The John Report: AEW Dynamite 02/26/20 Review
Welcome to another AEW Dynamite review on TJRWrestling. This is the last Dynamite episode before the AEW Revolution PPV this Saturday in Chicago, so this is what they call the “go-home show” in wrestling. Let’s see what AEW has in store for us this week.
Live from Kansas City, Missouri, this is episode #21 of AEW Dynamite. Follow me on Twitter @johnreport. Thanks to Melo Man for the banner up top. Here’s my AEW Dynamite TV review archive. I’m watching on TSN2 in Canada as usual.
The show began with pyro going off in the arena. They’re at the Silverstein Eye Centers Arena in Kansas City. The announce team of Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone and masked man Excalibur welcomed us to the show with rundown of what matches are on tap this week.
The crowd popped huge when ring announcer Justin Roberts let them know the 30-Minute Ironman Match will open the show.
The man known as “The Bastard” Pac was up first. Pac beat Kenny Omega at the All Out pay-per-view last August. They are 1-1 in their AEW singles match history. Kenny Omega got a huge pop from the crowd as usual with a graphic noting that he beat Pac on November 27 on Dynamite last year. Kenny is one half of the AEW Tag Team Champions along with Adam Page. Kenny was joined at ringside by The Young Bucks, who will challenge Omega and Page for the AEW Tag Team Titles on Saturday at Revolution. Why is Page not there? He likes to drink. Anyway, the announcers mentioned that as you would expect.
30-Minute Ironman Match: “The Bastard” Pac vs. Kenny Omega (w/Matt and Nick Jackson)
The rules for an Ironman Match, in case you don’t know, is that the winner will be the man to get the most falls (pinfall, submission, countout or disqualification) over the 30 minutes time limit. There was a clock in the lower left corner along with a scoreboard.
They had a long staredown, then they locked up with Kenny pushing Pac into the ropes. They exchanged forearms and chops, then each guy connected with a kick and Omega picked Pac up, Pac tried a submission, so Omega drove him into the turnbuckle. Omega with a hurricanrana leading to Pac bailing to the floor. Omega ran the ropes leading to a tope con hilo (somersault dive) over the top onto Pac on the floor. Back in the ring, Omega with the Kitaro crusher bulldog for a two count. Omega with a rolling senton, but then he missed a moonsault attempt off the middle ropes. Omega managed to shove Pac into the turnbuckle followed by the Snapdragon suplex. Pac bailed to the floor, Omega slid out after him and Pac hit him with forearms. Omega hit him with forearms for two. Pac jumped off the apron onto Omega, who caught him, but then Pac turned it into a Tornado DDT on the floor. The referee Paul Turner was counting them while they were on the floor, then he stopped and checked on both guys. The referee should keep counting there, so it’s odd to see him just stop like that. Omega sent Pac face first into the turnbuckle. Omega went up top, Pac met him up there and Pac hit the brainbuster superplex leading to “holy shit” chants from the crowd. That was very well done with Omega selling it well. Pac went up top and hit a missile dropkick for a two count. Omega charged, Pac avoided it by going to the apron and Pac jumped over the top leading to a Cutter for a two count. They were ten minutes into the match at this point.
Pac worked over Omega with hard chops to the chest, Omega avoided a charge and Omega kicked Pac back first into the turnbuckle. That almost looked like a kick you would see in a video game just the way it was executed. That looked cool. Omega and Pac exchanged forearms, then Pac with a pump kick and Omega with a hard chop to the chest. Pac with a snap German Suplex, Omega hit two knees to the face and Omega with a Tiger Driver 98 got a two count. That was a great nearfall. Omega put Pac on his shoulders, then brought him down and hit a bridging German Suplex for a two count. Another nearfall that was very believable right there as the fans chanted “AEW” for them. Omega set up Pac against the turnbuckle, then a V-Trigger knee to the back of the head and Omega went to the middle ropes with Pac on his shoulders, but Pac turned it into a sunset flip Powerbomb. Pac went for a move on the turnbuckle, but Omega slipped out to send him into the top turnbuckle. A Snapdragon suplex from Omega followed by a running knee to the face for just a two count. Pac rolled to the floor as fans chanted “this is awesome” and Pac grabbed a chair from under the ring. Pac grabbed a chair and hit Omega in the head with the edge of the chair. That led to a disqualification.
Kenny Omega leads 1-0
Analysis: That’s a classic booking spot in an Ironman match where a heel gets intentionally disqualified leading to them taking the advantage.
They went into the ring with Pac hitting Omega in the head again with the edge of the chair. There was a 30-second interval as the Young Bucks checked on Omega and then the second fall began. Pac with a running kick against the ropes. Pac went up top and hit the Black Arrow splash for the pinfall. That was about 17 minutes into the match.
The match is tied 1-1
(Commercial – They went to picture in picture with the referee checking on Omega while they had a 30-second break between falls. The action went to the floor with Pac whipping Omega into the barricade at ringside. The referee was not counting them out and then Pac rolled Omega back in. Pac with two kicks to knock Omega down.)
The match returned with both men on the apron as they exchanged strikes. Pac gave Omega a Falcon Arrow slam off the apron and onto the floor. That led to “holy shit” chants as the referee and the Young Bucks checked on Omega on the floor. Great spot there that was executed perfectly. With Omega on the floor, Pac hit a dropkick and Omega bumped into referee Paul Turner, who bumped into the barricade. They also had Dr. Sampson at ringside checking on Omega. Pac pulled out a table from under the ring as Excalibur pointed out that Pac’s DQ was the first disqualification in AEW so far. That’s weird that they haven’t booked a DQ before, but it was a true statement. Pac set up Omega on a table by the ring apron. Pac went up top and hit a Shooting Star Press that drove Omega through the table. That broke the table as the crowd popped huge for it. That was justified because it was amazing! Great move by Pac. The referee was still down, so there was no count or disqualification. The Young Bucks and the doctor checked on both guys on the floor. The referee counted both guys on the floor, so after about 24 minutes, the referee finally started counting guys while they were out of the ring. Pac made it back in first while Omega barely got back in. Pac went up top for the Black Arrow splash, but Omega got the knees up to block it.
There were less than five minutes left in the match as both guys were down in the ring selling injuries. Omega with a running V-Trigger knee to the jaw two times in a row followed by a uranage slam with a two count. Omega with a running knee to the face, Omega lifted up Pac and Pac countered into a reverse rana to spike Omega on his head. Pac with a swinging DDT. Pac slapped on the Brutalizer submission hold on the arms/upper body of Omega with about 2:30 left in the match. Omega tried to get to the ropes, but Pac rolled through and Omega did manage to get to the ropes to break the hold. Pac slapped on the Brutalizer submission hold on Omega again, Omega turned it into a nearfall for two and Pac continued to hold on. Omega broke free briefly, but then Pac came back with the Brutalizer hold again. Omega held on as the close ran down to zero because the 30 minutes had elapsed.
After the 30 minutes had expired, Pac decked referee Paul Turner with a forearm to the face. It was announced by Justin Roberts that the match will continue under sudden death rules.
Omega hit a running knee to the face of Pac as referee Aubrey Edwards took over. Omega with a ripcord V-Trigger knee. The fans chanted “Aubrey” for the referee. Omega with another knee to the face. Omega set up Pac on the shoulders and hit the One Winged Angel for the pinfall win after 31 minutes.
Winner: Kenny Omega (2-1)
Analysis: ****1/2 It was an outstanding match between two of the best wrestlers in AEW. I fully expected it to be awesome and they delivered. I don’t think the overtime was needed, but I get why they booked it that way because it shows how even Pac was even in defeat. I think if they booked the OT with Pac getting a nearfall it would have helped. Instead, Omega dominated the OT with all the offense in the one minute of action in the OT period. There were several believable nearfalls for both guys, the crowd was hot for all of it and I liked the big spots they did like the table breaking moment on the floor. I hate to nitpick when it’s such a great match, but there were some moments where when the referee didn’t count them out of the ring at all and then towards the end of the match, he did administer a count. You can’t ignore counting out guys for most of the match and then decide to start doing it again later. It’s better to be consistent. Pac was his usual awesome self as a relentless heel that is probably my second favorite heel in the company after Jericho. Omega should be and could be a top babyface in AEW, but he has been in the tag team division. I’m sure his time as a top singles guy is coming at some point.
(Commercial – Omega was shown leaving with his Young Bucks buddies and Omega posed on the ramp. Pac slowly made his way up the aisle where Tony Schiavone was waiting to talk to him by the entrance.)
Pac was interviewed by Tony Schiavone, who said that we saw a hell of a match. Schiavone noted that Pac went through a lot to get this match and then he lost. Pac yelled at Tony asking if this was a joke. Orange Cassidy walked onto the stage, Pac said that this must be a joke and Cassidy stared at him. Pac decked Cassidy with a forearm to the face. That was quickly broken up and Pac left to the back.
Analysis: That made me laugh. I know I’m supposed to feel sorry for Orange Cassidy, but I think it’s hilarious that Pac decked him because they are the complete opposite as characters.
A commercial aired for Revolution on Saturday night on pay-per-view.
There was a shot of Lexi backstage by Chris Jericho’s locker room trying to get an interview. She knocked, Jake Hager opened the door, said nothing and went back in the room.
The Inner Circle – Santana, Ortiz and Sammy Guevara vs. Jurassic Express – Luchasaurus, Jungle Boy and Marko Stunt
The only wrestler in this match that’s in a match at Revolution is Guevara against Darby Allin. Tazz replaced Tony Schiavone for this match.
Luchasaurus hit his tail whip spin kick and Stunt hit a missile dropkick on Santana and Ortiz. Boy with two suicide dives and Luchasaurus press slammed Stunt onto Santana/Ortiz, but they caught Stunt and tossed him onto Boy. Double team flapjack by Santana/Ortiz on Luchasaurus. Stunt with a headscissors on Santana, but then the heels took over with a double stomp by Guevara and Santana hit a moonsault on Stunt.
The match returned with Santana hitting a cannonball on Stunt and then Guevara got a sitout powerbomb for a two count as Boy made the save. Luchasaurus got the tag with a spin kick on Guevara, then punches and kicks on Ortiz followed by a spinning slam off the shoulders. Luchasaurus with a Chokeslam on Ortiz and a standing moonsault. Guevara with a forearm to the back of Luchasaurus, but Luchasaurus got help as the three Jurassic Express guys hit superkicks on Guevara. Stung with a double foot stomp on Ortiz while Boy hit a Vertebreaker on Guevara. I don’t know who the legal men were at this point. Santana and Ortiz hit a double suplex on Boy, Sammy with a standing SSP on Boy and Stunt jumped off the top to break up the pin. Stunt sent Santana/Ortiz to the floor and Luchasaurus hit a moonsault off the apron onto the guys on the floor. Guevara grabbed the madball sock with baseballs that Santana/Ortiz use, but Darby Allin took it away from Sammy. Jungle Boy hit a snap hurricanrana on Guevara for the pinfall win after 10 minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Jurassic Express – Luchasaurus, Jungle Boy and Marko Stunt
Analysis: *** It was a pretty good tag team match with the crowd really getting behind the Jurassic Express team. As is typical for AEW tags, it was hard to know who the legal men were, which is a problem they don’t seem to care about. Allin preventing Sammy from cheating was a good finish because it continues their rivalry that will lead to their match at Revolution. The Inner Circle guys usually lose when Jericho is not in the match, so that doesn’t make them look like stars. I continue to be surprised that AEW hasn’t done more with the Jurassic Express team. It’s been six months, yet they really haven’t had a meaningful feud. The crowd loves these guys, especially Luchasaurus, so they need to be used better.
After the match, Guevara ran at Allin and Allin gave Guevara back body drop over the top onto Sammy’s friends on the floor.
(Commercial – The heels left while Allin had some signs in the ring about how he was going to beat Guevara at Revolution on Saturday.)
There was a video package about the MJF feud with Cody that will lead to a big grudge match at Revolution this Saturday night. I think the build has been terrific. It is one of the two biggest matches on the show along with Jericho/Moxley for the AEW World Title.
Analysis: The video package was very well done. It’s nice to see a feud built up for three months without seeing the guys in a tag team match together or anything like that. It makes the PPV match feel more special. It will be the biggest match of MJF’s career so far while Cody continues to perform at a very high level. I’ll save my prediction for our Revolution preview article.
The Butcher and The Blade (w/The Bunny) vs. Best Friends – Trent and Chuck Taylor (w/Orange Cassidy)
Butcher hit Trent in the back with a forearm followed by a whip into the ropes with Trent taking a chest bump. Blade hit a gutwrench suplex on Trent to put him down. Trent got some offense with some chops, but Blade sent Trent stomach first across the top rope. Trent hit a running knee on Blade leading to Taylor getting the tag with JR mentioning the Chuck Taylor shoes as usual with Taylor hitting the Soul Food boot to the face into a half n half suplex by Trent.
(Commercial – The Bunny regrouped with her team on the floor as The Butcher pulled Trent out of the ring. The Blade hit a spinning cradle suplex. The heels worked over Taylor in their half of the ring. Taylor tried to fight back, but Butcher overpowered him with a hard chop to knock him on his ass. Butcher with a shoulder tackle on Taylor.)
Taylor made the comeback with a boot to Blade and he sent Butcher out of the ring. Taylor got the tag with a swinging DDT on Blade, but then Blade sent Trent into the barricade two times only for Trent to hit him with a Spear while they were on the floor. The four wrestlers were on the floor, so Cassidy and Bunny had a staredown in the ring. The referee didn’t care to count anybody while they were on the floor. Bunny stole Cassidy’s sunglasses, then she tried a low blow, he blocked it and Cassidy put her bunny ears on. Cassidy put his hands in his pockets leading to huge cheers. Cassidy hit a suicide dive on Butcher. Trent hooked up Blade and Taylor jumped off the top with the double foot stomp for their Strong Zero double team move for the win after 8 minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Best Friends – Trent and Chuck Taylor (w/Orange Cassidy)
Analysis: **3/4 This was okay with the Best Friends getting payback after last week’s battle royal when Butcher and Blade cost them the win in that match. The Cassidy spots are over with the crowd, that’s for sure. The Best Friends team is popular, but it seems like they lose way more than they win and if they do win, it’s rarely against a top team. Neither of these teams are really in the title hunt right now.
After the match, Tony was in the ring with the Best Friends team. Tony said that they have signed another match for Revolution: “The Bastard” Pac vs. Orange Cassidy. Taylor said that they are back in their winning ways. Taylor said that if Pac thinks Cassidy is a joke, the joke’s on you because “this time he’s gonna try.” Trent said that he might try, he might not and fans chanted “he will try” for that. Cassidy simply did a thumbs up sign.
Analysis: That match at Revolution is Cassidy’s first match in AEW. It should be interesting at least to see how it goes. The crowd will be into it, that’s for sure. I think Pac should win, but I don’t know how they plan to book the match.
(Commercial – The Best Friends trio did their hug spot with Tony Schiavone joining them for a four-way hug.)
The next match was a women’s four-way match. There’s no storyline here while most of them don’t have developed characters. It’s just AEW throwing four women out there hoping the fans will get into it.
Big Swole vs. Hikaru Shida vs. Shanna vs. Yuka Sakazaki
Swole with an arm drag on Shanna, Shanna with a double headscissors on Swole and Shida. I’m going to type Yuka instead of the last name as Yuka was kicked to the apron. There was a three way test of strength spot with Swole, Shida and Shanna that was broken up by Yuka. Shanna got a rollup on Shida, Swole got a rollup, Yuka got a rollup and Shida with an enziguri that sent Yuka out of the ring. Swole jumped towards Shanna, who hit Swole with a superkick.
(Commercial – Shida was on the floor where she did her usual spot that involves jumping off a chair, but Swole stopped that wit ha kick to the head. Shanna hit a dive on Swole on the floor. Yuka went up top and hit a cross body block onto Shanna and Swole on the floor. That looked cool even on split screen. Yuka with a spinning kick on Shanna followed by a running clothesline for two. Yuka used her legs to choke Shanna against the ropes. Shanna hit a sloppy looking tilt-a-whirl slam for a two count.)
Shida went back in the ring with a suplex on Shanna that sent Shanna’s legs into Yuka, who was against the turnbuckle. Swole with a dropkick and flatliner on Shida. Swole kicked Yuka down. Swole with a headbutt on Shanna, who sent Swole to the apron and Swole hit a Cutter off the ropes for a two count. Shida connected with a missile dropkick off the top, Yuka broke that up and Shanna hit a double underhook slam on Yuka for a two count. Shanna hit a double foot stomp off the top on Yuka and Shida. Swole with a forearm to the face, Shida with a backbreaker on Swole and a running knee. Yuka with a Frog Splash. Shida slammed Yuka onto Swole for a two count. Shida with a running knee on Swole for the pinfall win after 10 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Hikaru Shida
Analysis: **1/2 This was just an okay match. They set up spots well, but it was hard to get into it. Shida winning is fine although I have no idea if it will mean anything for her in the future. It’s hard to get into it when we don’t know much about the characters. Shida winning with the running knee is confusing a bit since we see running knees in nearly every match, yet it’s enough for Shida to win. Why not run some video packages about the women? Tell us more. Let us know more about why Swole acts like a heel or the others act like faces.
A brief commercial aired for the AEW Unrestricted Podcast hosted by Tony Schiavone and Aubrey Edwards. I liked the first episode with Jon Moxley from last week.
The Dark Order group appeared for a video promo. Evil Uno said that the Exalted One is near. Uno said that he and Grayson will face So Cal Uncensored at Revolution on Saturday, so that’s Frankie Kazarian and Scorpio Sky. They said that their partner Christopher Daniels will find out that he is obsolete.
Analysis: The Exalted One is the leader of the group. It could be somebody like Brodie Lee (former Luke Harper) or maybe Matt Hardy if he signs with AEW.
Interview with Kenny Omega, Adam Page and Young Bucks
Jim Ross had a sitdown interview earlier today with Omega, Hangman Page and Young Bucks since these teams are facing eachother for Omega and Page’s AEW Tag Team Titles at Revolution. Matt Jackson said that he did not expect to see these two as the champions. Page had a drink with him as usual. Matt said that they are his best friends, so he applauds them. JR said that he believes Young Bucks are the best team in the world. Omega said that he and Page stumbled upon something incredible while the Young Bucks will always be the best. Page said that all of this was a big accident, at least that’s what he is hearing. Omega said they came from the ground up and earned it. JR asked Page why he’s uncomfortable. Matt wondered why Page had to bring a drink and Nick said they cared about him. Matt said that Omega/Page know them, they know their families and they are their best friends in the world. Matt said that when they get in the ring with them you’ll see the competitive, aggressive Young Bucks that want to win those titles. Matt said they’re the best team, not Omega and Page. Matt said at the end of it, they’ll shake hands because this is The Elite. Page said that he tried to walk out of the door and leave The Elite, but they didn’t let him. Matt said they brought him on Being The Elite to make him a star while Nick told Page he was a jobber in Ring of Honor and they made him a star. Page said that the titles are the biggest accomplishment of his career and the first chance they get, they want to take it away from him. Omega said it’s part of the business. Page left to show how frustrated he is.
Analysis: That was an interesting way to promote the tag team match. I liked it because it continues the story of Page feeling like an outcast in The Elite group and it also built up some tension ahead of their match at Revolution on Saturday. You don’t hear the term “jobber” on pro wrestling shows, but Nick said it here. Does Page turn heel on Kenny at Revolution? It’s very possible, but I really like Page as a face and the fans like him a lot too.
The announcers went over the lineup for Revolution with eight official lineups. I have the lineup at the bottom of this post. We will have a preview on TJRWrestling on Friday and I will write a review on Saturday.
Next week on Dynamite: Lance Archer arrives in AEW. He was announced as a new signee earlier on Wednesday.
(Commercial – They set up the Jericho/Moxley weigh in main event segment in the ring.)
The Chris Jericho/Jon Moxley Weigh-In
Tony Schiavone hosted the Weigh-In with a scale in the ring. There was security in the ring along with some beautiful women. Gary Michael Cappetta was introduced to do bring out the competitors. That meant no Justin Roberts announcement for Jon Moxley, which is a shame because that’s a lot of fun.
Jon Moxley made his entrance to a huge pop. Moxley still had the bandage on the right eye. Moxley’s AEW record in singles matches is 11-0-1, so he has been built up well as the top contender to the AEW World Title. JR said that Moxley had a “rattlesnake” type of mentality. That sounds familiar from JR. I think I’ve heard that a few hundred times before.
Chris Jericho made his entrance with the AEW World Title along with his Inner Circle buddies. They were wearing matching Painmaker Posse outfits. The crowd sang Jericho’s “Judas” theme song, which has become a weekly occurrence. It’s a great song and I think it’s awesome to hear the crowd singing the song like that even though Jericho’s a heel. I don’t mind it at all. It’s fun and pro wrestling fun should be fun for the fans.
Jericho began the proceedings by calling Cappetta a “weird little man.” Jericho said that judging by Gary’s technique, it’s no wonder that WCW went out of business. Jericho said in Le Champion’s world, the Painmaker always goes last. Cappetta said let’s start with the challenger.
Jon Moxley removed his boots and shirt leading to him going on the scale. Moxley was announced at a weight of 234 pounds.
Jericho was about to get on the scale, the fans were chanting things at him and Jericho said: “Hey Kansas City, shut your ass.” That’s a unique phrase. The crowd was doing the familiar tomahawk chants that they do for the Super Bowl Champion Kansas City Chiefs. Jericho: “And you know what else, Aaron Mahomes is a piece of shit.” The name of KC’s Super Bowl MVP QB is Patrick Mahomes, so Jericho likely said it wrong on purpose to piss off the fans. He loves to do that and it worked because it led to huge boos as well as “Asshole” chants. Jericho went on the scale briefly, but then he got in Moxley’s face and Moxley headbutt him in the head!
Moxley was attacked by the Inner Circle group. Jericho was bleeding on the mat from the headbutt that Moxley gave him. The cut was right above the eyebrow, which is usually a good spot to cut somebody open with a headbutt. It also meant that Jericho didn’t get weighed in this segment. That is not a shock.
Dustin Rhodes ran down to the ring, he gave Hager a clothesline over the top to the floor and they went brawling into the crowd. Jericho joined his buddies in attacking Moxley. They showed Hager continuing to brawl with Rhodes in the hallway. Hager with a knee to the ribs, then into the wall and Hager whipped Rhodes into the Dippin’ Dots ice cream area. JR yelled that the Dippin’ Dots didn’t do anything to anybody. That was funny. Darby Allin went to the ring to try to make the save, but Guevera got his skateboard and hit Allin with the skateboard. That broke the skateboard in half, so it might have bene a gimmicked skateboard unless they break easily.
Moxley and Jericho got into a hockey style punching brawl. Santana clipped Moxley from behind. Jericho hit the Judas Effect elbow on Moxley. Jericho gave Moxley a double arm DDT on the scale. Jericho posed over a fallen Moxley to end the show.
Analysis: This was a lot of fun by two top guys that know what they are doing in terms of getting fans excited about a big match. A weigh in really isn’t necessary for a pro wrestling show, but neither are contract signings or things like that. It’s just a way to do a segment where they build up a big match. I love how Jericho can turn a crowd against him so easily even though a few minutes earlier they were singing his theme song. Moxley did well in terms of trying to fight back and showing that babyface fire that makes him so likable. Jericho standing tall could mean that he’s losing the title at Revolution. I’m leaning towards picking Moxley winning, but I haven’t finalized that prediction yet.
Jericho got seven stitches after the show. Here’s a photo that he posted on Instagram.
Three Stars of the Show
- Kenny Omega
- Pac
- Chris Jericho/Jon Moxley
The Scoreboard
This week: 7.5 (out of 10)
Last week: 8.5
2020 Average: 7.47
Last 5 Weeks: 8.5, 8, 8, 7.5, 6.25
Final Thoughts
This week’s Dynamite gets a 7.5 out of 10.
It was another very good episode of Dynamite although I liked last week’s show more. The standout match was obviously Omega/Pac going 31 minutes in a very competitive match that was as good as any match in AEW Dynamite history. The rest of the matches were okay, but not as good as what we usually see on Dynamite.
I think they did a solid job of promoting the Revolution PPV, but some of the guys in matches on Saturday weren’t even on the show. I think they could have picked some better tag team matches to promote the Revolution matches in a more interesting way.

The next AEW PPV is called Revolution on Saturday, February 29 in Chicago. Here’s what we know so far.
AEW World Championship: Chris Jericho (c) vs. Jon Moxley
Cody vs. Maxwell Jacob Friedman
AEW Tag Team Championships: Kenny Omega and “Hangman” Adam Page (c) vs. Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson)
AEW Women’s Championship: Nyla Rose (c) vs. Kris Statlander
Dustin Rhodes vs. Jake Hager
Darby Allin vs. Sammy Guevara
Pac vs. Orange Cassidy
So Cal Uncensored (Frankie Kazarian and Scorpio Sky) vs. The Dark Order (Grayson and Evil Uno)
There are eight matches there. That’s likely the whole main PPV card and they might add something for the pre-show too.
You can contact me using any of the methods below. Go NBA Champion Toronto Raptors and Toronto Maple Leafs.
Thanks for reading.
John Canton
Twitter: @johnreport