
The John Report: AEW Dynamite 05/15/24 Review

AEW Dynamite May 15

This week’s AEW Dynamite featured Kazuchika Okada against Dax Harwood while Bryan Danielson & Jon Moxley were in tag team action.

This was AEW Dynamite episode #241 from Angel of the Winds Arena in Everett, Washington. Follow me on Twitter/X @johnreport. Let’s get to it.

It’s Wednesday and you know what that means. Excalibur was on commentary with Taz, Tony Schiavone, and Don Callis was there for the first match.

The entrance of IWGP World Champion Jon Moxley made his entrance through the crowd. Moxley was attacked by Kyle Fletcher & Jeff Cobb when he made it to ringside. Bryan Danielson made the save for his buddy Moxley. Bryan sent Cobb into the barricade along with a dropkick. Moxley choked Kyle with a shirt.

Blackpool Combat Club – Bryan Danielson & Jon Moxley vs. Jeff Cobb & Kyle Fletcher

Bryan started with Cobb and then Moxley worked over Cobb a bit. Bryan had Cobb trapped in a leg lock while Moxley got a tag leading to an elbow drop. Kyle tagged in with chops that Moxley didn’t sell much, so Moxley came back with strikes. Moxley did some back raking along with head biting and then a superplex on Kyle. Moxley set up Kyle across the top rope, so Bryan got the tag with a jumping knee drop to Kyle’s back. Bryan posed for his home state crowd that was cheering him and that led to a break.


The heels were in control as Kyle worked over Moxley with punches. Cobb went for a suplex, but Moxley came back with a German Suplex of his own. Bryan tagged in with a missile dropkick on Cobb and Bryan knocked Kyle off the apron. Bryan jumped over Cobb and hit a running clothesline. Bryan worked over Cobb with kicks. Bryan sent Cobb out of the ring and then Bryan dove onto Kyle on the floor because Cobb moved. Cobb hit a uranage slam while mocking the “YES” chant. Bryan avoided a standing moonsault. Bryan charged, Cobb caught him and Cobb hit a spinning slam. Moxley tagged in against Kyle as they exchanged boots. Moxley headbutted his own hand a few times since it was supposed to be headbutts on Kyle, but Kyle came back with a kick. Moxley nailed Kyle with a clothesline. Moxley hit a Cutter on Cobb and Kyle hit a Michinoku Driver on Mox for two because Bryan made the save. Cobb was in the ring illegally for some double team offense. Kyle hit a jumping Tombstone piledriver for two. Moxley avoided a double team attack. Bryan nailed Cobb out of the ring. Kyle jumped off the top with nothing because Mox moved, Bryan hit a Busaiko knee and Moxley hit Death Rider on Kyle for the pinfall win. It went about 13 minutes.

Winners by pinfall: Blackpool Combat Club – Bryan Danielson & Jon Moxley

Analysis: ***1/2 A very good match with an obvious result because you know the pushed main event guys are going to win over the guys that are barely on TV. AEW books a lot of matches like that, so to me if I was a casual fan I wouldn’t have much interest in a match like that. Fletcher is impressive for a young guy, but there’s not much drama when you know how the match will end. Anyway, it was all about making Moxley and Danielson look strong since they worked together to get the win here.

After the match, Konosuke Takeshita hit a German Suplex on Moxley. Fletcher and Cobb attacked Moxley & Danielson as well, so Claudio Castagnoli ran out with a crowbar for the save. The BCC guys celebrated to end it.

Analysis: I think that’s going to lead to Moxley against Takeshita at Double or Nothing. That seems like the obvious way for this to go. It would be an incredible match if they did that. I want to see Takeshita featured heavily moving forward.

A video aired about Swerve Strickland as the AEW World Champion doing interviews while promoting the company. The video moved on to cover Swerve’s issues with Christian Cage and Swerve’s former allies The Mogul Embassy. Swerve is in action later.

Let’s Hear from Malakai Black Attacking Adam Copeland

Adam Copeland made his entrance as the TNT Champion. He was attacked on the stage by Brody King & Buddy Matthews of the House of Black group. Malakai Black joined his House of Black buddies in the ring.

Black said he didn’t know why Adam tried to keep up with the façade about who he thinks he is. The fans chanted “shut the f**k up” at Black. That led to Black telling Buddy to take Copeland’s wedding ring and Black put the wedding ring in his pocket. While that was happening, King choked Adam out. Kyle O’Reilly showed up at ringside for the save. O’Reilly knocked Black & Buddy down on the floor, but King nailed O’Reilly with a clothesline. On the floor, Black nailed Kyle with a spin kick called The End. House of Black hit a triple dropkick on Adam while there were two chairs beside Adam’s head. The idea is two dropkicks were sent into Adam’s head while they were by the turnbuckle. Nobody checked on Copeland.

Analysis: A cheap attack from House of Black destroying Copeland before he could fight for himself. This should lead to a Black-Copeland match for the TNT Title.

A video aired from the NJPW show where The Elite’s Young Bucks & Jack Perry attacked Eddie Kingston. Perry said they would take everything from Kingston.

The Elite were backstage featuring The Young Bucks, Kazuchika Okada & Jack Perry. They bragged about taking Eddie Kingston, Tony Khan & Kenny Omega. The graphic for Anarchy in the Arena had removed Kingston, so he might be out of the match. Okada said he’ll destroy Dax Harwood…bitch.


A commercial aired for some Young Bucks shoes. The commercial looked cheesy and cheap.

There was a backstage interview with FTR talking to Renee Paquette. Cash Wheeler said they had a fourth guy for Anarchy in the Arena and Dax Harwood said it looked like Okada was The Elite’s bitch.

The Young Bucks – Matthew & Nicholas Jackson vs. Matt Sydal & Christopher Daniels

The Bucks are AEW Tag Team Champions so it’s called an Eliminator match where Sydal & Daniels would get a title shot if they win. Jack Perry was on commentary.

There was some quick action to start with some fast tags. Sydal nailed Matt with a kick followed by Daniels doing an STO trip. Sydal did a standing moonsault on Matt for two. Nick made the tag with a roundhouse kick to Sydal along with a running kick to Daniels. Nick hit the dreaded double axehandle smash on Sydal leading to a picture-in-picture break.


Sydal hit a double hurricanrana on both Bucks. Daniels tagged in and nailed a Death Valley Driver on Nick. Matt went into the ring illegally, so Daniels hit a double team slam on both Bucks. Daniels with a uranage on Nick and Matt hit Daniels with a superkick. Matt was illegal again. Matt battled Sydal leading to Matt tossing Sydal over the barricade. Nick hit a jumping kick on Daniels. They battled by the turnbuckle where Matt held onto Nick’s legs and Daniels bumped while trying a move. Matt picked up Daniels for the TK Driver (spiked Tombstone) for the pinfall win after about nine minutes.

Winners by pinfall: The Young Bucks – Matthew & Nicholas Jackson

Analysis: **3/4 Easy win for The Young Bucks against a veteran team that is rarely on this show. They didn’t really do many spots to make you think The Young Bucks might lose this match. A very basic television match.

The Young Bucks did a post match promo. Matt said that Christopher Daniels said some mean things to them and claimed that Daniels is trying to screw things up for them. Matt said that they are trying to clean up toxicity. Matt told Daniels that they had to let him go and said that he was fired. Tony said that he does a lot of work in talent relations and all the work he does backstage. Matt said they’ll pay him for 30 days and give him a security escort out of the building. Matt thanked Daniels for five years of work. Matt tried to get the fans to chant “AEW” but the fans didn’t do it. Jack Perry had a drink at ringside, he toasted to the Young Bucks and then Jack dumped his drink on Tony Schiavone. Tony called him a “son of a bitch” while Jack left with The Young Bucks. Security guys at ringside were shown walking with Daniels.

Analysis: It gets more heat on The Young Bucks to have them fire a nice guy like Daniels, who really did nothing wrong, but the Bucks like to abuse their power. Daniels has been running AEW Talent Relations since the company launched five years ago, so firing him will upset the fans in theory. Also, what Jack did to Tony was an asshole move and if I was Schiavone I would be legit upset about it.

Toni Storm, the Women’s World Champion, was interviewed by Renee Paquette while Mariah May and Luther were standing by. Toni said she’d take Harley Cameron’s womb to the woodshed. Storm trash talked Serena Deeb ahead of their Double or Nothing match and had some more unique dialogue as usual.


Malakai Black was featured doing a promo while holding Adam Copeland’s wedding ring. Black mentioned that Copeland challenged him to a Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match at Double or Nothing for the TNT Title and Black accepted. Black said when he beats Copeland, he wants Copeland to bend the knee to the House of Black. Malakai left after that.

Analysis: That’s going to be a bloody match at Double or Nothing since it’s a Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match. Black really hasn’t won singles matches to earn a title shot, but it fits the story of a personal rivalry.

Hook vs. Sebastian Wolfe

Welcome back Hook after nearly a month off. Hook hit an overhead suplex sending Wolfe flipping over onto his stomach. Hook nailed Wolfe with forearm smashes. Hook applied the Red Rum submission and Wolfe was done. It went less than one minute.

Winner by submission: Hook

Analysis: 1/4* Squash city. Easy W for Hook.

Let’s Hear from Hook and Chris Jericho

After the match, Hook said that he wasn’t just here for a match. Hook called out Chris Jericho and Hook said he wanted his FTW Title as well.

Chris Jericho walked out as the FTW Champion with Big Bill by his side. Jericho did his disingenuous greeting to the fans. Jericho spoke about wanting to share the spotlight with Hook. That led to Hook saying he wanted the spotlight to be on him beating Jericho for that FTW Title tonight. Jericho said it’s not a fighting moment, it’s a teaching moment. Jericho wanted Hook to be less selfish like himself. Fans were chanting at Jericho to retire, who said when he retires he’ll be inducted into every Wrestling Hall of Fame but he’s not ready for that. Jericho said that it’s For The World Title, not For the Hook Title. Jericho said when you lose a title, you have to work your way back up again. Jericho told Hook this Saturday on Collision, he has to have a qualification match and if Hook wins then maybe he’ll face Jericho for the championship. Hook said that sounds great and also said this sounds good as he hit Jericho with a microphone to the head. Bill saved Jericho so Jericho broke free leading to an elbow on Hook. Bill punched Hook a bunch of times. Katsuyori Shibata made the save and kicked Bill out of the ring. Jericho was bleeding from the top of the head with blood. The microphone cut Jericho’s head. Shibata helped Hook back up in the ring.

Analysis: It’s building to another Hook-Jericho match. They can also do a tag match with Hook & Shibata against Jericho & Bill. I thought that Hook should have attacked Jericho sooner, but at least he did the attack with the microphone.

Swerve Strickland, the AEW World Champion, did a promo about how he’s back home in his home state of Washington. Swerve talked about putting an end to the Mogul Embassy this past weekend. Swerve told Christian Cage he’d put him in the grave. Swerve said that Brian Cage is the final nail in the coffin of the Mogul Embassy.

Analysis: Swerve has to deal with a bunch of guys with the Cage last name. No word on whether a Nicholas Cage appearance is coming.

Swerve Strickland vs. Brian Cage

This was not for Swerve’s AEW World Title. It’s a World Title Eliminator match so if Cage wins then he gets an AEW World Title match.

Swerve hit a running double knee attack to start the match. Cage was sent out of the ring, Swerve dove on him and Cage caught Swerve. That led to Swerve kicking Cage followed by a Swerve stomp on the left arm. Swerve pulled on Cage’s left arm by the ring post, but Cage managed to ram Swerve into the post. Swerve came back with a jumping flatliner for two. Cage hit a backbreaker along with some chops. Swerve pulled on Cage’s left arm against the ropes. Cage drove Swerve back-first into the turnbuckle. Cage charged, Swerve got a boot up and Swerve slammed Swerve into the turnbuckle. The show went to a PIP break.


The match returned with Cage hitting an impressive superplex style move from the middle rope. Swerve sent Cage into the turnbuckle followed by Swerve doing a running boot to the back of the arm. Swerve no sold a clothesline leading to Swerve hitting a jumping kick to the head. Swerve worked over Cage with forearms and uppercuts along with a dance. Swerve carried cage leading to an impressive brainbuster for two. Swerve went for a charging attack, but Cage stopped that with a jumping knee. Cage gave Swerve a Powerbomb into a turnbuckle followed by a F5-like move for two. Swerve headbutted Cage to knock him to the apron. Swerve set up Cage by the ropes leading to Swerve jumping over the top with The Stomp. Back in the ring, Swerve hit a 450 Splash off the top for two. Cage countered a Swerve move attempt leading to Cage hitting two Powerbombs for a two count. Swerve countered a move with a headscissors. Cage nailed a superkick, Swerve hit multiple kicks to the head and Swerve hit a stomp to the chest. Swerve stepped on the left arm of Cage at an awkward angle. Swerve hit his House Call kick for the pinfall win after about 14 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Swerve Strickland

Analysis: ***1/4 A solid match that was even most of the way before Swerve put him away. Once again it was a match with a very obvious result. The thing about Brian Cage matches is we know he’s going to hit some cool moves and he is an athletic guy that can take anything too, but he is usually there to put over the bigger name. It was more of the same here. I think Swerve winning in less time would make him look better rather than taking so long to put Cage away. Anyway, that win should end the story of the former Mogul Embassy guys and Swerve. The stable went away with a whimper, not a bang.

After the match, Swerve Strickland brought two steel chairs into the ring and hit Cage in the left shoulder area.

Christian Cage’s music hit as Christian appeared on the stage with Shayna Wayne. Nick Wayne attacked Swerve from behind with a low blow uppercut. Killswitch nailed Swerve with a boot to the face. Nick had a family photo of Swerve with his family. Nick smashed the photo into Swerve’s face. Cage walked down to the ring while Swerve was bleeding from right above the right eye.

Christian told Swerve that last year, Swerve embarrassed Christian’s son Nick Wayne so now Christian will embarrass Swerve. Christian held a photo that had Swerve and his family in it, including his daughter. Christian asked if Swerve’s daughter was proud of her absentee father. Christian said that tonight he took Swerve’s blood and in two weeks at Double or Nothing, he will take Swerve’s World Heavyweight Championship. Christian and the group left at that point.

Analysis: It was another babyface getting beat up by multiple people just like Copeland earlier in the show. Babyfaces like to get their asses kicked without anybody helping them on this show. Anyway, Christian won’t be beating Swerve at Double or Nothing, but at least they are building it the right way with Christian doing multiple cheap attacks and getting the advantage week after week. Taking a shot at Swerve being an absentee father also makes it feel more personal.


Hook and Katsuyori Shibata were interviewed by Renee Paquette. Hook didn’t care about the odds being stacked against him. Hook said he’ll beat whoever he has to beat. Shibata used his voice translator saying he wanted another shot at Jericho too. Hook said if he had to get by Shibata again then that’s fine by him. Samoa Joe walked in saying if they stop playing themselves they might be dangerous around here. Joe left and Hook said he would fight him. Shibata’s voice translator said that Joe was too large to be wearing a floral pattern. That drew laughs.

Analysis: This might be leading to Joe becoming a babyface. The fans cheer him a lot anyway, so I wouldn’t mind a turn by having Joe align with Hook as a mentor of sorts.

“Timeless” Toni Storm vs. Harley Cameron

It’s another match on this show where the result is obvious going into it. Storm is 7-0 in singles matches in 2024. Harley is 2-2 in her AEW career. Anyway, this is not for Storm’s AEW Women’s World Title.

Storm knocked down Cameron with a shoulder tackle. Storm did a Thesz Press followed by punches. Storm hit a running hip attack to knock Cameron down. Serena Deeb was watching from the ramp, which distracted Storm and then Cameron rammed Storm into the steel steps. They went to a PIP break.


The match continued with Storm setting up Cameron by the ropes and hitting a backstabber with the double knees. Storm hit a DDT followed by a Fisherman’s Suplex with a bridge for two. Cameron hit a boot to the face followed by a running knee for two. Storm caught a running Cameron and hit a Sky High spinebuster. They exchanged pin attempts. Storm faked a punch and then hit a Storm Zero piledriver for the pinfall win after seven minutes.

Winner by pinfall: “Timeless” Toni Storm

Analysis: ** This is typical for AEW women’s division where they don’t get a lot of time. In this case, they only had about four minutes of full screen action with three minutes taking place during the PIP action. Cameron is okay, but it was pretty obvious what was coming here. The only thing I really got out of this is that they might be using Storm as a babyface now since the fans cheer her. I mentioned in the past that Deeb wasn’t working as a face, so they should turn both women and I think that might be happening.

Will Ospreay and the AEW International Champion Roderick Strong (with The Undisputed Era) were interviewed backstage. Here’s a summary of what was said thanks to the AEW website writing out the promo in the recap.

Ospreay: “I feel like the world’s eyes are upon me, but I hate that you are so comfortable around me with that championship. It’s either because if I lunge at you, these guys will grab me, or it’s because I’ve retired the Tiger Driver 91. Why are you playing these mind games that you want me to unretire this move, because you’re playing them piss poor. I’ve done that move to people I love and people I respect, but I don’t respect you. And you’ve never respected me, bruv. You’ve always looked down on me. So, in turn, I’ve got none for you.”

Strong: “That’s the smartest thing you’ve ever said. I’ve never had respect for you. It’s the fact that you’re so talented in that ring, but you’re such an idiot out of the ring. Will you’re still the little child that you’ve been and that you’ll always be. You don’t deserve this title! I overcame a neck injury that almost took me out, but I don’t quit! I don’t care who everyone else thinks you are, I know who you are. You are a fraud and a child. At Double Or Nothing I’m gonna end this!”

Ospreay: “I am going to take that one thing that makes you super important, and at Double Or Nothing, I’ll show the world why I’m on another level!”

Analysis: It was an effective promo exchange between two guys battling for one of the many titles in this company. Strong doesn’t respect Ospreay as much as he should, so it’s a case of a veteran wrestler not being impressed by a guy like Ospreay, who people think is the best in the world. I think Ospreay will continue to be undefeated in AEW since signing with the company which means Ospreay will win the International Title at Double or Nothing.

Contract Signing: Willow Nightingale and Mercedes Mone

Renee Paquette was in the ring hosting the contract signing in the ring. There were two chairs and a table in the ring. Mercedes Mone was up first with her repetitive “CEO” song. Willow Nightingale was up next as the TBS Champion. They sat in the ring.

Willow told Mone that she respected her and everything she had done in her career. Willow wondered if Mone that is the TBS Championship. Willow said that the championship celebrates the legacy of pro wrestling that celebrates 50 years of wrestling on this channel. Willow said she’s the face of TBS and her smile is her strength. Willow told Mone that this title is what matters to her. Willow said she’s not going to let Mone walk into AEW and take that title away…not now, not at Double or Nothing, and not ever. Willow signed the contract.

Mone told Everett to say hello to your CEO and the fans booed that. Mone said that “money changes everything” isn’t just a phrase, it’s a fact. Mone said that in 2015 in Brooklyn she was changing the game forever. Mone talked about breaking down the doors and kicking down glass ceilings. Mone claimed Willow wouldn’t be here without Mone. Mone said that there’s a difference between being great and being the greatest of all time. Mone stood up showing off her body saying she looked like the new face of TBS. Mone said that the best part of Willow’s career was beating Mone, but Mone said that beating Willow at Double or Nothing would be the best thing that happened to Willow. Mone said that her legacy is all about winning. Mone signed the contract.

Willow said that the last time they wrestled, Willow walked away a champion and Mone didn’t walk out at all. Mone slapped Willow in the face. Mone missed a belt attack when Willow kicked her in the gut. Willow gave Mone a Powerbomb through the table. That drew a good pop because the fans love table bumps. Willow posed with her title. Mone was getting checked on in the ring.

Analysis: That was an effective contract signing segment. A table spot is always going to pop the crowd so it’s a smart way to end something like that. I also think they did the right thing by having Willow send a message like that because it shows she’s a fighting champion who won’t back down to the cocky Mone. It seemed like Mone is embracing the heel role although in AEW they don’t seem to care as much about heel and face in situations like this. I think Mone winning at Double or Nothing is very likely.


It was main event time with the AEW Continental Champion Kazuchika Okada up first. Dax Harwood of FTR is up next as the challenger. It seems like only Dax has singles matches while Cash Wheeler rarely has singles matches.

AEW Continental Championship: Kazuchika Okada vs. Dax Harwood

Dax did a trip going for a Sharpshooter, but Okada slipped out of the ring to avoid it. Okada delivered some punches. Dax hit a couple of hard chops to the chest. Okada got a shoulder tackle knockdown followed by Okada sending Dax into the ring post so that Dax’s left shoulder hit the post hard.


The match continued with Dax nailing a spinebuster on a charging Okada. Dax had his right arm/shoulder taped up and tape on his lower back as well. Dax went to the turnbuckle for a move, but Okada hit an impressive dropkick to send Dax over the top to the floor. Okada followed up with a running boot to the head while they were on the floor. Okada broke the slow referee’s count and Okada went after Dax with a DDT on the floor. The referee stopped his count to check on Dax on the floor. Okada was back in the ring and Dax was back in before the ten count. If the referee didn’t stop counting then Dax would have been counted out, but it’s AEW with the inconsistent referee. Anyway, Dax had some babyface fighting spirit in him with a couple of German Suplexes. Okada with a boot, Dax with forearm and then Dax hit a Dragon Suplex. The fans chanted “this is awesome” for them. Okada delivered forearms while Dax delivered chops. Okada broke free, he went for a dropkick and Dax blocked it. Okada did an up kick that sent Dax into the turnbuckle. Okada picked up Dax on his back leading to a backbreaker where Dax’s neck hit Okada’s knee. That got a two count while Okada had a shocked look on his face. Okada went up top, Dax met him there and Dax hit a superplex. They fought from their knees and then back up to their feet to exchanged forearm strikes. Dax went for a clothesline, Okada ducked it and Dax hit a discus lariat. Okada reversed a Powerbomb with a hurricanrana. Dax rolled through leading to a pin attempt. Okada powered out of a Sharpshooter attempt. Dax countered an Okada move leading to a Tombstone piledriver. Tony: “That head hit really hard on the mat straight down.” Not really. Dax protected him, but I get what the announcer is trying to say. Dax went up top and jumped off the top with a headbutt, but Okada moved. Okada went for the Rainmaker clothesline, Dax avoided it and Dax tried a Sharpshooter, but Okada got to the ropes before it was locked in fully. Okada left the ring, grabbed the Continental Title, back in the ring, the referee got the title and Okada kicked the ropes to low blow Dax. Okada hit the Rainmaker clothesline for the pinfall win after 16 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Kazuchika Okada

Analysis: ***3/4 An excellent match between two talented veterans. We knew the result the moment the bell rang, but at least it was a very entertaining match. I certainly don’t mind seeing Okada in a lengthy main event since he’s an incredible wrestler. Should they book him in a shorter match against a tag team wrestler? Maybe, but I enjoyed this a lot. It felt like a hard-hitting fight rather than just a couple of guys trading moves. The cheap ending with Okada doing the low blow on Dax before hitting the Rainmaker is also a way to put over Dax as a tough opponent because Okada had to cheat to beat him.

After the match, Okada was joined by his friends in The Elite as Jack Perry, Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson attacked Harwood. That led to Cash Wheeler and Bryan Danielson making the save as Dax’s teammates at Double or Nothing in the Anarchy in the Arena Match. The Elite had the numbers advantage 4-on-3 here so it was time for a babyface to make the save.

Darby Allin made his return in a pink jacket and with a skateboard in hand. Allin fought with Jack Perry. Allin used the skateboard to hit Jack in the ribs. Allin is from the Seattle area, so the fans popped huge for him as a local guy to them. The other babyfaces cleared the ring. Allin celebrated in the ring with Harwood, Wheeler & Danielson. It was confirmed that Allin was on their team in the Anarchy in the Arena Match at Double or Nothing.

Analysis: It was nice to see a babyface ending to a show since they often end Dynamite with heel attacks. Darby Allin’s return was a bit of a surprise due to a foot injury and the fact that he got hit by a bus recently, but it’s good to see him back. Allin certainly fits as a guy who can be on Team AEW in the Anarchy in the Arena match since he’s a guy who has been with AEW for five years and is beloved by the fans. A good angle to end it.


Three Stars of the Show

  1. Kazuchika Okada
  2. Bryan Danielson & Jon Moxley
  3. Swerve Strickland


The Scoreboard

This Week: 7.25 out of 10

Last Week: 7

2024 Average: 7.45


Final Thoughts on AEW Dynamite

It was a pretty good show for the most part. I think they advanced stories well. Adam Copeland got destroyed by House of Black to set up his TNT Title match with Malakai Black while Christian Cage got the advantage over AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland again. The contract signing with Willow Nightingale putting Mercedes Mone through the table was well done.

I thought every match on the show was very predictable. They were all about a pushed wrestler beating somebody who really had no chance. To me, AEW books matches like that far too often. Yes, other wrestling companies do that sometimes and we all know that, but AEW does it the most often on TV shows. I think you need to have some matches that appear to be even so there is some doubt about the winners and losers otherwise fans will change the channel. With that said, the Okada-Harwood match was my favorite bout on the show. The tag match won by Danielson & Moxley was good too. I hope it sets up Moxley against Konosuke Takeshita at Double or Nothing, which seems likely based on the post match attack.

The post main event angle was booked well. It was nice to see Darby Allin helping the Team AEW guys after Eddie Kingston was removed from the Anarchy in the Arena match due to injury. Allin has dealt with injuries, but I guess he’s fine now. That should be a chaotic match at Double or Nothing and adding Allin to it will mean he’s going to do something crazy too.

The next AEW pay-per-view is Double or Nothing on May 26th in Las Vegas with this lineup announced so far.

* AEW World Championship: Swerve Strickland (c) vs. Christian Cage

* Anarchy In The Arena Match: The Elite (Jack Perry, Kazuchika Okada, Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson) vs. Team AEW (Bryan Danielson, Darby Allin, Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood)

* AEW Women’s World Championship: Toni Storm (c) vs. Serena Deeb

* TNT Championship Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match: Adam Copeland (c) vs. Malakai Black

* AEW International Championship: Roderick Strong (c) vs. Will Ospreay

* TBS Championship: Willow Nightingale (c) vs. Mercedes Mone


Thanks for reading. Go Toronto Blue Jays. You can contact me using any of the methods below.

John Canton


Twitter/X: @johnreport