The John Report: The WWE Raw Deal 09/12/22 Review
This week’s WWE Raw featured a Women’s Tag Team Title match, Johnny Gargano wrestling on WWE TV for the first time this year and Edge facing Dominik Mysterio in the main event.
This is the Raw Deal for episode #1529 of Monday Night Raw. It’s taking place at the Moda Center in Portland, Oregon. Follow me on Twitter @johnreport. Let’s get to it.
The Raw intro video aired to start the show. They have been airing that most weeks since Triple H took over WWE Creative. I like that. They should air it.
Seth “Freakin” Rollins made his entrance wearing some unique purple attire. The Raw commentary team of Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves & Byron Saxton welcomed us to the show talking about what’s coming up later in the show.
Let’s Hear from Seth “Freakin” Rollins
Rollins welcomed the Portland crowd to Monday Night Rollins while Seth went over his nicknames and the fans shouted out his name. The crowd also sang the Rollins theme song even when it wasn’t playing. Rollins asked if they believed in karma. Rollins admitted he was a little skeptical, but at Clash at the Castle the universe as in perfect harmony because he beat Matt Riddle and he had 60,000+ fans singing his song. This crowd sang the song again. Rollins said he is living rent-free in Riddle’s pee brain because Riddle has requested a rematch against Rollins, but Seth said he’s not too interested in a rematch. The fans chanted “rematch” before Seth shut it down. Rollins moved on to talk about how it has been far too long since he has held championship gold. “Bro” started as Matt Riddle made his entrance.
Matt Riddle was wearing his “420 BRO” shirt, he simply said “bro” and went into the ring to fight with Rollins. Riddle picked up Rollins and sent him over the top to the floor. Rollins sent Riddle into the hood of the commentary table. Rollins went into the crowd, Riddle went after him with punches and they were brawling there. Rollins did an eye gouge and then he ran to the backstage area while Riddle was at ringside.
Analysis: Rollins mentioned wanted to go for gold, but we never got to hear him specify if he was going for the WWE/Universal Title or perhaps the US Title, which is more likely. Rollins not wanting to face Riddle again also puts over Riddle as being a tough opponent because it makes Rollins sound like he is scared to face Riddle. The brawl was good. It wasn’t long, but it was enough to put over Riddle’s aggressiveness.
The Judgment Day’s music hit while Riddle was standing at ringside, so that’s when Damian Priest and Finn Balor made their way down to the ring.
Priest and Balor went into the ring saying they are friends with Riddle since they go way back (to their NXT days). Priest offered Riddle a spot in The Judgment Day. Priest said that they were superstars on the rise, but something or someone was holding them back, but no more. Balor talked about how Dominik has stepped out of his dad’s shadow, they took care of Rey and Dom will take care of Edge tonight. Balor claimed they were problem solvers. Priest wanted Riddle to rise with The Judgment Day or fall against them.
Riddle told Priest they do go back, but right now his focus is on Seth, so the answer is “no, bro.” Balor said he knows the laws are more relaxed in Portland, so maybe Riddle’s brain is a bit cloudy (a reference to legal marijuana in Oregon). Balor said you either stand with them or stand in their way. Riddle with a jumping knee on Balor followed by a clothesline that sent Priest over the top to the floor. That led to a break.
Analysis: The Judgment Day trying to recruit Riddle is a new thing for the group since they haven’t interacted with him. Riddle turning them down made sense since he’s a popular, likable face and should remain in that role. It was a way to set up a fresh matchup for after the break.
Finn Balor (w/Damian Priest) vs. Matt Riddle
Riddle avoided a charging Balor and hit a jumping kick to the head. Riddle with two gutwrench suplexes followed by a broton splash for two. Balor came back with three kicks to the left knee to take Riddle down. Riddle with a forearm to the back. Riddle went to the middle rope, but Balor tripped him up and Riddle bumped to the mat. Balor was aggressive as he worked over Riddle with forearms to the back of the head. Balor got a snap suplex for a two count. When Riddle tried to come back, Balor hit a neckbreaker followed by more stomps to the body. Riddle broke free leading to some kicks to the chest. Riddle tried a slam on the apron, but Balor countered with a reverse DDT/elbow smash combo to drive Riddle down to the apron. That led to a break.
Riddle was trying to fight back with punches, but Balor kicked Riddle in the knee again. Riddle hit a Fisherman’s Suplex. Riddle hit some strikes followed by an up kick to the head. Riddle with a couple of forearm shots and an exploder suplex. Balor to the floor, so Riddle met him with a kick from the apron. Riddle hit a Floating Bro off the middle ropes onto Balor & Priest on the floor. Back in the ring, Riddle blocked a Balor move leading to a jumping knee to Balor’s face. Riddle up top, Priest with a distraction and Balor got a rollup for two. Balor with an elbow smash/reverse DDT combo. Rey Mysterio showed up at ringside to dive onto Priest with the fans cheering that. Rey went fighting with Priest into the crowd. Riddle hit the Bro To Sleep and a German Suplex for two. Riddle went up top, he jumped off with a Floating Bro, Balor got the knees up and Balor dropkicked Riddle into the turnbuckle. Balor went up top, jumped off, Riddle moved and Riddle hit a draping DDT like his buddy Randy Orton. Riddle wanted an RKO, but Rollins showed up at ringside, Riddle punched him and wanted a DDT only for Balor to hit Riddle with a 1916 reverse slam. Balor went up top and hit the Coup de Grace double foot stomp for the pinfall win after 14 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Finn Balor
Analysis: ***1/4 A very good match between two talented guys. Lots of back and forth action in this match. It was also a cheap finish because Rollins distracted Riddle, which led to Balor capitalizing to get the win. I like Balor winning because it’s good for the group and for Balor as a singles competitor.
Post match, Rollins gave Riddle The Stomp and Rollins told Riddle that it’s over between them. Rollins yelled at Riddle to “move on.”
Analysis: There will probably be another match between them soon. Perhaps it will be at Extreme Rules unless there’s another plan. Since Extreme Rules has stipulation matches, they will probably do a Street Fight or some other kind of match since they were brawling into the crowd.
The Damage CTRL trio of Bayley, Dakota Kai & IYO SKY were interviewed by Sarah Schreiber. Bayley complained about Kai & SKY losing their last tag team title match because Aliyah pinned the illegal wrestler. Kai said that they were in control and Sky ranted in Japanese a bit. Bayley told Sarah they were done.
NXT 2.0 on Tuesday night is the one year anniversary of the 2.0 name.
Dominik Mysterio was shown in a seated interview saying that at Clash at the Castle, he became his own person. Dominik said that Edge got exactly what he deserved (a kick to the groin). Dominik said he’ll finish what he started. Dominik said he knows his dad Rey Mysterio is disappointed, but Dom said this is his life and Rey should ask himself why he didn’t get to know Dominik. That led to Dominik saying that for such a tiny man, Rey casts a large shadow and Dominik is done living under that shadow. Rhea Ripley showed up to whisper something in Dominik’s ear. Dominik said that he is not Rey’s baby boy anymore because Dom is a man. That was it as Ripley had an evil smirk on her face.
Analysis: That was effective in terms of putting over the motives of why Dominik turned on his dad and Edge.
A video aired about Johnny Gargano returning to WWE three weeks ago. They showed some of his speech on Raw and highlights were shown of Johnny’s successful run in NXT as well.
Austin Theory was shown backstage for an “earlier today” promo. Theory talked about how his close friend Chad Gable would face Johnny Gargano. Chad said after tonight they’ll know Gargano as “Johnny SHOOSH” instead of Johnny Wrestling. Thank you…says Gable.
The Women’s Tag Team Title match was next.
The Damage CTRL trio of Bayley, IYO SKY and Dakota Kai made their entrance. They showed highlights of the title match two weeks ago when Raquel Rodriguez & Aliyah won the tit les when Aliyah pinned Kai with a rollup even though Kai was not legal. That’s why they are doing this rematch. Raquel and Aliyah made their entrance.
Women’s Tag Team Championships: Raquel Rodriguez & Aliyah vs. Damage CTRL – IYO SKY & Dakota Kai (w/Bayley)
Raquel was in control of Kai early in the match with a clothesline. Kai wanted a sunset flip, Raquel got out of it and hit an elbow drop. Raquel sent both heels out of the ring followed by Raquel tossing Aliyah over the top onto the heels on the floor.
Raquel was in control of Sky with a shoulder tackle. Aliyah tagged in with a Thesz Press followed by punches like 1998 Steve Austin except without the crowd response. Aliyah with a hiptoss, Kai tagged in with a trip and Sky hit a double knee attack to the back. Kai hit her running boot on Aliyah for a two count. Sky hit a double knee attack on Aliyah, who was favoring her left shoulder as the referee checked on her and Kai let Aliyah rest up while applying a chinlock. Sky was back in pulling back on Aliyah’s arms. Sky stopped Aliyah from tagging out, Kai got the tag and Aliyah hit a double-team neckbreaker on both women. Raquel tagged in on fire with clotheslines, a fallaway slam on Kai and an elbow drop off the middle rope. Aliyah tagged in, Raquel with a boot and she tossed Aliyah onto Kai for the pinfall for two. Raquel got a hold of Sky leading to both of them tumbling over the top to the floor. Aliyah did a rollup on Kai and she was stunned it wasn’t enough to win because it’s such a deadly move. Aliyah hit a poor-looking jawbreaker and then a facebuster into the mat for two as Bayley put the left foot on the rope for a two count. Raquel got in Bayley’s face, then Kai kicked Raquel down and Sky went up top with a moonsault off the top onto Raquel on the floor. Kai hit a flipping backstabber on Aliyah for the pinfall win after 12 minutes.
Winners by pinfall AND NEW Women’s Tag Team Champions: IYO SKY & Dakota Kai
Analysis: **1/2 This is the result that should have happened in the match two weeks ago with the heels winning. I think Raquel & Aliyah winning was just done to surprise people. Anyway, this was just an average match. Aliyah is very basic in the ring and at times you can tell she’s just not that great. I admire the effort, but some of Aliyah’s moves don’t look smooth. It was all done to build to Raquel getting the hot tag except this time, the champs lost the match. Kai pinning Aliyah was the right finish because they aren’t going to beat Raquel and Kai was pinned by Aliyah last time, so Kai getting the win is the smart way to end it. I’m happy for Sky and Kai.
The Damage CTRL trio celebrated in the ring. When they went into the aisle, some pyro went off to celebrate the champions.
Analysis: Now the question becomes when are Sasha Banks & Naomi going to be back? I don’t know when, but I assume it’s coming soon.
Dominik Mysterio was shown getting ready backstage with Rey apologizing to his son and saying he doesn’t have to go through the match with Edge. Rey wanted them to talk so can fix this. Rey said Edge is like a brother to him and Edge is like an uncle to Dom. Rey told Dom that Edge isn’t going to hold back. Rey told Dom that if he fights Edge tonight, things won’t go back to the way they were. Rhea Ripley said that Dom is not Rey’s boy anymore, Rhea said “papi” knows best and he’s all man now. Rhea is “papi” in this case.
Analysis: That was the right way to do the segment with Rey doing all the talking while Dom said nothing.
The Alpha Academy’s Chad Gable & Otis entered for Chad’s match.
This Friday on Smackdown: Ronda Rousey locks in the champion Liv Morgan while there’s also a fatal 4-way tag team match to earn a title shot.
Johnny Gargano made his entrance to the “Rebel Heart” theme song wit the fans giving him a pretty good ovation. This is Gargano’s first match since his NXT contract expired last December. The announcers did a nice job of putting Gargano’s technical wrestling skill and ability in the ring.
Chad Gable (w/Otis) vs. Johnny Gargano
They are two talented guys under six feet tall that have a lot of talent in the ring. The fans were chanting “Johnny Wrestling” for Gargano. Gable applied an armbar, Gargano came back with a side headlock and Gable hit a jumping hurricanrana. Gargano followed up with an armdrag followed by a dropkick. Gable got out of a headlock leading to a punch to the face. They battled over a hold again, Gargano broke free and rolled through leading to a kick to the head. Gargano kicked Gable to knock him down on the floor. Gable was on the floor, so Gargano hit a flipping dive onto Gable on the floor. Gargano is a shorter guy, but he doesn’t do a lot of high-flying moves or even top rope moves.
Gable was in control working over the left knee with a kneebreaker. Gable wrenched on the left knee some more, Gargano kicked him to the apron and Gable was back in leading to Gargano hitting a jumping forearm. Gargano with an enziguri kick to the head. Gable charged while Gargano was on the apron leading to Johnny hitting a shoulder tackle for two. Gable avoided a kick, then Gable applied an Ankle Lock and Gable managed to pick up Gargano onto his shoulders leading to Gable hitting a reverse slam off the shoulders for two. Great move by Gable there. Gable went up top, he jumped off with a moonsault, Gargano moved out of the way and Gable managed to catch Gargano into a bridging German Suplex for two. That was so great. Gable jumped off the top wit ha headbutt, but Gargano avoided it and locked in the Gargano Escape submission move. Gable applied an Ankle Lock again, but Gargano sent him into the turnbuckle. Gargano blocked a suplex, then they each got two counts and Gargano hit a kick to the head. Gargano bounced off the ropes with a lefty lariat as both guys were down selling. The fans chanted “this is awesome” for them. Gargano with a back body drop over the top onto Otis and Gable hit a suicide dive on both guys on the floor. Gargano kicked Otis while on the apron. Gargano kicked Gable in the head followed by the One Final Beat DDT over the top into the ring for the pinfall win after 14 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Johnny Gargano
Analysis: **** Excellent match. The second half of it was really great as Gable worked over the left knee, Gargano did a nice job of selling it and Gargano managed to come back for the win. Gable has been crushing it in singles and tags since Triple H took over creative and Gable has been featured in longer matches since then. Gargano looked sharp for a guy that hasn’t wrestled in nine months. I thought Gable was the right choice for Gargano’s first match as a full-time Raw wrestler. They worked very well together. Gable isn’t going to get many wins in singles matches, but he will always have a good match. Gargano looked impressive here.
Post match, Gargano avoided an Otis attack leading to Johnny hitting two superkicks. Gargano did a crotch chop and left the ring to go back up the aisle. Gargano had his back turned to the entrance area where Austin Theory showed up to hit Johnny with the Money in the Bank briefcase to the back. The fans chanted “you suck” at Theory as the referee checked on Gargano. Theory took selfies with a fallen Gargano and Alpha Academy in the ring.
Analysis: I think they are going to do Theory vs. Gargano at Extreme Rules, so this was a way to further that story with Theory doing the cheap shot.
Let’s Hear from Austin Theory…with Kevin Owens interrupting
Austin Theory said that somebody had to show Gargano how it works around here. Theory said that Gargano was an overrated, bottom-feeding fish and the fans were chanting “WHAT” to annoy Theory.
Kevin Owens made his entrance wearing his “KO” shirt as the fans cheered KO before he could speak. Owens was about to speak with Theory telling him to shut up and Theory said he’s tired of people trying to steal his moments. Theory said he’s going to take over this entire damn industry. Owens said that we’ve heard all this from Theory because of how young he is and how he looks. Owens told Theory that he was the hand-picked future of this company, but that’s not how it works anymore (bye Vince). Owens said that guys like him and Johnny Gargano don’t look like Theory, who said they don’t look like him while adding that none of the crowd can look like Theory. Owens said that he’s done more in the last five months than Owens & Gargano combined have done in the last five years.
Owens told Theory that statements like that show how big of a delusional jackass that Theory is. Owens said that Theory won the US Title in a match Theory never earned while winning Money in the Bank contract in a match that Theory was never supposed to be in. Owens said it was all handed to him. Owens admitted that when he was handed the Universal Champion, it was handed to him. Owens said that other than that, they are the complete opposite and Owens could not be prouder of that fact. Owens talked about how many guys in the last two decades that are just like Theory that are young, chiseled and full of potential. Owens said that hundreds of them went nowhere. Owens talked about guys like him and Johnny Gargano made it on this high level while noting that you can count how many guys did that saying you can count on one hand. Owens said that people like Theory are “dime a dozen” while Owens claimed that people like him and Gargano are one in a million. Owens said that these people and this place needs people like Owens and Gargano. Owens said that they are the heart & soul of this business. The fans were cheering. Owens called Theory the appendix of this business – completely disposable. Owens told Theory that he hopes that is not the case for him and Owens said that he hopes Theory is the future of WWE. Owens told Theory he doesn’t think Theory has what it takes to be the future. Theory spoke, so Owens told him to shut up. Owens told Theory to prove him wrong. Owens told Theory to make his own moments, check your ego at the door, look in the mirror, realize you aren’t as good as you are and leave everything in the ring every time you step in front of these people. Owens told Theory that’s how he becomes the future and the face of WWE. The fans chanted “KO” for Owens. Theory flexed his right arm while telling Owens that KO will never be like him. Owens said that talking sense doesn’t work, so maybe this will. Owens punched him in the face.
Owens and Theory got into a brawl as they exchanged punches. Referees went into the ring to try to break up the fight. Owens got a boot to the face leading to more punches. Some WWE Officials including Jamie Noble, Petey Williams and Shawn Daivari pulled Theory out of the ring, but Owens went after Theory with punches. They went back into the ring, Owens ducked a briefcase shot and Owens wanted a Stunner, but Theory slipped out of the ring. Theory was bleeding from the nose.
Analysis: That was such an awesome promo from Owens, who continues to thrive in this Triple H era of the show. It seems like every week Owens gets a long match and/or a long promo and every time that happens he delivers. It’s all about trusting your best performers. Owens is one of the best guys in WWE, so giving him these chances makes the show better. A lot of what KO said was in reference to how Vince McMahon booked shows looking for guys that are the body type of Theory while looking past a guy like KO that was heavier or past Gargano, who is shorter. It also was a good way to get more heat on Theory by not listening to what Owens was saying. This was a good way to set up a match for next week.
The Raw Women’s Champion Bianca Belair was shown walking backstage for an open challenge match up next.
The announcers talked about NXT 2.0 where they shared that the fans vote for a Steel Cage Match between Tag Team Champions Pretty Deadly against The Creed Brothers. That’s the opening match on NXT this week.
Bianca Belair made her entrance as the Raw Women’s Champion with the fans cheering her. Belair said that she has to stay ready because as the champion, she’s always going to have a target on her back. That’s why Belair issued an open challenge.
Sonya Deville was the mystery challenger answering the open challenge. Deville mentioned what Belair did to her and Deville claimed that Belair cost Sonya her job as a WWE Official. Deville claimed she should be the Raw Women’s Champion right now. Belair said that this is an open challenge, not an open mic and told a referee to get this started. Deville is normally a Smackdown superstar, but it’s not like the brand split really matters.
Analysis: The reason they do an open challenge is to excite people wondering who it might be. If they said it was going to be Belair vs. Deville then that’s not that exciting. Nothing against Sonya, but I think we knew the result before the match even began.
Raw Women’s Championship: Bianca Belair vs. Sonya Deville
Belair flipped over Belair leading to a stomach breaker driving the gut into the knee. Deville got a takedown leading to a running dropkick. Deville charged, Belair got a boot up and a forearm to the head. Belair with clotheslines, a dropkick, a suplex and a handspring off the ropes leading to a moonsault for two. Deville was on the floor, she avoided a move from Belair and Deville hit a clothesline. The show went to break there.
Deville was in control as she choked Belair against the middle rope. They left the ring with Deville sending Belair into the ring post and into the commentary table. Back in the ring, Deville slapped on a chinlock. Belair broke free with a kick to the gut followed by a fallaway slam. Deville avoided the move off the ropes and Deville hit a running knee for two. Belair hit a spinebuster that wasn’t smooth, but it was effective enough. Deville countered a Belair move into a pin attempt and then Belair kicked out to send Deville into the turnbuckle. Deville got a knee strike off the middle rope for a two count. Belair countered a Deville move by flipping off the ropes, then Belair powered Deville onto her shoulders and Belair hit the KOD slam for the pinfall win after 12 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Bianca Belair
Analysis: *** This was a competitive match that got more time than I expected them to get. That was longer than Deville usually gets in singles matches and she did well against Belair, who always has good matches. The crowd didn’t react that much to Deville getting nearfalls because they knew Belair was going to win.
Bayley was back to congratulate Belair on the big win and wondered if Belair was inspired by Dakota and IYO winning the Tag Team Titles earlier. Bayley said that they were going to take control of this whole division while adding that tonight was just the beginning. Bayley said that match fed just a bit of Belair’s big fat ego. Bayley told Bianca that she won’t be able to sleep until she gets a match with Bayley. That led to Bayley talking about how she didn’t wrestle for a year, yet she pinned Belair in a match even though nobody beat Belair in 300 days. Bayley said you’ll have your match when the time was right. Belair was surrounded by IYO SKY, Dakota Kai and Bayley, so Belair tried to fight them off, but she couldn’t do it. Asuka & Alexa Bliss ran out for the save. Bliss hit a DDT on Sky, Asuka with a rising knee on Kai and Bayley was outnumbered in the ring. Belair hit a spinebuster leading to Bayley rolling out of the ring, so Belair, Asuka & Bliss celebrated in the ring.
Analysis: This was an effective way to possibly set up a six-woman tag team match on Raw (a rematch from Clash at the Castle) and then they can do Belair vs. Bayley at Extreme Rules as well.
Omos was shown walking backstage with his buddy MVP by his side.
Omos (w/MVP) vs. Cash Morazi & Ryan Tombs
Omos splashed both guys in the corner while slamming one of the guys across the ring. Omos slammed the other guy into the ring followed by a double shoulder tackle by Omos. Omos with a Cobra Clutch choke, then Omos picked up Tombs and sent him into the top rope followed by a boot to the face. Omos did the same things to Cash sending him into the top turnbuckle along with a big boot. That’s the Diesel combo move. Omos with the double choke bomb on both guys back to back. Omos covered both guys for the pinfall win after less than two minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Omos
Analysis: 1/2* A squash match to put over Omos. I don’t know if Omos will get a storyline or any kind of regular push, but they have to use him sometimes.
Edge was in the locker room with Rey talking to him. Rey pleaded with Edge telling Edge that he needs to understand how this hurts Rey. Edge said he is a dad, so he understands that Rey is protective. Edge told Rey that Dominik is a man now and sometimes a guy needs the sense knocked into him whether Rey likes it or not.
They showed highlights from earlier with Finn Balor beating Matt Riddle because of Seth Rollins causing a distraction. After the match, Rollins stomped on Riddle again.
Seth “Freakin” Rollins was shown walking backstage with Kevin Patrick going up for an interview. Rollins called himself the face of Monday Night Raw, so the United States Champion Bobby Lashley walked up to him telling Seth that he is not the face of Raw. Lashley reminded Rollins that the guy with the gold is the face of Raw. Rollins said that MMA guys like Lashley are the same way (referring to Riddle) wanting to fight all the time. Rollins claimed that the US Title wasn’t the title he was talking about, but Seth will gladly take that title. Rollins suggested a title match for next week to find out who the face of Raw really is. Lashley wanted to fight Rollins about it, Rollins looked intimidated and Lashley left.
Analysis: It’s a fresh title match to do next week and a big match as well. There’s also some history because Lashley was taken out of the Elimination Chamber match earlier in the year when Lashley was the WWE Champion and it was because of Rollins.
An Interview With The Miz
The Miz and his lovely wife Maryse were interviewed in their home. The Miz’s daughters Monroe and Madison showed up and Miz told them to go to sleep. Maryse looked incredible in a black dress. Miz told Maryse he doesn’t feel comfortable going to a movie premiere. Maryse said that they have security guards, a dog and so on while adding that he (Dexter Lumis) was going to get into their house. Miz didn’t like when the interviewer mentioned Dexter’s name. Miz said that he had extra security last week, but that lunatic was still able to get a hold of him and do what he did. Miz said that this interview is done, so he is leaving because he has a premiere to go to. Miz told them to leave the house. Miz told the production team that the guards will let them out and they better not be there when Miz/Maryse return. The Miz was shown driving away with Maryse. A camera showed the inside the house that revealed Lumis was in there. Lumis showed a drawing of Miz & Maryse with their two daughters. The fans cheered when they saw it on screen. The announcers talked about it at ringside with Graves freaking out about it wondering if the cops will be called.
Analysis: It was a unique way to continue the story without having them in the arena. Lumis has always done those drawings as a warning to whoever he is feuding with. I don’t know if the match will be good when it eventually happens, but at least there’s a story here between Miz and Lumis.
Dominik Mysterio was shown walking backstage with Rhea Ripley.
Next week on Raw:
* Bobby Lashley defends the US Title against Seth “Freakin” Rollins next week.
* Kevin Owens vs. Austin Theory. They showed how that was set up earlier in the show.
Analysis: Two big matches for next week. Both of them are fresh. It’s how Triple H often booked NXT using the show to build to matches next week. They did that a lot better than Raw & Smackdown did in the past.
Edge made his entrance to a huge pop from the crowd. That is still one of the coolest entrances in WWE history. Dominik Mysterio made his entrance with Rhea Ripley by his side. There was a new theme song for Dominik as this new heel persona.
Edge vs. Dominik Mysterio (w/Rhea Ripley)
There was a big age difference here with Edge at 48 years old (49 in October) while Dominik was 25. Edge charged at Dominik in the corner sending him into the turnbuckle followed by a headbutt, punches and a running clothesline. Dominik avoided a move by Edge, but then Edge connected with a big boot to the head. Nice sell by Dominik doing a flip bump there. Edge with a body slam leading to Dom retreating to the floor. Ripley told Dominik to kick his ass. Dominik tried a rollup, Edge blocked it and Edge hit Dominik with a clothesline. Edge kicked Dominik out of the ring to the floor. Edge trash-talked Dominik saying he’s a man now, so Edge slammed Dominik’s head onto the top of the commentary table. Edge whipped Dominik knee-first into the steel steps. Dominik pleaded with “Uncle Edge” to stop, so Edge kicked him in the head. Edge sent Dominik into the ring, the referee looked at Dominik and Ripley hit the back of Edge’s leg with a forearm. Dominik sent Edge knee-first into the steel steps.
Dominik was in control with knee drops onto Edge’s left knee. Last week on Raw, The Judgment Day beat up Edge and attacked the left knee, so Dominik was continuing that attack. Dominik did a bit of an Eddie Guerrero shake followed by the Three Amigos suplexes. It did get some boos, but not a lot. Dominik went up top, he took way too long and Edge tripped him up on the top rope. Edge delivered several headbutts to the head, Edge wanted a superplex and Rhea held onto Dom’s leg, to prevent the move. The referee didn’t see that. After Edge bumped back into the ring, Dominik jumped off the top with a Frog Splash for two. Dominik was trying a move, so Edge kicked Dominik’s right arm/side of the head into the ring post. Edge with a flap jack, clothesline and a sitout neckbreaker for two. Dominik punched Edge’s left knee again to work him over. Edge with a boot to the face followed by the Impaler DDT by Edge without a cover. Edge set up for the Spear, but Dominik ducked it and countered it into a half crab submission on the left knee. That was a slick counter by Dominik. Edge got an inside cradle for two. Edge tied up Dominik’s arms between the ropes leading to Edge punching him a few times. The referee Chad Patton made Edge move back, then Rey Mysterio ran into the ring and pleaded with Edge to stop. Edge shoved Rey away. Damian Priest grabbed Rey at ringside and Balor attacked Edge in the ring, so there’s the DQ finish. It went about 15 minutes.
Winner by disqualification: Edge
Analysis: **3/4 It was a solid match to continue the story. It was heavy on story with Edge dominating early on until Dominik got help from Rhea to get some offense going. I really liked the spot with Edge going for a Spear leading to Dominik countering into a half crab. That was well done to show how crafty Dominik can be at times.
The post match attack continued with Priest tackling Rey over the announcer’s table. Edge tried to fight back against Balor, but Ripley used a steel chair to hit Edge’s left leg. Edge was down in the ring as Dominik used a chair against Edge’s left four times. They used a chair to put Edge’s leg against it and then Balor jumped off the top with the Coup de Grace double foot stomp on Edge’s left leg. The Judgment Day foursome stood tall over Edge in the ring. Balor trash-talked Edge saying that he is dealing with The Judgment Day as the fans chanted “you suck” and Jimmy said that it looks like Dominik has a new family. The Judgment Day stood tall over Edge to end the show.
Analysis: This was good in terms of further establishing Dominik’s new role as a heel in Judgment Day and how the group is able to use the strength in numbers to their advantage. I guess Uncle Edge needs another break and he’ll be out for a while. I assume Edge sits out the Extreme Rules Premium Live Event and he’ll probably be back for Crown Jewel. They can definitely do Balor vs. Edge as a big singles match at some point.
Three Stars of the Show
1. Johnny Gargano/Kevin Owens
2. Chad Gable
3. (tie) IYO SKY & Dakota Kai because I’m happy for them winning tag team gold
3. (tie) Matt Riddle, Finn Balor & Edge
The Scoreboard
7.5 out of 10
Last week: 7.75
Final Thoughts
It was a very good episode of Raw again. I think the highlights were the Gargano/Gable match that was outstanding, the Balor/Riddle match was also very good and the Kevin Owens promo on Austin Theory to set up their match next week. Owens was terrific in delivering that promo where he said a lot of truthful things, but you can also tell it’s a veteran wrestler trying to motivate the younger guy. I didn’t really like the finish of the main event between Edge & Dominik, but I get why it was booked that way just to add more heat to the story.
It was also cool to Dakota Kai & IYO SKY win the Tag Team Titles. That should have been the result two weeks ago, but I think WWE wanted to shock the audience by giving Raquel & Aliyah a title reign for two weeks. It wasn’t a great match. However, it was the right result.
There’s also a big title match next week with Bobby Lashley defending the US Title against Seth Rollins. They also announced Owens vs. Theory too, so those are some good matches to look forward to.
The next WWE Premium Live Event is Extreme Rules from Philadelphia on Saturday, October 8th. Here’s what we know so far.

Smackdown Women’s Championship: Liv Morgan (c) vs. Ronda Rousey
I think we’ll also see Drew McIntyre vs. Karrion Kross, Matt Riddle vs. Seth “Freakin” Rollins, Johnny Gargano vs. Austin Theory, Bianca Belair vs. Bayley and The Usos defending the Tag Team Titles on the card.
Check out the WWE PPV Review archive right here. You can contact me using any of the methods below. Go Toronto Blue Jays. Be safe and smart out there.
Thanks for reading.
John Canton
Twitter: @johnreport