The John Report: WWE NXT 02/13/24 Review
This week’s WWE NXT featured Tony D & Stacks defending the Tag Team Titles against Bron Breakker & Baron Corbin in the main event.
As usual, I’ll do this summary style and play-by-play for one or two matches. They also taped next week’s show after this week’s episode due to a lot of the WWE crew going to Australia next week for Elimination Chamber.
This episode is taking place at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida. Follow me on Twitter/X @johnreport. My WWE NXT Review archive is here. Let’s get to it.
Noam Dar and Oro Mensah of Meta-Four were getting ready for their match in the locker room. Von Wagner and Mr. Stone attacked them while yelling “sneak attack” and they went out to the ring. Stone’s twin sons Cash & Carter were backstage telling Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson where the guys went.
It was Vic Joseph and Byron Saxton on commentary this week. Booker T is off for a few weeks after a medical procedure.

Von Wagner & Mr. Stone vs. Meta-Four – Noam Dar & Oro Mensah (w/Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson)
They went into the ring to start the match. Stone is in great shape as a former wrestler who has been a manager for the last few years. Dar was in control of Stone with a belly-to-back suplex. Meta-Four kept working over Stone including a flatliner by Dar on Stone. After a couple of minutes, Stone broke free leading to Wagner getting the hot tag, so Wagner nailed Dar with a boot and a double underhook suplex. Wagner hit a double Chokeslam on both opponents. Stone tagged in with a splash off Wagner’s shoulders for two because Mensah broke up the pin. Stone tried a dive to the floor that didn’t work. Lash & Jakara distracted the referee, so Mensah did a chop block to Wagner and Dar sat on top of Wagner for the pinfall win. Wagner kicked out right after the three count. It went six minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Meta-Four – Noam Dar & Oro Mensah
Analysis: **1/4 The numbers game helped the Meta-Four heels, which is a popular finish in NXT matches when wrestlers are part of stables. I can see there being a rematch with Wagner & Stone getting the win when they do it again. Dar & Mensah are good workers who know how to be heels. Wagner got in some power moves. Stone had a fine showing for a guy that’s not a full time wrestler.
A recap aired about the Carmelo Hayes story last week that also involved NXT Champion Ilja Dragunov. After Dragunov beat Dijak in a match, Hayes attacked Dragunov and held up the NXT Title.
Ridge Holland entered for a match.
Chase U is back thanks to calendar sales and Duke Hudson had his MVP trophy back. Andre Chase thanked Jacy Jayne and said Chase U is better than ever. Jayne had an envelope with money and handed it to Andriana Rizzo to pay off the debts. Jayne put more money in there and mentioned potentially giving Andre & Duke a Tag Team Title shot. Rizzo said she’d talk to The Don. Everybody at Chase U chanted “Jacy” to end it.

Ridge Holland vs. Gallus Gauntlet (Wolfgang, Mark Coffey & Joe Coffey)
The story was that Ridge had to face all three Gauntlet guys in a row. Wolfgang worked over Ridge for a few minutes. Ridge got some offense with a running knee on Wolfgang by the apron. Wolfgang came back with his own knee attack along with a senton splash. Ridge sent Wolfgang out of the ring and they went to a break.
Ridge pinned Wolfgang during the break with the Northern Grit slam. Mark Coffey was next and it went on for a couple of minutes when Joe Coffey got involved, so it was a disqualification. It went about 11 minutes.
Winner by disqualification: Ridge Holland
Analysis: ** It was just an angle to try to build up Ridge as a babyface fighting against three heels who didn’t have an interest in having a fair fight.
After the match, the Gallus trio beat up Holland. Ridge got hold of a steel chair and beat up the three Gallus guys with the chair. Referees made Ridge stop the attack while Ridge was backed into the corner staring at his hands.
Analysis: It’s clear that WWE is trying to get Ridge over as a babyface, but I don’t think it’s working that well. At least Ridge fought back in this instance and showed that maybe he can handle himself against three tough guys.
Von Wagner & Mr. Stone were walking backstage when Lexis King was there mocking them for losing all the time. Wagner told King to get out of there. King said that the truth hurts. King said he has bigger and better things to do tonight. King told Stone to grab his kids and watch King’s match so that they could learn. Stone yelled at King not to talk about his kids like that.
Lola Vice entered for singles action.
Drew Gulak and his No Quarter Catch Crew were looking at the NXT Heritage Cup trophy. Noam Dar walked in to grab his trophy. Dar told them not to touch the Cup. Charlie Dempsey said they plan on winning that. Damon Kemp said that they plan on representing that Cup correctly.

Lola Vice vs. Tatum Paxley
Vice showed good aggression early in the match with punches and kicks. Lyra Valkyria, the NXT Women’s Champion, showed up at ringside to support Paxley. That led to Paxley hitting a dropkick and a step up enziguri kick. Vice hit a jumping kick, but it wasn’t her finisher. Vice hit a back fist for two. Vice hit her spin kick for two leading to Paxley getting her foot on the bottom rope. Vice put her legs around the head/arms of Paxley and Paxley tapped out it. It went about four minutes.
Winner by submission: Lola Vice
Analysis: ** A decisive win for Vice after losing the title match she had when she cashed in the NXT Breakout contract. Paxley got a bit of offense, but Vice dominated the match and put Paxley away easily.
Tony D’Angelo was in his locker room when the lawyer Luca Crucifino was there telling Tony D that he was forced into this match and nobody should tell him what to do. Luca left. Stacks & Rizzo talked to Tony as Rizzo left for her match. Tony & Stacks talked about how Breakker & Corbin are destroyers, so they had to be focused.
Lyra Valkyria the NXT Women’s Champion was shown carrying Tatum Paxley. Shotzi went up to Lyra backstage for a chat. They agreed to a title match next week. Shotzi told Lyra to take care of her friend and Lyra said she was not her friend. Paxley woke up: “So we have Shotzi next week?” That was it.

Adrianna Rizzo vs. Jaida Parker
Rizzo got some early offense with a dropkick along with a suplex. Parker hit a splash to the ribs against the turnbuckle. Rizzo managed to get an inside cradle for two. Rizzo nailed running forearms, punches and another suplex. Parker used her power for a spinebuster and a forearm to the back of the neck for two. Rizzo dared Parker to bring it, so Parker hit a forearm to the face for the pinfall win after four minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Jaida Parker
Analysis: ** They did a good job of showing intensity in the match. Some of the moves were okay. Rizzo is clearly a talented athlete. I like Parker’s power moves. Both of them are early in their NXT runs, so hopefully we see them continue to improve throughout the year.
Dijak was shown in his darkened room looking at a video of his loss to Ilja Dragunov last week and he was angry seeing how Joe Gacy cost him the match. Dijak had a bag with something in it, so Dijak left with the bag.
Carmelo Hayes made his entrance and was booed heavily prior to his match.
Bron Breakker was shown getting ready in the locker room where Baron Corbin walked in telling Bron to get ready. Bron said that he figured Corbin would be celebrating by the KC Chiefs win. Corbin said he hasn’t held a title in six years and he’s hungry for this and he needs this. Corbin didn’t like the Wolfdogs name. Corbin said when they hold the titles over their head, he’ll say it just for Bron. They agreed to that.

Joe Gacy vs. Carmelo Hayes
Gacy hit Melo with a back body drop to start the match. Gacy hit a suplex. Melo got some offense going with the springboard clothesline off the middle ropes. Gacy came back with a senton splash for a two count. Gacy got another two count after a backbreaker. After they left the ring, Melo thought that Gacy was under the ring, but Gacy was in the ring and Gacy dove onto Melo on the floor. That led to a break.
Melo was in control after the break, but Gacy hit a German Suplex and a uranage slam for two. Gacy slammed Melo off the shoulders for a two count. That’s similar to the Phantom Driver that Santos Escobar uses. Melo came back with a running back elbow followed by a Cutter. Melo went for a springboard attack, but Gacy caught him leading to a side slam. Melo came back with the double knees. Melo went up top and hit the Nothing But Net leg drop to the back of the head for the pinfall win. It went 13 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Carmelo Hayes
Analysis: *** Carmelo Hayes just turned heel a couple of weeks ago so of course he’s going to get a win here to give him some momentum. They are likely building up Melo for the obvious match with Trick Williams and perhaps NXT Champion Ilja Dragunov as well. Gacy isn’t a guy who is pushed that much, but he’s a credible wrestler, so it’s a quality win for Melo. I’d like to see Melo cheat more as a heel. You need to get that heel persona over more, so more heelish tactics would be nice to see.
After the match, Carmelo Hayes said into a ringside camera: “Ilja, I’m the last one left. Count your days.”
Dijak attacked Joe Gacy after the match with a nightstick. Dijak had a bag with him that had a straitjacket. Dijak put Gacy in the straitjacket and tied up Gacy in the jacket. Dijak hit a spinning boot to the head while Gacy was in the straitjacket and the fans chanted “Free Joe Gacy” to support Gacy.
Analysis: That probably means they are doing a Straitjacket match in the future. It’s a rare stipulation/gimmick to use, but it fits for a Gacy feud since Gacy is a unique character.
Brinley Reece was in the locker room talking to Kelani Jordan and Karmen Petrovic. Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson walked in for some heel trash talk. This show loves to get a lot of people on the show in backstage segments.
Oba Femi, the NXT North American Champion, was shown walking backstage because he’s up next.
There was another women’s locker room segment featuring part of the locker room. Roxanne Perez complained about not winning the NXT Women’s Title and how unfair things are. Wren Sinclair said she knows how she feels, so Perez yelled at Wren saying you just got here so you don’t know how Perez feels. Wren tried to explain why Shotzi got a title shot and Perez punched Wren in the face.
Analysis: It seems like a slow heel turn for Perez since she’s only been a face in her NXT career.
A mysterious video aired with these words: “Goodness is a man’s struggle. Evil however, is human nature.” That was it. I think it’s leading to Boa’s return, but I could be wrong on that.

Let’s Hear from Oba Femi
Oba Femi made his entrance as the NXT North American Champion. Femi said he’s still the champion, the mountain of NXT and still the man. Femi talked about Dragon Lee putting up a fight and Femi said that he was the alpha species of NXT. Femi said you could send anyone to try to take the title from him, but don’t send anyone that you want back.
Lexis King interrupted to congratulate Femi on all of his success. Some of these fans don’t shut up with their chants, even during these promos. King claimed he softened up Dragon Lee for Femi so he could exercise his NXT Breakout contract, so King claimed he placed the title on Femi’s shoulder. King claimed he would take the title off him.
Femi and King exchanged words leading to a match agreement for next week. King went for The Coronation, but Femi shoved him back. Femi went for a Powerbomb and King bailed from the ring to run away.
Analysis: It appeared as though Femi was heelish against Dragon Lee, but maybe not since he is obviously in babyface mode against Lexis King. The fans chanting every time Femi says something is very annoying and they need to stop doing it, but I doubt they will. Anyway, Femi should get the win over King in their match.
Josh Briggs was shown talking to some guys backstage. Brooks Jensen showed up telling Josh Briggs that he had grown some balls and they got into a fight. Wrestlers broke it up. Ava the GM said not to fight here and they can have a match out there.
Kiana James entered for singles action.

Brinley Reece vs. Kiana James (w/Izzi Dame)
Reece hit a shoulder tackle leading to James regrouping on the floor. Dame nailed a cheap shot clothesline on Reece on the floor that the referee never saw. James with a neckbreaker. Reece hit an impressive cartwheel clothesline along with slam off the shoulders leading to a Cutter for two. James hit a reverse DDT and the 401 K flatliner. James hit a knee to the head for the pinfall win. It went three minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Kiana James
Analysis: *1/2 Easy win by the more established James over Reece, who is still new in NXT. James has some good moves, especially that 401 K flatliner.
Ava the GM was in her office when Roxanne Perez walked in to complain about things. Ava told Perez that she was wrong to punch Wren Sinclair in the face and Wren wanted a match with Perez next week. Ava said after that, they could talk about Roxanne being in the NXT Women’s Title picture.
The NXT Tag Team Title match was next.
Edris Enofe & Malik Blade were shown talking about what happened to their friend Brinley Reece. Enofe said that a loss hurts no matter how happy you are. Blade wanted Enofe that they need to support her. Reece walked up to them saying that experience was the best teacher. Reece told Edris she wasn’t mad or angry while saying she’s never been better.
Next Tuesday on NXT:
* Josh Briggs vs. Brooks Jensen
* Roxanne Perez vs. Wren Sinclair
* Oba Femi defends the NXT North American Championship vs. Lexis King
* Lyra Valkyria defends the NXT Women’s Championship vs. Shotzi
We have spoilers for next week’s NXT show here. There was an injury in one of those matches too.
Baron Corbin & Bron Breakker made their entrance for the main event. Bron calls them the Wolfdogs while Corbin doesn’t really like that name. Corbin & Bron earned the title match by winning the Dusty Cup. The champions Tony D & Stacks were up next.

NXT Tag Team Championships: Tony D’Angelo & Channing “Stacks’ Lorenzo vs. Baron Corbin & Bron Breakker
Bron ran over Tony D with a shoulder tackle. Tony came back with his own running shoulder tackle on Bron. Stacks tagged in with a dropkick while Tony hit a body slam. Corbin tagged in with a punch to the jaw to stop a move from Stacks. Corbin went for something off the ropes, so Stack hit an uppercut. Tony tagged in leading to a double suplex. Tony launched Stacks onto Corbin. Bron into the ring illegally, Tony clotheslined Bron and Tony launched Stacks onto Bron. Corbin tackled Tony into the turnbuckle leading to a Death Valley Driver. Stacks was legal with a DDT on Corbin. Bron tagged in leading to power move into a Powerbomb. Tony caught a leaping Bron and hit a Powerbomb. All four guys were down leading to a break.
Corbin hit a running corner splash on Stacks. Corbin hit his Deep Six slam on Stacks for two. Stacks came back with an uppercut smash on Corbin. Bron got the tag against Tony leading to Tony hitting clotheslines and suplexes. Bron with a punch to the jaw, but Tony caught a leaping Bron and hit a spinebuster. Tony launched Stacks over the top onto the two opponents on the floor. Tony held up Bron leading to Stacks hitting a neckbreaker for two. Bron hit a knee on Stacks. Corbin hit a lifting suplex kind of move on Stacks while Bron hit a suplex into a Cutter leading to Corbin getting a two count. Stacks got a sunset flip on Corbin for two. Corbin hit a Deep Six slam on legal man Tony D. Bron tagged in for an assisted powerslam on Tony for two due to Stacks. Corbin sent Stacks out of the ring with a clothesline, Tony clotheslined Corbin out and Bron clotheslined Tony over the top so that both of them went to the floor. Tony sent a charging Corbin into the steel steps. Tony & Stacks gave Bron a double Spinebuster through the commentary table. Table breaking of the commentary table does not lead to DQ’s in WWE. Back in the ring, Tony got a two count on Bron due to Corbin making the save. The fans chanted “this is awesome.” Corbin wasn’t legal, but he was battling both guys leading to Corbin hitting the End of Days slam on Stacks. Tony D knocked Corbin out of the ring and they both fell out of the ring. Bron hit a Spear on Stacks for the pinfall win. Tony D couldn’t make the save. It went 13 minutes.
Winners by pinfall AND NEW NXT Tag Team Champions: Baron Corbin & Bron Breakker
Analysis: ***1/4 A pretty good tag team match that was the best match on the show. The final few minutes were exciting and well done. There was some illegal offense in the match that I didn’t like, but I get why it happens sometimes. I think the title change was the right call since Corbin & Bron have had a lot of momentum as a team. Tony D & Stacks were fine as champions, but the title reign lasted long enough and it felt like the right time for a title change.
Bron Breakker & Baron Corbin held up the NXT Tag Team Titles. The fans were cheering for them. It is Corbin’s first time holding a title in NXT while it was also Breakker’s first time as a Tag Team Champion in NXT. The champions continued to celebrate with their titles. That was the end of the show.
Analysis: Congrats to the Wolfdogs. I don’t know if it will be a long title reign, but they have a lot of star power at least as far as NXT goes.

Three Stars of the Show
- Baron Corbin & Bron Breakker
- Tony D’Angelo & Stacks
- Carmelo Hayes
The Scoreboard
This week: 6.5 out of 10
Last week: 7.25
2024 Average: 6.96
Final Thoughts on WWE NXT
The episode was okay, but I would say weaker than their usual show. There were some shorter matches. The story development was okay although I wouldn’t say there are that many exciting stories right now. There weren’t that many promos and there were a lot of short matches.
I liked the tag team main event with Bron Breakker & Baron Corbin beating Tony D & Stacks to win the NXT Tag Team Titles. It was a competitive match that was easily the best match on the show. I’m certainly fine with the title change. Good job by the Wolfdogs aka Bron & Baron.
They already taped next week’s episode as well and we have the spoilers up for that.
Thanks for reading. Go Toronto Raptors and Toronto Maple Leafs. My contact info is below.
John Canton
Twitter/X @johnreport