
The John Report: AEW Rampage 03/10/23 Review

aew rampage march 10

This week’s AEW Rampage featured Sammy Guevara facing Action Andretti, plus Riho was against Nyla Rose in the main event.

I did not do a detailed Rampage review last week. I was too busy with the AEW Rampage preview, doing news posts and other stuff. Back to the routine now with only one match in play-by-play and the rest get summary style.

This is AEW Rampage from the 1 Golden Center in Sacramento, California. Check out the AEW PPV listing archive only on TJRWrestling as well. Follow me on Twitter @johnreport. It was taped after Dynamite.

It’s Friday night and you know what that means. The commentary was Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone and Chris Jericho. Do we really need four people? No. We do not.

Sammy Guevara vs. Action Andretti

This was called a “huge singles rematch” by Excalibur. It’s not that huge when neither guy was on the Revolution PPV last weekend. Action was aggressive with punches along with two chops sending Sammy out of the ring. Action sent Sammy into the barricade and then Sammy sent Action into the barricade as well. They were outside the ring for a long time, but the referee was barely counting as usual. Sammy left the ring again, so Action hit a suicide dive on the floor. Action with chops along with a whip into the steel steps. Back in the ring, Action with a dropkick into the corner followed by a moonsault off the turnbuckle for a two count. They left the ring, then back in and Sammy sent Action to the apron. Action with a running lariat followed by a springboard move leading to Action sending Sammy to the apron. Action with a clothesline that sent Sammy out of the ring. Action jumped off the top with nothing toward Sammy on the floor and Sammy hit a knee smash. They went to a picture-in-picture break.


Sammy was in control with a weak chinlock, Action got out of that and they did a running cross body block collision spot. Action hit a forearm, uppercut, backbreaker and a neckbreaker. Sammy to the floor and Action hit a springboard moonsault onto Sammy on the floor. Action hit a springboard 450 Splash for a two count. Action hit a Spanish Fly slam on a running Sammy for two. Sammy hit a lifting DDT style of move. They were out on the floor for about one minute with no counting by the referee. Sammy wanted to put Action on the table, so then action kicked Sammy onto the table. Action went up top and jumped off with a splash through the table. The referee still didn’t count and instead checked on the wrestlers. Back in the ring, Sammy had the referee check on him while Action went up top, Garcia shoved Action off the top rope and Sammy (who was just put through a table) hit a GTH (Go To Hell) knee to the face for the pinfall win after 13 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Sammy Guevara

Analysis: ***1/4 A pretty good match with a cheap finish as usual for Jericho Appreciation Society wrestlers. I would have rated it higher, but the finish brings it down a bit because they book endings like that far too often. Action Andretti has a lot of moves although I think he has to slow down a bit. A move like a springboard 450 Splash should be a finish, not just a two count spot. This match didn’t need a table spot, which just leads to more questionable refereeing. It’s okay to not do every cool finishing in a match. Anyway, Sammy is pushed more I guess, so having him makes sense.

Darby Allin was shown doing a backstage promo talking about how he said he wants to go out in a blaze of glory. Allin said he’ll let us know next week what he has in his mind for his career.


There was a promo from “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry talking about closing the chapter of his life that involved Christian Cage. Jack said that Christian taught him how to pick his shot. Jack said every man with a championship belt around his waist should know that Jack will see one of them very soon.

Powerhouse Hobbs, the TNT Champion, and QT Marshall were backstage for a promo that was after Dynamite. Marshall said next week on Dynamite will be QTV with the scoop on who broke into Wardlow’s career.

The Acclaimed – Max Caster & Anthony Bowens (w/Billy Gunn) vs. Starboy Charlie & Jack Cartwheel

Those names of Charlie and Jack are brutal. Caster and Bowens did their double team body slam and Scissor Me Timbers leg drop to the leg/groin. Charlie was wearing overalls and is very small. Bowens hit the Arrival slam and Caster hit a Mic Drop elbow drop off the top for the pinfall win after two minutes.

Winners by pinfall: The Acclaimed – Max Caster & Anthony Bowens

Analysis: 3/4* The Acclaimed needed a win, so they got to win this squash match. Good for them.

Angelo Parker and Matt Menard of the Jericho Appreciation Society appeared with JAS shirts for The Acclaimed, who had no interest. The Acclaimed and old man Billy did their scissor gesture to end it.

A pre-tape promo was shown from after Dynamite with Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara and Daniel Garcia talking about the triple threat Trios Tag Team Title match. Jericho talked about all the firsts about their match in Winnipeg and Jericho said that you’re going to see new champions on Wednesday.

Analysis: I don’t agree with the prediction.

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Preston Vance (w/Jose The Assistant)

Don Callis was on commentary here since he has teased being a manager for Takeshita. The action spilled to the floor quickly with Takeshita hitting a slingshot dive over the top onto Vance on the floor.


They exchanged forearms and kicks, then each guy hit German Suplexes, they barely sold and discus elbows led to both guys getting knocked down. Takeshita hit a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Takeshita hit a running knee for two because Jose put Vance’s foot on the bottom rope. That was obvious. Back in the ring, Vance hit a discus clothesline for two. Takeshita caught Vance with a backslide pin for the pinfall win after eight minutes. That’s not a move that people usually win with.

Winner by pinfall: Konosuke Takeshita

Analysis: **3/4 It was solid. There were only four minutes shown in the full screen. They won’t put Takeshita over the bigger names in the company, but for a guy like Vance that barely wins on TV, Takeshita can beat him. A backslide pinfall win is rare to see.

Swerve Strickland did a backstage promo talking about Keith Lee took out Trench and Parker Boudreaux. Swerve said that he has something more in store for Lee and Keith will not see it coming. Swerve warned Keith to keep eyes in the back of his head.

Mark Briscoe has an Announcement

Mark Briscoe was in the ring for a promo with the ROH Tag Team Titles saying he is representing The Briscoe Brothers while pointing up to the sky for his late brother Jay Briscoe, who died in a car accident in January. Mark said they were 13-time World Tag Team Champions. Mark talked to Tony Khan about the titles. Mark said that at March 31st at ROH Supercard Of Honor, find a ladder, hang the titles from the rafters and call that sumbitch the “Reach for the Sky Ladder Match.” The fans cheered. Mark introduced the first entrance in the Reach for the Sky Ladder Match: The Lucha Bros. Mark and The Lucha Bros greeted eachother in the ring. That was it.

Analysis: That sounds like a great idea to crown new ROH Tag Team Champions.


A video aired about how Stokely Hathaway has to face Hook in a match because Hook beat Matt Hardy. They showed Matt Hardy hugging Stokely and telling him he will help train Stokely for it.

There was a video about Nyla Rose and Riho for the main event. They showed clips of Rose and Riho wrestling in the past including Riho becoming the first AEW Women’s Champion by beating Rose. A few months later, Rose beat Riho to become the second AEW Women’s Champion. Mark Henry let us know it is time for the main event.

Riho vs. Nyla Rose (w/Marina Shafir)

There is no story here other than the fact that they are both former champions. Rose has barely been on TV this year. It was mentioned that Riho started wrestling at nine years old, which they say in every match she has. Rose used her power to hit a body slam and a terrible splash. Riho hit multiple dropkicks to knock Rose out of the ring. When they left the ring, Riho shoved Riho knee-first into the steel steps. Riho hit a cross body block off the top. Rose used the power game again with a delayed vertical suplex. Shafir got involved with a judo throw takedown on the floor leading to a break.


They came back with about seven minutes left as Riho hit a weak-looking hurricanrana that Rose had to sell with a gentle roll. Rose ran over Riho with a running clothesline. Riho hit the double foot stomp off the top for two. Rose came back with a powerslam for two. Rose jumped off the top with a knee drop to the back for two. Riho avoided a Rose move and hit an impressive Northern Lights Suplex for two. Riho hit a Crucifix Bomb for a two count that was pretty sloppy. Riho went right where Shafir was standing, so Shafir tripped up Riho. Rose tried to capitalize, but Riho countered Rose and rolled through for a rollup pin for the three count. It went 12 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Riho

Analysis: *** They worked hard and had a competitive match. Riho winning makes sense since she has been picking up wins over the last few weeks, so you can tell she’s getting a push. Some of Riho’s offense looks so weak because of how tiny she is (a whopping 98 pounds), but some of her offense like a Northern Lights Suplex was cool to see.

Post match, Shafir and Rose attacked Riho with Shafir delivering punches. Rose gave Riho a Powerbomb. Rose and Shafir left.

The trio of Saraya, Toni Storm and Ruby Soho made their way down to the ring. They are called The Outcasts, so they have a stable name. Storm sprayed an “L” for loser on Riho. Saraya stomped on Riho a bit. Nobody tried to help poor Riho. End show.

Analysis: The babyface women in this company must be jerks because nobody tries to help when The Outcasts attacked on Dynamite and here. The Outcasts is fine as a stable name.

Three Stars of the Show

  1. Sammy Guevara/Action Andretti
  2. Riho
  3. Konosuke Takeshita

The Scoreboard

This Week: 5.5 out of 10

Last Week: No rating

Average: 6.03

Final Thoughts

It was another average edition of Rampage as usual. It featured very little storytelling and some decent matches, but nothing that special. They should try harder to put on a better show.


Thanks for reading. You can contact me using any of the methods below.

John Canton


Twitter: @johnreport