The John Report: AEW Dynamite 05/19/21 Review
Welcome to the AEW Dynamite review here on TJRWrestling. There was some big news earlier on Wednesday when AEW announced that Dynamite is moving to TBS (in the United States only) starting in January 2022. They have been on TNT since their Dynamite debut in October 2019. They also announced a new show called Rampage starting on Friday, August 13 at 10pm ET (right after WWE Smackdown) that will begin on TNT and also move to TBS in January 2022. The main reason for moving is because TNT acquired NHL rights starting next season in the fall and since they already have NBA games, it could lead to problems on TNT. Meanwhile, TBS has pretty much nothing else to show, so putting two AEW shows on there makes sense. TBS and TNT are sister stations part of WarnerMedia that was started up by Ted Turner decades ago. If you have TNT, you probably have TBS, so it’s not like it’s going to cause a drop in viewership. A lot of wrestling fans grew up watching NWA/WCW on TBS and TNT before WCW died in 2001. For me in Canada, this doesn’t really matter much because I get Dynamite on TSN. It will only affect those of you in the US.
Speaking of NBA games, next week’s Dynamite will air on Friday, May 28 at about 10pm ET after the NBA Playoffs, so it will not be in its usual Wednesday time slot next week. This week’s episode was taped last Thursday. Also, a reminder that the AEW Double or Nothing PPV takes place on Sunday, May 30 on pay-per-view.
This is AEW Dynamite from Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, FL. Follow me on Twitter @johnreport. Here’s my AEW Dynamite TV review archive. Let’s get to it.
The AEW intro video was shown. “It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means” as JR says to begin the show with a Brodie Lee tribute. There was some pyro and the wrestlers/cheerleaders surrounding the ring. No fans on the taped shows.
Here’s Christian Cage to outwork everyone by wrestling once a month. Matt Sydal is the opponent to lose another match because that’s what he does on Dynamite. Apparently, he is 7-2 in 2021 so he must have got wins on Dark and Dark Elevation, but I don’t watch the Youtube shows. The announcers are Jim Ross, Excalibur and Tony Schiavone with Tazz joining commentary for the first match.
Christian Cage vs. Matt Sydal
There was a feeling out process early on with Sydal getting a takedown with a snapmare. Christian with an uppercut, Sydal with a headscissors and then when Sydal went off the ropes, Christian kicked the leg to knock him down. Christian with a dropkick that sent Sydal into the guardrail. Christian hit a backbreaker and a diving uppercut off the middle rope for a two count. Christian hit another backbreaker followed by Christian stepping on Sydal’s back. Sydal with a headscissors and then a jumping spin kick to the head. Sydal hit a jumping double knee Meteora attack off the top on Cage for a two count. Sydal with a clothesline for two. The announcers tried to tell us that it might win the match even though it was just a clothesline. Sydal hit a running spinning heel kick followed by a running knee attack for two. Christian with a reverse backbreaker. Sydal countered a spear into a sunset flip for two. That was a really good nearfall. The people paid to be at ringside chanted “this is awesome.” Christian with a neckbreaker against the rope. Christian up top, he missed a cross body block because Sydal moved, Sydal went for a moonsault, Christian moved and Christian hit a Spear for two. Sydal jumped up with a knee to the face. Sydal went for a twisting splash, Cage got the knees up to block and Christian hit the Killswitch for the pinfall win after nine minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Christian Cage
Analysis: ***1/4 It was a solid match. Two veterans that know how to work. It was a babyface match where they had some good counters throughout, but there wasn’t much of a story. Christian worked on the back a bit, Sydal stopped selling it as the match went on and then Christian got the win.
Christian hugged Sydal and shook his hand after the match. Christian and Sydal are both in the Casino Battle Royal at Double or Nothing.
Analysis: Christian’s arrival at the last PPV was a big deal or at least it was supposed to feel like a big deal. Now he’s in the ninth biggest match at the next PPV with nine matches.
Ricky Starks showed up for a promo. Starks said that he’s front and center because he’s not going to be on the sideline like these flunkies at ringside. Starks called for his Team Taz guys, so then Brian Cage, Powerhouse Hobbs and Hook (Taz’s son) attacked Christian and Sydal. That led to “Hangman” Adam Page coming out with a drink that he handed to Starks. Page went after Brian Cage, who he faces at Double or Nothing, but then Hook did a chop block to the knee. Brian Cage hit a huge Powerbomb on Page. Taz loved it.
Analysis: It was fine as a way to advance the storyline between Brian Cage and Adam Page in a battle of rhyming names. Starks is out of action for a few months due to a neck injury, so it’s smart to keep him out there by having him do promos.
The announcers did a rundown of what’s coming up on this week’s show. Tony and Excalibur spoke very quickly to talk about everything. It’s like loudly talking fast. Strange.
Brian Pillman Jr. and Griff Garrison aka The Varsity Blonds were with Julia Hart doing a promo about their match against The Young Bucks. Pillman mentioned his father Brian Pillman and the Dark Side of the Ring special about him. Pillman talked about how he stayed away from the business because of what his father went through, but then he met the Young Bucks and they were good guys to him that showed him you can be in this business the right way. Griff Garrison said that in September 2018 he ran the merchandise table for the Young Bucks and he said now the Young Bucks aren’t the same guys he knew back then. Pillman said that him, Garrison and Julia Hart will not stop until they become the AEW Tag Team Champions.
Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston did a pre-tape promo about The Acclaimed with Eddie saying that one is a rapper and the other is the rapper’s friend. Moxley wondered if they were invited to a superkick. Eddie wondered if they had to throw superkicks to go to a superkick party. Moxley said that they have to beat the brakes off these boys.
The Acclaimed duo of rapping Max Caster and Anthony Bowens did a promo with Bowens saying that they are pissed off. Bowens said that they are ranked higher than Moxley/Kingston and The Acclaimed are going to beat them. Simple promo.
Jon Moxley made his entrance with Eddie Kingston as they walked in from the parking lot. They have a new version of the “Wild Thing” that is from the movie Major League, I believe. It’s a fun song to sing along to. Moxley and Kingston are 4-0 and ranked #4 in the tag team rankings.
The Acclaimed made their entrance as the 3rd ranked tag team with Max Caster doing a rap mocking how Eddie Kingston dresses. Caster said that Moxley’s girl is in his mentions trying to hit him up for some Oral Sessions…Bowens said “she just wants us to be on the podcast.” Moxley attacked there to begin the match.
Analysis: The “Oral Sessions” line is about how Moxley’s wife Renee Paquette has a podcast with that name. The way Caster delivered the line didn’t mention that, so Bowens saying it made it funny. I enjoy the raps.
Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston vs. The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens)
Moxley hit a running forearm on Bowens to rock him. Moxley sent Bowens out of the ring and whipped him into the barricade. Kingston worked over Caster with a kick to the back. Moxley tagged in with a shoulder tackle and Moxley stomped on Caster. Kingston back in with a STO trip. Kingston with a sloppy-looking delayed vertical suplex, but I guess it got the job done. Moxley with a hard slap to the back. Kingston back in with an elbow, kick and Caster tripped up Kingston on the middle rope. Caster with a dragon screw leg whip to take down Kingston leading to a break.
The match continued with Bowens tying up Kingston with a submission on the legs. Moxley was frustrated, so he broke it up and then Caster tagged in as Kingston was the face in peril. Kingston sent Bowens into the ropes to trip up Caster on the top rope. Moxley got the tag, Moxley worked over Caster with forearms, then a kick to the chest and a release German Suplex. Moxley with a running clothesline and a piledriver on Caster. Moxley with a sleeper on Bowens, who bumped to the floor. Bowens got up to help Caster, who hit a superplex and legal man Bowens hit a diving cross body block off the top for a cross body into a suplex for two as Kingston made the save. Kingston sent Caster into the barricade. Moxley gave Bowens another sleeper, Kingston tagged in and Bowens hit Kingston with an elbow. Caster threw Bowens the chain, the referee saw the chain, so Caster wanted to use the boombox and then Moxley hit Caster with the boombox (the referee never saw it). Kingston with an enziguri kick. Moxley tagged in, Kingston lifted up Bowens, so it was a wheelbarrow into a Paradigm Shift DDT and Moxley pinned Bowens to get the win after about 11 minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston
Analysis: **3/4 This was a good match that had some fun moments. I would have booked it to be about five minutes shorter to make Moxley and Kingston look more impressive. There was a lot of selling by Kingston while Moxley looked dominant for his team. Moxley & Kingston are being built up to get a tag team title shot.
Chris Jericho was shown backstage with an arm brace on his left arm. Jericho was talking to his buddy Dean Malenko. Alex Marvez showed up to ask a question about if Inner Circle will accept The Pinnacle’s challenge for Double or Nothing. Jericho said that you will find out later in the night. Jericho said you better split or you’ll make the Man of 1,000 Holds (Malenko) and Malenko said Jericho had four more holds in reference to Jericho’s classic “Man of 1,004 Holds” promo from over 20 years ago. Jericho joked that he has forgotten a few of those holds.
Let’s Hear from Scorpio Sky & Ethan Page
The heel duo of Scorpio Sky and Ethan (not Hangman) Page were interviewed in the ring by Tony Schiavone. Sky said that he was a little Stinger that wanted to be just like Sting. Sky said that Sting is not the same man he used to be and Sky is no longer a child. Sky said he is a grown man warning Sting to step aside or Sky will put him down. Ethan said that Scorpio already proved that he can put Sting down and caused Sting to miss a week of Dynamite when Sky took him down. Ethan said he hoped that Sting was watching when Ethan threw Darby Allin down the steps. The week after that, Allin lost the TNT Title. Ethan said that he knows how much the TNT Title meant to Allin, but he’s here to take everything away from Ethan. That led to Ethan saying he would be the nail in his coffin.
The lights went out and they came back on with the snow entrance of Sting. Darby Allin attacked with the skateboard from behind. Sting and Allin were in control in the ring with Sting hitting Sky with a clothesline and Allin beating up Page. Sting applied the Scorpion Deathlock on Sky while Darby prevented Ethan from saving his buddy. Sting let go as the heels retreated. The Dark Order guys showed up by the entrance area, so then Ethan and Scorpio ran away through another part of the arena.
Analysis: I liked the promos from Ethan and Scorpio since they made their points well. Ethan Page is a terrific promo guy that hasn’t had the chance to do a lot of promos yet, so that was big for him. Sky is pretty good at promos too. It made sense for Sting and Allin to get the advantage after they had been beaten up previously.
The Pinnacle group was at a restaurant with MJF at the end of the table joined by Shawn Spears, Wardlow, Dax Harwood, Cash Wheeler and Tully Blanchard. MJF said that Chris Jericho is dealing with a guy that is going to get the last laugh. Harwood said that they should be chasing every championship that this company has, but they can’t do that because they have to deal with The Inner Circle. Spears was mad with the waiter and slammed his head into the table, which was ridiculous. Blanchard threw some cash at the waiter to take care of it. MJF said that if Jericho accepts the Stadium Stampede match then it will be his last match because when you’re in The Pinnacle, you’re always on top.
Analysis: It was fine with two of the Pinnacle guys getting a chance to talk. At least there wasn’t any singing at a restaurant. I’d rather see FTR tag team matches. They barely get to wrestle now.
Dr. Britt Baker DMD made her entrance with Rebel not Reba, who does not wrestle that often. Hikaru Shida, the AEW Women’s Champion, entered as the opponent. Shida is 29-3 in singles matches. Shida has held the title for one year.
Hikaru Shida vs. Rebel (w/Dr. Britt Baker)
Shida stomped on Rebel’s right leg, then Rebel did jumping jacks to show she wasn’t actually injured. Shida with a slap to the face and then an elbow drop to the knee. Shida put on a glove like Baker does and Shida went for the Lockjaw, but Baker grabbed the title to distract Shida. Rebel hit Shida in the back with a crutch. The referee didn’t see it. Rebel with a suplex into a slam for two. Shida kicked the right leg a couple of times and hit a sitout kneebreaker. Shida with the Stretch Muffler submission on the right knee and Rebel tapped out. It went two minutes.
Winner by submission: Hikaru Shida
Analysis: 1/2* Bad match that was kept short because Rebel is just a joke character at this point anyway.
Post match, Baker attacked Shida from behind. Baker gave Shida a Curb Stomp onto the AEW Women’s Title. Shida sold that really well. Baker held up the title.
Analysis: I think Baker will win the title. It’s time for a title change.
There was a backstage scene with Kenny Omega and Don Callis talking to Orange Cassidy after last week’s match. Cassidy hurt his neck/shoulder during his match with Pac last week and the finish was changed. It’s Omega vs. Cassidy vs. Pac at Double or Nothing on May 30. Omega told Cassidy he wanted Orange to be a mascot of AEW, not a title challenger. Don Callis presented a contract where Cassidy can give up his title match at Double or Nothing and Cassidy can have his match with Omega down the road. Cassidy ripped up the contract. Omega said that he’s not going to hold back and said that the damage he does to Cassidy could end his career or end his life. Callis handed Cassidy another contract to think about it.
Let’s Hear from The Inner Circle
The Inner Circle five-man group of Chris Jericho (with injured left arm), Ortiz, Sammy Guevara and Jake Hager (no Santana) made their entrance with the crowd singing the “Judas” song as usual. They said that Jericho has a dislocated left elbow.
Ortiz said that talk is cheap and he wants a fight. Sammy said that as long as The Inner Circle and The Pinnacle work for AEW, this is never going to end. Sammy said that this won’t end until they get this Stadium Stampede match. Sammy called The Pinnacle “a bunch of clowns” that looked like dumbass fishes flopping around in the champagned. The paid crowd chanted “dumbass fishes.” Hager said that they had to accept. Hager said that while The Pinnacle tries to be like them, the last thing the Inner Circle wants is to be like “schoolgirl bitches” like The Pinnacle.
Jericho talked about the fun “bubby bath” last week. Jericho said that he heard the challenge for the Stadium Stampede match and if Inner Circle loses then they had to break up. Jericho talked about the Blood & Guts while wondering if the match was worth it. Jericho said that none of them will forget that night, especially him and he’ll never be the same again because of MJF. Jericho said that his elbow will get better, he’ll heal and what won’t get better is when MJF shoved Jericho off the top of the cage – the most terrifying moment of his life. Jericho said that his head almost hit the stage. Jericho said that Max scared his family, his children and he wondered if it was worth it? Jericho kept asking him if it was worth it. Jericho thought about the revenge he can get on MJF and said that it was 1000% worth it. Jericho said that if you want the answer about if The Inner Circle accepts the challenge at Stadium Stampede then that answer is “1000% yes.” Jericho said that you are going to have to kill them to beat them. Jericho said that hell is coming for them, they will dance all over their face and piss all over their grave. Inner Circle did their middle finger salute to end it.
Analysis: Great promo work from Jericho as usual. I’m glad that the other guys got to talk even though they were shorter promos. It was pretty obvious that The Inner Circle was going to accept the Stadium Stampede match challenge, so it’s not like this was a big surprise or anything like that. I think The Inner Circle should win too.
Jade Cargill was interviewed by Tony Schiavone earlier in the day. Some lawyer guy named Mark Sterling talked to Jade, who wanted to be Jade’s manager. Jade told him to leave. Nothing much going on here.
Red Velvet made her entrance with a record of 15-2 in 2021. She gets wins on the Youtube shows. Serena Deeb was back as the NWA Women’s Champion. She has been out with a knee injury. Serena is under AEW contract and she also holds the NWA Women’s Title with a 7-3 record in 2021. Serena has been out of action for about three months.
NWA Women’s Championship: Serena Deeb vs. Red Velvet
Serena attacked with forearms and then hit a spinning neckbreaker for two. Red with a kick to the arm, but Serena came back with a back elbow to the jaw. Red worked over Serena with punches and kicks. Serena trapped Red’s leg against the middle rope, Serena kicked the leg and then a leg whip off the ropes.
Red hit a cross body block off the middle ropes with both women down selling. Red came back with two clotheslines, then a trip into the ropes and Red hit a double knee attack to the back. Red hit a standing moonsault for a two count. Serena was on the apron, Red shoved her down and Red hit a moonsault press onto a standing Serena on the floor. That looked like the legs of Velvet hit Serena’s head. Back in the ring, Red hit a spin kick for a two count. Serena avoided a kick, Red countered a move and Serena went for a sunset flip, but Red countered to a pin attempt for a two count. Red hit a uranage slam to counter a charging Serena. Red went up top, Red jumped off with a moonsault, but Serena got her knees up. Serena with a Powerbomb for two. Serena hooked the left arm with her leg and then pulled back on the leg for the Serenity Lock submission. Serena pulled Red back to the center of the ring and it was more like a Half Crab submission. Red countered into an inside cradle for two. Serena with a chop block to the back of the knee. Serena applied the Serenity Lock (this time she did it after slamming the knee into the mat repeatedly) again with Red tapping out.
Winner by submission: Serena Deeb
Analysis: ***1/4 A very good match. Serena was aggressive the whole match with Red continuing to impress me every time I watch her. I like how Red does a nice job of adding some aerial moves to go along with everything else that she does in the ring. She hits a great moonsault, that’s for sure. Serena is so technically sound, she sells everything well and is relentless when she’s on offense. It’s great to see how well Serena is doing.
Pac was shown outside The Elite’s dressing room. Pac said that you saw what they tried last week, they failed and now he has his AEW World Title match. Pac wondered what fool bets against “The Bastard” now?
Analysis: I like Pac, but I’ll go with Omega to retain.
Austin Gunn, best known for being a cheerleader in the crowd that sometimes wrestles, entered with Cody Rhodes and Arn Anderson. Cody faces Anthony Agogo at Double or Nothing on May 30. Ogogo entered with his buddies in The Factory group. Ogogo is 1-0 in AEW.
Anthony Ogogo (w/QT Marshall, Aaron Solow & Nick Comorato) vs. Austin Gunn (w/Cody Rhodes & Arn Anderson)
Austin with a running dropkick that sent Ogogo into the turnbuckle. Austin with a trip and then a neckbreaker. Ogogo blocked a punch and then Ogogo punched Austin in the ribs. Austin sold the punch by crawling towards the ropes and then Ogogo punched Gunn in the ribs. Gunn was bleeding from the mouth. Bryce Remsburg was going to stop the match, but Gunn stopped him. Ogogo picked up Gunn in the air and punched him in the face to knock him out. It went two minutes.
Winner by knockout: Anthony Ogogo
Analysis: 1/2* This was more about the storyline of making Ogogo look devastating with those punches to the ribs. Gunn doing the “internal bleeding” thing makes Ogogo look that much more devastating as well.
Post match, Ogogo grabbed the American flag that Cody brought down to the ring and Ogogo threw it at Cody. Referees showed up to check on Gunn to prevent a fight from happening.
A video aired showing The Young Bucks beating SCU to retain the AEW Tag Team Titles, which meant the end of SCU as a team.
Frankie Kazarian and Christopher Daniels were interviewed by Alex Marvez. Daniels didn’t answer a question about his future and shook Frankie’s hands while shaking his hand. Frankie said that whatever path CD chooses to take, he has earned that right. Frankie said that last week he lost something more than a wrestling match and said that something very special was taken from him. Frankie said he’s not just blaming the Young Bucks and he is blaming all of The Elite as well. Kazarian said he’s going to hunt down every member of The Elite. Frankie said that he’s a bomb you can’t diffuse and a gun that you can’t unload. Frankie said that’s the gospel according to Frankie Kazarian.
Let’s Hear from Miro
Miro made his entrance as the new TNT Champion. Miro was wearing the TNT Title as we saw highlights of Miro beating Darby Allin to win the TNT Title.
Miro thanked Jesus Christ for protecting him and for giving him strength, power and more aggression than anybody else so he can destroy everybody. Miro said that Darby Allin talked all that crap, but Miro took what he said cannot be taken. Miro said that if you have what he wants then it’s done. Miro said that Darby disrespected him. Miro said that nobody is going to take this title from him. Miro said he’ll defend the title next week.
Lance Archer with Jake Roberts interrupted Miro. It’s Miro vs. Archer for the TNT Title at Double or Nothing. Lance said that he was the Beast of All Elite long before Miro was trying to have a “day” (Rusev Day) to himself. Lance said that he’ll walk out of Double or Nothing as the new TNT Champion. Archer said that he can’t wait until they beat the hell out of eachother. Archer said he’ll put Miro down, he’s going to hold that title over his head and make Miro the “Bulgarian Bitch.”
Miro said that Archer calls himself a monster, but every time he comes out he has an old man holding him back. Miro said that nobody holds him back. Miro told Jake there’s not enough yoga in the world to save his life. Miro said that Archer says “everybody dies” and Miro insists that Archer will be first.
Analysis: Great promo work from Miro showing a lot of intensity. This is the Miro I wanted to see months ago instead of the guy that cares a lot about video games. This is much better and I think a match with Archer is a smart move. They match up well together as two intense tough guys that have a lot of credibility.
Next week on AEW Dynamite on Friday, May 29:
* Miro defends the TNT Title vs. Dante Martin. Squash.
* Joey Janela vs. Hangman Page. Easy win for Page.
* Anthony Ogogo and Cody Rhodes have a weigh-in. Why?
* Jade Cargill issues an open challenge.
* A celebration of The Inner Circle.
* Evil Uno & Stu Grayson vs. Ethan Page & Scorpio Sky. Easy win for Page & Sky.
* Darby Allin vs. Cezar Bononi. Easy win for Darby Allin.
* They will honor Hikaru Shida’s one year title reign as Women’s Champion.
* Orange Cassidy will respond to Kenny Omega.
Analysis: Weak lineup. It’s two days before Double or Nothing in a later timeslot than usual, so that’s probably why.
The Varsity Blonds team of Brian Pillman Jr. and Griff Garrison entered with Julia Hart, who is dressed like a cheerleader. The Young Bucks entered as the AEW Tag Team Champions with Don Callis and Brandon Cutler joining them. The Young Bucks were wearing their expensive shoes. Callis joined commentary for the match.
AEW Tag Team Championships: The Young Bucks – Matt & Nick Jackson (w/Brandon Cutler) vs. Varsity Blonds (Brian Pillman Jr. & Griff Garrison) (w/Julia Hart)
Garrison hit a boot to the face after Nick ran the ropes. Matt tagged in and dealt with punches as well as a boot to the face. The Blonds hit double dropkicks followed by some Young Bucks pose mocking. Pillman clotheslined Nick over the top to the floor. Pillman with two arm drags to Matt, Garrison tagged in, held Matt and Pillman hit a dropkick for two. Garrison with a body slam and Pillman back in with a senton. Nick went in illegally with a kick on Garrison. Matt tossed Pillman over the top onto the ramp. Nick walked across the top rope with his brother holding his hand to keep the balance. Nick jumped onto Pillman and onto Garrison as well. Nick with a neckbreaker on Pillman across the top rope.
The match returned with Pillman still in the ring as the face in peril and he hit a cross body block on Nick. Garrison got the tag with arm drags, back body drops, the corner clotheslines and a double Spear on both Bucks. Garrison ran the ropes with a dive over the top onto the Bucks on the floor. Pillman hit a clothesline on Matt for a two count. Nick attacked Pillman after Pillman made the tag, the referee didn’t seem to care as usual and Nick hit a superplex on Pillman. Nick also kicked Garrison on the floor. Both Bucks kicked Pillman repeatedly, JR questioned the referee, but he forgets that AEW referees are not very good at enforcing rules. Anyway, Pillman hit a superkick on Nick for a two count with Matt breaking up the pin. Matt was back in with a Sharpshooter submission and then Nick sprayed something in Pillman’s eyes that the referee didn’t see. Garrison kicked Matt and then Nick hit a superkick. Nick faked a knee injury, Matt got the can of spray and Julia told the referee, who took the spray from Matt. Brandon Cutler tossed another can of spray and Matt sprayed the can in Julia Hart’s face. Pillman got an inside cradle for two. Matt applied the Sharpshooter again. Nick went in illegally with a facebuster into the mat. Nick jumped onto Garrison on the floor. Matt held onto the Sharpshooter and Pillman tapped out to lose. It went 12 minutes.
Winners by submission: The Young Bucks – Matt & Nick Jackson
Analysis: **3/4 It was just average as a tag team match with no build or story going into it. It was not nearly close to the same level as the better matches that the Young Bucks have. There was only one good nearfall for the challengers when Pillman got the inside cradle to nearly win. With that said, I doubt anybody watching this would have expected the Young Bucks to lose to these guys who rarely win matches on Dynamite anyway. I think the Varsity Blonds are a talented young team with potential that should be built up as a babyface duo in the next year, but it’s not their time yet.
There were still a few minutes left for a post match angle. Cutler was spraying deodorant or whatever in the aerosol spray onto the Young Bucks. Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston were in the ring to brawl with the Young Bucks. Moxley and Kingston each applied sleeper holds on both Young Bucks. Cutler just stood out of the ring doing nothing. Kingston took off the expensive Jordan Dior from Nick Jackson and even took off Nick’s socks for some reason.
Tony Schiavone let us know that Tony Khan officially booked The Young Bucks vs. Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston for the AEW Tag Team Titles at Double or Nothing. They also confirmed The Pinnacle vs. The Inner Circle in a Stadium Stampede match at Double or Nothing. They went over other matches. Look at the bottom of this post for the full Double or Nothing lineup.
The final scene of the show featured Kingston carrying the shoes of both Young Bucks, who were left barefoot in the ring. Eddie and Jon celebrate their actions to end the show.
Analysis: Funny way to end it. I enjoy the antics of Moxley and Kingston together.
Three Stars of the Show
- Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston
- Christian Cage
- Serena Deeb
The Scoreboard
This Week: 7 out of 10
Last Week: 7.5
2021 Average: 7.39
Final Thoughts
It was a step below the better AEW Dynamite episodes, but there were still plenty of good things on it. It’s not like it was a bad show. I just feel like if I “only” give it a 7 out of 10 some people may think I’m being too tough on it, but I still enjoyed a lot of it. I liked some of the promos from guys like Chris Jericho, Miro and Ethan Page/Scorpio Sky did a great job. It was cool seeing younger teams like The Acclaimed and The Varsity Blonds getting chances in big matches against veteran wrestlers like Moxley/Kingston and Young Bucks. We know who are winning matches like that before they happen, but it’s still smart for AEW to put those younger teams in there to try to build them up in the eyes of the fans.
They had too many matches on the card with obvious outcomes. There were also a lack of stories for some of the matches, so that made it hard to get into. With that said, the build to Double or Nothing has been very good up and down the card, so I’m looking forward to that show on May 30.
The next AEW pay-per-view is Double or Nothing on Sunday, May 30. Here’s the lineup.

AEW World Championship: Kenny Omega (c) vs. Pac vs. Orange Cassidy
Stadium Stampede Match: The Pinnacle (MJF, Shawn Spears, Dax Harwood, Cash Wheeler & Wardlow) vs. The Inner Circle (Chris Jericho, Jake Hager, Sammy Guevara, Santan & Ortiz) – The Inner Circle must break up if they lose!
AEW World Tag Team Championships: The Young Bucks (c) vs. Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston
AEW TNT Championship: Miro (c) vs. Lance Archer
Sting & Darby Allin vs. Ethan Page & Scorpio Sky – This will be Sting’s first match live and in a ring in nearly six years. AEW has specifically stated that it won’t be a cinematic match. It will be a live match in the ring.
AEW Women’s World Championship: Hikaru Shida (c) vs. Britt Baker
Cody Rhodes vs. Anthony Ogogo
“Hangman” Adam Page vs. Brian Cage
Casino Battle Royale: Christian Cage, Matt Sydal, Powerhouse Hobbs, The Varsity Blonds, Dustin Rhodes, Matt Hardy, The Acclaimed, Evil Uno, Colt Cabana, Preston Vance, Jungle Boy vs. Matt Hardy, Private Party, Penta El Zero Miedo, QT Marshall, Nick Comoroto, and more names to be announced. The winner gets a future AEW World Title match.
Thanks for reading. Go Toronto Blue Jays and Toronto Maple Leafs. You can contact me using any of the methods below.
John Canton
Twitter: @johnreport