.

Axiom started with Trey showing off their athleticism leading to Axiom hitting a dropkick. Frazer tagged in leading to a running kick to Trey’s head. Trey tripped up Frazer leading to a kick to the head. Wentz tagged in, sunset flip attempt, Lee tagged in and the Rascalz hit a double dropkick on Frazer. Evans tagged in going for a springboard move against Lee, but they kept avoiding eachother until Evans hit a hurricanrana. Evans hit an impressive dropkick on Lee. Evans Lee exchanged punches leading to Evans doing a leaping punch. Lee did a roundhouse kick on Evans. Wentz tagged in with a bronco buster on Evans against the turnbuckle. There was some illegal action as Frazer kicked Lee out of the ring, Trey sent Frazer out of the ring and Trey/Axiom both went out of the ring after a double kick. Evans ran the ropes leading to a dive over the top onto the guys on the floor. Wentz hit a moonsault off the top onto the three opponents on the floor. Great action leading to a break.


The match continued with Wentz kicking Evans. Wentz went for a cross body block, Evans rolled through and hit a powerslam. Frazer tagged in to knock down Wentz followed by a standing SSP for two. Axiom was in there briefly with a German Suplex, then Frazer and Evans each tagged in leading to a triple superkick by Evans, Frazer & Axiom for a two count on Wentz. Evans grounded Wentz with a chinlock, Wentz broke free and then Axiom tagged in with an ankle lock, but Wentz broke free. Wentz hit a jumping knee/kick on legal man Frazer. Lee tagged in against Evans with a dropkick to the back of Evans. Lee delivered strikes. Trey tagged in with a double stomp on Axiom, who was in there illegally a bit. Trey hit a spinning neckbreaker on Evans, who tagged in Frazer. Trey hit a double stomp on Frazer’s back. The Rascalz trio hit a triple dropkick on Frazer leading to Lee covering Frazer for two. Frazer hit a jumping enziguri kick on Lee. Evans tagged in with a clothesline off the top. Evans with a spin kick on Wentz and Evans bounced off the ropes with a twisting kick on Lee. Evans avoided Trey jumping off the ropes leading to Evans jumping off the top with a Cutter on Trey! Wow. That was so great. The fans chanted “this is awesome” for the match. Evans kicked Trey while on the top rope. Axiom hit a Spanish Fly off the top on Trey and Frazer hit a Phoenix Splash off the top. Axiom covered, but the Rascalz non-legal guys broke up the pin by tackling their opponents into the pin. All six guys were down. The fans were chanting “NXT” for the action.

Frazer superkicked Wentz, Lee kicked Frazer out of the ring and Evans kicked Lee to knock him down. Wentz hit a springboard Cutter to spike Evans into the match. Axiom and Trey were legal. Lee got a hold of Axiom after getting the tag and Trey superkicked Axiom. Trey hit a double foot stomp on Axiom. Trey did a handspring kick to knock Evans & Frazer to the floor. Wentz tagged in leading to the move where Lee pushes Wentz into a moonsault splash onto the opponent Axiom. Lee hit a somersault dive onto the guys on the floor and Wentz covered Axiom for the pinfall win. The director missed most of the pin because they showed Lee’s dive on the floor. They showed the end of the cover. Right after the fall, they showed a replay that showed the cover by Wentz. The match went 15 minutes.

Winners by pinfall: The Rascalz – Wes Lee, Zachary Wentz & Trey Miguel

Analysis: **** That was an awesome tag team match. A four-star tag team match that was so fun to watch from start to finish. There wasn’t much of a story going in, but it was a case of giving these guys 15 minutes to show what they can do in the ring. I’m glad that got plenty of time to have an exciting match like this. There was some illegal action in the match, but it wasn’t as bad as other promotions. All six guys really shined in the match. I don’t think any one person stood out more than the others, so it was a great effort by everybody involved. Evans is the one who continues to wow me every time he’s out there because he’s got next-level athleticism, but the other five are so skilled in the ring too. Evans is only 20 years old while the others have more experience. It’s so impressive to see Evans hanging with all of them with ease. The key thing with the finish is that Wentz pinned Axiom, which means that a member of the NXT Tag Team Champions was pinned. We know that Lee & Wentz mentioned that they never lost the NXT Tag Team Titles a few years ago, so that makes it likely that we’ll see Lee & Wentz challenge Axiom & Frazer for the Tag Team Titles soon. I would assume it’s coming in about two weeks on NXT Great American Bash part two.

After the match, the fans gave the six wrestlers a standing ovation. The six men all shook hands and hugged.

Ava the NXT GM spoke to a referee. Ethan Page walked in saying he wanted to face Oro Mensah in a match. Page said that somebody like him shouldn’t have to deal with something like this. Page said he’ll even defend the NXT Title. Ava said that next week Page & Oro can have a contract signing and at Great American Bash week two, Page can defend the NXT Title against Oro. Page said good and left. That was the end of the show.

Analysis: It makes sense to do Ethan Page-Oro Mensah for the NXT Title. It’s not a PLE so doing it in a TV match makes sense to me. I doubt Page will lose that match. At least there’s a story there that has been built up well and fans want to see it happen. That’s what matters.


Three Stars of the Show

  1. The Rascalz – Wes Lee, Zachary Wentz & Trey Miguel
  2. Axiom, Nathan Frazer & Je’Von Evans
  3. Brooks Jensen & Josh Briggs


The Scoreboard

This week: 8 out of 10

Last week: 7.75

2024 Average: 7.14


Final Thoughts on WWE NXT

I thought it was a very good episode of NXT headlined by an excellent main event match. That six-man tag with The Rascalz (Wes Lee, Zachary Wentz & Trey Miguel) beating the trio of Axiom, Nathan Frazer & Je’Von Evans was outstanding. I don’t go four stars for NXT TV matches that often, but those four exciting babyface wrestlers went 15 minutes, had a fantastic match and had the fans standing by the end of the match. Five of them are experienced, great workers, and I’m so impressed by how good Je’Von Evans is at just 20 years old. He’s incredible. It was so much fun to watch. The Rascalz continue to have a huge impact (pun intended) on NXT and it certainly can lead to Lee & Wentz getting an NXT Tag Team Title match against Axiom & Frazer. That would be an amazing match too.

There were some other matches that I really enjoyed as well. Trick Williams and Cedric Alexander had a solid match. I’m glad to see Cedric and Ashante Thee Adonis settling in well on NXT after not doing much on the main roster. I liked Trick’s intensity in the match. The Brooks Jensen-Josh Briggs No DQ Match was a very good brawl. It felt like a fight. Jensen being mentored by Shawn Spears is a smart move.

Everything else was entertaining to me. I think with NXT you know there are a lot of young wrestlers still learning on the show, but this week felt like one of the better episodes of the year. There was less of the silliness and they managed to get a lot of people on the show while building up the next two weeks of Great American Bash episodes. Well done, NXT.


Thanks for reading. My contact info is below.

John Canton


Twitter/X @johnreport