The John Report: AEW Dynamite 02/17/21 Review
Welcome to the AEW Dynamite review here on TJRWrestling. The Revolution pay-per-view is coming up on March 7th, so the company continues to build up to that.
This is AEW Dynamite from Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, FL. Follow me on Twitter @johnreport. Here’s my AEW Dynamite TV review archive. Let’s get to it.
The Dynamite intro video aired. JR started with: “It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means” just like he does every week now. We miss you, Brodie. It’s Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone and Excalibur on commentary as usual. There were wrestlers surrounding the ring as usual. This week’s show is live while next week’s show will tape on Thursday.
The entrance of “Hangman” Adam Page started the show off while TH2 were already at ringside. “Big Money” Matt Hardy made his entrance since that is his current egomaniac heel persona. Last week on Dynamite, Matt Hardy thought Page signed a contract to make Matt his agent so to speak, but Page signed another paper.
Matt Hardy and “Hangman” Adam Page vs. TH2 (Jack Evans and Angelico)
Page hit a suplex on Evans onto Angelico with Hardy tagging in and hitting a neckbreaker. Page hit a running SSP for a two count. Page and Hardy hit a double suplex on Evans. Angelico made the tag as Matt hit a Powerbomb on Evans and then Angelico kicked Matt in the back of the head. Evans with a double foot stomp off the top onto Hardy. Angelico got a rollup for two. Evans went for a handspring elbow, Hardy blocked with a kick to the back and Hardy hit the Side Effect slam. Page tagged in with punches, a spinebuster on Angelico and a running clothesline. Page with a clothesline on Evans. Page with a fallaway slam on Angelico followed by a slingshot dive over the top onto Evans. Page came back with a brainbuster on Angelico for a two count. Evans tagged in, Page hit a Powerbomb on Angelico, Evans jumped off the top and Page hit a Powerbomb on Evans onto Angelico although it didn’t really connect that well. Hardy tagged himself in, Evans shoved Hardy into Page on the apron and TH2 hit a neckbreaker/backbreaker combination. Evans went for a Phoenix Splash that missed terribly with Evans trying to use his arms to make it look like he landed it. That was brutal as the announcers tried to cover for Evans after a two count. Page came back in with a double Buckshot Lariat on both opponents. Hardy hit the Twist of Fate with Angelico doing a ridiculous sell to give Hardy the pinfall win after seven minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Matt Hardy and “Hangman” Adam Page
Analysis: **1/2 This was an average tag team match. Page continues to impress every week as he picked up another win with Hardy as the partner. The TH2 team is talented, but they don’t really win matches on Dynamite, so we know they are there to put people over. Evans missing that Phoenix Splash looked terrible although it is a tough move. I’m just saying it looked bad.
Post match, Matt Hardy did a promo about how great Page looked saying he’s excited because Page will make a lot of money. Hardy claimed he would get 30% of it and said he was glad that Page decided to sign with him. Page said he had some good friends that once told him to have some extra papers in your jacket. Page said that the deal is likely fully executed now, so he wanted somebody from the Jaguars to bring it out. The Jacksonville Jaguars mascot brought the contract out. Matt said this is a match contract at Revolution with Matt Hardy facing Adam Page. If Matt loses then Page gets 100% of Matt’s earnings from the first quarter of 2021. Matt called Page a carny and can’t believe Page bamboozled (good word) him. Hardy asked Page to put something on the line and said if Hardy wins then Page will give Matt his earnings from the first quarter of 2021. Page said that he thinks they have a “Money Match.” They shook hands with Matt telling Page that he is finished and then the mascot attacked Page with Isaiah Kassidy of Private Party revealing it was him in the costume. Matt told TH2 he’ll give them $3700 to beat up Page. That led to the Dark Order guys running out for the save of Page with little man Negative One on the stand calling everybody to get out there. The wrestlers cleared the ring, Alan Angels of Dark Order went after Matt, but Matt sent him out of the ring. Page tried a Buckshot Lariat on Matt, who escaped with Kassidy. Page nodded at the Dark Order guys and smiled at them for helping him.
Analysis: This was well done as an angle. Even though Page outsmarted Matt by not signing the contract, Matt was aware of it and that’s why he had Kassidy in the mascot outfit to attack Page. Well played there. Page will beat Matt at Revolution, which makes sense since Matt is 17 years older than Page, so it’s right to put over the younger guy. This further solidifies the Dark Order group as faces since they were there to save Page when he needed help.
The Inner Circle were interviewed by Alex Marvez. Santana and Ortiz talked about how they are getting their first AEW Tag Team Title match this week. Maxwell Jacob Friedman ripped on Sammy Guevara and complained about how Sammy hasn’t apologized him. Chris Jericho said that MJF was goading Sammy, who has now quit the Inner Circle. Chris wanted MJF and Sammy to make eachother better, but then Sammy walked out on the group, so now Sammy is dead to Jericho. Chris didn’t want to hear Sammy’s name again. Chris said that Santana and Ortiz will bring some gold back to the Inner Circle.
Analysis: This angle should lead to Sammy becoming one of the best faces in AEW soon. I’m excited to see how it goes in the weeks ahead.
The announcers gave a rundown of what’s to come with Serena Deeb facing Riho up next.
There were clips shown of the Women’s World Championship Eliminator Tournament with clips of Japanese matches that are part of the tournament. They’re on Youtube. I didn’t watch it. This Monday, more matches will be on Youtube as well.
Serena Deeb made her entrance as the NWA Women’s Champion for this match that is part of the first round of this tournament. Riho made her entrance for her first AEW match in 11 months. She was the first AEW Women’s Champion and the fans gave her a nice ovation.
Women’s World Championship Eliminator Tournament – First Round: Serena Deeb vs. Riho
There was some mat wrestling early on with Serena taking down Riho using an armbar and a side headlock. Serena has a knee brace on her left knee, which the announcers talked about repeatedly saying that it’s an issue she has to take care of at some point soon. Serena with a shoulder tackle for two, Riho bridged out of that and hit running dropkick. Riho tripped Serena into the turnbuckle, but Serena blocked a 619 kick attempt. Serena with a catapult that sent Riho’s throat into the bottom rope. That led to a PIP break.
The match returned with Serena in full control as she grounded Riho by pulling back on the arms. Riho got some offense going with a release German Suplex. Riho with forearms to the chest, then Serena came back with repeated uppercuts and a whip into the turnbuckle. Riho with the double boots, then a headscissors and a jumping knee for two. Riho with a dropkick. Riho went up top, she jumped off with a cross body block and Serena caught her leading to a roll through where Serena kicked the left leg. Serena did a dragon screw leg whip on Riho while also favoring her own left knee. Serena hit a swinging neckbreaker for a two count. Riho tripped up Serena into the ropes leading to the 619 kick and Riho jumped off the top with a double foot stomp to the back. Serena was limping around as Riho jumped off the top rope with a cross body block for two. Serena went to the floor for a breather, but then back in with a leg whip against the ropes. Serena with a Powerbomb followed by the Stretch Muffler submission on the left knee. Riho countered into a pin attempt for two. Riho with a Northern Lights Suplex for a two count. Riho jumped off the top with a double foot stomp to the stomach for a two count. Riho landed right on the gut there with all of her weight. The fans chanted “this is awesome” for them. Serena avoided a charging Riho, but then Riho countered a move and they each got two counts after that. Riho used her legs to hook the arms of Serena and held her down for a three count. This went about 15 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Riho
Analysis: ***3/4 This was a great match full of action. They got a lot of time that was longer than most AEW matches, which is probably because the creative team has more confidence in these two to put on an intriguing match and they were right to have that kind of faith in these women. Serena is technically sound with the ability to work any style no matter the opponent. Riho is so impressive in terms of her athleticism and she looks believable even for a smaller woman. I’d love to see a rematch between these two women one day down the road. They had instant chemistry.
The win means that Riho is moving on in the tournament. I think Riho could definitely win the tournament to earn a title shot. She faces Thunder Rosa in the next round. The winner faces AEW Women’s Champion Thunder Rosa at Revolution on March 7.
There was a video of NBA Hall of Famer Shaquille O’Neal training with Jade Cargill on a basketball court to show how good of an athlete Jade is. Shaq even hit a free throw. The March 3rd episode of Dynamite has Shaquille O’Neil and Cargill facing Cody Rhodes and Red Velvet.
Orange Cassidy made his entrance with Chuck Taylor.
Orange Cassidy (w/Chuck Taylor) vs. Luther (w/Serpentico)
Serpentico hit a dive on Taylor. Luther with a boot to the face of Cassidy and a sitout Powerbomb for two. They battled on the apron with Cassidy hit Powerbomb on Luther on the floor. That’s two Powerbombs in the match in less than one minute. The referee was on the floor for some reason, so Chuck Taylor hit the Awful Waffle piledriver on Serpentico in the ring. Back in the ring, Cassidy hit the Orange Punch on Luther for the pinfall win in a match that was under two minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Orange Cassidy
Analysis: * A squash match to put over Cassidy. Cassidy really hasn’t done much for months now although I guess he might be feuding with Miro, but then there was no sign of Miro here. Cassidy has not been elevated at all since beating Chris Jericho in that feud that was supposed to help Cassidy a lot.
A video aired about TNT Champion Darby Allin’s issues with Team Taz last week when they put Allin in a body bag.
Let’s Hear from Team Taz
Taz entered for a promo with Brian Cage and his son Hook joining him in the ring. Taz said that they were down a few guys because of weather. I believe Ricky Starks lives in Texas, so that’s why he was unable to fly to Dynamite this week. Taz said there’s no better time than right now for Sting to call out Team Taz.
Sting made his entrance with the snow in Florida for a man that grew up in California. I find it strange, that’s all I’m saying. Anyway, Sting slowly walked out there with a bat in his hand.
Taz told Sting that stepping into the ring is the worst thing he has done. Taz told Sting that Darby got dragged into FTW World by them. Taz said that Sting needs that bat and then Sting threw the bat down. Sting took off his jacket and threw it into Cage’s face. Sting punched Cage repeatedly. Hook tried to choke Sting with the bat, Sting fended him off and then Cage kicked Sting in the chest. Cage gave Sting a Powerbomb in the center of the ring for the first televised bump for the Stinger in over five years. The 61-year-old Sting was down on the mat while the heels celebrated. The announcers screamed about it while nobody checked on Sting.
Analysis: That was newsworthy because it was Sting’s first bump in a wrestling ring on television since about September 2015. I’m sure that made a lot of people nervous while the wrestling fans that think they are doctors on Twitter probably freaked out about it. With that said, I doubt they would have allowed it unless there was confidence from AEW’s doctors that Sting was okay to take a bump like that. Do you really think AEW would let Sting bump if he wasn’t healthy enough to take it? Yes, Sting got hurt in a match over five years ago. He’s also too old to wrestle regularly, but if Sting thinks his body can take it and his doctors have cleared him then maybe fans should have faith in Sting being smart enough to be careful out there. A Powerbomb looks painful, but it’s also a safe bump with the arms extended. Anyway, I hope Sting gets through the tag team match at Revolution and leaves it just fine.
Eddie Kingston did a backstage promo with The Butcher, The Blade and The Bunny by his side. Kingston said that Lance Archer won their Lumberjack Match, but it doesn’t sit right with his family. Kingston ripped on Rey Fenix for getting his brother Penta to turn on Kingston. Eddie said that Jon Moxley is the demon that he needs to get rid of the most. Eddie said he has to get rid of Moxley by beating him and called him “old friend” to end it.
There was a replay of Cage giving Sting the Powerbomb before the break.
They cut to a video with JR saying it was the “WWE Champion Kenny Omega.” Oops. JR messed up there. Old habit, I guess. Of course, wrestling fans on Twitter will mock him for it. It’s an accident. Shit happens, pal.
There was a video with Kenny Omega earlier today without a mask as he read some young kids at school a book about the Young Bucks. When Kenny asked the kids if they knew the Young Bucks, they said yes. Sure they do. One of the kids asked if they are in love with Kenny saying that since the Young Bucks are brothers, they love eachother as family. Kenny read something in the book about himself while claiming that business went up in NJPW because of him. Don Callis said that they had to go. Omega said that they are great. The kids wanted to play with Kenny, then Michael Nakazawa said that they would play with him and the kids beat up Nakazawa. The end.
Analysis: This was silly, but also mildly funny since Kenny is an egotistical heel champion.
Santana and Ortiz entered for a Tag Team Title match. They are a great team that aren’t featured enough in AEW, but I’m happy they get a title shot. Chris Jericho and MJF face the AEW Tag Team Champions at Revolution on March 7. Speaking of the champions, The Young Bucks entered as the AEW Tag Team Champions with JR noting that Young Bucks are unbeaten in their last 16 matches. It’s good to be Executive Vice Presidents. The Young Bucks hugged their mom and dad at ringside.
AEW Tag Team Championships: The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson) vs. Santana and Ortiz (w/Chris Jericho, MJF, Jake Hager and Wardlow)
Santana with an armdrag takedown into an armbar on Nick. Matt tagged in, Ortiz with a backbreaker, then Matt sent him across the ring and Matt hit a dropkick. Santana with a kick to the gut, Nick tagged in and Kenny Omega was shown watching with friends on TV. Young Bucks hit a double dropkick on Ortiz to send him out of the ring. Santana and Ortiz hit a double team move where they did a neckbreaker into a backbreaker combo on Nick. MJF teased punching Nick, so referee Rick Knox ejected MJF and the others from ringside. That led to a picture in picture break.
The challengers were still in control as Santana hit a dropkick on Nick on the mat. Ortiz with a body slam, Nick avoided a splash, Nick with a superkick on Ortiz and Matt got the tag. Matt with a punch on Santana, clothesline to Ortiz, Matt with punches on both guys and Matt hit a hurricanrana. Ortiz with a kick to Matt. Both challengers were in the ring for too long, Matt sent Ortiz to the floor and Matt hit a twisting Cutter off the ropes on Santana for a two count. Nick tagged in leading to a slam into a Powerbomb for a two count. Santana shoved Matt into Nick onto the top rope and Ortiz went in illegally with a sitout slam. Santana hit a Falcon Arrow slam off the top for a two count on Nick. That was impressive! The fans chanted “this is awesome” for them. Santana and Ortiz hit a double-team neckbreaker on Nick. Ortiz with a submission on the head/neck on Nick, then Santana hit a dive onto Matt on the floor and Nick fought out of the submission. Matt broke up the hold with an elbow off the top onto Ortiz. Nick hit a Doomsday Device clothesline on Santana. JR did a nice line: “Tell em, Hawk.” Young Bucks hit a double superkick on Santana with Ortiz making the save for his buddy. Nick tagged back in going for the double knee, but Santana moved. Santana with a double Cutter on both Bucks. Ortiz lifted up Nick into the Street Sweeper double team move (Blockbuster into a powerbomb) for two with Matt jumping over the referee’s back to break up the pin. That was an awesome nearfall there. Santana and Ortiz gave Matt a Powerbomb into the crowd near the parents of the Young Bucks. Ortiz was shouting “the best” repeatedly as he loves to do, but then he walked into the ring with Nick doing an inside cradle to pin Ortiz to win the match at around 14 minutes.
Winners by pinfall: The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson)
Analysis: **** This was an excellent tag team match. Two great teams getting some time to have an entertaining match and they delivered. I was actually that the referee kept control of the action and it wasn’t as out of control as some AEW tag team matches. I’m glad that Santana/Ortiz got to remind people of how great of a team they are because they always have impressive matches. The Young Bucks are really good too, but that’s not really news. Sometimes their matches frustrate me with the no selling and ignoring rules, but this was more of an example of how great they can be when they have a traditional tag team match. They did a tremendous job of making big saves during the nearfalls that built up the excitement for every nearfall attempt. They did all of those cool spots, but then they ended the match with an inside cradle to show that it doesn’t always take a big move to win a match.
After the match, the Inner Circle guys went into the ring to beat up The Young Bucks. The foursome of Kenny Omega, Karl Anderson, Doc Gallows and Don Callis didn’t make the save even though they were friends of The Young Bucks. Brandon Cutler tried to save the Bucks, but he’s a jobber who Jake Hager beat up easily with a spinning slam on the ramp. Jericho slapped on the Liontamer (Walls of Jericho on) on Nick and MJF had the Salt of the Earth submission on Matt as well. That’s when Anderson and Gallows went out there, so Inner Circle left. Jericho got in the face of Papa Buck, who shoved Jericho back and Inner Circle left.
Analysis: It was okay as an angle to try to build to Young Bucks vs. Jericho/MJF at Revolution. The story of Omega and friends not helping Young Bucks sooner is because Omega and friends are heels, so they don’t want to be doing babyface things like saving their friends.
There was a video with Brandi Rhodes saying that she is the only one who knows if her baby is a boy or girl. Cody Rhodes doesn’t know. Let’s all find out now.
Cody Rhodes and his pregnant wife Brandi made their entrance on the stage. There was a graphic on the video screen letting us know the baby reveal: “It’s a girl!” Cody and Brandi were very happy about it. The announcers congratulated them. Cody joined commentary for the next match. They showed the legendary Dory Funk Jr. watching in the crowd.
Analysis: Congratulations to Cody and Brandi on the baby news. Nothing wrong with revealing that on a live wrestling show. Do you think some wrestling fans would complain about something like that on the show? Probably. I never doubt wrestling fans complaining about things.
FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler) vs. Matt and Mike Sydal
The Sydal’s are brothers with Matt as the more well-known brother and he’s the older brother as well. Wheeler with a belly-to-back suplex on Mike. No Tully Blanchard due to snow in Texas. Matt tagged in against Harwood, Matt with a kick to the head and Mike tagged in with a double stomp to the chest. Wheeler tagged in and was met by a double knee attack. Wheeler took down Mike and got a two count as the show went to break.
The match returned with Harwood preventing Mike from tagging out, then Matt tagged in to save his brother from a suplex and Mike hit a headscissors. Matt with a roundhouse kick on Wheeler, a spin kick and Matt with jumping knee. Matt with a spinning neckbreaker on Harwood. Mike hit a moonsault off the top onto both FTR guys on the floor. That looked pretty good leading to Matt getting a two count in the ring. Sydal got a rollup for two on Harwood, but then Wheeler popped back up with an uppercut. Matt fought back against both FTR guys, but Harwood hit a Powerbomb while Wheeler hit a Full Nelson suplex on Matt for two as Mike made the save. Matt got a rollup on Wheeler for two. Mike tagged in, double kick to the head of Wheeler and Matt hit a double knee attack on both FTR. Mike jumped off the top with some splash where he jumped too far, so it looked bad as Mike got a two count on Harwood. Harwood tripped up Matt on the top rope. Harwood tagged in and FTR hit the Big Rig double team move for the pinfall win after nine minutes.
Winners by pinfall: FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler)
Analysis: ***1/4 A good match between my favorite AEW team in FTR and the Sydal Brothers, who showed off their athleticism throughout the match. I like how it was booked with the Sydals getting in plenty of fast-paced offense, but then the tag team work of FTR is what gave them the advantage leading into the finish. The Big Rig double team move is a lift into the double knees and it’s one of the better double team moves in wrestling. Fun match to watch.
Post match, Doc Sampson tried to go into the ring to check on Mike Sydal, but then FTR got his equipment bag. Harwood grabbed some scissors. The lights went out in the building. When the lights came back on, the Jurassic Express trio were in the ring. Luchasaurus has a new mask. Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy hit some big moves including a Chokeslam and Jungle Boy with the Snare Trap submission move. The crowd popped for Jurassic Express.
Analysis: I assumed this would lead to FTR against Jurassic Express at the Revolution PPV in a few weeks. Then moments later, they announced a different match between these teams.
Next Wednesday on Dynamite:
* “Hangman” Adam Page vs. Isaiah Kassidy
* Women’s World Title tournament continues
* Ricky Starks & Brian Cage face Varsity Blonds. Give Starks and Cage the win there.
* Jake Hager vs. Brandon Cutler
On March 3: Shaquille O’Neal & Jade Cargill vs. Cody Rhodes & Red Velvet. Plus, FTR & Tully Blanchard vs. Jurassic Express.
At the Revolution PPV on March 7, there is a “Face of the Revolution Ladder Match” where the winner gets a TNT Championship Match. Three wrestlers announced for it are Cody Rhodes, Penta and Scorpio Sky. Three more wrestlers will be in the match.
Also at the Revolution PPV on March 7 PPV, Hikaru Shida defends the AEW Women’s Title against the tournament winner.
Jon Moxley did a promo about how Eddie Kingston has got problems with Fenix, Archer and himself. Moxley said that he might be the only guy that actually cares about Kingston. Moxley said he’s got a lot of business to take care of. Moxley said on February 26 at NJPW Strong he’ll attempt to break Kenta’s neck and put his ass down for good. Moxley said he was going to take back the AEW World Title from Kenny Omega. Moxley said Kenny is still in his crosshairs, time is coming, it’s getting close and it’s almost time to pull the trigger.
Analysis: A very good “stare into the camera and talk” promo from Moxley. He’s good at doing those promos.
The entrances took place for the main event with Eddie Kingston entering along with The Butcher and The Blade along with The Bunny. They showed Dory Funk Jr. and wife Marti Funk in the crowd again.
Lance Archer entered with Jake Roberts from the parking lot side of the building with Rey Fenix also entering by that area. Jon Moxley was the last man up for the team and he also entered by that parking lot entrance area.
Jon Moxley, Rey Fenix and Lance Archer (w/Jake Roberts) vs. Eddie Kingston, The Butcher and The Blade (w/The Bunny)
It started out as a brawl in the ring and then they all left the ring. Moxley whipped Kingston into the barricade. Butcher and Blade whipped Moxley into the barricade at ringside. The Butcher and Blade hit a double team leg drop into a sidewalk slam for two. Quick tags by the heel side with each guy getting in moves and then Blade hit a powerslam. Moxley hit a neckbreaker on Blade. Archer tagged in with punches for the heels and then an overhead suplex across the ring. Archer with two running back elbows and a side belly to belly slam. Archer walked the ropes, Butcher tried to stop him there, Fenix jumped onto Butcher on the apron and Archer hit a punch onto Blade as the show went to PIP break.
The match returned with Kingston holding the leg of Archer, then he drove him into the ropes and Blade hit Archer in the back. Butcher and Blade made some quick tags to take turns working on Archer. The heels kept working over Archer, but then Moxley got involved a bit and Archer hit a cross body block on two guys. Fenix was on fire after the tag with a spin kick on Butcher, a chop to Kingston into an arm drag and Kingston hit a somersault dive onto Blade on the floor. Fenix with a Cutter on Butcher along with an Eddie Guerrero-like shake leading to a Frog Splash for a two count. Kingston got back into the ring with an Exploder Suplex on Fenix, Archer kicked Kingston, Butcher with a diving cross body block on Archer and Moxley hit a German Suplex on Butcher. Blade with a pump kick on Moxley, but Fenix came out of nowhere with a kick. All six guys were down selling. Moxley had a staredown with Kingston, they got the tags and exchanged punches. Kingston with a kick, Fenix with a kick on Kingston and Archer with a Pounce tackle on Kingston. Moxley slapped on the Bulldog Choke on Kingston and Blade broke that up. Fenix went to the apron, Archer grabbed him by the throat and tossed Fenix onto Butcher/Blade. Archer hit a running dive onto Butcher/Blade on the floor as well. The focus was back on Moxley/Kingston in the ring with Kingston hitting chops as well as a back fist, Moxley barely sold it and hit a clothesline. Moxley hit the lifting Paradigm Shift on Kingston for the pinfall win after 13 minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Jon Moxley, Rey Fenix and Lance Archer
Analysis: ***1/2 A very good main event tag team match with a lot of action. Archer is doing well as a face even though I think he’s more natural as a heel. With that said, I’m not sure if it was smart to have Archer as the face in peril. The ending was a bit weird because Kingston hit a back fist, Moxley no-sold it as if he was 1991 Undertaker, then hit two moves and won. I wonder if there was a time cue by the referee telling them to go home in order to get to the post match events. The whole point of this was to give Moxley a win and I don’t think anybody watching thought that Kingston, Butcher or Blade were going to win. Fenix stole the show as usual with his incredible athleticism and cool moves.
There were still a few minutes left in the show as Moxley crouched down to talk to Kingston and they showed replays of the ending of the match.
Moxley stood on the turnbuckle like a dumbass babyface when Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson showed up to attack from behind. Gallows and Anderson held Moxley as AEW World Champion Kenny Omega and Don Callis joined them in the ring. Omega said that he has a late Valentine’s Day gift from Jon’s boss Tony Khan. Omega said that there was a rematch clause. Omega told Moxley he can have his rematch for the World Title at Revolution. Omega said that if they beat up Mox, he keeps coming back and if Omega beats Mox in a straight up wrestling match, he keeps coming back. Omega said if he has to put him in the ground then how about an Exploding Barbed Wire Death Match? Omega said that he is the one holding the loaded gun and Moxley’s time on this Earth is extremely limited. Moxley headbutted Omega. Omega hit him with two V-Trigger knees to the face. Excalibur noted those kinds of matches happened in FMW. Omega told Moxley that he is never going to get that title. Omega had a bit of blood above his nose after the headbutt. Omega posed with his allies and that was the end of the show.
Analysis: I expected Omega/Moxley again at Revolution, but I definitely did not predict that they would do the Exploding Barbed Wire Death Match for the AEW World Title. That’s a bit of a surprise, but I guess somebody in AEW has a fetish for those kinds of matches that FMW used to do. I’ve certainly seen clips of those kinds of matches involving the likes of Terry Funk and Cactus Jack. I didn’t expect to see something like that in 2021, though. It’s different, that’s for sure. I think Omega will keep the title, but it’s also a very unpredictable match in terms of how they lay it out. Since Moxley’s wife Renee Paquette is pregnant with their baby, maybe Moxley can have a break until the baby is born.
Three Stars of the Show
- The Young Bucks
- Santana/Ortiz
- Jon Moxley, Rey Fenix and Lance Archer
The Scoreboard
This Week: 8 out of 10
Last Week: 7.5
2021 Average: 7.39
Final Thoughts
This was an excellent episode of Dynamite. It was my highest rating for an episode so far this year. It was AEW at its best with several good to great matches throughout the show along with some strong story development too. Sting taking a Powerbomb in the ring was a bit of a surprise while I’m sure it got the wrestling fans riled up thinking that he shouldn’t take bumps like that. Sting got through it fine and hopefully will be okay when he wrestles in a few weeks.
The match quality was terrific with the Young Bucks tag team title match against Santana/Ortiz that was more of a traditional tag rather than one of those AEW tags where they ignore the rules. The women’s match between Riho/Serena Deeb was terrific and one of the longest women’s matches on AEW in a long time. The six-man tag main event was a lot of fun as well with Moxley, Archer & Fenix working well as faces. The weaker matches were short while everything else was above average. I liked most of the finishes too.
They set up a shocking main event for Revolution on March 7 by announcing that Kenny Omega will defend the AEW World Title against Jon Moxley in an Exploding Barbed Wire Death Match. Those matches are very rare, but I guess somebody in AEW liked watching those matches in Japan, so they are bringing it to the main event of Revolution. Good luck to both guys there. Shoutout to the great Jim Ross for calling Omega the “WWE Champion” on the show. Oops. Accidents happen, pal.

The next AEW pay-per-view is Revolution on Sunday, March 7. Here’s what we know so far.
AEW World Championship Exploding Barbed Wire Death Match: Kenny Omega (c) vs. Jon Moxley
Street Fight: Brian Cage and Ricky Starks (w/Taz) vs. Sting and Darby Allin
AEW Tag Team Championships: The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson) (c) vs. The Inner Circle’s Chris Jericho and MJF
Matt Hardy vs. “Hangman” Adam Page
Face of the Revolution Ladder Match: Cody Rhodes, Penta, Scorpio Sky and three more wrestlers.
Thanks for reading. Go Toronto Raptors and Toronto Maple Leafs. You can contact me using any of the methods below.
John Canton
Twitter: @johnreport