
The John Report: AEW Dynamite 07/31/24 Review

AEW Dynamite July 31 Review

This week’s AEW Dynamite featured a Darby Allin-Hangman Page main event while Willow Nightingale faced former friend Kris Statlander.

This was AEW Dynamite episode #252 from the Bon Secours Wellness Arena in Greenville, South Carolina. Follow me on Twitter/X @johnreport. Let’s get to it.

It’s Wednesday and you know what that means. It’s Excalibur on commentary with Tony Schiavone and Taz.

Let’s Hear from MJF

The AEW American Champion Maxwell Jacob Friedman made his entrance wearing the new championship along with a red jacket. MJF did a cheesy southern American accent while trashing South Carolina for being trailer park trash. MJF told the fans to keep their “meth-addicted mouths” shut. MJF spoke into the camera that was in the ring with him. MJF bragged about how he singlehandedly defeated Will Ospreay with ease. MJF said he’ll walk into enemy territory at All In London and beat Ospreay again. MJF wanted the crowd to rise for their American Hero referring to himself.

Will Ospreay went down to the ring, so MJF left the ring and went up the aisle. Will told MJF to keep running. Will said after what MJF said about Will’s family, he’ll put MJF through pain that he can never imagine. Will said he knows “Yanks” love that American flag like Will loves his country’s flag. Will told MJF that nobody wants to acknowledge that championship because some prick like MJF is holding it. Will mentioned MJF throwing the International Championship in the trash like it was a piece of trash. Will spoke about men that have worked hard to make that championship like Pac, Orange Cassidy, Jon Moxley, Rey Fenix, Roderick Strong and himself. Will said they all performed like their lives were on the line for these people. Will told MJF he wasn’t worthy of holding the International Championship. Will said MJF doesn’t represent the American spirit and American work ethic. Will said that when MJF comes to England for All In, Will shall restore honor for the International Championship.

MJF told the fans that they are disgusting turncoats for supporting Will. MJF said that he lets his action do the talking. MJF said he’ll annihilate Will in front of his crooked teeth countrymen. MJF told Will that tonight in this shithole South Carolina…everybody dies. Here comes Lance Archer.

Analysis: It was okay as a promo exchange between MJF and Ospreay. MJF tried really hard to use cheap heat to get a reaction, but this wasn’t a vocal crowd for the most part. Ospreay’s promos are fine although in this case, MJF was clearly better. I honestly couldn’t care less if it’s called the American Title or the International Title and I doubt most fans care. It is one of the many titles in this company, so acting like it’s something prestigious when there are so many other champions is a bit strange to me. With that said, I think MJF-Ospreay will be an outstanding match at All In just like their recent Dynamite match was.

Will Ospreay vs. Lance Archer

It seems like AEW brings out Archer every two or three months for a couple of matches and then he goes away. I know he works in Japan in other places too, but for five years he’s never really gotten a consistent push in AEW yet they try to tell us he’s a big threat in matches. Here he is again set to put somebody else over.

Archer spiked Will with a Chokeslam as soon as the bell rang. Archer hit three straight running splashes against the turnbuckle. Will got some offense going with a handstand into the ropes leading to corkscrew kick to send Archer out of the ring. Will went for a dive over the top, but Archer caught him. Archer gave Will a stiff body slam on the floor. Archer broke the referee’s count that wasn’t even happening because it’s AEW where referees don’t count all the time. Will gave Archer a hurricanrana into the barricade. The referee was counting now. As Archer went back into the ring, Will jumped off the top with a missile dropkick. Will went up top, Archer grabbed him by the throat and slammed him down. Also shoutout to my good friend and loyal TJR reader Nathan Harris in the front row in a pink shirt holding the AEW World Title. Nice seats, buddy!


The match returned with Archer in control, but Will managed to hit a roundhouse kick and a hook kick. Will jumped off the ropes only for Archer to catch him and hit a sidewalk slam for two. Archer gave Will a spinebuster for two. Will hit a superkick and then a Spanish Fly slam. Archer delivered a boot to the chest to stop a charging Will. Archer went to the turnbuckle, Will went after him there and Will got a hold of Archer leading to a Spanish Fly off the top for two. Ospreay hit an Oscutter for two. Will charged right into a clothesline by Archer, which Will sold with a great flip bump. Will was on the top rope leading to Archer hitting a knee to the face. Will countered a move into a DDT followed by the Hidden Blade elbow to the head for just one. Will hit the Hidden Blade again without the elbow pad and Will covered Archer for the pinfall win after 12 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Will Ospreay

Analysis: ***1/4 A good match with the obvious Ospreay victory. Most Ospreay matches are better than this. It’s not a knock on Archer. It’s just hard to get into a match like this. Nobody watching this thought that Archer could win, so that hurts my interest level in the match. That spot with Will doing a Spanish Fly off the top was really cool, but that’s a move that is only a two count in today’s wrestling world. I don’t like Archer kicking out the Hidden Blade at one because he’s a midcard guy that should taking that move for the pinfall. Instead, Will had to hit a second Hidden Blade and that was enough to win.

After the match, MJF attacked Ospreay and beat him up with punches. MJF gave Will a brainbuster. MJF teased using the Dynamite Diamond Ring to punch Ospreay, but Kyle Fletcher made the save. Fletcher punched MJF a few times, so MJF bailed out of the ring.

Kyle Fletcher told his manager Don Callis that he knows he was told not to get involved in Will Ospreay’s business, but Will is his best friend and his brother. Fletcher called MJF a narcissistic, self centred asshole. Kyle said that he is MJF’s karma coming to bite him in the ass. Kyle said that the people know MJF doesn’t give a damn about America. Kyle said that he was born in Australia, but when he was eight years old he dreamed of one day moving to this country. Kyle said that’s because this is where the best wrestle. Kyle said that this country has given him his dream girl (that’s Skye Blue and it looks like he’s wearing a wedding ring), dream car, dream house and dream life and he’ll be forever grateful for that. Fletcher said that we are sick of the same old MJF bullcrap. Kyle wanted MJF to come down to the ring to beat him up right now.

MJF teased going down to the ring to fight Fletcher, but of course that wasn’t happening. MJF: “No.” Tony called him a coward. MJF told “Wannabe Will Ospreay” that he doesn’t call the shots around here because MJF does. MJF said if you want a match you will get one on his time next week on Dynamite. MJF said he’s going to Kangaroo Kick his god damn face off. MJF said he’ll give Fletcher the same fate that Daniel Garcia got and he’ll leave Fletcher in a pool of his own blood. MJF told Fletcher to blame Will. MJF said he can’t wait to see the look on Will’s face after he’s done dismantling Fletcher and you can thank MJF later.

Analysis: That was a solid babyface promo by Kyle Fletcher, who has been a heel for his AEW career as part of the Don Callis Family. It is legit that Fletcher is Ospreay’s best friend, so they used that connection to build up to that match next week on Dynamite. That’s cool with me.

A video package aired about AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland.


The FTW Champion Chris Jericho was backstage with Big Bill and Bryan Keith while Alex Marvez was there for an interview. Bill congratulated Jericho for 102 days as FTW Champion. Jericho called himself the longest running For The World Champion in wrestling history. Jericho said that the cake won’t get smashed in somebody’s face. Jericho complained about his broken finger at the hands of Minoru Suzuki. Jericho said he can’t take out Katsuyori Shibata, but Bryan Keith will. That led to Keith saying next week on Dynamite, he’ll take care of Shibata. Bill handed Marvez the cake and Keith told Marvez to eat that damn cake.

Analysis: Riveting television. I don’t think this Chris Jericho gimmick is working that well. I understand the intent and trying to elevate others that were not getting opportunities, but it just makes me yawn.

CMLL Women’s World Championship Eliminator Match: Willow Nightingale vs. Kris Statlander (w/Stokely Hathaway)

This is not for Willow’s title, which is why it’s an “Eliminator” match.

Kris delivered a punch followed by a missile dropkick off the top rope. Willow came back with some hard chops to the upper body. Willow hit a running back splash and a kick that knocked Kris down. Each woman got a rollup for two. Willow hit a Fisherman’s Suplex for two. Willow hit Kris with a forearm to the back as they fought on the floor with Willow sending Kris into the barricade. Willow went for a cannonball, Kris moved and Willow hit the barricade. They went to a PIP break.


Willow countered a move with a front suplex. Willow hit a couple of clotheslines and a spinebuster for two. They each fought over moves. Kris put Willow on her shoulders and slammed her face first. Kris hit an ax kick for a two count. Willow and Kris battled on the apron leading to Willow hitting a Death Valley Driver on the apron. Willow grabbed Stokely by the jacket, which allowed Kris to get back up with a clothesline. Kris went up top and Willow caught her with a Powerbomb. It didn’t look great. Willow gave Kris a DDT for two. Willow set up Kris on the top rope. Kris knocked her down and Kris hit a 450 Splash for two. Kris literally asked Willow if she was okay after landing her knees onto Willow. Hathaway gave Kris a metal chain and Hathaway distracted referee Aubrey Edwards. Kris hit a discus lariat while holding the metal chain for the pinfall win after 10 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Kris Statlander

Analysis: **3/4 The match was solid. They did a lot of big moves that amounted to nothing because they didn’t sell that much. They do big moves like Powerbomb counters off the top and Death Valley Drivers on the apron and a 450 Splash, but they just seem like big moves to do without telling much of a story. I didn’t like the finish. Why not just punch her with the chain? Doing a clothesline while holding the chain isn’t exactly as devastating as a punch. I like both women. It just felt like a decent match, but nothing special about it.

After the match, Kris hit Willow in the back with a steel chair two times. Security went to the ring to try to stop Kris. That didn’t work because Kris beat up the three security guys. Hathaway got Kris to stop. That was it.

Analysis: There will be a Kris-Willow rematch for the Women’s CMLL Championship at some future show.

A clip was shown from last week when Jeff Jarrett spoke to Bryan Danielson about Bryan’s AEW World Title match at All In.


Let’s Hear from Bryan Danielson and Swerve Strickland

Bryan Danielson made his entrance wearing a black t-shirt and blue jeans. He doesn’t even wear his own merchandise. Bryan will challenge AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland at All In on August 25th.

Bryan sucked up to the fans saying it was great to be in Greenville. Bryan said that his wife and him got their engagement pictures taken right here in Greenville while saying they had a beautiful downtown. There was a brief “Brie” chant. Bryan said that you don’t realize it’s the good old days until it’s almost gone.

Bryan spoke about how he has been lucky because he was able to come back from a career-ending injury. Bryan said that the last three years in AEW have been incredible and they were the funnest time in his career. Bryan said that he was able to be present behind the curtain and he was able to be present when the fans were chanting “YES” for him. The fans chanted “Thank You Bryan” for him.

The promo continued as Bryan said that he promised his daughter when she turns 7, he’s going to stop wrestling full time. Bryan spoke about how the contract he signed with AEW ends tomorrow and he said that he promised his family that would be the last contract. Bryan talked about how every time he stepped into the ring he would give his all for the fans and for himself. Bryan said that he was going to kick people’s heads in while he was in AEW and he said he was going to win the AEW World Championship. Bryan said he’s kicked a lot of heads in, but he hasn’t won the AEW World Championship…yet. Bryan said that this will be his last shot and it will be at AEW’s biggest show of the year at Wembley Stadium at All In. Bryan said that doctors are telling him not to wrestle and his family doesn’t want him to wrestle. Bryan said he’ll be present at Wembley Stadium and he’ll give you 100%. Bryan said that he promises with his body, his mind and his soul, he will go all in at All In.

The AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana interrupted the promo. They joined Danielson in the ring. The fans kept reacting to “Whose House?” so Bryan encouraged “Yes” chants.

Swerve told Bryan he respects him and Bryan inspired a whole generation of wrestlers to pursue their dreams, including Swerve. Strickland said if it were any other time, he would want Bryan to have his moment at All In. Swerve said that this is Swerve’s time. Swerve said that he’s one of a kind and said that in ten years from now, people will want to press rewind. Swerve said that maybe Bryan wasn’t able to handle it when Bryan’s opponents kicked back. Swerve said that this is not an achievement award. Swerve said that this belt shows that you are the best in the world and Swerve is the best in the world.

Swerve mentioned that Bryan lost to Ospreay and Swerve beat Ospreay. Swerve said that Bryan lost to The Elite at Anarchy in the Arena while Swerve led Team AEW to beat The Elite at Blood & Guts. Swerve said last year he competed at All In while Bryan was too broken down to get on a flight to London. Ouch. Swerve said he knows Bryan likes to be in the moment. Swerve told Bryan that he promised him that he was the most dangerous man in AEW and Swerve promised Bryan that he would not be walking out of All In as champion. Swerve said that Bryan may not walk again after Swerve is done with him.

Bryan told Swerve he had one more promise. Bryan promised that if he doesn’t win the AEW World Championship then he will never wrestle again. Taz: “What the hell?” Some fans chanted “no” to that. Bryan: “Your title vs. my career at All In. Swerve, what do you say?” Swerve shook Bryan’s hand to agree to it. Swerve said that it was noble of Bryan. Swerve said don’t keep that promise with Swerve, keep it with your family. Swerve left as his music played.

Analysis: There’s a big stipulation added to the Swerve-Danielson match. We know Bryan was planning to slow down as a full-time wrestler later this year, so now he put it out there that he will retire if he loses at All In. I think I’m going with Bryan Danielson to win the AEW World Title at All In. I think Bryan not being a full-timer is true, but they can still put the World Title on him for a few months and have him drop the title before the end of the year. Bryan did a great job with his promo. Swerve is still a babyface champion, but he also comes across as heelish at times just because of how confident he is. Anyway, it should be an awesome match at All In. I’m looking forward to it.

The announcers were shown on camera reacting to Bryan Danielson putting his career on the line. Taz made the right point saying that Danielson believes in himself.

They went backstage where Renee Paquette tried to talk to Bryan Danielson. Jeff Jarrett walked up to Bryan saying that’s how you go all in. Bryan slapped Jeff’s hand away and challenged Jeff to a match on Dynamite next week. Bryan left.

Rush, “The Beast” Mortos & Roderick Strong vs. The Conglomeration – Mark Briscoe, Orange Cassidy & Tomohiro Ishii

Don Callis was on commentary to support Rush. The match started with everybody throwing punches. Orange and Mortos were alone in the ring leading to Orange doing some comedy bullshit. Mortos knocked Orange out of the ring. Mortos gave Ishii a belly-to-belly suplex, which Ishii no sold and knocked down Morton with a shoulder tackle. Ishii hit Mortos wit ha suplex. Rush went into the ring to have a shoulder tackle showdown with Ishii. Rush kicked Ishii and kicked him in the back, which Ishii no sold. Ishii blocked a Rush clothesline and then Rush knocked down Ishii with a forearm. Mark was in the ring exchanging chops and he hit a running kick. Rush came back with a running splash. Mark hit a running elbow. Strong went back into the ring with a dropkick. Mark hit a flipping neckbreaker on Strong on the floor. Mark dove off the apron not two guys on the floor. They went to a picture-in-picture break.

Analysis: They spent five minutes without making any tags and just randomly fighting around the ring. Why? Because AEW. I don’t know how to explain it.


It looked like they actually tried to make it a regular tag by having guys stand on the apron and make tags. Rush and Mortos hit a double team shoulder tackle on Orange. Rush was in the ring as Orange hit a Stundog Millionaire on Mortos and Mark got the tag from Orange. Mark worked over Mortos and Rush with punches along with an enziguri kick. Strong was legal for his team as Ishii no sold his offense and Ishii suplexed all three opponents including a release German Suplex on Strong. Orange went into the ring illegally wit ha DDT on Orange and Mark hit a Froggy Bow off the top. Ishii hit a running clothesline for two because Strong’s partners saved him. Mortos dove onto Mark on the floor. Orange dove at Mortos, who caught Orange and then Rush ran the ropes leading to a somersault dive over the top onto three guys. Strong gave Ishii an Olympic Slam and a Tiger Driver for two. Ishii headbutted Strong. Mark tagged in against Mortos leading to Mark hitting a dropkick. Rush was in illegally with a suplex, Ishii with a clothesline, Strong wit ha backbreaker, Orange hit an Orange Punch and Mortos hit a Samoan Drop on Orange. Mark went for a move, but Rush was in the ring illegally again and he headbutted Mark. Mortos hit a sitout piledriver-style move on Mark for the pinfall win after about ten minutes.

Winners by pinfall: Rush, “The Beast” Mortos & Roderick Strong

Analysis: *** A chaotic tag team match that was AEW style because there was a lot of illegal offense throughout the match. I don’t think it’s good wrestling to have people randomly going into the ring to do moves. It just looks silly. Yes, I’m used to it after watching AEW for over five years, but I don’t like tag team matches like that. Anyway, Mortos beating Briscoe should set up Mortos for a shot at the ROH World Title held by Briscoe. I don’t watch the ROH brand. Sorry guys.

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn were backstage for a promo. Max Caster said they were looking for FTR in their own home territory. Caster kept calling himself the best wrestler alive (that’s a stretch). Caster said they want to be welcomed by FTR because those guys said that Caster isn’t a serious wrestler due to Caster rapping. Anthony Bowens said that they will come to FTR Saturday night at Collision. Bowens reminded us that everyone loves The Acclaimed. Bowens said it was time to nut up or shut up.

Analysis: The Acclaimed beat The Young Bucks non-title over a month ago and that AEW Tag Team Title match is still not official. I assume it’s coming at All In, but they didn’t even address it in that promo.


Mariah May was interviewed by Renee Paquette. May wondered what more did she have to explain? May said that from day one, she said she wanted to be like Toni Storm. May said that Storm gave May everything she ever wanted. May said she wasn’t answering any more questions, so Renee left.

Toni Storm walked onto the stage saying that Mariah May said she loved her and Storm admitted that she loved May too. Storm hit herself with a shoe to the head and said that at All In, it’s going to be the romance of a bloody lifetime.

Analysis: I think Mariah May beating Toni Storm at AEW All In is very likely. It is one of the best storylines in AEW and it should be a great match. Both women have done an awesome job to build up the match.

A clip was shown from the San Diego Comic Con last Thursday when Mercedes Mone and Britt Baker got into a shoving match while they were part of a panel. Tony Khan booked Mone and Baker in a TBS Title match at AEW All In.

Kamille (w/Mercedes Mone) vs. Brittany Jade

This is Kamille’s AEW debut match. Kamille tackled Brittany against the turnbuckle. Kamille tossed Brittany across the ring. Kamille charged with a guillotine leg drop to the head. Kamille hit a roundhouse kick to the head. Kamille hit a Dominator slam for the pinfall win in about one minute.

Winner by pinfall: Kamille

Analysis: 1/2* An easy win to establish Kamille as a dominant force in the women’s division.

Mercedes Mone, the TBS Champion and NJPW Strong Women’s Champion, introduced us to the newest member of the Mone Corporation (say it like Money Corporation) – Kamille. Mone said that you can see why we call Kamille the “Brickhouse.” Mone said that Britt Baker has taken things way too far. Mone said that Baker is obsessed with her, but who isn’t obsessed with her? Mone said that Baker was suspended by the EVPs referring to The Young Bucks. Mone said that Britt can complain about how Britt built this place, but Mone said that AEW is her house now. Mone said that she’ll turn this house into a mansion because that’s how she rolls. Mone said that money changes everything and that was it.

Analysis: It was just a decent promo. The fans rejected Mone as a face, so now she’s in heel mode and that’s fine, but Mone bragging about how rich she is feels tiresome already. It feels very repetitive and not in a good way.

It’s Hangman Page against Darby Allin up next.


Darby Allin vs. “Hangman” Adam Page

It was mentioned by Excalibur that this was their first time in a singles match in AEW. They have both been part of AEW since the company launched in 2019. Allin hit an armdrag followed by a dropkick that knocked Page out of the ring. Allin went for a Coffin Drop onto Page on the floor, but Page caught him and hit a German Suplex on the floor. Page threw Allin hard into the barricade. They were on the floor for a long time while the referee didn’t count them out…because AEW? I guess. Again, I can’t explain it. Page told the referee Bryce Remsburg to shut up. Allin jumped over Page and hit a Cutter. Allin climbed up the top of the entrance tunnel and jumped onto Page with a Coffin Drop onto Page. Allin was probably about 10-12 feet high when he jumped. They went to a picture-in-picture break.


Page countered an Allin move leading to a choke hold leading to a swing that put Allin down on the mat. Page punched Allin in the back followed by some eye gouging. Allin got a rollup for two and then Allin jumped off the middle ropes onto Page. The lights went dark in the arena, and then they were back on. It was about five seconds. They left the ring where Page sent Allin hard into the steel steps. Page hit Allin with a forearm to the chest. Page sent Allin into the steel steps on the floor, but Allin jumped over the steps. Page caught a leaping Allin and sent Allin into the ring post. Page gave Allin a Powerbomb on the ring apron three times. Excalibur explained the shitty referee not counting them out saying that the referee is using his discretion. Page gave Allin a fallaway slam onto the steel steps so that Allin’s back hit the top of the steps hard. They went to a PIP break again.


The match continued with Page giving Allin a fallaway slam off the turnbuckle so Allin was tossed across the ring. Page set up Allin on the apron by the steel steps, but Allin broke free. Allin swept Page’s legs so that Page fell back-first onto the top of the steel steps. Allin hit a suicide dive onto Page, how was seated on the steel steps, so Page got knocked down to the floor. The referee was administering a countout now, yet he didn’t do it before on multiple occasions…because AEW? I don’t know how to explain it other than it hurts the match. Anyway, they were both back in the ring with Allin taking off his belt and hitting Page in the back two times. Allin hit a shotgun dropkick and coffin splash against the ropes. Allin hit Code Red on Page for two. They were past the 10 p.m. ET hour as Allin dove off the top, but Page caught him. Allin broke free with a two count. Allin went for the Buckshot Lariat, but Page was ready for it with a clothesline leading to Allin doing a flip bump while Page got a two count. Page gave Allin a Powerbomb for two. Page picked up Allin and gave him the Deadeye slam that looks painful for Page’s knees. Page hit another Deadeye on Allin. Page slowly went to the apron When Allin got up, Page teased a Buckshot Lariat, but Allin collapsed to the mat. Page lifted up Allin, who got a hold of Page’s arm and Allin did a ROLLUP OF DEATH~! style cradle pin for the three count. It went 20 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Darby Allin

Analysis: ***1/2 The match was very good, but it never got to that next level where I would call it great. The inconsistent refereeing hurt the match as I mentioned in my review above. Page was in control for most of the match, he was moving around slowly and then Allin was able to play possum long enough to get the pinfall win with a surprising rollup win. It makes sense to put over Allin since he’s in the TNT Title match at All In and get an AEW World Title match at Dynamite Grand Slam in September as well. Page really doesn’t have a feud right now although I assume he’ll have some big match at All In.

After the match, Page complained to the referee about it. Allin signaled Page with a double middle finger salute. Page was furious in the ring while also tossing some chairs into the ring. There were graphics plugging Dynamite and Collision matches for next week. Allin celebrated the win while Page was frustrated in the ring. The show ended at about five minutes past the top of the hour. That’s fine.

Analysis: It wasn’t a hot ending or anything like that. It was just an ending.


Three Stars of the Show

  1. Bryan Danielson
  2. Darby Allin
  3. Will Ospreay


The Scoreboard

This Week: 7.25 out of 10

Last Week: 7.5

2024 Average: 7.50


Final Thoughts on AEW Dynamite

This episode was weaker than the last month of shows, but still solid overall. Some of the matches didn’t have great finishes and the crowd seemed less interested in things that should have gotten a bigger reaction. I was interested in Allin-Page going into it, but it just felt like a regular match and nothing special.

I liked the Bryan Danielson-Swerve Strickland segment the most. Danielson is putting his career on the line against Swerve’s AEW World Title at All In, which makes me think Bryan is going to win. While Bryan will slow down as a full-timer soon, he’s still going to wrestle again in the future.

The card for AEW All In looks good so far. I’m interested to see what else gets added to it throughout the month.

The next AEW pay-per-view is All In taking place at Wembley Stadium in London, England on August 25th. Here’s the lineup so far.

* AEW World Championship: Swerve Strickland (c) vs. Bryan Danielson

* AEW Women’s World Championship: “Timeless” Toni Storm (c) vs. Mariah May

* AEW American Championship: Maxwell Jacob Friedman (c) vs. Will Ospreay

* TBS Championship: Mercedes Mone (c) vs. Britt Baker

* TNT Championship: Jack Perry (c) vs. Darby Allin


Thanks for reading. Go Toronto Blue Jays. You can contact me using any of the methods below.

John Canton


Twitter/X: @johnreport