
The John Report: AEW Dynamite (Winter Is Coming) 12/14/22 Review

aew dynamite dec 14

This week’s AEW Dynamite featured MJF defending the AEW World Title against Ricky Starks and the Best of Seven series between Death Triangle & The Elite continued.

This was AEW Dynamite episode #167 at the Curtis Culwell Center in Dallas, Texas. Check out the AEW PPV listing archive only on TJRWrestling as well. Follow me on Twitter @johnreport. Let’s get to it.

It’s Wednesday and you know what that means. Excalibur welcomed us to the show along with Taz and Tony Schiavone.

The 1990s NBA on NBC “Roundball Rock” song was playing to open the show because Tony Khan licensed it. That’s so random on a wrestling show, but I love the song.

The Elite trio was back in action after taking last week off. I certainly like them more because they’re using the “Carry On Wayward Son” theme song for their entrance. The crowd was singing along with it.

Best Of Seven Series for the Trios Tag Team Totles: Death Triangle – Rey Fenix, Penta El Zero Miedo & Pac vs. The Elite – Kenny Omega, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson

This is match four in the best of series with Death Triangle leading the series 2 to 1.

There was some double teaming and random spots going on right away as Nick hit a dropkick onto Pac while Omega was holding Pac. Matt and Omega hit dives on the floor while Nick jumped off the top with a twisting dive onto Pac on the floor. Things slowed down a bit with Nick favoring his riht foot a bit, so Matt jumped off the top with a double axhandle on Pac’s arm. Omega and Matt hit a double suplex while Nick was out on the floor grabbing his foot. Nick was wearing a Nike shoe with Taz saying it doesn’t give you the support that a wrestling shoe gives you. Doc Sampson was checking on Nick’s right foot. Penta hit Mat while he was against the ropes, the illegal offense followed with Fenix hitting a kick and a dive, Penta got some offense too and Pac hit a senton splash on Matt for two. They took Nick Jackson to the back while the match continued in picture-in-picture.


The match continued with Matt hitting multiple Northern Lights Suplexes on Fenix and after Penta tagged in, Matt did it to Penta too for a two count. Omega got the tag with a cross body block off the top, then a forearm smash, a rolling senton and the moonsault off the middle rope for two. Omega had to deal with all three guys on the opponent’s team and Omega hit a bunch of suplexes including a Snapdragon Suplex on Pac. The crowd was chanting “Kenny” for Omega. Penta kicked Omega in the back, Omega sent Fenix over the top onto Penta on the floor and Omega ran the ropes with Pac tripping him up. Pac hit a slingshot Cutter along with a running boot, but Omega hit a running elbow smash. Pac with a kick, but Omega came back with a brainbuster. Penta grabbed Matt on the apron and gave him a piledriver. The referee was doing nothing about it. Fenix tagged in with a spinning kick to the head, then Penta with a kick on Omega and Fenix hit a spinning slam on Omega. Penta hit a sitout slam on Omega. The referee Rick Knox was counting something even though Penta wasn’t the legal man before Fenix, that was Pac, so the referee counting made absolutely no sense. Fenix jumped off the top with an inverted Frog Splash on Omega for two. Pac tagged in, went up top and went for the Black Arrow, but Pac moved. That was the spot to bring back Nick Jackson, who hobbled down to the ring. Nick was back in the match. Nick with punches, two clotheslines and Nick hit a Cutter on Fenix, who jumped right into it. Penta grabbed a hammer from ringside and he hit Nick’s ankle with the hammer. The referee didn’t see it. Fenix applied an inverted kneebar submission on Nick, who tapped out. Death Triangle got the win after 14 minutes.

Winners by submission: Death Triangle – Rey Fenix, Penta El Zero Miedo & Pac

Analysis: ***1/2 It was the usual very good match by these teams, but not as outstanding as their best matches. Nick Jackson’s story with the foot injury played a factor into the match. Give Nick credit for selling it well because at first, I thought it was legit. It was a clever worked injury that he sold very well and it played a part in the finish of the match. Big win for Death Triangle taking advantage of the injury and finding a way to win by using the hammer again.

Death Triangle leads 3-1 in the Best of Seven series. Match five is next Wednesday on Dynamite.

Kenny Omega did a promo saying there’s going to be enough talking on the show as it is. Omega said he’s talking on the microphone right now for Death Triangle. Omega said that every single match, they have used a hammer and it’s very cute. Omega said for the next match, how about they make the hammer legal? Omega said that maybe they should make all weapons legal. Omega said they are sick of playing by their rules, so the next match is No Disqualification. Death Triangle seemed to accept that. Omega claimed he was not formatted to cut that promo, but he did it anyway.

Analysis: It makes sense for The Elite wanting that since they have been screwed over by hammer attacks multiple times. Doing a match like that is fine with me because then they won’t do as much illegal offense as usual. I’m all for no rules matches with these teams.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman, the AEW World Champion, was interviewed by Alex Marvez. MJF credited Ricky Starks for his great promo, but then talked about himself saying he’s been doing amazing promos like that ever since he’s been in AEW. MJF went on to mock Starks for telling his story about the hardships of his life. MJF ripped on the fans telling them they suck just like Starks does. MJF kept on going about how nobody wanted him to win, so he has nobody to let down while everybody is rooting for Starks to win. MJF said he’ll find out what happens when pressure is applied to The Pebble, so we’ll see if he’s a diamond or if he’ll turn into dust.


The Acclaimed made their entrance as the AEW Tag Team Champions with the fans popping big for them. Max Caster was doing his rap routine, but the group consisting of Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett, Satnam Singh & Sonjay Dutt attacked Caster, Anthony Bowens and Billy Gunn from behind. Gunn was sent into the steel steps, Bowens was tossed over a table at ringside and Jarrett smashed a guitar over Caster’s head.

Jeff Jarrett did a promo asking if they had The Acclaimed’s attention now. Jeff: “Why don’t you scissor this, slapnut?” Jarrett and Lethal held up the AEW Tag Team Titles in the crowd. There’s a “Who Farted?” sign in the crowd. One of life’s most difficult questions.

Analysis: It’s not like Lethal & Jarrett have a lot of wins as a tag team. They lost to Sting & Darby Allin at Full Gear, but Sting & Allin never get into the tag team title picture. I think Lethal & Jarett are just a team for The Acclaimed to beat.

A video aired about Claudio Castagnoli regaining the ROH World Title from Chris Jericho at ROH Final Battle

Chris Jericho and the Jericho Appreciation Society were interviewed by Tony Schiavone backstage. Jericho said that the Giant Swing should be banned. Jericho said he’s going to beat some jobber that he’s going to beat to regain his ROH World Title. Jericho also took a shot at Ricky Starks in the promo. Jericho told Daniel Garcia that he’s better than Wheeler Yuta and never should have lost the ROH Pure Title. Jericho told Garcia to follow the guidance of Sammy Guevara, who said he’s facing Jon Moxley on Rampage this Friday night and Sammy’s wife Tay Melo is going to beat Ruby Soho tonight. Jake Hager yelled about how he likes his hat. That’s nice.

Analysis: I doubt Jericho wins back the ROH World Title since Claudio just won it back from him. Jericho taking a shot at Starks in the promo is probably a tease of a future rivalry between them.

Brian Cage (w/Prince Nana) vs. “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry

Jack ran right into a shoulder tackle by Cage. Jack with a hurricanrana into the turnbuckle, then a jumping kick while on the apron and Jack hit a hurricanrana off the top. Jack with a dropkick. Cage drove Jack back first into the turnbuckle. Jack to the apron, Cage with an elbow to the head and Cage hit a suplex off the middle rope to show off his power. Cage gave Jack a fallaway slam leading to a break.


Cage ran right into a boot, then Jack hit a back elbow and more strikes leading to a running forearm two times in a row. Jack hit a comeback lariat off the ropes, but Cage was still standing, so Jack hit a DDT for two. Cage took way too long for a move, but Jack countered for a two count. Jack with a superkick, Cage with a clothesline and Jack did a flip bump similar to what Hangman Page wanted to do when he got that bad concussion. Jack got a Canadian Destroyer for two. Jack with the Snare Trap submission, Nana was on the apron and Cage tapped out, but the referee didn’t see it. Jack knocked Nana off the apron and sat on top of Cage for the pinfall win after about nine minutes.

Winner by pinfall: “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry

Analysis: *** The match was pretty good. They should have ended it after the Canadian Destroyer, but I guess they felt the need to do the Nana spot to set up the finish. At no point did I think Cage could win this. It was all about building Perry, which is fine with me because he should be pushed.

Post match, “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry said that at Full Gear he beat Luchasaurus and he just beat Brian Cage, so he wanted Big Bill to come out there right now. Stokely Hathaway trashed Jungle Boy said that if Jack keeps on talking, he’s going to eat a Big Bill boot and he’ll taste Stokely’s hand as well. Lee Moriarty and Big Bill ran out there to attack Jack at ringside. Moriarty whipped Jack into the steel steps. Back in the ring, Moriarty and Bill hit splashes on Jack against the turnbuckle. Big Bill hit a huge Chokeslam on Jack.

Hook made his entrance with the fans popping big for him, but Big Bill, Moriarty and Hathaway left the ring. Hook has had a recent storyline with Moriarty, so that’s how that happened. Hook helped Jack Perry back to his feet and they stood side by side. Taz was son to see his son Hook there.

Analysis: It looks like that will mean more of Hook on the show because he’s usually relegated to Ramage and the YouTube shows, so at least getting involved here is a step up for Hook. I’m fine with that. The fans like hook and the fans have been impressive. Plus, Jungle Boy has been on his own for a while, so it’s nice to see him get an ally. Big Billy was really impressive hitting that Chokeslam on Perry.

Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta of the Blackpool Combat Club were backstage for a promo. Moxley talked about Yuta winning the ROH Pure Title, Claudio won the ROH World Title and Moxley choked Takeshita out. Claudio said in 2023 they are putting everybody on notice. Yuta said if they have taught him anything it’s that if you want to win, you’ve gotta fight like you are already dead. Moxley said that Sammy Guevara is a gutsy kid, so he’s going to stomp Sammy’s face into a bloody mess and leave him for dead. Moxley said Hangman Page knows where to find him and he can bring his Dark Order buddies too.

Analysis: Good promo from the BCC group even though the Blackpool part of the group (William Regal) is no longer in AEW.


Swerve Strickland was featured in a video talking about how Keith Lee is not a friend and he’s not family because Swerve has no family in this industry. Swerve said he has affiliates. Swerves will see Keith next week.

House of Black – Malakai Black, Brody King & Buddy Matthews (w/Julia Hart) vs. The Factory – Cole Karter, QT Marshall & Aaron Solo (w/Nick Comoroto)

Julia spit some black mist in Nick Comoroto’s face. Brody King and Buddy Matthews destroyed some guys on the floor leading to the referee starting the match after that. Marshall was scared of King & Buddy on the apron, so Marshall walked right into a spin kick by Black to the head (really was the arm) and Black pinned Marshall for the win after about 20 seconds.

Winners by pinfall: House of Black – Malakai Black, Brody King & Buddy Matthews

Analysis: 1/4* I yawned. I guess House of Black is cool. I just didn’t think this was very interesting.

Hikaru Shida and Jamie Hayter did promos about having a match next week on Dynamite for Hayter’s AEW Women’s Title. The usual generic promos.

Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. and Rebel were interviewed by Renee Paquette, so Skye Blue interrupted Britt. Blue challenged Baker to a match on Rampage. It’s on.

Analysis: A lot of AEW interviews are interviewed to set up matches, so this was just another example of that.

Chris Jericho made his entrance with the fans singing along with the song.

Chris Jericho vs. Action Andretti

The name “Andretti” is obviously big in the race car world. I don’t know his background or if he just picked it from Mario Andretti’s family name. The fans chanted “you tapped out” at Jericho and Jericho did a double middle finger salute to the crowd. Jericho slapped Andretti a few times, Andretti with forearms and Jericho stomped him down in the corner. The fans were chanting “let’s go Jobber” for Andretti. Jericho kicked Andretti down followed by ten corner clotheslines. Jericho hit a forearm to the throat. Jericho with chops, Andretti got a headscissors and Jericho slid into position for the next spot as Andretti hit a splash off the bottom rope. Jericho with a clothesline and an Attitude Adjustment on Andretti. The fans were chanting “let’s go Jobber” again and Jericho hit a Codebreaker for a two count. Jericho was angry about it. They went to a picture-in-picture break.


Jericho remained in control with a splash onto Andretti’s back. Andretti got a boot up to stop a charging Jericho, so Jericho did a poke to the eye and a forearm to the face. Andretti with a forearm, a clothesline and a backbreaker/neckbreaker combo. The fans were coming alive. Andretti hit a split-legged moonsault, but Jericho got the knees up. Andretti avoided the elbow and got a rollup for two. Andretti with a springboard kick, a clothesline over the top and a springboard moonsault onto Jericho on the floor. The fans were chanting “holy shit” for Andretti’s flurry of offense. Andretti countered a Wall of Jericho attempt into a rollup for two. Andretti came back again with a dropkick. Andretti countered a move with a move knocking Jericho down and a standing Shooting Star Press got the one…two…and three! Andretti wins! It went about ten minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Action Andretti

Analysis: ***1/4 That was a pretty good match and an incredible upset with the fans getting into it. I certainly didn’t expect that result. It wouldn’t shock me if Jericho came up with it too. The obvious comparison would be the 1-2-3 Kid beating Razor Ramon on Raw in 1993 with Kid as an unknown at the time just like Andretti is now. Jericho also beat Razor Ramon as Scott Hall in WCW in a similar way. Anyway, I like how it was booked and the fact that the crowd cared about it so much made it that much better. I figured Jericho would sell a lot for the guy and then hit his finish to win, but it didn’t happen like that.

Action Andretti celebrated the win while the announcers put it over as a huge upset and a big moment. Jericho was stunned in the ring. The announcers called it the “upset of the decade” among other things. The fans chanted “you deserve it” for Andretti.

Analysis: I don’t know much about Action Andretti, but he did wrestle on AEW’s Dark and Dark Elevation shows on YouTube, so they picked him for this spot after seeing how talented he is. Maybe AEW saw him, liked him and wanted to bring him on board, so this was a great way to introduce him. It was a smart move. Jericho played a big part in it, as we reported here.

After Dynamite was over, AEW Owner/CEO/GM Tony Khan tweeted that Andretti is #ALLELITE meaning he is signed to a contract.

Ricky Starks did a promo talking to the camera backstage with Starks getting a title shot against “Maxi Pad” MJF and he gets to be in his backyard since he lives in Texas. Starks talked about how when he had his neck broken, he made sure to fight back and he said he’s winning the AEW World Title. Starks said he has grinded for the last 11 years. Starks said that he is a reflection of what MJF wants to be. Starks said that he’s going to be the AEW World Champion and nobody else is going to forget this face.

Analysis: That’s some nice intensity shown by Starks as usual.


FTR was shown talking about the Double Dog Collar Match at Final Battle where they lost the ROH Tag Team Titles to The Briscoe Brothers. Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler talked about the greatness of their match while also focusing on Colten & Austin Gunn attacking FTR. Harwood said Gunn Club has their attention now.

Chris Jericho was shown backstage throwing a temper tantrum on his way to the dressing room.

They showed Ricky Starks warming up backstage while MJF was getting a massage by a trainer and MJF was also looking at his phone.

Tay Melo vs. Ruby Soho

The announcers kept talking about how this was a grudge match because Ruby had a nose injury that Tay caused on the All Out pre-show in September when Tay did her Tay-KO knee to the face finisher. They started brawling on the floor with Soho sending Tay into the barricade. Tay fought back by sending Ruby into the barricade two times. Tay also sent Ruby into the steel steps. They went into the ring and referee Bryce Remsburg called for the bell to ring to start the match.

Ruby hit three belly to back suplexes for a two count. Tay bailed to the floor, so Ruby followed her and Tay got a hold of Ruby with Tay hitting a DDT on the ramp. If the referee counted it would have been a countout, but it’s AEW. I’m not saying you should do countout finishes. I’m saying learn to tell stories in matches without making the referees look inept. There’s a difference. The point is you shouldn’t do spots where you ignore the rules so much, but in AEW they do it all the time in singles and tags. Anyway, they went to a picture-in-picture break.


Ruby sent Tay into the turnbuckle followed by multiple kicks. Ruby used her legs to send Tay into the middle turnbuckle. Ruby slowly went up top, jumped off with nothing and Tay avoided it leading to a kick to the head. Tay overreacted after the nearfall. They exchanged some chops, Tay did a hip lock takeover and a piledriver for two. Another overreaction to the nearfall. Ruby avoided the Tay-KO that hurt her nose in September and Ruby hit a knee to the face. Ruby hit the Destination Unknown neckbreaker for the pinfall win after eight minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Ruby Soho

Analysis: **3/4 It was an intense match where they were fighting for several minutes before the bell rang. Ruby got the win after being out for three months, so it was payback for Tay injuring Ruby in the past. I hope Ruby gets a decent push in AEW although it will be hard to break though since Cargill is an unbeatable TBS Champion while Saraya is probably going to get a push before other women on the babyface side. Plus, they only book one women’s match per show, so the women’s division doesn’t get much exposure,

Post match, Ruby turned her back to the entrance like a dumb babyface, so Anna Jay went into the ring and hit Ruby with a forearm to the back for a cheap attack. Jay hit a Gory Bomb on Ruby. Nobody tried to save Ruby, who was selling the nose injury again.

Analysis: Why did nobody try to save Ruby? Babyfaces are jerks, I guess.

There was a backstage interview with Alex Marvez trying to talk to “Hangman” Adam Page while Evil Uno stood behind Page. Hangman said it doesn’t look like any time soon for him to be cleared. Hangman said he was laying out on the mat snoring for 60 seconds and put him in an ambulance. They took him to the hospital. Hangman knew the date was in October 18, they were in Cincinnati, he was wrestling the World Champion (Jon Moxley at the time) and he had about a hundred calls and messages. They wanted Hangman to unlock his phone, there was a photo of his son on there and Hangman was asked to name his son, but Hangman forgot his name in that moment. Evil Uno had his head in his hand because he didn’t want Hangman to tell the story. Hangman: “For a whole hour I didn’t know (his son’s name).” Hangman said that he’s been to hell and that’s hell. Hangman said if Jon Moxley wants to fight him then he’ll fight him, but if Moxley tempts him to go back to hell then Hangman will take his ass with him.

Analysis: I liked that promo. It showed the personal nature of Hangman’s concussion issues because he claims that after the injury, he forgot his son’s name. Whether true or not, it works for the story.

This Friday on Rampage (taped after Dynamite):

* Jon Moxley vs. Sammy Guevara.

* Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. vs. Skye Blue.

* Wardlow in action.

Dustin Rhodes and Best Friends were backstage. Dustin did a promo about an eight-man tag team match.

* Dustin Rhodes, Trent Beretta, Chuck Taylor & Orange Cassidy vs. The Butcher, The Blade, Trent Seven & Kip Sabian.

Next Wednesday on AEW Dynamite in San Antonio:

* AEW Women’s Championship: Jamie Hayter (c) vs. Hikaru Shida

* FTR vs. The Gunns

* Best Of Seven Series Match #5 No Disqualification Match: Death Triangle vs. The Elite (Death Triangle Leads 3-1)

The main event for the AEW World Title and Dynamite Diamond Ring was up next.


Ricky Starks made his entrance for the main event. Starks lives in Texas and he’s very likable, so he got a big pop from the crowd. Maxwell Jacob Friedman was up next two boos from the crowd. This is MJF’s first title defense since winning the AEW World Championship on November 19th.

AEW World Championship: Maxwell Jacob Friedman (MJF) vs. Ricky Starks

The AEW World Title and Dynamite Diamond Ring are both on the line for this match.

MJF hit a running shoulder tackle followed by a pose that mocked Starks. MJF ran the ropes, Starks did a drop down and MJF did a Flair strut so Tony called him a horrible human being. A bit much, Tony. Starks ran the ropes leading to a shoulder tackle that sent MJF out of the ring. MJF left the ring briefly, he went into the crowd and took the hat off a fan in the crowd. The referee wasn’t counting. I’m not saying it should be a countout, but let’s try to avoid spots like that. MJF went back into the ring leading to Starks getting a bunch of pin attempts leading to multiple nearfalls. MJF did a thumb to the eye forcing the referee to pull Starks back and MJF sent Starks into the turnbuckle leading to Starks doing a sternum bump. MJF gave Starks a Stun Gun onto the top rope with Starks selling a rib injury, so MJF sent him ribs first onto the top rope.


There were about ten minutes left in the show as MJF applied an abdominal stretch, Starks got out of it with a hiptoss and Starks hit a clothesline to get some momentum going. Starks with a jawbreaker, running back elbow in the corner and a leaping clothesline. Starks with a facebuster into the mat. Starks got a Ligerbomb for a two count after they didn’t do it right on the first attempt. Starks charged, MJF moved and Starks hit the turnbuckle. MJF did a double knee strike to the left arm. Starks got a rollup, MJF rolled up as a counter and grabbed the trunks for a two count. MJF did a Powerbomb into a backbreaker onto the knee for a two count. They showed that from the wrong angle. They should have shown a replay from a better angle. They got into a slugfest exchanging fake looking punches, MJF with a thumb to the eye, Starks with a boot to the face, MJF with a rolling elbow and Starks bounced off the ropes with a Spear. Starks was grabbing his left arm, so he couldn’t make a cover. The referee counted them both down as Starks rolled over to cover for a two count. So why is the referee counting here, but not when MJF left the ring? Be consistent. That’s all. MJF did an armbar on the left arm, then he pulled back on the right arm, then MJF grabbed a foot and Starks got his other foot on the bottom foot. That was a good “struggle spot” that earned a big pop. Starks got two pin attempts for two counts, MJF tried a bridge out, fell back down and Starks hit a superkick. They were fighting over a spot with Starks going for a lift, MJF hid behind the referee, pushed the referee away and MJF did a low blow kick to Starks. The referee never saw it. MJF did an inside cradle for the one…two…and three. It went 16 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Maxwell Jacob Friedman (MJF)

Analysis: ***3/4 It was a very good match that was a competitive match the whole way. The finish was very fitting for a heel like MJF since he did the low blow for the win. A more decisive win would have been better, but I don’t think MJF is going to be booked like that kind of champion. I think MJF will win matches by cheating every time. Starks has a lot of good moves, he’s believable in everything that he does and the fans are behind him. I saw some people on social media commenting about how Starks should win since he had a lot of momentum, but I didn’t think Starks had a shot to win here because it was only MJF’s first title defense. I think MJF is going to have a very long title reign that goes at least six months or longer.

MJF was given his AEW World Title and MJF retains the Dynamite Diamond Ring for the fourth consecutive year.

MJF walked up the ramp with his title. Bryan Danielson showed up as his music played. MJF ran away, MJF jumped over the barricade and ran up the stairs, so Bryan stopped the pursuit. MJF posed with the AEW World Title while on the steps in the crowd. Bryan picked up Starks, shook his hand and hugged him. The crowd cheered. End show.

Analysis: That will be a title match at some point in 2023. I don’t know if they’ll save it to the Revolution pay-per-view in March, but if they do that’s fine. MJF will beat Bryan whenever it happens.

Three Stars of the Show

1. MJF

2. Ricky Starks

3. Chris Jericho/Action Andretti

The Scoreboard

This Week: 8 out of 10

Last Week: 7.75

Final Thoughts

I liked the show. Really good mix of entertaining matches and stories that helped move the show along. The promos were fine too. The MJF/Starks main event match was fun. Starks put up a fight, came close to winning a few times and then MJF did his heel schtick with the low blow for the win. They also set up Bryan Danielson challenging MJF for the AEW World Title, which should mean another win for MJF whenever that happens. I didn’t think Starks would win since it was MJF’s first title defense, but I think Starks could be in the title picture again down the road.

The story of a newcomer named Action Andretti beating Chris Jericho clean in a singles match was brilliantly done. We have a story up on the site that is Jericho’s idea, which doesn’t surprise me because while Chris does win a lot, he also has no problem putting people over and I’m sure he had a blast doing that match. The fans in Dallas reacted strongly to it with the announcers putting it over well. Action is a talented athlete that is now part of the AEW roster after impressing people on the AEW YouTube shows.

It was also cool hearing the “Roundball Rock” NBA on NBC song from the 1990s that they used for the Best of 7 series. That match with Death Triangle/The Elite wasn’t as great as some of their other matches, but it was a good story with the hammer coming into play again. It was a hot crowd in Dallas, so that helped the show.

Thanks for reading. Go Los Angeles Rams, Toronto Raptors and Toronto Maple Leafs. You can contact me using any of the methods below.

John Canton


Twitter: @johnreport