The John Report: WWE NXT (Roadblock) 03/05/24 Review
This is WWE NXT Roadblock featuring two Tag Team Title matches, plus Carmelo Hayes facing Tony D’Angelo for a shot at the NXT Title.
Normally for NXT I go summary style for most of the show except for one or two matches, but since it’s a Roadblock special, I’ll do a full play-by-play review.
This episode took place at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida. Follow me on Twitter/X @johnreport. My WWE NXT Review archive is here. Let’s get to it.
There was a video featuring Lexis King driving a car and talking about the matches coming up on the show while videos were shown.
It’s Vic Joseph and Booker T on commentary. They were at ringside welcoming us to the show.

Asylum Match: Dijak vs. Joe Gacy
The match was inside a Steel Cage with weapons all over the ring. Gacy sent Dijak into the cage a few times and then Gacy wanted to open a box, but Dijak stopped the attack. Dijak opened the box that said “Do Not Open” and it was a boxing glove that punched Dijak in the ribs. Dijak hit a Michinoku Driver for a two count. They went to a picture-in-picture break, but the PIP action isn’t shown here in Canada.
Dijak was in control after sending Gacy through a trash can. Dijak went to the top of the cage, there was a platform on top of the cage to allow Dijak to stand and Dijak jumped off with a moonsault onto Gacy for a two count! That was amazing to see somebody as big as Dijak jump off a cage like that. I think the cage is about ten feet high, but it’s still not easy to do and a guy that’s 6’7” doing something like that is very impressive. Dijak put the straitjacket on Gacy, but Gacy came back with a belly-to-back suplex because Dijak wasn’t able to lock Gacy into it. Gacy unveiled a table with a Gacy-like smiley face on it. Dijak hit Gacy with a chair to the back. Dijak tied Gacy into the straitjacket. Dijak teased a suplex through the table in the ring, but Gacy headbutted Dijak through the table. Gacy jumped off the turnbuckle with a senton bomb for a two count. Gacy broke free from the straitjacket and Dijak came back with a running clothesline. Dijak put tape around Gacy’s head and covered his eyes with the tape. Dijak hit Gacy with a kendo stick and Gacy did a low blow kick. Gacy hit a uranage slam for two. Dijak tossed Gacy through a table that was set up against the turnbuckle. Dijak hit the Feast Your Eyes knee to the head, Gacy was back up and Dijak hit Feast Your Eyes again for the pinfall win after about 13 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Dijak
Analysis: ***1/2 That was a wild match and a lot of fun to watch. Gacy has morphed into this crazy babyface character that is easy to root for because he just keeps on fighting, but Dijak was too much and able to put Joe away. Dijak is a near main eventer in NXT so having him win makes sense. That moonsault that Dijak did off the top of the cage was so impressive.

Tony D’Angelo was in the locker room with Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo and Adrianna Rizzo. Luca Crusifino walked into the room and Tony said that he needed a consigliere. Tony said whenever he needs Luca, he is there no questions asked. Luca said he’s in. Tony D welcomed Luca to the family.
Analysis: That’s probably a bigger role for Luca now.
Fallon Henley was backstage talking to Riley Osborne about Thea Hail’s bad date with Riley. Henley said that Hail is still that girl, but she was told to play hard to get. Blair Davenport interrupted it saying that Thea isn’t even Riley’s type. Henley argued with Davenport, so that will likely lead to a match. Riley said he had to go out there for Duke and Chase’s match up next.
Analysis: A simple way to set up a Fallon-Blair match.
Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin entered as NXT Tag Team Champions for their match up next.
Lyra Valkyria and Tatum Paxley were shown talking in the locker room. Paxley said she would do anything for them to win tonight. Paxley said she’ll become champion and take out her opponent’s soul until they are in complete agony. Lyra asked if you would do that for her or the titles. Paxley asked if it mattered and left.

NXT Tag Team Championships: Bron Breakker & Baron Corbin vs. Chase U – Andre Chase & Duke Hudson (w/Jacy Jayne, Thea Hail, Jazmyn Nyx & Riley Osborne)
Bron was in control against Chase with a running clothesline. Bron ran the ropes really fast. Corbin tagged in and launched Bron into the air leading to double knees to Chase. Hudson knocked Bron out of the ring. Chase delivered kicks to both opponents on the floor. Chase did a running dive off the apron onto both opponents on the floor. They went to break there.
Corbin had Chase isolated in their corner of the ring. Corbin lifted up Chase for a Cutter followed by Bron launching Chase into the air for another Cutter for a two count. Chase sent Bron out of the ring and avoided a charging Corbin, who hit the ring post. Duke got the hot tag with a running boot on Bron along with a punch combo to drop Corbin. Duke hit a Bossman Slam on Bron, Corbin made the tag and Duke hit a sidewalk slam on Corbin for two. Duke jumped over Corbin leading to a Garman Suplex. Corbin tagged in and hit some sort of neckbreaker on Corbin for two because Bron made the save. Bron sent Duke out of the ring while Corbin tossed Chase into the turnbuckle. Bron hit a jumping knee on Hudson the floor. Bron jumped off the apron onto Hudson with a clothesline onto the table. The table didn’t break. Bron charged at Chase, who sent Bron into the steel steps. Chase hit a cross body block off the top rope on Corbin for a two count. Chase superkicked Corbin, who was near the turnbuckle so Bron made the tag. Corbin hit End of Days and Bron hit a Spear on Chase for the pinfall win after 11 minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Bron Breakker & Baron Corbin
Analysis: *** A pretty good match with the champions retaining. The challengers really didn’t come close to winning the match. I liked the finish with Bron making the tag leading to Baron’s finisher followed by Bron’s Spear for the win.

After the match, Jacy Jayne did an “L” hand gesture to Thea Hail, who was angry about it and Hail ran to the back.
Carmelo Hayes was interviewed backstage by Kelly Kincaid. Melo complained about Tony D’Angelo getting involved last week. Melo said that he handpicked security guards this week who will do whatever it takes to protect him. Melo said that NXT Championship is reserved for him. Melo said he’ll make history and go back to back at Stand & Deliver and win that NXT Championship because Melo is “Him.”
Shawn Spears was shown walking backstage for his return match up next.

Shawn Spears vs. Uriah Connors
Uriah Connors is the WWE name for Brogan Finlay, who is Fit Finlay’s son. For his entrance, Shawn Spears entered with a steel chair so it was similar to his AEW gimmick. The fans chanted “welcome back” to Spears, who hit a headbutt to the shoulder. Spears hit aggressive knee lifts to the head. Spears hit the running C4 slam off the shoulders. Spears slowly covered Connors for the pinfall win after one minute.
Winner by pinfall: Shawn Spears
Analysis: * A squash match to put over Spears. That running C4 by Spears is a good move.
Shawn Spears did a promo with the lights off other than a spotlight on him. Spears took a shot at Ridge Holland saying he competes for his family. Spears thinks that Ridge was lying to himself. Spears said when he holds a mirror up to his face, he’s not ashamed of what he sees. Spears told Ridge it was time to be a man. Ridge Holland walked out to the ring and beat up Spears with punches while the fans were booing it. Ridge tossed Spears across the ring. Spears dared Ridge to attack with a steel chair, but referees stopped Ridge from using it.
Analysis: Mind games by Spears to show that he can outsmart people he’s feuding with.

Brooks Jensen was backstage when Josh Briggs walked up to him to mention Jensen was facing Oba Femi next week. Jensen said that he knows Oba is a monster, but Josh triggered something in Brooks and Brooks is ready to become NXT North American Champion. Briggs wished Jensen good luck. After Brooks walked away, Dijak told Briggs that Brooks was a dead man walking and Briggs knew it.
The Women’s Tag Team Title match was next.
Ilja Dragunov, the NXT Champion, was interviewed backstage saying that Tony D’Angelo was a man with a vision but they might see the vision differently. Ilja said if Carmelo Hayes wants another title shot, he will have to earn it. Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo and Luca Crusifino interrupted. Stacks introduced himself. Stacks said that Tony D is making moves and one way or another, Tony D is going to be seeing you at Stand & Deliver. Ilja laughed about it saying he can’t wait for this match.
Analysis: Stacks having to introduce himself to Ilja after they have both worked for the same company for years is ridiculous, but that’s wrestling.

WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Kabuki Warriors – Asuka & Kairi Sane vs. Lyra Valkyria & Tatum Paxley
The team of NXT Women’s Champion Lyra Valkyria & Tatum Paxley won one match as a team and are getting a title shot. The fans popped for the entrance of Asuka & Kairi Sane, both of whom had great runs in NXT. Asuka had the best run of any woman in NXT history.
Lyra hooked Asuka by the arms leading to a pin attempt for two. Sane sent Paxley into the turnbuckle leading to a shoulder tackle to the ribs. Sane slapped her ass to taunt Paxley, who crawled at her. They were both making crazy faces. Sane and Paxley exchanged strikes leading to Sane doing a headscissors that sent Paxley out of the ring. Asuka hit a sliding kick to Paxley on the floor while Asuka was on the apron. Asuka did a hair whip takedown on Paxley. Asuka hit a bulldog while Sane made the tag leading to a dropkick. They showed backstage where Thea Hail was arguing with Kiana James & Izzi Dame, but referees were separating them. Lyra tagged in with a headlock on Sane to take control and Paxley hit Sane in the ribs. Lyra and Paxley hit a double team hiptoss. Lyra and Paxley each hit dropkicks to clear the ring followed by a running dropkicks while their opponents were on the floor. That led to a break.
Asuka was in control of Paxley with an Ankle Lock until Paxley broke free. Sane tagged in and slipped before she could knock Lyra off the apron. Lyra tagged in with a cross body block on Sane followed by two clotheslines and Lyra did a springboard cross body block onto both opponents. Paxley hit a DDT on Asuka, who was not legal. Lyra hit a Fisherman’s Buster on Sane while Paxley suplexed Asuka. Lyra hit a Northern Lights Suplex into a pin for two. Asuka tagged herself in with a Codebreaker followed by a Blockbuster by Sane. Asuka hit a running kick on Lyra for two because Paxley made the save. Asuka hit a lifting knee to Lyra’s face, but Lyra rolled up Asuka for two. Lyra hit a jumping kick to the head. Paxley was back in leading to Lyra hitting a top rope leg drop combo move and Paxley covered for two because Sane made the save. Lyra went for a spin kick, her opponent Sane moved and Lyra kicked Paxley by mistake. Sane hit a back fist to knock Lyra out of the ring. Asuka hit a roundhouse kick to Paxley. Sane tagged in leading to the Insane Elbow off the top for the pinfall win after 13 minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Kabuki Warriors – Asuka & Kairi Sane
Analysis: *** It was pretty good and got plenty of time, so that’s nice to see. The result was obvious, so that made it less interesting. I’m all for having the champions Asuka & Sane defend the titles and retain them to continue their legacy as champions. It’s only a matter of time until Paxley turns on Lyra, so maybe Lyra kicking Paxley to knock her down will lead to Paxley turning. Good finish to the match.

After the match, Roxanne Perez went into the ring and did a cheap attack on Lyra. Perez took Lyra down with an armbar and sent Lyra’s left shoulder into the ring post twice. Perez trapped Lyra’s left arm against the turnbuckle and Perez stomped on the left arm. Lyra shouted, “it’s out” to sell the idea that her arm was injured.
Analysis: That looked like the official heel turn of Roxanne Perez after weeks of having a more aggressive attitude. That should set up Lyra against Roxanne at Stand & Deliver and I think we could see Perez as the next champion.

They showed Lyra Valkyria getting taken out on a stretcher during the break.
Lyra Valkyria was put into an ambulance and driven away. The NXT boss man Shawn Michaels was there along with NXT GM Ava to sell the idea that it was a chaotic situation.
Blair Davenport vs. Fallon Henley
Henley tripped up Blair followed by a running kick to the head. Henley punched Blair followed by Henley using her legs for a pin attempt. Blair wrenched on Henley’s arm against the top rope followed by a double foot stomp on the left arm. Henley came back with punches, a clothesline and a head slam into the mat. Henley clotheslined Blair out of the ring. Blair sent Henley into the steel steps, but a running knee attack moved and Blair hit the steel steps. Sol Ruca was on the barricade leading to a DDT on the floor. It was a bit sloppy, but good enough. Henley hit a running knee for the pinfall win after three minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Fallon Henley
Analysis: ** It was okay for the short time they got and the return of Sol Ruca cost Blair the match. It’s a good win for Henley even though it wasn’t clean. The fans barely reacted to Sol Ruca, who missed nearly a year after a torn ACL injury.

Chase U was backstage with Jacy Jayne talking to Andre Chase & Duke Hudson. Jayne wasn’t happy about the guys losing. Thea Hail walked into the scene saying that she thinks there will be a tag team match next week since she got into a fight with Kiana James and Izzi Dame. Jacy said that she was busy next week and walked away with her buddy Jazmyn Nyx.
The No Quarter Catch Crew were backstage for a promo up next.
Gigi Dolin was in the ring with NXT GM Ava, who told Gigi that Arianna Grace didn’t want a match with her. Grace walked in saying she didn’t se the point in having a match. Gigi pushed for it. Grace said she’d accept, but if she wins then she gets to teach Gigi how to be a true lady. Gigi accepted if that’s what it takes to get Grace into the ring.
Shawn Spears was interviewed outside the building. Spears said that rage is Ridge Holland’s best friend. Spears said next week he’ll teach Ridge to embrace it.

Let’s Hear from Charlie Dempsey and No Quarter Catch Crew
The No Quarter Catch Crew group of NXT Heritage Cup Champion Charlie Dempsey, Drew Gulak, Damon Kemp and Myles Borne were in the ring for a promo. Gulak talked about Dempsey being one of the most unique grapplers in all of wrestling and now the Heritage Cup is with their group. Dempsey said that winning this Cup means a lot to him since it lines up with his vision for this sport. Kemp said that Charlie won the Cup, but they are all champions as a collective and the Catch Clause means that any of them can defend the Heritage Cup. Gulak said they are also entering in the Tag Team Elimination tournament so by Stand & Deliver they’ll be NXT Heritage Cup Champion and NXT Tag Team Champions. They said they’d show no pity, no remorse…and here is William Regal.
The legendary former NXT GM William Regal appeared with the name “Mr. Regal” on screen. The fans chanted “Welcome Back” as Regal got into the ring. They chanted “that’s your father” at Dempsey.
Regal said that the Heritage Cup Championship means the world to him because it represents outstanding competitors from the British and European scene. Regal said that championship is a tribute to the wrestlers from Europe who came before him. Regal told them he hopes they defend the Cup with the honor and integrity that it deserves. Dempsey told Regal he’ll defend the Cup better than he ever could. Regal said he’d be watching as he looked back at his son.
Analysis: That was a cool moment to see William Regal there in the ring with his son Charlie Dempsey. The fans chanted “that’s your father” was a nice touch too. I’m happy for the group winning a championship.

Noam Dar was in the dressing room looking sad as Lash Legend and Oro Mensah were there to try to cheer Dar up. Dar said it’s about the future and moving on to better things.
Tony D’Angelo was shown walking backstage for his match up next while Carmelo Hayes had his security guys with him as he walked backstage as well.
Mr. Stone was shown watching a clip of Lexis King trashing Stone last week. Von Wagner said that he’s still going to smash King. Stone said that King has attacked him, trashed his kids and he wants to fight King. Stone said he has to do this and he has to do this alone. Stone told Von to let him do this and do it alone, so Von said you got it.
Analysis: I don’t mind Stone wrestling more because he was a very good wrestler before his NXT days so letting him compete sometimes is fine with me.
Next week on NXT:
* Ridge Holland vs. Shawn Spears
* NXT North American Championship: Oba Femi vs. Brooks Jensen
* Gigi Dolin vs. Arianna Grace
It was main event time with Tony D’Angelo up first. That sounds like a theme song for him. I liked the old song, but they did use it for about two and a half years. Carmelo Hayes was up next along with his four personal security guys around ringside with him.

Carmelo Hayes vs. Tony D’Angelo
The winner of this match gets to challenge Ilja Dragunov for the NXT Title at Stand & Deliver on April 6th.
Melo attacked with strikes, but Tony D came back with two shoulder tackles along with a back body drop style suplex. Tony hit running shoulder tackles to the ribs. Tony hit a gutwrench suplex across the ring. Tony trapped Melo leading to the uppercut punches to the ribs and a suplex across the ring. Tony hit Melo with a punch to the jaw. Tony knocked Melo off the apron and the security guys caught Melo on the floor. They went to a PIP break.
The match returned with Melo in control with an armbar on the left arm. Tony came back with punches and Melo kicked the left arm. Tony hit two belly-to-belly suplexes along with a huge spinebuster. Tony lifted up Melo with a slam into a spinebuster for two. Tony caught Melo going for a move, but Melo elbowed out of it and Melo hit a lifting Cutter for two. Melo applied an armbar on the left arm until Tony got a rollup. Melo went for something off the ropes, but Tony slammed him down for two. Melo hit a Codebreaker using the double knees for a two count. Melo went up top, then the music of Trick Williams played and the fans went crazy. The fans were chanting “Whoop That Trick” but there was no sign of Trick. When Melo turned around, Tony D hit a huge spinebuster. Tony D hit the Fisherman’s Buster slam called Fughettabout It for the pinfall win after 11 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Tony D’Angelo
Analysis: ***1/4 A good match, but it didn’t feel that big. I also think Tony D could have better finishing move. I thought Tony should have sold the left arm injury more than he did. I predicted last week that Tony D would win this because of Trick Williams coming back. Trick wasn’t physically back to distract Melo, but Trick’s music did play to cause the distraction and that led to Tony D getting the win. I also think Tony D might win the NXT Title at Stand & Deliver because I think WWE wants to see what he can do as the top guy in NXT after 2.5 years there.

After the match, Tony D’Angelo said he apologized for that stunt he pulled, but he is a giving Don and said he got Carmelo a present.
Trick Williams ran into the ring as his music played and he unloaded on Melo with punches. The fans loved it. Trick punched the four security guys out of the ring too. Melo bailed while the crowd was going wild and Trick was ready to fight in the ring. The fans chanted “Whoop That Trick” for Williams. Trick was in the ring wanting Melo to fight while Melo was on the floor. That was the end of the show.
Analysis: This will obviously lead to Trick Williams against Carmelo Hayes at Stand & Deliver. It doesn’t need a championship on the line. It’s a big match for both guys considering their 2.5-year friendship recently ended when Carmelo revealed that he did a cheap attack on Trick back in October and Carmelo attacked Trick at Vengeance Day last month too. It should be a win for Trick when he faces Melo and I would think Melo goes off to the main roster after WrestleMania too. Even without a title on the line, I think the Trick Williams-Carmelo Hayes match will be the most anticipated match at NXT Stand & Deliver.
— WWE (@WWE) March 6, 2024
Three Stars of the Show
- Dijak
- Tony D’Angelo
- Bron Breakker & Baron Corbin
The Scoreboard
This week: 7.5 out of 10
Last week: 6.75
2024 Average: 6.93
Final Thoughts on WWE NXT
I thought it was one of the better NXT shows this year. I have been down on the brand a bit in the first two months of 2024, but this was a nice mix of good matches and advancing a lot of different storylines throughout the show. The main event with Tony D’Angelo beating Carmelo Hayes was what I expected and it was due to Melo being distracted by the music of Trick Williams. Post match, Trick & Melo got into a fight to preview what’s going to happen at Stand & Deliver. Tony D also got the big win to get an NXT Title match and I can see him beating Dragunov at Stand & Deliver too.
There were some other good matches including Dijak’s Asylum Match win over Joe Gacy. Dijak doing a moonsault off the cage was so impressive for a 6’7” guy. I’ve enjoyed that rivalry. The NXT Tag Team Title match with Bron & Baron beating Chase & Duke was a fun match too. I liked the Women’s Tag Team Title match as well. The surprise cameo of William Regal with his son Charlie Dempsey was a cool moment.
The way Roxanne Perez attacked NXT Women’s Champion Lyra Valkyria made it seem like the official heel turn of Perez. I’m interested to see how she does in that role after spending a couple of years as a smiling babyface. I think Perez can pull it off and I think she’ll take the title from Lyra too. It seems like the Stand & Deliver card is coming along nicely. I like how it looks at this point.
Thanks for reading. Go Toronto Blue Jays, Toronto Raptors and Toronto Maple Leafs. My contact info is below.
John Canton
Twitter/X @johnreport