The John Report: AEW Dynamite 02/03/21 (Beach Break) Review
Welcome to the AEW Dynamite review here on TJRWrestling. It’s their Beach Break special show even though they are in the same venue they are always in and there was nothing different about the show.
This is episode #69 of AEW Dynamite from Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, FL. Follow me on Twitter @johnreport. Here’s my AEW Dynamite TV review archive. Let’s get to it.
The intro of Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus began the show with the crowd singing along with Jungle Boy’s entrance song. JR started with: “It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means” just like he does every week now. Good stuff. It’s Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone and Excalibur on commentary as usual. FTR isn’t allowed in this match due to a post match attack. The introduction of Sammy Guevara and Jake Hager with Sammy Hagar doing a promo about the team as if he watches AEW. Chris Jericho knows him, so that’s how they get Sammy to do the video.
The 47 AEW tag teams made their entrance for the tag team battle royal. Yes, I inflated the number of teams. It’s AEW. They have a lot of teams. The Acclaimed team had Max Caster do his 2003 John Cena rap on their way to the ringside. The Young Bucks are in the Tag Team Battle Royal as the champions. If they win, they will challenge any team they want. If anybody else wins, they get to challenge Young Bucks for the AEW Tag Team Titles at Revolution. One year ago on Dynamite, The Young Bucks won a battle royal to earn a title match at Revolution.
AEW Tag Team Battle Royal
The rules are that both wrestlers in the team have to be eliminated for the team to be eliminated.
The match started with wrestlers on the floor, so Young Bucks hit dives on them. Shortly after that, the wrestlers went into the ring to have the battle royal. Isaiah Kassidy of Private Party tried a dive off the top and missed, but the director missed it. They replayed it after. Marq Quen eliminated one half of Top Flight and Jake Hager eliminated Alex Reynolds. Three Dark Order guys eliminated Hager. There was a spot with Matt Jackson taking a back body drop over the top onto the ramp, so he is out. MJF and Chris Jericho eliminated Anthony Bowens. Luchasaurus with a double clothesline on MJF and Jericho. Luchasaurus delivered kicks and strikes to a bunch of dumb wrestlers that kept running into him. Luchasaurus slammed Nick Jackson onto Darius Martin on the mat. Luchasaurus eliminated Stu Grayson by Chokeslamming him onto Bowens on the floor. Silver and Uno eliminated Luchasuaurs. Uno hit a flatliner on Nick Jackson and then MJF tossed Evil Uno out. Darius Martin eliminated Marq Quen during a double team move. Silver hit a double suplex on Santana and Ortiz. Santana and Ortiz came right back by lifting up Silver and tossing him out of the ring. Nick hit a cross body block on Jericho and Ortiz. Nick hit a clothesline/bulldog combo. Nick eliminated Ortiz and Santana back to bucks. Nick Jackson fought with Kassidy while Gallows and Anderson showed up at ringside. Gallows and Anderson helped to eliminate Kassidy, Nick Jackson was looking at that and then MJF eliminated Nick Jackson. Kassidy of Private Party gets a title shot against Gallows/Anderson for the Impact Tag Team Titles, so that’s why Gallows/Anderson got involved.
It was down to six guys with Jericho, MJF and Sammy Guevara from the Inner Circle along with Max Caster, Jungle Boy and Darius Martin. MJF nearly eliminated Jungle Boy, who managed to hang on. Darius Martin worked over Jericho with forearms and MJF tried to get rid of Jungle Boy, who managed to hang on briefly, but then he fell out. It looked like Jungle Boy was supposed to hang on there. Caster held MJF for Sammy Guevara, so MJF moved and Sammy hit a superkick on Caster. MJF charged at Caster, who gave MJF a back body drop over the top to the floor. Darius Martin eliminated Caster.
The final three were Chris Jericho (team with MJF), Sammy Guevara (team with Jake Hager) and Darius Martin (team with brother Dante in Top Flight). Darius hit a double DDT on Jericho and Sammy at the same time. Sammy battled Dante on the apron, Jericho lifted Dante, but then Jericho eliminated Sammy instead. Sammy was mad about that. Dante tried to fight off Jericho from the apron, but Jericho hit Dante with the Judas Effect elbow to knock Dante off the apron to eliminate him. Jericho’s team wins after about 12 minutes.
Winners: Chris Jericho and MJF
Analysis: *** It was a pretty good battle royal. Jericho and MJF winning was the obvious outcome since they’re a heel team that has a goal of going for the Tag Team Titles. Sammy Guevara wanting to attack MJF, but missing was a nice tease. The Young Bucks losing was fine because they are already the champions. Some of the young tag teams like Top Flight and The Acclaimed had pretty good showings in the match.
The win means that Jericho and MJF face Young Bucks for the AEW Tag Team Titles at Revolution. Chris Jericho celebrated the win with MJF and Wardlow while Sammy Guevara left looking pissed off about what happened.
The announcers went over the card talking about it’s some major show. It doesn’t seem like that strong of a lineup to me.
There was a video about Jade Cargill, who has yet to wrestle in AEW. The video showed Jade working out. She’s very fit.
Let’s Hear from Darby Allin and Sting
Tony Schiavone was in the ring for an interview. Darby Allin, the TNT Champion, made his entrance for an interview. Sting made his entrance to join Sting in the ring. Sting had his snow effects for the entrance as usual. Tony mentioned that Allin has to defend the TNT Title against Joey Janela for some reason. Joey is a contender somehow.
Taz was in the parking lot with Team Taz talking about how they weren’t allowed in the building because they beat up some staffers last week. Team Taz said they’ll be at the title match next week. Ricky Starks said he didn’t think Sting was the icon or the man that they call Sting. Starks told Sting that he’ll get hurt playing in the jungle. Starks wished Allin good luck next week because he’s going to need it.
Sting said that Team Taz said they will be at the TNT Title match next week. Sting said that he’ll be there to make sure it’s a one on one match. Sting said when Starks looks in Sting’s eyes and doesn’t see The Icon anymore, maybe Starks needs to take a closer look. Allin left with Sting.
Analysis: This was fine. Short promos from three people. It was weird that Allin didn’t say a word. I think it’s strange that Joey Janela gets a title shot when he’s barely on Dynamite and he rarely wins matches. If AEW tells us that wins matter then how do you explain that title shot? The answer is they aren’t going to explain it. Anyway, it should be a win for Allin.
A video package aired about Dr. Britt Baker facing Thunder Rosa. This has been a rivalry built up over a few months after some cheap attacks from Baker and Rosa wanting advantage.
Dr. Britt Baker (w/Reba) vs. Thunder Rosa
Rosa attacked quickly and got Reba out of the ring right away. Rosa with a low dropkick followed by an armbar with Baker getting her right foot on the bottom rope to break. Rosa sent Baker into the turnbuckle with Rosa hitting hard chop to the chest. Rosa hit a running dropkick into the turnbuckle. Rosa with a cannonball splash against the turnbuckle for a two count. Rosa charged in, Baker moved and Rosa hit the turnbuckle. Baker trapped Rosa against the ropes leading to a kick to the head. Baker stretched the arm/shoulder of Rosa into the ring post. Good job by referee Paul Turner actually counting wrestlers out when they are out of the ring as Baker sent Rosa into the barricade. Rosa sent Baker into the side of the apron. Rosa whipped Baker hard into the barricade. The referee left the ring to check on them as they went to picture-in-picture break.
The match continued with the women battling on the ramp with Rosa hitting a Death Valley Driver slam on Baker. Rosa with a corner clothesline leading to a double knee attack. Rosa with a running dropkick. Rosa went for a submission on the back, Baker got out of that and Baker hit a Slingblade. Baker with a superkick for a two count. They each countered some moves and then Baker hit the Air Raid Crash slam for a two count. Reba handed Baker the glove for the right hand as Baker set up for her finisher. Baker went for the Lockjaw submission, but Rosa got her boot on the bottom rope to break it. Baker talked to Rosa to tell her what was coming as Baker hit The Stomp. Baker went for a crucifix pin, but Rosa kicked out at two. Rosa kept fighting out of Lockjaw attempt and hit a belly to back suplex. Rosa hit another Death Valley Driver for two and Rosa was shocked by it. Rosa went for a submission, Reba ripped off the middle turnbuckle bad, Rosa kicked her out of the ring and Baker got a rollup for two. Rosa got a dropkick. Reba’s interference worked because it made Rosa relinquish a submission attempt. Baker got a hold of Rosa and sent her into the exposed steel turnbuckle. Baker slapped on the Lockjaw submission for the win after 13 minutes. Rosa passed out from the steel turnbuckle bump.
Winner by submission: Britt Baker
Analysis: ***1/2 This was a very good match. I don’t remember the last time a women’s singles match got that much time on Dynamite, so that’s nice to see. The action was a lot of fun with Rosa getting a lot of offense, there were plenty of nearfalls and it looked like she might win. Reba/Rebel getting involved to expose the turnbuckle led to the obvious spot with Rosa getting sent into the steel and then Baker won from there. It’s fine because a heel should cheat to win sometimes. I think Baker is well on her way to winning the AEW Women’s Title at some point in the next few months.
There was a scene in the locker room from last with Matt Hardy talking to “Hangman” Adam Page. Hardy said that Page could change in his locker room area instead of Page changing in the hallway. Hardy pitched a tag team match against Serpentico and Luther that is happening right now. Page agreed to this as a “one time only” thing.
“Hangman” Adam Page made his entrance with “Big Money” Matt Hardy up next. Matt is doing a bit of a heel gimmick right now.
The Chaos Project team were in the ring. I don’t think I’ve seen them win a match on Dynamite. They do fine on Dark, I guess.
Matt Hardy and “Hangman” Adam Page vs. The Chaos Project (Luther and Serpentico)
Hardy worked over Serpentico a bit and then Page tagged in with a running Shooting Star Press on Serpentico for two. Page with a suplex into a pin for two. Hardy back in with an elbow smash onto the elbow. Hardy with a Side Effect slam, but Luther made the tag with a clothesline. Luther whipped Hardy into the turnbuckle. Serpentico with a corner splash and then Luther with a corner splash. Luther dumped Serpentico on Hardy. Luther with a body slam, Serpentico tagged in and missed a senton bomb off the top when Matt moved. Page got the hot tag with a fallaway slam, a dive over the top to the floor and Page hit a spinebuster for two as Luther made the save. Hardy sent Luther out of the ring. Page with a forearm to Serpentico, Luther tripped up Page and Page moved, so Luther hit the mat. Page hit the Buckshot Lariat. Hardy tagged himself in and pinned Serpentico to win the match. This went about five minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Matt Hardy and “Hangman” Adam Page
Analysis: **1/4 It was a decent tag team match where the result was obvious. I think the story of Hardy tagging in to steal the pin was interesting and again shows that he’s acting like a heel even though he did work well with the babyface Page. It will probably lead to more tag team matches until Hardy turns on Page, who is oftentimes booked like a dumb babyface that is a loner.
After the match, Hardy wanted a high five. Page wasn’t happy about Hardy tagging himself in, but Page did raise his hand.
There was a video about the AEW Women’s Championship Eliminator Tournament. They said that matches will take place in United States and Japan. The winner gets a title shot at AEW Women’s Champion Hikaru Shida.
The Sabian/Ford wedding is up next at the top of hour two.
Chris Jericho and MJF were shown walking backstage as they told Alex Marvez that they are the next AEW Tag Team Champions. Jericho had a cooler full of bubbly as they walked into the locker room. Sammy Guevara wondered why the rest of the group was collateral damage. Sammy said that Chris claims that he group is together, but sometimes he is not so sure. MJF told Wardlow to get the camera out there, so that was the end of that.
Analysis: They are clearly setting up Sammy to be a babyface when the group splits or at least
There was a backstage interview with Tony Schiavone interviewing Kip Sabian, Miro and Charles the butler. Miro mocked Chuck for never having a girlfriend in his life. Vickie Guerrero showed up to say it’s time.
Analysis: I don’t even know the last time Sabian was in a significant singles match on Dynamite, but they are putting him in a wedding segment.
Wedding of Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford
The ring was set up for the wedding. The minister of ceremony is Sinister Jim (or James) Mitchell. Kip Sabian entered with Vickie Guerrero, Miro the Best Man and Charlie the butler. Penelope Ford made her entrance with AEW’s Jerry Lynn walking her down to the ring. Jerry and Vickie left the ring.
The minister said that Kip and Penelope wanted to share their personal vows. Sabian’s vows included talking about her chest. Classy. Anyway, Sabian said she’s beautiful on the inside and hot on the outside. Penelope said that she loves Kip so much and he has the biggest…Sabian cut her off. Sabian said he knows he can’t wait to spend the rest of his life with her. Sabian cutting her off was strange. Charles handed Miro the rings. JR: “That was a pretty romantic ceremony.” Tony mentioned Kip cut her off.
Kip was asked by Mitchell if he takes Penelope to be his wife, “kayfabing all others” for so long as you both shall live. Sabian said “I do.” Mitchell asked Penelope if she took Sabian to be her husband and she said “I do” as well. Mitchell asked if there is anyone in this building who feels that this wedding…and Miro said that he’s been there himself, so they are moving on. Mitchell pronounced them as man and wife. Sabian kissed his wife and the crowd cheered the newlyweds.
Miro told Charles to give them some champagne, so Miro drank Charles’ champagne and had his own. Miro said that weddings are love. Miro said that he may not have done a great bachelor party and he did not get him a present. Miro said that his presence is the present. There was a box that was about five feet tall in the ring and Miro knocked it over thinking it was a person, but then there was nothing in it. Charles left the ring. Miro said “what is love?” a few times, so the crowd started singing the song. Miro wanted some cake, but he didn’t realize that Charles handcuffed Miro’s leg to the bottom rope. Chuck punched Sabian into Ford, who went into the cake. Ford jumped onto Charles and punched him. Orange Cassidy showed up from inside the cake and Chuck smashed the ice bucket on Sabian’s head. Cassidy lifted up Sabian and gave him a slam in the ring. Ford was all sad about what happened. Cassidy’s music played to end this.
Analysis: It was boring with the obvious babyface ending where Charles turned on Miro because Charles doesn’t have to be his butler anymore. Why didn’t the announcers mention that? The deal was Chuck didn’t have to be his butler after the wedding was done. It was weird how they had Sabian act like a jerk by cutting off Ford from her vows. I’m not sure why that was done except to maybe make the segment shorter. I guess it will lead to the tag team match. The problem with this whole thing is that Sabian and Ford are barely on the show most weeks. Ford isn’t even in the women’s wrestling tournament that is supposed to be a big deal. Miro has had a bit of minor push, but he could be doing so much more. This is really the best use of Miro? It wasn’t that interesting at all. Miro is one of the most underused guys in AEW. I know Miro thinks WWE booked him badly and certainly I agree with that, but this storyline isn’t very good either. The best part of this was how pretty Penelope Ford is, so Kip Sabian is a lucky man for that.
There was a video from NBA on TNT’s Shaquille O’Neal talking trash about Cody Rhodes. Shaq told Ernie Johnson, Kenny Smith and Charles Barkley that he had a move called the Black Tornado. Shaq’s a funny guy.
It was announced that the March 3nd edition of Dynamite will have a match where Shaquille O’Neal teams up with Jade Cargill vs. Cody Rhodes and Red Velvet. Good luck with that.
Analysis: This was going to be at the March 7 Revolution PPV, but the NBA All-Star Game is scheduled for that night and Shaq works for TNT, which covers the NBA All-Star Game. That’s why it is on Dynamite instead.
Lumberjack Match: Eddie Kingston vs. Lance Archer (w/Jake Roberts)
There were wrestlers surrounding the ring. Archer ran right at Kingston and tossed him out of the ring, but Kingston got back in the ring quickly. When Archer ran the ropes, he got tripped by The Butcher and The Blade. Archer tried to attack Peter Avalon against the ring post, then Avalon moved and Archer hit the ring post. Archer sent Kingston out of the ring, then Billy Gunn threw him back in and the lumberjacks got into a brawl. Archer ran the ropes leading to a dive over the top onto a pile of wrestlers. Nice spot by the big man. They went to a picture in picture break.
The match returned with Kingston chopping Archer and tossing out on the heel side of the ring. Archer got back in the ring with a Full Nelson slam followed by a shoulder tackle and clothesline. Archer with a suplex across the ring. Archer hit a splash off the turnbuckle for a two count. The Bunny went into the ring to jump on Archer’s back and it’s No DQ, so it is allowed. Kingston with a spinning back fist to the face of Archer. Jake Roberts punched Angelico on the floor with both guys going down briefly. Jake was fine, though. The Butcher hit Archer in the back and Kingston hit an Exploder Suplex. The Blade brought a table in the ring, but then Bear Bronson tackled Blade through a table. The Butcher took out Bronson and some guy named Boulder took out Butcher with a clothesline. What show is this, Dark? I don’t know what’s going on. Kingston was arguing with Billy Gunn and his sons. Archer hit a uranage slam on Kingston for a two count. They exchanged strikes, Archer with a forearm to the face and Archer hit the Blackout slam for the pinfall win after nine minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Lance Archer
Analysis: ** This was a wild match with a lot of chaos. I like Kingston and Archer as two guys that are veteran brawlers that look credible when they’re doing moves. I don’t think Archer is at his best as a face, but that’s his role for now. They tried having a regular match for most of it, then they remembered it’s No DQ and a lot of interference took place. Archer winning puts an end to this rivalry for now although I don’t know if it’s really over or if they’ll keep going.
There was a video from FTR with Tully Blanchard talking about how they were suspended for their vicious attack last week. Tully said Fear The Revelation because everybody is scared of them Tully pointed out he got banned from the title match, next they handcuff two guys to the dinosaur and now FTR is banned from being in the battle royal. Tully said all they want is a championship match. Dax Harwood said that sometimes they have to think about what bad men would do. They had Marko Stunt handcuffed to a chair and with tape on his mouth.
Analysis: I assume this leads to FTR vs. Jurassic Express at the Revolution PPV on March 7. The FTR guys were banned from a battle royal, but not banned from doing a promo where they revealed that they have captured a really short guy and cuffed him to a chair. I guess it’s kidnapping.
The main event tag team match is next.
The announcers ran down the lineup for next week.
* TNT Championship: Darby Allin vs. Joey Janela. There was a promo by Janela about how they have a long history. I have no memory of Janela’s last win on Dynamite, yet he gets a title shot. I thought wins matter? Sure.
* Chris Jericho and MJF vs. The Acclaimed. Two heel teams there.
* Cody Rhodes & Lee Johnson vs. Peter Avalon and Cezar Bononi.
The heel trio of AEW World Champion Kenny Omega and Impact Tag Team Champions Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows entered with manager Don Callis.
Don Callis said it was great to be there, even with Schiavone. That’s nice. Rey Fenix and Pac made their entrance in the back part of the arena where Jon Moxley enters. That led to Jon Moxley’s entrance for this six-man tag team main event.
Kenny Omega, Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows (w/Don Callis) vs. Jon Moxley, Rey Fenix and Pac
Pac with a running headscissors on Anderson, so Gallows tagged in against Moxley, who wanted to face off against the big guy. Moxley with forearms, then Gallows with an uppercut that rocked Moxley and Moxley avoided a splash by Gallows. Moxley with a running knee strike leading to a two count. Fenix tagged in against Anderson with a lefty strike to the face. Fenix and Pac each hit standing moonsaults on Anderson for a two count. The referee was distracted, so Gallows kicked Pac and slammed Pac off the top rope. Omega worked over Pac with Callis saying everybody wants to get the rub from Omega with Callis saying Omega is a next level wrestlers. Pac sent Omega into the ropes leading to a rolling German Suplex. That was incredible. Moxley back in with forearms to Anderson, who came back with a boot and Moxley connected with a forearm. Moxley with a suplex into a slam for two. Moxley jumped onto Gallows on the floor, then he sent Anderson to the floor and Moxley hit a suicide dive on Gallows/Anderson. Moxley stopped an attack from Omega and sent him into the barricade. That led to a PIP commercial break.
The match returned with Gallows punching Moxley repeatedly, Moxley went for a submission, but that didn’t work. Anderson tagged in, Moxley sent Gallows out of the ring and Anderson missed a corner splash when Moxley moved. Fenix tagged in against Omega with a step in hurricanrana, then three kicks and a dropkick to Gallows. Fenix with a springboard headbutt onto Anderson. Fenix with a superkick on Omega and Pac hit a shotgun missile dropkick on Omega. Pac and Fenix hit moonsaults onto standing Gallows and Anderson on the floor. Fenix jumped off the top into a roll through into a Cutter for a two count. That was so awesome. I love watching Rey Fenix. Fenix went to the top rope, Omega tripped him up and Omega hit a Snapdragon Suplex off the top on Fenix. Ouch. Gallows was back in with a boot to the face for the two count. Pac tagged in with kicks to the legs of Gallows, then a running dropkick to the knee and a dropkick to the face. Pac walked right into a superkick by Gallows. Omega with a running elbow splash, Anderson with a jumping kick, Gallows with a corner splash and the heel trio did a triple neckbreaker for a one count because Moxley saved his partner. Omega hit a sitout Ligerbomb for a two count. Omega hit the V-Trigger knee on Pac. Pac sent Omega into the turnbuckle, Fenix with a kick, Moxley clothesline, Pac with a kick and Moxley with a German Suplex on Omega. Pac hit a bridging German Suplex on Omega for a two count. The fans chanted “this is awesome” and they are right about that. Moxley and Omega exchanged forearms, kick and knee by Omega, but then Moxley hit a clothesline. Gallows back in with a kick on Moxley. Fenix missile dropkick on Gallows. Anderson sent Fenix into the ropes leading to Fenix coming back with a kick to the face. Fenix hit a dive onto Anderson on the floor. Omega with a double arm DDT on Moxley and then Pac jumped off the top with a 450 Splash on Omega as Kenny was trying to pin Moxley! That was f’n awesome right there. So much action here. Moxley hit a Cutter on Anderson and Fenix tagged in with a springboard moonsault press off the top for two. Fenix jumped off the top, Anderson caught him and Anderson hit a spinebuster. Gallows tagged in, Magic Killer by the Good Brothers and Omega hit a V-Trigger knee on Pac. Gallows covered Fenix for the pinfall win after 16 minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Kenny Omega, Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows
Analysis: ****1/4 This was an awesome tag team match. Lots of action here with cool moves and a clever finish to the match. I’m a bit surprised by the outcome because I thought the faces should have got the win, but it doesn’t matter that much. I just loved how much action there was here and they also did a better job than most AEW tag team matches in terms of trying to follow the rules. Pro wrestling is better to watch when the matches aren’t just spot after spot. You have to try to tell a story and that’s what they did here. It’s so nice to see Rey Fenix featured more every week. In the end, Fenix went for too many moves off the top, Anderson caught him with a great spinebuster and the Magic Killer finished him off. I like how this was booked.
There were a few minutes left, so it was heel beatdown time. Lance Archer ran out for the save as he knocked Anderson and Gallows out of the ring.
Moxley was left alone in the ring with Omega, but then a man in a hoodie attacked Moxley from behind. It was KENTA! You may know him as Hideo Itami from his WWE run, but KENTA is what his name is. KENTA picked up Moxley and hit a Go to Sleep knee to the face of Moxley. Excalibur screamed about the NJPW storyline with KENTA getting a shot at Moxley’s NJPW US Title. KENTA stood over Moxley as Callis joked that it was amazing how things happen when they are there. Omega was happy about it. Moxley remained down in the ring while Omega stood over top of him and KENTA looked on from ringside. That was it for Dynamite this week.
Analysis: That was great for shocking ending with KENTA showing up on Dynamite. For those of us that know the story that Moxley is the US Champion in NJPW and KENTA is the next challenger then it’s a big deal. However, I’m not sure what percentage of the AEW audience knows about that. I give credit to Excalibur for trying to explain it. The GTS didn’t look that great, but Moxley sold it well, so that’s what matters. KENTA is an awesome wrestler that will be a nice fit in AEW even though he’s a NJPW guy. This has opened the door to AEW and NJPW working together, which should set up some dream matches as AEW continues to work with other promotions. Working with other companies is nice for the fans, but it’s bad for the AEW wrestlers that only get to wrestle on Dynamite once or twice a month because the roster is too big. I like it, though. I’m a fan.
After the show, Kenny Omega did a promo setting up tag team match with Omega and KENTA teaming up against Moxley and Archer next week.
#AEW Exclusive
We caught up with @KennyOmegamanX & @KENTAG2S moments after the shocking conclusion of #AEWDynamite, and Kenny issues a challenge.— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 4, 2021
That should be fun to watch.
Three Stars of the Show
- Kenny Omega/Doc Gallows/Karl Anderson
- Jon Moxley/
- Britt Baker/Thunder Rosa
The Scoreboard
This Week: 7.75 out of 10
Last Week: 7.25
2021 Average: 7.25
Final Thoughts
I thought it was a very good episode of Dynamite for the most part. There have been some weeks where the in-ring action wasn’t what I usually expect from AEW, but this week was a lot better. The main event six-man tag team match was outstanding with Omega/Anderson/Gallows beating Moxley/Pac/Fenix in a match that was given plenty of time and had a lot of action. Rey Fenix is so much fun to watch. It was one of the better AEW tag team matches on Dynamite. The show ended with the surprising debut of KENTA from NJPW, which means AEW will start working with another company now. That’s going to be exciting for wrestling fans because there are so many potentially great matches they can put on. My concern is the AEW roster is already so big with some guys only getting to wrestle on Dynamite once or twice per month as it is, so when you bring in even more people, that’s tougher on the full-time AEW talent. With that said, as a fan I love it and the idea of some AEW vs. NJPW shows later this year is pretty damn cool.
Great job by Britt Baker and Thunder Rosa as one of the longer women’s matches on Dynamite. I liked the story as well as the cheap win. Baker is my favorite woman in AEW right now. She’s really improved in the last year as a character and in the ring too. The Archer/Kingston match was typical AEW booking where they try to get too many people involved and it’s tough to keep track of everything. Even the announcers start taking shots at what is going on. Slow down, AEW creative team. You can’t just throw everybody out there and start brawling all the time. This was on a show that had a battle royal too, which was fun.
I thought the Sabian/Ford wedding segment was a big miss. People can complain about how Miro was booked as Rusev in WWE, but I don’t think his run in AEW has been good at all. The guy could be doing so much more and should be a bigger deal, yet he’s stuck in these goofy segments week after week.
The next AEW pay-per-view is Revolution on Sunday, March 7. Here’s what we know so far.

Street Fight: Brian Cage and Ricky Starks (w/Taz) vs. Sting and Darby Allin
AEW Tag Team Championships: The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson) (c) vs. The Inner Circle’s Chris Jericho and MJF
Thanks for reading. Go Toronto Raptors and Toronto Maple Leafs. You can contact me using any of the methods below.
John Canton
Twitter: @johnreport