
The John Report: WWE NXT 07/02/24 Review

WWE NXT July 2

This week on WWE NXT saw a contract signing for the four-way match at Heatwave, plus a Jaida Parker-Michin Street Fight.

As usual with NXT, I will do a summary style for most of the show and then play-by-play for one or two matches. It’s the final NXT show before the Heatwave PLE this Sunday from Toronto.

I want to send best wishes to my good friend Melo Man who has done my banners for these reviews over the last decade plus. He’s not feeling well, so that’s why I’m using a WWE graphic up top. Get better soon, my friend.

This episode took place at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida. Follow me on Twitter/X @johnreport. My WWE NXT Review archive is here. Let’s get to it.

The commentary team was Vic Joseph and Booker T as usual.

Street Fight: Michin vs. Jaida Parker

I’ll go play-by-play here since it’s the longest match on the show. Michin had a trash can full of weapons while Parker had a bat with her. Michin threw Parker into the steel steps. Michin grabbed a toolbox from under the ring and put it on the apron. Michin tried to throw a chain at Parker, who avoided it. Parker hit Michin with a trash can lid a few times. Parker with a knee to the ribs followed by a Samoan Drop for two. Michin avoided a kendo stick shot and hit a German Suplex. Michin whipped Parker with a belt attack to the body. Parker did a jumping attack with her butt that splashed Michin onto a trash can. Ouch. That got a two count for Parker. They left the ring where Michin hit Parker in the ribs with a chair and threw Parker into the ring post. Michin set up some chairs on the floor. Parker hit Michin with a chair to the back. Michin came back with a chop while putting Parker on the three chairs on the floor. Michin went for a suicide dive, Parker moved and Michin hit the chair leading to “holy shit” chants. Parker went for a running hip attack on the floor, Michin moved and Parker’s but went crashing through the barricade. Parker was selling that pain as the show went to break.


Michin was in control in the ring with a pile of chairs in the ring. Michin dumped out a bag of nuts and bolts onto the chairs. Parker countered Michin and gave Michin a back body drop onto the chairs, nuts and bolts for a two count. Michin was back up with kendo stick shots to the back and lower body. Michin hit a cannonball splash on Parker, who had a trash can covering her upper body. That got a two count for Michin. Parker rolled out of the ring, Michin followed and Parker sprayed her with fire extinguisher spray. Parker hit a running hip attack that put Michin through the wooden wall that is under the platform in the building. It sounded loud and it led to a “holy shit” chant. Back in the ring, Parker ran the ropes leading to another running hip attack called the Hypnotic for the pinfall win after 13 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Jaida Parker

Analysis: ***1/2 A fun match between two tough women who took some big bumps in this match. They treated it like a fight from the moment it started, they got plenty of time and told a good story. Both women had chances to win the match like when Michin hit the cannonball on Parker against the turnbuckle, but Parker had enough left to finish her off thanks to the Hypnotic attack through the wooden wall. The surprising thing is that they didn’t break a table like you see in most WWE Street Fights, but the match was still very entertaining without that. I’m glad that Parker got the win as a rising star on the NXT brand. Michin did very well in the match too.

The women’s NXT locker room was shown, which means you know an argument is going to happen leading to a match. Karmen Petrovic was standing there while Arianna Grace was complaining about Sol Ruca beating her last week. Grace mentioned to Karmen that she is from Toronto and she’s not going to Heatwave while Karmen is from Toronto too. Grace said Carmen is not as Canadian as her. Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx mocked Karmen, who said if they had an issue, they can fix it. Jayne and Nyx laughed and left.

Analysis: That will lead to a match later.

A video aired about Je’Von Evans winning the battle royal a couple of weeks ago to earn the NXT Title match. Evans said he’s never wrestled on a PLE before, never left America and now he’s going to do that at Heatwave going for the NXT Title in Toronto. Evans said he’s coming back to America as the new NXT Champion.

New Catch Republic’s Tyler Bate and Pete Dunne entered for tag team action.

This Friday on Smackdown: The Bloodline comes to Toronto. Plus, Grayson Waller & Austin Theory defend the WWE Tag Team Titles against #DIY’s Tommaso Ciampa & Johnny Gargano. I won’t be doing a Smackdown review this week due to being out of town on Friday and Saturday.


Kelani Jordan was featured in a video talking about being the NXT Women’s North American Champion. Jordan talked about being a successful gymnast and then she became a WWE superstar after having a tryout two years ago. Jordan has her first PLE title defense this Saturday at Heatwave against Sol Ruca.

New Catch Republic – Pete Dunne & Tyler Bate vs. Hank & Tank – Hank Walker & Tank Ledger

They are both babyface teams with Hank & Tank asking for this match to see how they fare against an established team. Dunne worked over Hank’s arm leading to a sunset flip for two. Tank tagged in leading to a shoulder tackle and a double team splash on Dunne. Bate was back in with a senton splash, but Tank came back with a shoulder tackle off the middle turnbuckle. After Hank tagged in, Bate gave him the dreaded airplane spin into a slam.


The match continued with Tank hitting a Full Nelson Slam on Dunne and Hank was back in with a clothesline. Hank hit a pump kick on Dunne. When Dunne went for an armbar, Tank lifted him up and Hank tagged in leading to a clothesline by Hank for two because Bate broke up the pin. Bate got some illegal offense knocking both guys out of the ring. Hank & Tank caught a diving Bate and slammed him onto Dunne on the apron. Tank launched Dunne into a suplex by Hank for a two count. Good nearfall. The NCR boys took over as Bate kicked a charging Tank. Dunne did a finger snap to Tank, Bate hit a clothesline on Tank and Dunne stomped on Hank on the floor. Bate hit a twisting splash off the top on Tank for the pinfall win after 11 minutes.

Winners by pinfall: New Catch Republic – Pete Dunne & Tyler Bate

Analysis: ***1/4 A good tag team match with Hank & Tank looking impressive even in defeat. There were some nice tag team moves by Hank & Tank in the match. I’m glad that they got plenty of time to allow Hank & Thank to show what they can do. Bate & Dunne were efficient as always and are always going to have a good match if it gets more than ten minutes.

Shawn Spears was featured in a video package talking about how he has wanted to share his wealth of knowledge in NXT. Spears said he’ll lead by example. Spears talked about going home to Toronto (he’s from Niagara Falls which is over an hour away) while also beating Je’Von Evans and Trick Williams. Spears said he will win the NXT Championship.

Brinley Reece entered for tag team action with Edris Enofe and Malik Blade by her side.


A clip was shown from earlier in the day when Oro Mensah was talking to Robert Stone and Stevie Turner. Stone told Oro he’s against Myles Borne tonight. Turner argued with Stone. Turner told Oro he won’t be going to Heatwave due to his past issues with Ethan Page. Oro said that’s okay while he left to prepare for his match.

Izzi Dame vs. Brinley Reece (w/Edris Enofe & Malik Blade)

Dame hit a spinning sidewalk slam. Reece got some offense with running shoulder tackles and she used her feet to send Dame into the turnbuckle. When they left the ring, Dame tackled Reece into the ring apron. Tatum Paxley was crawling on the floor and watched at ringside. Dame was distracted by Paxley so Reece got a rollup for two. Dame hit a boot to the head. Dame hit a Falcon Arrow slam for the pinfall win after three minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Izzi Dame

Analysis: *1/2 A dominant showing for Dame as a star on the rise. Reece is athletic, but still has a long way to go as a performer.

Post match, Tatum Paxley put her hands on Dame, who bailed from the ring freaked out by creepy Paxley.

Chase U was shown in “class” as Andre Chase talked to the class. Duke Hudson revealed that when they beat The OC, it wasn’t clean because Ridge Holland gave him an assist. Chase was handed a photo of Ridge cheating to help them. Riley Osborne said he knew Ridge was like that. Ridge said that he was sorry but when he was given a Chase U shirt he wanted to be part of a family. Ridge also mentioned how he saved Chase from a move last week. Chase told Ridge to stay back while the four of them go to Heatwave. Ridge said he gets it and he’s sorry.

Lola Vice and NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez were shown walking backstage separately for a promo segment up next.


Face Off: Roxanne Perez and Lola Vice

Lola Vice was in the ring for the Face Off segment. Vice said that the clock was ticking, so she called for Roxanne Perez to join her out there. Roxanne Perez made her entrance as the NX Women’s Champion joined by two security guards. Perez said that the security is there so that Vice doesn’t take Perez’s title again.

Perez got in the ring telling Vice that she can see right through her. Perez knows this Sunday is the most important match of Vice’s career. Perez continued to brag about being the champion. There was a light “Lola” chant for Vice. Lola said that Perez is the champion, but Perez is a fighter. Perez said she saw Vice’s match with Shayna at Battleground and Perez admitted that she wouldn’t last two minutes in a match like that. Perez said that this isn’t Bellator or an Underground match. Perez said this is her world. Perez said she’ll make Vice wrestle her style of a match.

Vice said we know Perez’s story. Vice said that her mother was pregnant with her during her black belt test and Vice became a fourth-degree black belt in taekwondo. Vice mentioned training for the Olympics and she was in tears saying that her mom got sick. Vice said that at 18, she went into MMA to provide for her family. Vice said at 20 she was fighting in Madison Square Garden. Vice said her mom will be watching on Sunday and she can’t wait to call her to say that she did it. Vice said for all of her mom’s sacrifices, she will be the new NXT Women’s Champion. Perez said she didn’t know the story and she respects the story. Perez told Vice that everybody in the locker room wants to make that phone call, but when you face Perez with the title on the line, those phone calls are never made. Perez talked about beating women like Natalya, Shayna Baszler and Jordynne Grace. Perez bragged about how at 22 years old, she’s building a legacy.

Perez told Lola that she won’t take the title from her and said it was unfortunate that Lola’s career was at the same time as Perez’s title run. Vice said she’ll take that title from her. Vice said she’ll show why she’s the greatest to crossover from MMA to WWE. Vice said when she rips that title off Perez’s arm, she will become the first Cuba-American NXT Women’s Champion. The two women had a staredown while Vice hit a spinning back fist on a big security guy. Vice said that we may be in Perez’s world but when Vice knocks her out, Perez won’t know what world she is in.

Analysis: This was okay. We haven’t seen much of Vice as babyface because she’s been a heel during this NXT run until this feud. I thought Vice did a good job of telling her story about wanting to win the NXT Women’s Title for her mom and how much it would mean to her. That makes her story relatable to the audience at home while making fans root for her. Perez is doing a great job as the cocky heel champion. I think Vice definitely has a chance to win at Heatwave, but I’m not sure if I’m officially predicting a title change. It’s a maybe.

Ethan Page was featured in a video talking about taking out Noam Dar and Oro Mensah. Page bragged about taking out the NXT Champion Trick Williams during his debut. Page said he’s exactly where he needs to be. Page talked about beating Je’Von Evans. Page said he respects fellow Canadian Shawn Spears, but it is Page’s time now. Page said that he will become the NXT Champion.

Charlie Dempsey was backstage with the No Quarter Catch Crew. Damon Kemp had some brass knuckles, but Dempsey wasn’t impressed by that. They were hyping up Myles Borne for his match with Dempsey telling Borne to use his power advantage.


A video aired about Eddy Thorpe being a DJ at a club and having a fun time. Some women were talking to Thorpe about doing a good job. Lexis King walked in saying that rock n roll is better than that music. Thorpe said he likes bass music and high-energy dance. Thorpe suggested that the King should open his mind to listen to something new. King left.

Analysis: That will likely lead to a match because of a dispute about their taste in music. Riveting television.

Myles Borne (w/Charlie Dempsey, Tavion Heights & Damon Kemp) vs. Oro Mensah (w/Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson)

Oro got some offense going with strikes leading to a side headlock. Oro continued the attack with a kick to the leg and a springboard kick off the top. Borne gave Oro a jumping neckbreaker for two leading to a break.


Borne and Oro exchanged strikes. Oro did a sweep kick followed by a kick to the chest. Oro hit a nice springboard moonsault and a suplex across the ring. Oro hit a rolling kick. Borne came back with an impressive dropkick. Kemp wanted Borne to use the brass knuckles while Dempsey wondered what he was doing. Borne was distracted by it, so Oro hit a running spinning heel kick for the pinfall win. It went about eight minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Oro Mensah

Analysis: **1/4 It was a decent match. These guys aren’t featured in singles matches that often, but Oro is a guy who should be getting more television time because he’s fun to watch. Borne is technically sound and needs to improve as a character. They are pushing the story that Kemp isn’t fitting in well with the group and it ended up costing Borne the match.

After the match, Oro Mensah spoke into the camera saying after Heatwave he’ll be waiting for Ethan Page.

Wes Lee was featured in a video package talking about how Sunday at Heatwave he gets his first singles match for the NXT North American Title that Wes has been obsessed with for two years. And if Wes loses, he doesn’t get a shot at Femi again. There were also comments from Oba Femi saying that this was Lee’s last chance to be triumphant and take back the championship that took his career to heights unforeseen. Femi said that at Heatwave, he’ll crush Lee’s body and his dream.

Analysis: That should be an interesting matchup between the powerhouse Femi and Lee, who is one of the smallest guys in NXT who is very capable in the ring. Lee’s quickness against Femi’s power is a good matchup. A title change is possible, but I think Femi winning makes more sense.

There was a fight backstage between the Gallus boys and the team of Tyson DuPont and Tyriek Igwe. Those teams were going to have a match this week. Referees were there to break it up. Later in the show, they said that the match wasn’t going to happen.


The trio of Brinley Reece, Edris Enofe & Malik Blade were shown talking backstage. Reece said if they don’t want her around, just tell her and said clearly it isn’t working. Blade went after while Enofe followed.

Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson did a promo into the camera calling out OTM’s Bronco Nima & Lucien Price for a match next week.

Carlee Bright (w/Kendal Grey) vs. Wendy Choo

Choo was in her dark attire to represent her new attitude that is not the happy version of Choo that we saw in the past. Bright hit a forearm to the face. Choo kicked the knee followed by a flatliner. Choo set up Bright upside against the ropes leading to a running dropkick to the ribs. Bright got a handstand corner attack and a dropkick. Choo blocked a moonsault followed by a clothesline. Choo applied a Cobra Clutch-like sleeper along with a body scissors and Bright tapped out. It went about four minutes.

Winner by submission: Wendy Choo

Analysis: *1/2 An easy win for Choo over Bright, who is still very new to the roster. These girls Bright and Grey need to do more than just being the generic, smiling new girls. It takes time to develop new characters.

The NXT Champion Trick Williams was featured in a video package talking about how the four-way at Heatwave is his toughest test yet because he’s against three opponents Je’Von Evans, Shawn Spears and Ethan Page. Trick said you already know what’s going down when he retains his NXT Title.

Jazmyn Nyx entered for singles action joined by Jacy Jayne, who is wearing a facemask due to a recent injury.


Shawn Michaels, the two-time WWE Hall of Famer who is the Senior VP of NXT & Talent Relations, was featured in a video talking about Brooks Jensen. Shawn said there have been several disturbances in NXT over the last few months caused by a disturbed young man Brooks Jensen. Shawn mentioned Brooks claiming he was released from his contract, but that was not the case. Shawn said that Brooks was asked by NXT management to take a sabbatical and get himself together. Shawn said it would be easy to let him go, but Brooks is part of the NXT family and Shawn believes in second chances. Shawn said he is inviting Brooks to have a sitdown discussion with NXT GM Ava to see if they can steer his career in the right direction.

Analysis: That video was done well to explain the story. Brooks Jensen’s involvement cost Trick Williams the match against Shawn Spears last week, so it was important to address it. I hope the story works out for Brooks Jensen, who wasn’t used much after splitting from Josh Briggs as a tag team. Brooks is in his early 20s, he’s a second-generation wrestler (son of Bull Buchanan) and he has a bright future.

Karmen Petrovic vs. Jazmyn Nyx (w/Jacy Jayne)

Karmen got some offense going with a kick followed by a neckbreaker. Nyx kicked Karmen in the ribs to block a move. Nyx hit a neckbreaker along with a running knee. Fallon Henley was shown watching backstage with a light applause because she has been allies with Nyx and Jayne of late. Karmen got some offense going with a clothesline along with a few kicks. Jayne tried to interfere, so Karmen stomped on her hands. This allowed Nyx to recover and when Karmen turned around, Nyx nailed her with a Pele Kick to the head for the pinfall win after about four minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Jazmyn Nyx

Analysis: ** It was the classic distraction finish to give a heel for the win. Karmen has a lot of potential with her believable looking strikes. Nyx is getting better every time I see her while also working well as a heel with Jayne.

There was a backstage discussion by NXT Tag Team Champions Nathan Frazer & Axiom Frazer. Frazer was talking about his WWE Speed match and Axiom was frustrated because they have a Tag Team Title match against Chase U at Heatwave. Frazer said he’s focused. Frazer said don’t worry because he’s fully focused when the time comes.

Analysis: They certainly could have done more to build up the Nathan Frazer & Axiom NXT Tag Team Title match against Chase U at Heatwave. There’s no story going into it and it’s just a title match between two babyface teams.

The four-way contract signing main event was up next.


The NXT GM Ava was in her office when Karmen Petrovic walked in to complain about what happened. Ava said that Karmen didn’t have to fight Jacy & Jazmyn alone. Karmen said where’s Nattie? Karmen’s “friend” Arianna Grace walked in saying that will team with Karmen at Heatwave against Nyx and Jayne.

Analysis: We found out that it was a tag team match added to the Heatwave Countdown show.

A video aired about Sol Ruca talking about her NXT Women’s North American Title match against Kelani Jordan at Heatwave. Sol said she came up short at Battleground, but like LeBron James says, you can’t be afraid to fail because it’s the only way you can succeed. Sol said she’s focused on snatching a few souls. Sol said she’s bringing the heat to Toronto and leaving as the NXT Women’s North American Champion.

Analysis: The Sol Ruca promo featured a LeBron James quote while Kelani Jordan had a Michael Jordan quote. I like both guys a lot, but I’m a Michael Jordan guy when it comes to those two. All respect to LeBron too. Anyway, Sol is another woman on this show who has a very bright future on NXT and the main roster. In the ring she keeps improving, so it’s important to develop more as a character as well.

There was a rundown of the NXT Heatwave lineup this Sunday, July 7th in Toronto:

* NXT Women’s North American Championship Match: Kelani Jordan (c) vs. Sol Ruca

* NXT Women’s Championship: Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Lola Vice

* NXT Tag Team Championships: Nathan Frazer & Axiom (c) vs. Chase U – Andre Chase & Duke Hudson

* NXT North American Championship Match: Oba Femi (c) vs. Wes Lee

* Karmen Petrovic & Arianna Grace vs. Jacy Jayne & Jazmyn Nyx (PRE-SHOW) – This wasn’t mentioned in the rundown, but it’s on the show.

* NXT Championship: Trick Williams (c) vs. Je’Von Evans vs. Shawn Spears vs. Ethan Page

Analysis: I may not do a live review of the show on Sunday night. It may be on Monday morning.

NXT Championship Heatwave Contract Signing: Trick Williams, Ethan Page, Shawn Spears & Je’Von Evans

The ring was set up with two tables along with four chairs and the contract for the NXT Championship match at Heatwave. The three challengers were seated in the ring as NXT Champion Trick Williams made his way down to the ring and sat in a chair.

Trick said there’s a heatwave coming to Toronto and in Toronto, the people will be chanting one thing: “Whoop that trick.” Page said this why he loves Trick because he doesn’t care if it’s a singles match or a four-way match. Page said that Trick brings the same energy no matter what. Page said that Trick is probably the hottest thing in WWE right now. Page told Trick that he saw this swagger at Battleground and then Trick said that you didn’t win that match. Page told Trick that this Sunday isn’t the same thing as Battleground. Page mentioned that he doesn’t have to beat Trick to win that NXT Title while claiming that he can beat him.

Trick replied saying he knows his back is against the wall, but he comes through. Trick said he has less experience than anybody who has held that NXT Title, but he wears it well. Trick said he has a resume as well and he’ll add one more win to it.

Shawn Spears spoke saying that Trick loves the sound of his own voice. Spears said he loves this emotion from Trick. Spears told Trick it’s that emotion that will bring Spears that NXT Championship at Heatwave. Spears said that Trick’s emotion got pinned against Spears last week and at Heatwave in Toronto, his hand will be raised again. Spears said that Trick wears his heart on his sleeve, Page is hellbent on feeding his ego and Evans is a 20-year-old kid who is happy to be here.

Je’Von Evans responded saying that he’s heard people calling him a kid since he got there. Evans signed the contract first and then Spears signed the contract. Spears told Evans that he’s like the team that makes the championship game and has no shot of winning.

Evans said that everybody wants to use his age against him. Evans admitted he was a little nervous about the match at Heatwave. Evans said he’s very excited because when he walks into Heatwave everybody will know that boy is…bouncy. The crowd said that word. Evans wondered if Shawn could tell everybody about how much experience he has holding the NXT Championship so that led to an “ooohhh” reaction since Spears has never won it. Evans said he’ll leave Heatwave as NXT Champion and show you what an NXT Champion really looks like.

Spears asked Trick what he thought about that. Page said that Spears and him have beaten Evans while wondering if Trick can beat him. Page signed the contract. Trick said it’s every man for himself in this match. Trick told “Young OG” Evans that he can’t take this NXT Title from him on Sunday. Trick signed the contract. Spears said that if Evans beats Page then he can become the champion. Page said when he beats Evans he’ll be the NXT Champion. Spears said he’ll be champion, Page will be disappointed and Evans will still be 20 years old.

The fight started from there as Spears attacked Evans and Page attacked Trick. However, the heels weren’t in control for very long because Trick gave Page a flapjack through a table while Evans gave Spears a Powerbomb through the other table.

Trick and Evans were standing face to face while Trick held the NXT Title. Spears and Page were selling the table bumps. Trick and Evans were standing tall. Vic asked who will leave Heatwave as the NXT Champion? Find out at Heatwave on Sunday. End show.

Analysis: It was pretty good for a contract signing. They all made their points. I think it was smart for Ethan Page to say that he could become the NXT Champion without beating Trick Williams, which is an important point to make. Shawn Spears trashing Je’Von Evans for being inexperienced is also a good point because it’s his way of saying that Evans will make a mistake while Evans obviously believes in himself.


Three Stars of the Show

  1. Jaida Parker & Michin
  2. Trick Williams, Ethan Page, Shawn Spears & Je’Von Evans
  3. New Catch Republic – Pete Dunne & Tyler Bate


The Scoreboard

This week: 7 out of 10

Last week: 7.5

2024 Average: 7.08


Final Thoughts on WWE NXT

I thought it was a solid episode of NXT that was also a bit of a step back from last week. A couple of the Heatwave matches were given television time with just video packages. There were also solid in-ring promo segments. I thought the foursome of Trick Williams, Je’Von Evans, Shawn Spears and Ethan Page did a great job of building to their NXT Title match at Heatwave.

The women’s division was featured heavily with four matches (only two men’s matches) and a Roxanne Perez/Lola Vice promo segment. I thought the Jaida Parker/Michin Street Fight was the best match of the show. That’s an example of what talent can do when a match is built up well over several weeks and they are given time to have a fight like that. I thought it was really well done and a big win for Parker, who has a lot of potential.

The Heatwave PLE lineup has five matches (there’s one Countdown show match) and all of them are title matches. For four of the matches, I think the build has been good while the Tag Team Title match doesn’t have much of a story. It’s not the strongest NXT PLE lineup of the year by any means, but I think the match quality will be strong. I also think some title changes are possible too. I’ll try to get a preview up in a few days.

The next NXT PLE is Heatwave on July 7th in Toronto. Here’s the lineup.

* NXT Championship: Trick Williams (c) vs. Je’Von Evans vs. Shawn Spears vs. Ethan Page

* NXT Women’s Championship: Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Lola Vice

* NXT North American Championship Match: Oba Femi (c) vs. Wes Lee

* NXT Women’s North American Championship Match: Kelani Jordan (c) vs. Sol Ruca

* NXT Tag Team Championships: Nathan Frazer & Axiom (c) vs. Chase U – Andre Chase & Duke Hudson

* Karmen Petrovic & Arianna Grace vs. Jacy Jayne & Jazmyn Nyx (PRE-SHOW)


Thanks for reading. My contact info is below.

John Canton


Twitter/X @johnreport