
The John Report: AEW Dynamite 08/07/24 Review

AEW Dynamite August 7 Review

This week’s AEW Dynamite featured Bryan Danielson facing Jeff Jarrett, MJF in action against Kyle Fletcher, and more.

This was AEW Dynamite episode #253 from the LJVM Coliseum in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Follow me on Twitter/X @johnreport. Let’s get to it.

It’s Wednesday and you know what that means. It’s Excalibur on commentary with Tony Schiavone and Taz.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman was up first as the AEW American Champion wearing some American colors on his gear. There was also a giant American flag above the ring. Will Ospreay was shown watching backstage. Will’s best friend Kyle Fletcher was the opponent. Don Callis was on commentary since Fletcher is a part of the Don Callis Family stable.

AEW American Title Eliminator Match: Maxwell Jacob Friedman vs. Kyle Fletcher

The bell rang, so MJF left the ring and ripped on the fans while telling Kyle to lock up like a man. MJF kicked Kyle in the leg rather than lock up and then Kyle got an inside cradle for two. Kyle delivered a body slam, MJF bailed to the floor and MJF went back into the ring with an elbow smash. MJF pulled on the left arm across the top rope followed by MJF twisting Kyle’s arm so that he went crashing into the turnbuckle. MJF grabbed the arm for an armbar followed by a hair pull takedown. MJF continued working over the left arm with a shoulderbreaker driving the shoulder into MJF’s knee. Good job by MJF grabbing Kyle off the ropes and hitting a gutwrench Powerbomb for two. MJF charged right into a superkick from Kyle. There were punches from Kyle while MJF was against the turnbuckle. Kyle hit a spinning sidewalk slam for two. Kyle kicked MJF on the floor and Kyle hit a suicide dive into the barricade. Back in the ring, Kyle went up top, so MJF rolled out of the ring, which led to Kyle kicking MJF on the floor. Kyle jumped off the top rope with a moonsault where his arm hit MJF across the chest to knock Max down. Kyle went up top again, so MJF rolled out of the ring again and MJF sat on a chair against the barricade. Kyle punched MJF repeatedly. MJF gave Kyle a drop toe hold into the barricade. MJF broke the referee’s count that wasn’t even happening (because AEW?) and MJF did some head biting. MJF took way too long to charge, so Kyle moved and MJF went crashing over the barricade. Kyle hit a running somersault dive over the barricade onto MJF on the floor. Kyle posed with the fans because they were cheering and chanting “AEW.”

Kyle hit a jumping kick to the head. Kyle went up top again and jumped off with an elbow drop for two. MJF wrenched on Kyle’s left arm to slam it into the mat. MJF managed to get a rollup while holding onto the legs for a two count. MJF did a double stomp on the left arm and then an Alabama Slam. MJF connected with a Hammerlock DDT for a two count. Tony said that MJF was so incredible in the ring while trashing him as a human being and Don said that didn’t matter. MJF called Kyle a wannabe Ospreay and then spit in Kyle’s face. Kyle punched MJF repeatedly, MJF caught a boot and MJF hit a thumb to the eye. Kyle with a superkick, they exchanged elbow strikes and MJF hit a Canadian (not American) Destroyer, which was basically no sold as Kyle hit a clothesline. They decided to sell a bit by laying on the mat at that point and then Kyle covered for two because MJF grabbed an armbar. Kyle got a pin attempt for two. Kyle sent MJF face first into the middle turnbuckle. Kyle hit a running kick to the jaw. They battled on the turnbuckle where MJF bit Kyle in the head again. Kyle broke free and countered a move into a pin attempt for two. Kyle hit a jumping Tombstone Piledriver for two. Callis went down to the ring. Callis went on the apron, the referee argued with him and Callis threw a screwdriver toward Kyle to use it. Kyle refused to use it. Tony: “Hit him with it! For crying out loud, hit him with it.” As soon as Kyle threw it out, MJF did an uppercut low blow to the groin because the referee was still looking at Callis. MJF hit the kangaroo kick aka running dropkick and a sheer drop brainbuster for the pinfall win after 18 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Maxwell Jacob Friedman

Analysis: ***3/4 A very good match. It did feel like it went too long, but it’s AEW. That’s what they do. I’m not really complaining about it. I just think sometimes the wrestlers that are pushed like MJF need to win more decisively. MJF got the win because Kyle refused to use the dreaded screwdriver that could have helped him pick up the victory. Kyle has a bright future for sure. MJF continues to deliver great matches every time he’s out there. The brainbuster doesn’t feel like a devastating finisher since we see it in matches so much, but other than that, MJF is absolutely killing it in the ring.

Will Ospreay was shown backstage trying to leave his locker room, but there were road cases in front of his door. Will managed to get the door open and ran out of there. MJF hit referee Paul Turner with the American Title to the head. MJF punched Kyle with the Dynamite Diamond Ring. The camera focused on MJF while Kyle did a blade job and Kyle was bleeding when the camera was on him. MJF punched Kyle a few times while saying that the blood is on Ospreay’s hands. MJF teased doing a Tiger Driver 91, but here comes Will with the save right on cue. MJF ran out from the back part of the arena. Will called for the doctor to check on Kyle, so Will and Callis were all sad about what happened.

Analysis: It was a cheap attack from MJF, which certainly fits his character as a heel who is known for doing that sort of thing. Fletcher sold it well.

A video package aired about Bryan Danielson facing Jeff Jarrett later in the show.

Mariah May vs. Viva Van

May headbutted Van to knock her down followed by May hitting a German Suplex across the ring. May went up top and hit a missile dropkick. May stomped on Van repeatedly. May got in the referee’s face, so Van got a rollup for two. May hit a clothesline and a running dropkick.


May remained in control with kicks to the body. Van connected with an up kick, but May tripped up Van against the turnbuckle. May hit a running hip attack. May kissed Van on the cheek along with a running knee strike. May hit her May Day slam off the shoulders. May hit a Storm Zero like Toni Storm for the pinfall win after six minutes.

Winner: Mariah May

Analysis: *1/2 Easy win for May. This should have been a win in three minutes or less, but they had to stretch it out to six minutes so they could fit a commercial in.

After the match, Mariah May received a gift that was a photo of Storm hugging May. The back of the photo said “Die Mariah Die.” Toni Storm attacked May, who fought her off. May grabbed a white high heel shoe. Storm got the shoe from her and the referees prevented May from being attacked with the dreaded shoe. Storm and May exchanged punches some more until referees and security separated them. The fans were into it.

Analysis: This has been one of the best women’s feuds in AEW history and also one of the best stories going into All In. I think May beating Storm is likely.

A promo aired from TNT Champion Jack Perry talking about his feud with Darby Allin. There wasn’t much to it. In the US, there was a Taco Bell commercial that cut off the promo. Poor American audience. Trust me, you didn’t miss much.


Darby Allin did a promo saying that people ask him why didn’t he light Jack Perry on fire and end this whole thing? Darby said that he wanted to face Jack at Wembley. Allin trashed Perry for not being on Dynamite, Rampage or Collision, but he does have to show up at All In at Wembley. That was it.

Analysis: They have a match at AEW All In, but this story is so weak going into it. They need better segments in the coming weeks.

Bryan Keith vs. Katsuyori Shibata

Chris Jericho, the FTW Champion, was on commentary replacing Taz for this match while Big Bill stood behind him. Jericho bragged about having a four star match from Dave Meltzer, which really matters to AEW people. I rated it less because I’m unbiased. Anyway, Shibata trapped Keith’s right arm and stomped on the elbow. They left the ring where Keith sent Shibata into the barricade. Keith kicked Shibata in the left arm.


The match returned with Keith striking Shibata, who was no selling the strikes. Keith gave Shibata neckbreaker onto Keith’s knee. Keith hit an Exploder Suplex for two. Shibata came back with an STO trip. Shibata applied the dreaded claw to the forehead and then an armbar led to Keith tapping out immediately. It went seven minutes.

Winner by submission: Katsuyori Shibata

Analysis: **1/4 It was an average match to give Shibata a win over Keith, who is basically the guy in Jericho’s group who is there to lose matches. I know there’s a storyline here, but I can’t say I care too much.

After the match, Big Bill went down to the ring and hit Shibata with a forearm to the back. Chris Jericho joined Bill in the ring. Jericho teased an FTW belt attack, but here comes a returning Hook. Hook tossed Bill out of the ring and Hook punched Jericho repeatedly. Hook sent Jericho into the ropes, so Jericho bailed.

Analysis: Hook was so mad at Jericho that he tried to throw Jericho into the ropes to hit a move instead of hitting a move. Use logic. Don’t throw people in the ropes when you are trying to get revenge after being taken out for months.

Orange Cassidy was interviewed by Renee Paquette, who mentioned Orange’s tag team partners were not there due to travel issues. Orange said he found some local boys who were looking for a fight.

There’s an interview with AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland still to come.


“Hangman” Adam Page was interviewed by Renee Paquette in the backstage area. Page said that there is one man that he wanted to take everything that he could from him, but for that one man, there have been a dozen or more dumbasses that got in his way. Page said that justice delayed is justice denied. Page said that he will have what he wants.

Analysis: Page was obviously talking about Swerve Strickland, who he is not facing any time soon, so there will likely be other things for him.

Swerve Strickland Interview

Swerve Strickland, the AEW World Champion, was seated with Jim Ross for an interview. I love JR, but he looked skinny and also didn’t sound that well. I truly hope he is healthy. Here’s most of what Swerve Strickland said in the interview with thanks to AEW’s website for the transcript:

“I am beyond motivated. Main eventing All In: London this year means the world to me. You knock on the door long enough and they don’t allow you in, you gotta make noise. And if you make enough noise, people will listen finally. I know what Bryan Danielson has left in him. He knows how hard he has to fight, especially against me. Before Danielson even gets to the AEW World Championship, it’s about legacy.”

“His legacy is on the line. If I was in the same situation as him, and the roles were reversed, would anyone give a damn about me? They shouldn’t. So why should I? Do I care about him being a father? No. Do I care about him being a husband? Not really.”

JR told Swerve this might be the toughest match he has. Swerve wondered what would happen if Bryan’s arm stopped working.

“Everybody always talks about what they’re going to do when they’re going to inflict pain on someone else. What is he going to do when his body gives out on him? Not only can I beat Bryan Danielson at Wembley, I will beat Bryan Danielson at Wembley Stadium, and his legacy belongs to me now.”

Analysis: Swerve Strickland was confident as usual as the AEW World Champion. I think Bryan Danielson will beat Swerve at All In because even though I know Bryan wants to stop as a full-timer, I don’t see him losing a match with his career on the line.

Orange Cassidy, Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler vs. “The Beast” Mortos, Rush & Roderick Strong (w/Matt Taven & Mike Bennett)

Taz was back on commentary and Don Callis was there for this match too since Rush was there. Orange was supposed to team with Mark Briscoe and Kyle O’Reilly, but they were unable to make it due to the hurricane weather in NC delaying flights. Dax and Cash are from NC, so it’s an easy commute for them.

Rush and Mortos did some double team work on Dax. Strong tagged in, so Dax chopped him a few times. Cash sent Strong into the turnbuckle. Orange tagged in with some shoulder tackles. Dax was back in with a suplex along with an elbow drop. More quick tags by the faces leading to Orange doing an elbow drop on Strong. The heels randomly went into the ring, so the faces knocked them out of the ring to the floor. FTR put their hands in their tights like Orange does. Thrilling.


The heel side was in control against Cash leading to quick tags and Mortos hit a popup Samoan Drop for two. Strong hit a backbreaker on Cash. There was a rollup from Cash for two. Dax tagged in with punches and chops for the heels. Dax with a clothesline on illegal man Rush and a spinebuster on illegal man Mortos. Dax got an inside cradle on Strong for two. Dax hit a clothesline off the middle turnbuckle for two. Strong hit a boot on Dax and Mortos tagged in with a senton splash on Dax. Mortos punched Dax to knock him out of the ring. Taven and Bennett attacked Dax on the floor while the referee wasn’t looking.


Rush was working over Dax as the face in peril. Rush and Dax punched eachother at the same time so they collapsed to the mat at the same time. Strong slammed Cash on the apron to prevent him from tagging in. Orange sent Mortos into the ring post and then Orange got the tag with a cross body block elbow. Orange cleared the ring of Strong and Rush. Orange dove onto Strong on the floor. Orange spun around Mortos’ body leading to a Tornado DDT. The crowd cheered after being quiet for most of this match. Orange punched illegal man Strong and Mortos hit a Spear on Orange. Mortos hit a Spear on Dax, who was illegal and then Cash hit a powerslam on Mortos despite Cash being illegal. Rush was in there with a powerslam on Cash. Orange was back in with a Beach Break slam on Rush for just a one count. I guess Rush is legal. It was announced that a Casino Gauntlet Match at All In for a shot at the AEW World Title. Rush hit Dax with a German Suplex and a running knee for two because Cash broke it up. Mortos headbutted Cash out of the ring and then Mortos dove onto Cash on the floor. Mortos went diving over the barricade because Orange moved out of the way. Orange hit Stundog Millionaire on Strong on the floor. Rush took way too long to set up a move, so Orange punched him with an Orange Punch and Rush punched Orange. Both FTR guys were in the ring with Rush, so Rush punched them both and Orange jumped into the ring with an Orange Punch for Rush. FTR hit Shatter Machine on Rush and Dax covered Rush for the win. It went 17 minutes.

Winners by pinfall: Orange Cassidy, Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler

Analysis: ***1/4 A random tag team match that was pretty good. It was given nearly 20 minutes, which felt like too long. I understand that guys were missing from the show so this tag team match was put together late. It just felt like the match dragged on too much because these AEW tags have random people going into the ring doing moves and barely selling anything. Good for FTR picking up the win.

After the match, The Acclaimed’s Max Caster & Anthony Bowens interrupted. Caster had a microphone issue. Dax said he respects what they have done for AEW. There were security guys out there, so Dax told The Acclaimed to break through the security and the two teams got into a fight with security trying to separate them.

Analysis: That was off since Caster’s microphone didn’t work, so there were no comments from The Acclaimed. The FTR-Acclaimed storyline exists only because of how poorly The Young Bucks have been booked as AEW Tag Team Champions. The Acclaimed literally earned a Tag Team Title match against The Young Bucks about two months ago, the match still hasn’t happened and then FTR got involved in this issue with The Acclaimed. What’s the point of earning title shots and then not give them to people? Can’t Tony Khan overrule The Young Bucks and make them give a title shot? I get that it’s likely being saved for All In and I guess the plan is to add FTR to the match at All In. I just think the feud isn’t that interesting even though I like both teams.

Christian Cage and The Patriarchy (Christian, Killswitch, Nick Wayne & Mother Wayne) were backstage with the AEW Trios Tag Team Titles. Cage said that this Saturday on Collision, it’s going to be the Bang Bang Gang against House of Black. The winners of that match will challenge The Patriarchy for the AEW Trios Tag Team Titles at All In. Christian said discipline is needed, so he’ll be the special referee.


A video aired about AEW newcomer Hologram, who is a masked wrestler who is very athletic.

Kamille (w/Mercedes Mone) vs. Jazmyne Hao & Clara Carter

It was dominance from Kamille as she hit uppercuts and punches to no reaction. Kamile stomped on Hao and slammed Carter down. Both women stomped on Kamille a bit, but then Kamille came back with a clothesline and pump kick. Kamille hit a Rack Bomb on one opponent and then a reverse Powerbomb slam for the pinfall win. It was under two minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Kamille

Analysis: 1/2* A squash match to put over Kamille.

Mercedes Mone, the TBS Champion & NJPW Strong Women’s Champion, told us to say hello to “The Brickhouse” Kamille. That led to Kamille tossing her opponents outside the ring. Mone said that Britt Baker was not there tonight and shouted out the EVPs for suspending Baker, so they don’t have to deal with her until All In. The crowd barely reacted when Mone said that Baker wasn’t there. Mone claimed that these two titles mean she’s the best in AEW.

Tony Schiavone said he was informed by Christopher Daniels that Tony Khan has overruled The Elite and he has lifted the suspension of Dr. Britt Baker D.MD.

There was a Britt Baker promo via satellite. Britt said that Mercedes can get a bodyguard and even get her suspended, but this match is on at All In. Baker said that when things don’t go her way, Mercedes takes her ball and goes home. Baker said that AEW is home for her. Baker said that this ends at All In when she becomes TBS Champion and is the first female to beat Mone. Baker said that she has seven days to get her hands on Mone. Baker ended it reminding us that she’s a doctor.

Analysis: I don’t think this Mone-Baker feud is working that well. The initial confrontation was good, but everything since then has just felt off. It’s just a rivalry. It doesn’t feel special at all.

A video aired about Bryan Danielson putting his career on the line at AEW All In when he challenges Swerve Strickland for the AEW World Title. Bryan earned the title shot by winning the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament. It’s Title vs. Career at All In.

The Danielson-Jarrett match was up next.


There were clips shown of Claudio Castagnoli winning a triple threat match on AEW Collision in front of a small crowd to earn a shot at the AEW Continental Title. Claudio and AEW Continental Champion Kazuchika Okada will have a face to face segment next week.

Analysis: That Claudio/Okada segment will likely make the AEW Continental Championship match at All In official. The AEW Continental Title is probably the worst-booked title in all of AEW. It is not Okada’s fault. It is the booking.

Ricky Steamboat made his entrance to join commentary. Bryan Danielson made his entrance. Jeff Jarrett attacked Bryan from behind and hit him with a guitar in the back. Jarrett sent Bryan into the ring to start the match.

Anything Goes Match: Bryan Danielson vs. Jeff Jarrett

Jarrett nailed Bryan with a chair to the back. They went brawling into the crowd. Tony Schiavone said that there’s nobody better to wrestle than Jeff Jarrett to prepare for Swerve Strickland while Taz agreed because of how unpredictable Jarrett is. Yes, because there is nobody better than a 57-year-old who never wins. Bryan and Jarrett were exchanging punches in the aisle surrounded by fans. Jarrett threw a plastic garbage can at Bryan had a metal can. Bryan punched Jarrett with a bottle or can of some kind. Jarrett kicked Bryan in the ring. Jarrett sent Bryan into a garbage can. Jarrett suplexed Bryan onto a metal garbage can. Bryan suplexed Jarrett onto a garbage can. They went to a picture-in-picture break.


The match returned with Jarrett hitting Bryan in the right knee with a steel chair. Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana were watching on a TV backstage. Jarrett worked over Bryan with punches. Jarrett sent Bryan into the turnbuckle, but Bryan did a backflip and hit a running clothesline. Bryan hit a running dropkick against the turnbuckle followed by punches and a head biting. Bryan tossed Jarrett out of the ring and hit a suicide dive on the floor. Bryan worked over Jarrett with kicks while on the floor. Bryan hit a running dropkick on the floor. Bryan sent Jarrett into the steel steps. Bryan jumped off the apron right into Jarrett throwing a chair at Bryan’s right knee. Jarrett put the chair against Bryan’s right knee, but Bryan was back up and hit Jarrett with a chair to the body while Jarrett was on the top turnbuckle. Bryan hit a spider superplex. Bryan jumped off the top with a missile dropkick. Bryan worked over Jarrett with kicks, Jarrett moved out of the way and Jarrett applied a Figure Four Leglock. Bryan smashed a chair on Jarrett’s knees to break the hold. Jarrett hit The Stroke on the steel chair, which was really Bryan’s hands hitting the chair. They shot that from the wrong angle because it looks like such a shitty move. Jarrett applied a poor-looking Sharpshooter, Bryan got out of it and Bryan applied a LeBell Lock, but Jarrett easily got out of it. Bryan and Jarrett did the “throw punches consecutively” spot followed by Jarrett hitting an enziguri kick. Bryan countered The Stroke and sent Jeff into the steel chair. Bryan hit the Busaiko Knee with the chair for the pinfall win.

Winner by pinfall: Bryan Danielson

Analysis: ***1/4 It was good for a brawling type match. The fact that it took Bryan so long to beat a man that’s nearly 60 years old doesn’t make Bryan look impressive. To Jarrett’s credit, he does move around okay for his age. I just think some of Jeff’s offense looks weak and it’s hard to believe he can win a match like this. The announcers try so hard to put every match over like some classic match, but it wasn’t that kind of a match. Bryan only needed a couple of moves to finally put Jeff away.

Post match, Bryan Danielson was checked on by his Blackpool Combat Club (remember them?) buddy Wheeler Yuta while Jeff was checked on by his wife Karen, Jay Lethal & Sonjay Dutt. Jarrett was bleeding from the right side of his face, perhaps from the ear. Ricky Steamboat raised the hands of both men. Jarrett hugged Bryan.

Swerve Strickland, the AEW World Champion, arrived with Prince Nana and Swerve got into the ring. Swerve spoke about seeing great champions from TBS programming like Jeff Jarrett, Ricky Steamboat and Swerve Strickland. Swerve said that they have defined pro wrestling on this network. Swerve said that the difference between them and Bryan is they’ve been World Champion. No reaction from the crowd. Swerve said he would retire Danielson at AEW All In and Bryan’s legacy will become Swerve’s. Swerve told Bryan he wouldn’t hesitate to take that killshot. Swerve said if Bryan was hurting after that, just wait and see what Swerve does to him. Strickland said he needed a sparring partner for next week so he suggested Wheeler Yuta, who was in the ring with Bryan. Swerve wanted Bryan to watch next week to see why Swerve is the most dangerous man in AEW. Swerve and Bryan had a staredown while Yuta also stared at Swerve. That was the end of the show.

Analysis: Swerve should beat Yuta Wheeler in under ten minutes, but it’s AEW so they’ll go longer. I am picking Bryan over Swerve at All In.


Three Stars of the Show

  1. MJF
  2. Bryan Danielson
  3. Kyle Fletcher


The Scoreboard

This Week: 7.25 out of 10

Last Week: 7.25

2024 Average: 7.49


Final Thoughts on AEW Dynamite

It was okay for an episode of Dynamite, but they have had much better shows in recent weeks. This one felt average for Dynamite. The opening match between MJF/Kyle Fletcher and Bryan Danielson/old guy Jeff Jarrett were good. With that said, this company is obsessed with putting on longer matches even though it’s better for a wrestler to win more decisively, especially when they are pushed a lot. It shouldn’t take Bryan Danielson nearly 20 minutes to beat a guy who is 57 years old when Bryan is headlining the biggest show of the year in AEW.

The two women’s feuds going on are very different. While I like the Toni Storm/Mariah May rivalry, the Mercedes Mone/Britt Baker rivalry isn’t interesting at all. The segment this week didn’t help at all. Other feuds like Darby Allin/Jack Perry got a bit of TV time, but that’s a boring story too.

If I didn’t have to review this show I likely would have hit fast-forward for a lot of it. The fans didn’t seem to care about some of the matches in the middle of the show. AEW can put on better episodes of Dynamite. We saw it a few times last month. I know some guys missed this show due to travel issues, but I still feel like Dynamite should be better than what we saw this week.

The next AEW pay-per-view is All In taking place at Wembley Stadium in London, England on August 25th. Here’s the lineup so far.

* AEW World Championship: Swerve Strickland (c) vs. Bryan Danielson – If Danielson loses then he will retire.

* AEW Women’s World Championship: “Timeless” Toni Storm (c) vs. Mariah May

* AEW American Championship: Maxwell Jacob Friedman (c) vs. Will Ospreay

* TBS Championship: Mercedes Mone (c) vs. Britt Baker

* TNT Championship: Jack Perry (c) vs. Darby Allin

* Casino Gauntlet Match – Winner receives AEW World Title match.

* AEW Trios Tag Team Championships: The Patriarchy (Christian Cage, Nick Wayne & Killswitch) vs. either House of Black or Bang Bang Gang

There will be more matches.


Thanks for reading. Go Los Angeles Rams. You can contact me using any of the methods below.

John Canton


Twitter/X: @johnreport