
The John Report: AEW Dynamite 07/10/24 Review

AEW Dynamite July 10 Review

This week’s AEW Dynamite featured the Men’s and Women’s Finals of the Owen Hart Foundation tournament.

This was AEW Dynamite episode #249 from the Scotiabank Saddledome in Calgary, Alberta. Follow me on Twitter/X @johnreport. Let’s get to it.

The show started with a replay of MJF attacking Daniel Garcia on AEW Dynamite last week. They also showed highlights of MJF’s heel promo on Collision last Saturday, which is good because that show does not have a big audience.

It’s Wednesday and you know what that means. Excalibur was on commentary with Nigel McGuinness and Tony Schiavone. No Taz because Chris Jericho requested that he not be there. That was the storyline explanation anyway.

Let’s Hear from Will Ospreay

The AEW International Champion Will Ospreay entered to a big pop. A lot of lights turned off in the crowd. Will sat on the top turnbuckle to do this promo. Will said that he was appalled and disgusted last week, but he wasn’t surprised. Will spoke about how he had heard rumors about how MJF was one of the most insecure people in pro wrestling. Will talked about Daniel Garcia gaining popularity, so then MJF stopped that by delivering a tombstone piledriver. Will said that Garcia is home with no feeling in his arms and he doesn’t know if he can come back to pro wrestling. Will said that MJF has talked about ADD and Will has ADHD, but it doesn’t give him an excuse to be a prick.

Will said that Bidding War of 2024 that MJF talked about didn’t go MJF’s way because Tony Khan would rather spend his money on guys that will elevate AEW like himself rather than bury it. Will said he was called a talentless hack, but he’s got more talent in his left nut than MJF has in his entire body. Will said that the main reason that MJF doesn’t like him is because Will represents the foundation of this place. Will said that MJF had a tattoo that said AEW “Bet On Yourself” on it but if MJF was honest it would say “All About Myself” on it. Will said that since he’s been in AEW, he has felt like he’s been cleaning up somebody else’s mess and he found the guy who made the mess. Will talked about MJF being a scumbag. Will said that the “Level of The Devil” is ground floor while Will is top floor. Will said he’s there and he’s after a fight.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman responded to the promo on the video screen. MJF was seated in a chair with a drink in hand. MJF claimed that the people didn’t deserve to be in the presence of his greatness. MJF bragged about beating top guys. MJF said that Will is a joke while MJF said that he didn’t have to murder himself because all he had to do was speak. MJF said that once they see your routine, they’ll get tired of it and realize that Will is replaceable. MJF claimed that he’s been in this sport ten years and has seen ten different Best in the World guys. MJF said he’s a generational talent. MJF said no to a match. MJF said he doesn’t wrestle for fun. MJF claimed he wrestled for the betterment of AEW. MJF challenged Ospreay for the AEW International Championship next week on Dynamite. MJF said that Will won’t be wrestling for stars because MJF will be punching him in the face until he starts seeing them. That was the end of it.

Ospreay: “Adorable. Max, I’ll see you next week, you little bitch.” Will left to cheers.

Analysis: That’s a huge match for next week on Dynamite since it’s the first-ever Ospreay-MJF match in AEW and we get it on Dynamite instead of a PPV event. Next week is episode 250 of Dynamite, so they wanted to put a big match on there. That’s one of the big matches that AEW can do, so I get why it’s happening on that show. Will did a good job as the babyface representing AEW as a company while doing his best to explain why MJF is so bitter and jealous of a guy like Daniel Garcia. MJF not being there is fitting for him as a cowardly heel. They could have had MJF tape that promo last week. Anyway, it should be an awesome match next week when Ospreay faces MJF.

A video aired setting up the Bryan Danielson-Adam Page match in the Finals of the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament.

Bryan Danielson made his entrance first while Jeff Jarrett was standing beside the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament title and trophy that was on the stage. Jeff Jarrett is the special enforcer of this match since he was one of Owen Hart’s best friend and Owen’s tag team partner when Owen died in 1999. “Hangman” Adam Page walked out of the babyface tunnel while Jarrett was looking at the heel tunnel. Page spit on Jarrett on Page’s way to the ring. Ring announcer Justin Roberts did the introductions for this match.

Men’s Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Finals: Bryan Danielson vs. “Hangman” Adam Page

Jeff Jarrett was the special enforcer in this match. As the match began, Excalibur spoke bullshit about how Taz was in Calgary, but was banned from the building by The Young Bucks per the request of Chris Jericho. In reality, Taz probably stayed home rather than take a long flight to Calgary.

Page worked over Bryan with strikes. Nigel said that Bryan winning the AEW World Title would be his worst nightmare since Nigel hates Bryan in storyline. Bryan vaulted over Page leading to a single-leg crab, but Page got to the ropes leading to a break. Bryan sent Page over the top to the floor. Bryan followed up with a suicide dive that sent both guys into the barricade. Bryan was selling a neck injury. Back in the ring, Bryan hit a missile dropkick. Bryan charged, Page got the boot up and Page clotheslined Bryan in the back. Page threw Bryan into the turnbuckle, which led to Bryan bumping to the floor.


Bryan was busted open from the forehead, so he did a blade job after he was sent into the turnbuckle/ring post area. Page was in full control working over Bryan with punches while Jeff Jarrett was seated on a chair in the aisle. Page did a sleeper swing to Bryan to spin him around before dropping Bryan on the mat. Page worked over Bryan with strikes, but Bryan came back with forearms and uppercuts. Bryan applied an armbar on the left arm leading to the LeBell Lock by Bryan, but Page got his foot on the bottom rope to force a rope break. Page came back with a Saito Suplex on the back of Bryan’s neck. Page went up top, but Bryan was back up to shove Page off the top leading to Page getting crotched on the top rope. Bryan hit a German Suplex off the top rope, which looks brutal. Bryan went up top and went for a diving headbutt, but Page avoided it. Page applied a Crossface submission while Nigel thought that Bryan tapped out because Nigel doesn’t like Bryan. That led to Bryan getting his foot on the bottom rope leading to a break. They went to another picture-in-picture break.


The match continued with Page bleeding from the forehead so they were both bleeding. Bryan was in control with elbow strikes to the head while Page was on the top rope. Page took a leather cover off the steel turnbuckle and Page sent Bryan’s head into the steel turnbuckle. Page did a backflip off the ropes leading to a Tombstone piledriver for two. Great nearfall. Page was on the top rope, so Bryan shoved him down and Page went crashing onto the ring apron. Bryan did a springboard somersault onto a standing Page on the floor. That’s not a move Bryan does regularly although he did do it early in his career. Bryan worked over Page with kicks on the floor. Page gave Bryan a piledriver on the floor. It was very safe with Page’s butt taking the move. Bryan was getting checked on by Dr. Sampsons and Jeff Jarrett. The referee wasn’t counting the wrestlers out of the ring even though they were on the floor for about two minutes. Page got in Jarrett’s face and Page shoved Jarrett. The referee finally started to count Bryan out on the floor, Bryan said “I’ve gotta do it” and Bryn crawled back in under the bottom rope. Back in the ring, Page took some of the kinesio tape off the back of Bryan’s neck/upper back. Page nailed Bryan with punches. Bryan got a burst of energy leading to a running Busaiko Knee smash that knocked Page down. They delivered headbutts where they headbutted their own hands followed by Bryan doing a roundhouse kick. Both guys tried German Suplexes, but both guys landed on their feet. Bryan hit a Busaiko Knee on referee Paul Turner because Page moved out of the way. Page nailed Bryan with a clothesline. Page took his belt off and whipped Bryan’s back with the belt. Page choked Bryan with the belt briefly. Jarrett went into the ring and Page shoved Jarrett down. Jarrett took off his shirt to reveal a referee shirt underneath it. Bryan rolled up Page for two. Bryan applied the LeBell Lock, Page got out of it and Page hit Deadeye for one…two…no. Page hit a Buckshot Lariat clothesline to the back of the head. Page went for another Buckshot Lariat, but Bryan avoided it and covered Page with a bridging pin for two. Page applied a Crossface submission again while Jarrett took the leather belt off from Bryan’s neck. Page was holding onto the Crossface, Bryan’s hand was lifted and it did not drop the whole way. Bryan countered the Crossface with his back covering Page’s body and Bryan held onto Page’s legs for the one…two…three! Bryan Danielson wins! It went 26 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Bryan Danielson

Analysis: ****1/2 This was an excellent match. We’ve seen some classics from Page and Bryan in the past, and this was another one of those classics. I know some wrestling observers might go as high as five stars or even higher for a match like this, but I don’t think it reached that level. It’s still an amazing match to go 4.5* on Dynamite. The referee bump hurt it for me a bit, but it’s still an awesome effort by everybody involved. You don’t see that very often. Bryan was selling really well while also visually looking beat up with blood on his head. Page did a nice job of being the aggressor throughout the match. It could have gone either way since Page was on a mission while Bryan has come up short in tournaments in the past, but here he is getting the big win to earn an AEW World Title match at AEW All In. I’ll admit I really didn’t know who was going to win here because I thought Page facing Swerve again would have been fun, but I also like the story of Danielson trying to win the AEW World Title for the first time in his final few months as a full-time performer.

Bryan Danielson is the winner of the Men’s Owen Hart Foundation Tournament winner. That means Danielson will challenge for the AEW World Title at All In on August 25th.

Jeff Jarrett and Martha Hart, who is Owen Hart’s widow, walked down to the ring with the Owen Hart championship title. There’s also the big Owen Hart Cup that was put into the ring. There were “Owen” chants. Martha congratulated Bryan for winning the Men’s Owen Hart Foundation Tournament. Bryan held up the championship and the trophy. Nigel: “Not my champion.”

The AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland made his entrance with Prince Nana while a bloody Bryan Danielson was in the ring. It’s Swerve against Danielson at AEW All In.


Let’s Hear from Swerve Strickland

Swerve Strickland said that he stood on that stage not more than a week ago looking at Will Ospreay. Swerve recalled Will saying that the best in the world is who is holding this World Championships. Swerve said that he silenced the doubters while adding that you’re looking at the best in the world and still looking at the AEW World Champion. Swerve congratulated Bryan Danielson for winning the Owen Hart Cup while saying it will be an honor to face him at AEW All In. Swerve noted that Bryan holds a win over him while Swerve is a man who holds grudges. Swerve claimed they are at different points in their careers now since Bryan is near the end while Swerve is the most dangerous man in AEW.

Swerve changed directions by talking about the EVPs aka The Young Bucks, who wanted Swerve to be on their team in the Blood & Guts Match. Swerve said he was here to announce that he would be joining Blood & Guts on Team AEW. The fans cheered, but it wasn’t that loud. Swerve said he’s going to lead this team and step up. Swerve said that he’s going to do two things that Bryan Danielson failed to do – defeat Will Ospreay and beat The Elite.

Swerve claimed we were in the Dynasty Era while saying there were three men leading this Era. Swerve said it’s him, International Champion Will Ospreay and Continental Champion Kazuchika Okada. Swerve challenged Okada to a match saying that the World Champion will show you how to make it rain…bitch. Swerve ended it by telling Danielson that this will be your final countdown. “Whose house? Swerve’s House.” That as it.

Analysis: It was an informative promo from the AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland without an interruption. Swerve’s going to be in the Blood & Guts Match as expected, he also has confidence that he’ll beat Bryan Danielson and also challenged Kazuchika Okada to a match next week. It was a fine promo that didn’t drag on too long.

A video aired about the Mariah May-Willow Nightingale match coming up later.


There was a music video featuring The Acclaimed and “Daddy Ass” Billy Gunn mocking the AEW Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks. Thrilling.

Stampede Street Fight: Chris Jericho (w/Bryan Keith) vs. Samoa Joe

It was about a minute in the match when Joe hit an elbow suicida dive onto Keith on the floor. Joe tossed Keith over the barricade. Jericho capitalized with a couple of chair shots to the body. Jericho dumped out a big full of horseshoes since the Calgary Stampede is also going on. Jericho charged right into Joe, who slammed Joe back first into the horseshoes. Joe hit a senton splash on Jericho for two. Jericho blocked a kick by Joe and Jericho kicked Joe in the groin. Jericho applied the Walls of Jericho on Joe as the show went to break.


The match continued with Jericho still in control of Joe with a Walls of Jericho (sort of). The form on the move didn’t look great. Anyway, that means Jericho has had Joe in the move for about three minutes. Joe was able to turn leading to Joe using a steel horseshoe to Joe’s head. Joe worked over Jericho with punches, but Jericho came back with a middle rope dropkick. Jericho charged at Joe on the floor, so Joe did his walk off and Jericho hit the steel steps. Joe went with Jericho over the barricade and they were fighting in the crowd surrounded by fans. Joe threw a bag of popcorn at Jericho. They went walking backstage where Joe punched Jericho a few times, but Jericho tossed hot coffee in Joe’s face. Joe put the Coquina Clutch submission on Jericho, but Big Bill was there to hit Joe in the back with a steel chair. Keith was back into it to help Bill beat up Joe. Jericho used a belt that had a huge belt buckle to hit Joe in the head with the belt buckle. Bill gave Joe a Chokeslam onto a forklift’s wooden palette. Jericho drove the forklift and the wooden palette through a fake wall that was there and Joe had a rough landing onto some structure nearby. Colt Cabana was there as one of AEW’s coaches and he asked Jericho what he was doing. It was announced by Justin Roberts that the doctor has stopped this match and Jericho has won this match.

Winner: Chris Jericho

Analysis: **3/4 It was okay as a street fight between two veterans who have been in plenty of matches like this. It wasn’t that good or entertaining to me. With that said, I don’t think either guy has been in many matches that ended when a guy was on a wooden palette and put through a wall that was nearby. It was done this way likely to put over how Jericho is a sadistic heel while showing no remorse for what he did. Joe will likely come back from this and pick up a win over Jericho when they do the match again.

After the match was called off, Jericho laughed into the camera: “How does it feel, Samoa Joe?” They went to break.


Samoa Joe was shown being put on a stretcher and taken away in an ambulance. The camera panned over to show Jericho, Big Bill and Bryan Keith. Jericho waved bye to Joe.

Analysis: Enjoy the vacation time, Joe. He’s actually going to film the next season of the Peacock show Twisted Metal where Joe plays the character of Sweet Tooth.

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Pac vs. Kyle Fletcher vs. Tomohiro Ishii

The four guys were in the ring for the match. No entrances were shown. Don Callis was on commentary for this match. The winner gets an AEW International Title match.

Claudio and Ishii exchanged strikes. Kyle tried to get involved so Claudio and Ishii knocked Kyle out of the ring. Ishii ran over Claudio with a shoulder tackle. Pac jumped off the top with a dropkick to knock Ishii down. Kyle tripped up Pac, but Pac came back with a hurricanrana. Ishii hit a couple of back body drop suplexes. Claudio gave Ishii a gutwrench suplex across the ring. Claudio ran the ropes leading to a twisting dive over the top onto three opponents.


There was a double superplex spot before they went back to full screen. The four guys exchanged strikes leading to Ishii striking all three opponents. Ishii charged at Pac, then Claudio charged at both guys and Kyle hit a running kick. Pac hit a reverse rana on Kyle. Claudio with an uppercut on Pac. Ishii knocked out Claudio and then Kyle hit a Tombstone that was more like a powerslam for a two count. Ishii knocked Kyle down with a headbutt while Ishii was on the top rope. Claudio nailed a running uppercut on Ishii. Claudio gave Fletcher the Giant Swing leading into a Sharpshooter, which is obviously a big move in Calgary. Pac broke up the Sharpshooter with an elbow drop off the top onto Fletcher. Pac applied the Brutalizer on Fletcher’s upper body. Ishii elbowed Claudio a few times. Ishii suplexed Claudio and Ishii hit a clothesline on Pac. Ishii hit a running lariat on Kyle, who took a great bump and Kyle kicked out. Claudio hit Ishii with an uppercut and Claudio hit the Neutralizer on Kyle. Pac and Claudio fought over a pin attempt. Ishii gave Claudio a German Suplex and Pac hit a German Suplex on Ishii. Pac hit a German Suplex on Claudio too. Kyle rolled up Pac for two. Pac hit a boot to the face to stop a charging Kyle. Pac went up top and hit a Black Arrow splash onto Kyle. Claudio looked like he was in a position to make the save, but he just waited on the floor for Pac to do another move. Pac applied the Brutalizer submission, Kyle gave up and Pac gets the win. It went 11 minutes.

Winner by submission: Pac

Analysis: ***1/4 A good match that was full of action. It felt like they could have slowed down a bit because it was move after move after move and not really that many attempts to win the match. I’m happy with Pac winning because he hasn’t had that many significant wins of late, so winning a match like this gives him some positive momentum.

The win by Pac means he’ll get a shot at the AEW International Title at a future date. I assume the match is at All In since it’s in England and Pac is from England.

Pac did a promo saying that things have not been going that well for him recently. Pac said that he has suffered many humiliating failures in recent months. Pac said he doesn’t know what he’s going to do next, but the Bastard will not be denied his Wembley moment. Pac said tonight’s victory will stand as the line in the sand that the Bastard will be back.

Analysis: Since it’s Pac against the AEW International Champion then it will probably be Pac against Will Ospreay at All In so that it’s a matchup between two England guys. I assume MJF loses to Ospreay so that MJF faces Daniel Garcia at All In.

Remee Paquette was walking backstage when “Hangman” Adam Page was walking behind her. Page knocked on a door while Renee left. The door was opened up by Kazuchika Okada. Page told The Young Bucks and Okada that “I’ll do it.” That was likely Hangman’s way of saying he’ll be in the Blood & Guts Match with The Elite in two weeks.

Analysis: It doesn’t mean that “Hangman” Adam Page is part of The Elite group again, but he is at least teaming up with them in the Blood & Guts Match.

Mercedes Mone Celebrates Again

Mercedes Mone made her entrance as the TBS Champion and NJPW Strong Women’s Champion. Mone had a celebration last week so she is having another celebration this week because Mone is a heel now.

Mone told Calgary to say hello to your CEO. Mone said that there would be no interruptions. which is another way of telling the audience that there is a 100% chance of an interruption coming. Mone said that she was the best there was, the best there is and the best there ever will be. That drew boos since it was the Bret Hart line. Mone called out Britt Baker saying she would leave her for dead if she got in Mone’s way. Mone poured a shot of booze for a toast for herself.

Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. interrupted the promo. Britt nailed a dude with a forearm and hit another dude with a superkick. Baker went into the ring, so Mone left through the crowd. Baker didn’t say a word as the segment ended.

Analysis: A basic promo segment with Mone bragging about being the best and the predictable interruption. There wasn’t much to it. I’m not sure how much thought was put into this. Other than Mercedes saying Bret Hart’s line to get heat, this felt like a nothing segment.

The Mariah May-Willow Nightingale match was up next.


Darby Allin was shown backstage beating up Brandon Cutler. Allin called out The Elite for Dynamite next week.

Women’s Owen Hart Foundation Cup Finals: Mariah May (w/Toni Storm & Luther) vs. Willow Nightingale

The winner will get to challenge the AEW Women’s World Champion at All In. Willow won this tournament last year. Willow was wearing the “Danger” outfit that Owen wore at one point in his career while May was in the pink & black that Owen used to wear. Nice tributes by both women.

Willow tried to use her power with a slam, but May got to the ropes to break the hold. Willow trapped May against the turnbuckle leading to a chop. Willow knocked down May with a shoulder tackle. May hit a running dropkick. May used her leg to send Willow into the ropes. May hit a running dropkick to Willow’s back while Willow was against the ropes. Willow hit a running cross body block. May charged at Willow, who punched May off the apron to the floor. Willow hit a cannonball off the apron onto May on the floor.


May was in control with an uppercut in the corner. Willow tried a corner attack, May moved and May hit Willow with forearms. Willow got her boot up to block a charging attempt. May hit a hurricanrana off the ropes for two. May went for a running knee, Willow avoided it and Willow hit a Fisherman’s Buster for a pin attempt for two. Willow went for a Pounce off the ropes, but May countered that with a headbutt. Willow was choking somebody at ringside that was Stokely Hathaway and then Kris Statlander kicked Willow while the referee was looking at Storm. May nailed a running knee to the head for one…two…and no. Willow came back with a lariat for two. Willow connected with the cannonball splash against the turnbuckle. May countered a Willow lifting move and May rolled forward with a victory roll while sitting on top of Willow for the pinfall win after 15 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Mariah May

Analysis: ***1/2 I thought it was a very good match. It’s nice to see an AEW women’s television match get more than ten minutes and had an impressive showing in the main event. The win was tainted a bit due to Statlander getting involved to try to cost her former friend Willow the match, but at least May didn’t win right after that. Both women did a great job in this match. The finish reminded me a bit of Owen Hart beating Bret Hart at WrestleMania 10. It wasn’t the exact finish, but it was similar. May was my pick to win the tournament from the beginning because it was obvious that they would go with May against Storm at AEW All In.

The win by Mariah May means that she will face the AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm at AEW All In on August 25th.

After the match, Willow Nightingale shook May’s hand and patted her on the chest as if to say good job.

Mariah May quickly went up the ramp with Toni Storm joining her. May grabbed the Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Championship Title and she hit Toni Storm with the title! May hit Storm repeatedly. Storm was bleeding from the forehead. May also hit Luther a few times too. May knocked Luther off the stage and sent him crashing through a table. May used a shoe to hit Storm in the head repeatedly since Storm has her “watch for the shoe” catchphrase.” May jabbed the shoe’s heel into Storm’s head. May shoved referee Aubrey Edwards down on the stage. May kissed Storm’s bloody head and put some of Storm’s blood on her face.

A graphic was shown promoting the AEW All In match with Toni Storm defending the AEW Women’s Championship against Mariah May on August 25th. May stood tall over a bloody Storm. That was the end of the show at 10:03 p.m. ET so it only went three minutes past the top of the hour.

Analysis: It’s the second straight week with a big heel turn that some people might call a surprise. In this case, it was May turning on her mentor/idol Storm, who May has been following around like a superfan for the past eight or nine months. They could follow this up by having May say that she only got close to Storm to get into her head, to get Storm to trust her and when the time was right, May turned on her. I thought it was done well in terms of the attack by May, Storm getting bloody during the attack, the shoe usage and May’s facial expressions were great. Storm has been a heel for a lot of the past year, but the fans cheer her so it’s easy to make her a full-fledged face while May should do well as a heel. I think May will beat Storm at All In London in May’s home country of England. Great job by the ladies involved here.


Three Stars of the Show

  1. Bryan Danielson
  2. “Hangman” Adam Page
  3. Mariah May & Willow Nightingale


The Scoreboard

This Week: 8.25 out of 10

Last Week: 8

2024 Average: 7.47


Final Thoughts on AEW Dynamite

I thought it was the second week in a row where Dynamite was great and the second straight 8 out of 10 type of show. Next week certainly could be as well considering they are doing Ospreay-MJF and Swerve-Okada matches on that show. The promo from Will Ospreay toward MJF was good, but MJF responding by video was weak. I thought the Mercedes Mone promo was lame. I know she did the Bret Hart line to get heat, but that segment felt like nothing and did nothing to make me care about Mone’s issues with Britt Baker.

The obvious standout match was the Danielson/Page classic in the Men’s Owen Hart Cup Finals that went about 25 minutes with a lot of great action. Bryan is so good at selling. Page did a tremendous job as the aggressive heel throughout the match. I didn’t like the referee bump or the Jeff Jarrett involvement although I get why it was done. It just seemed like overbooking like when Jeff was booking TNA shows. Anyway, I’m happy about Danielson winning, which means he’ll headline AEW All In against Swerve Strickland for the AEW World Title.

It was good to see the ladies in the main event match as Mariah May beat Willow Nightingale in the Women’s Owen Hart Cup Finals. The bigger story was May turning heel on her “idol” Toni Storm, who May will face at AEW All In. Storm did a good job of bleeding as well to sell the angle. That should turn Storm fully face while May can say that she used Storm to gain her trust and now May will take the AEW World Title from her. It’s a long term story that has worked very well.


Thanks for reading. Go Toronto Blue Jays. You can contact me using any of the methods below.

John Canton


Twitter/X: @johnreport