
The John Report: AEW Dynamite 01/12/22 Review

aew dynamite jan 12 punk wardlow

This week’s Dynamite featured CM Punk in a tough test against the big man Wardlow while Interim TNT Champion Sammy Guevara defended his title against Daniel Garcia in the main event.

This is AEW Dynamite episode #119 at the PNC Arena in Raleigh, North Carolina. Follow me on Twitter @johnreport. Let’s get to it.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means. The pyro went off on the stage with the commentary team of Jim Ross, Excalibur and Tony Schiavone on hand to call the action. Dynamite starts with…promo time instead of a match.

Let’s Hear from Adam Cole And Friends

Adam Cole made his entrance as the top-ranked competitor in AEW with a 7-0 singles record. If you count tag team matches, the record is less impressive since he’s lost at least four tag team matches, but that’s selective of AEW. Cole was joined by his buddies Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish. Cole said it was story time while saying that 2021 was a great year for them. Cole said that he has not been pinned, nor has he submitted and he’s undefeated in singles competition. Cole said that the boys are back together because they’ve got Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish. Cole said it’s a new era in AEW. (Saying “Era” is a wink-wink at the Undisputed Era name they had in NXT.)

The Young Bucks entered with the stooge Brandon Cutler. Matt said that he kicked COVID’s ass in two days and sarcastically thanked them for the invite. Kyle complained about Young Bucks and Landon (Brandon) trying to help them against the Super Friends. Matt of the Young Bucks called ReDragon (Cole & Fish) one of the best tag teams in the world. Matt said they had to make one thing clear because this is their company, they are the longest reigning champions in AEW history and their New Year’s Resolution is to get their belts back. Kyle and Bobby said that they had the exact same resolution. Bobby said that there’s not a team on the entire plenty that will stand between those tag team titles and that includes the Young Bucks. Cole said that it’s a friendly competition. Cole said this makes the greatest faction in AEW history. Cole called the Best Friends an absolute joke, so here they are.

Orange Cassidy led the Best Friends group of Trent, Chuck Taylor, Wheeler Yuta and Kris Statlander down to the ring. Cole shouted for somebody to stop their stupid music. Cole wondered what Cassidy had to say, so that led to a brawl between the two rival teams. The ring cleared quickly with only Orange and Cole left in the ring. Cutler went into the ring, so Orange sent him over the top to the floor. Cole hit a low blow on Cassidy, then he wanted to do more and Kris Statlander got in Cole’s face, so Cole’s girlfriend Britt Baker ran down to the ring to hit Statlander in the back. Baker hit The Stomp on Statlander. Baker held Cassidy so that Cole could deliver a superkick and Cole hit a Boom knee to the back to the back of the head. Cole wanted a kiss on the cheek from the Young Bucks, but then his girlfriend Britt kissed him on the lips. That was it.

Analysis: I think a lot of people have wanted to see Cole and Baker align on screen together, so that was a cool moment to have Baker attack Statlander from behind. When AEW books segments like that, it’s usually done to set up a match. It’s not like they do it without a purpose. I liked the promos from the Young Bucks and O’Reilly/Fish as both sides bragged about how good they are and that they are the best team in AEW. It should lead to a match at some point. It wouldn’t shock me if O’Reilly/Fish are the next tag team champions within a few months.

A video aired showing the destruction of Wardlow in recent weeks. They had an orchestra that was part of the video since he does the “Powerbomb Symphony” during matches. Wardlow’s in action up next.


Wardlow entered with Maxwell Jacob Friedman with JR noting that Wardlow has won 18 matches in a row. Wardlow has a 40-6 record in his AEW career. CM Punk entered to a pretty good pop as usual. Punk is 9-0 in his AEW career.

CM Punk vs. Wardlow (w/MJF)

Punk with a side headlock, then into the ropes and Wardlow hit a shoulder tackle. Wardlow sent Punk into the corner, Punk moved and Punk kicked the legs a few times. Wardlow with a kick to the gut going for a Powerbomb, but Punk managed to escape and go to the floor. They went to a picture in picture break.


The match returned with Punk going for a DDT off the ropes, but Wardlow blocked it by tossing him across the ring. Punk with kicks to the chest, then clotheslines and Wardlow was staggered a bit. Punk with clotheslines to the front and back, so Punk went for a springboard clothesline, which connected to knock Wardlow down. The fans were chanting for Punk, who was selling the back injury. Punk with a running knee strike on Wardlow, then a middle finger to MJF and Wardlow hit a Powerbomb out of the corner. Wardlow likes going for multiple Powerbombs so there was a second Powerbomb from Wardlow. There was a third Powerbomb from Wardlow on Punk, then a roll through for a fourth and fifth Powerbomb from Wardlow. When Wardlow tried a cover with a foot on the chest, MJF was on the apron and told Wardlow he wanted to see more. Wardlow looked like he was having second thoughts about that. Wardlow hit a sixth Powerbomb with MJF telling him to do it again. Wardlow hit Punk with a seventh Powerbomb with MJF taunting the crowd. They left the ring with Wardlow delivering the eighth Powerbomb on Punk through the table that was at ringside. The referee saw the whole thing and did nothing to disqualify a guy using a table. The referee Aubrey Edwards started the slowest ten count ever, so Punk was able to crawl back in before the ten count. MJF wanted Wardlow to do another Powerbomb, so Punk did an inside cradle for the pinfall win. A fresh Wardlow could not kick out of an inside cradle from a guy that took multiple Powerbombs. It went about 14 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: CM Punk

Analysis: **1/2 It was more about the story than the match. Wardlow had it won, but then he kept going because of MJF and Punk got the crafty win. It doesn’t hurt Wardlow that much to lose because it was MJF’s bad “coaching” that cost him the win. As a story, I understood what they were going for. It wasn’t necessarily a great match, but the story they told definitely worked well.

After the match, MJF got in Wardlow’s face and yelled at him about how he never wins the big match. MJF was putting his finger on the chest of Wardlow, so Wardlow grabbed the hand and the fans were cheering big time. Shawn Spears went down to the ring to stop Wardlow. That led to Wardlow leaving angrily with Spears behind him. Punk was still on the floor with referee Aubrey Edwards checking on him.

Analysis: It’s a slow tease for Wardlow turning on MJF. The fans are really going to be behind Wardlow when that happens. It should be great.

The match between Dante Martin and Powerhouse Hobbs was up next.


The announcers were joined by Taz for this next match since his guy Powerhouse Hobbs was in the match.

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Dante Martin

Martin attacked in the aisle, Hobbs fought him off and sent him into the ring. Martin hit a running cross body block over the top to the floor. Martin tried jumping onto Hobbs on the floor, but Hobbs caught him and hit a spinebuster on the floor. Hobbs tossed Martin into the ring. Hobbs was suplexed into a slam. Hobbs with a powerslam on Martin. Hobbs tried a comeback with some kicks to the body, but Hobbs punched him in the back. Hobbs lifted up Martin, but Martin got a knee to the head. Martin ran the ropes leading to Hobbs hitting a running cross body block for two. Hobbs with a hard whip into the turnbuckle with Martin bumping over the top to the floor. Ricky Starks got in some kicks at ringside leading to a picture in picture break.


The match continued with Hobbs working over Martin with punches. Martin got some offense going with a kick, then he avoided a Torture Rack and hit a dropkick. Martin with a kick to the back, then he went up top and hit a missile dropkick for a two count. Martin with a springboard to the top rope and then a twisting dive onto Hobbs on the floor. When Hobbs was on the apron, Martin hit a dropkick. Martin ran the ropes leading to Hobbs hitting a running body attack. Starks was on the apron, Jay Lethal showed up to pull Starks off the apron and then Martin hit a move off the top called the Nose Dive moonsault for the pinfall win after 10 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Dante Martin

Analysis: **1/4 It was like the match before it with the power guy getting all the offense until the babyface hit one move to get the win. It makes Hobbs look like a loser since he was on offense so much and lost so easily.

The Inner Circle group led by Chris Jericho were interviewed by Alex Marvez. Jericho said that they have worked hard to take over this company. Jericho talked about Sammy Guevara facing Daniel Garcia while warning 2.0 about if they want to get involved. Eddie Kingston told Jericho that he wants Garcia. Jericho told Santana & Ortiz that the reason that they aren’t Tag Team Champions is because of Jericho. That led to Jericho telling Kingston to get out of this, then they exchanged some more words and Jericho teased that he’ll kick Eddie’s ass if he gets involved later in the show.

MJF did a promo on the stage saying he was the only star on the show. MJF said he knows CM Punk is in a world of pain and he congratulated him on his win. MJF said that Punk got powerbombed to oblivion with Punk getting a fluke victory over an oaf. MJF said that next week, he’s going to give Punk the match he’s wanted and MJF said that he’s giving Punk the match people want – CM Punk vs. Shawn Spears.

Analysis: It was a tease of MJF facing CM Punk, but then MJF swerved at the end to get some more heat. He knows how to get heat, that’s for sure. The logical thing to ask is how can MJF decide who is in a match? It’s up to Tony Khan, who is in charge. The problem is people in AEW don’t ask questions like that in TV.

There was a five man promo of Adam Cole, Bobby Fish, Kyle O’Reilly, Nick Jackson and Matt Jackson. Cole ripped on the Best Friends, then mentioned Kris Statlander and Cole’s girlfriend Britt Baker showed up to challenge for a mixed tag with Cole & Baker against Statlander & Orange Cassidy. They all told camera guy Brandon Cutler to shut up.

Let’s Hear from Hangman Page

The AEW World Champion “Hangman” Adam Page made his entrance to a big pop from the crowd. Hangman talked about how he spent 90 minutes in the ring with one of the best in the world. Page talked about the sweat and blood saying it was all for this – the AEW World Championship that is still his. Page said that 90 minutes is not enough. Page said that it’s a new year, the records have reset and the Hangman needs a new challenger.

It was Dan Lambert talking about cowboys he saw growing up while mentioning Bill Watts, Stan Hansen, Terry & Dory Funk and now we get the urban cowboy Hangman Page. Hangman ripped on him. Lambert said that those matches with Danielson were among the best he’s seen in the 40+ years that he’s been a wrestling fan. Lambert said that Hangman didn’t backdoor his way to a title because he earned it. Lambert ripped on Hangman’s gimmick saying that he should keep the title, the money and the adulation and he told him to stop disrespecting the legacies of the cowboys before him. Lambert said he comes across as being completely full of cowboy shit.

Hangman said that he grew up 90 miles here with cattle and he said that was cowboy shit. Page talked about turning down a big contract to start this company and now he’s the champion, so that’s cowboy shit. Lance Archer’s music hit, he went after Lambert and Lamber told him he was in the ring with the World Champion, so then Archer let go of Lambert and Archer hit Hangman with some chair shots to the back. Archer picked up Hangman and slammed him with the Blackout through the chair that was in a seated position in the ring.

Analysis: A good way to bring back Archer as a threat against Hangman Page. Archer will lose, but he’s a credible opponent for Hangman to beat in what should be a physical match.

Arn Anderson was backstage with his son Brock and Lee Johnson for a promo saying he is in Horseman Country. FTR showed up with Tully Blanchard to insult the guys that Arn was with. FTR issued an open challenge against Brock & Lee, so Brock & Lee accepted. Tully and Arn shook hands.


A video aired about Jade Cargill beating Ruby Soho to become the inaugural TBS Champion. Jade’s version of TBS is: “That Bitch Show.”

Hikaru Shida made her entrance with a kendo stick and Serena Deeb attacked in the aisle with a chop block to the back of the left knee. Serena slammed the left knee of Shida into the steel steps. Shida slowly got back into the ring, so the match began.

Serena Deeb vs. Hikaru Shida

Serena did a leg whip takedown off the ropes followed by some splashes onto the left knee. Serena with some kicks to the leg and then she wrenched the leg again. Serena pulled off a bad and some tape on the left knee of Shida. Serena slammed Shida’s knee into the mat repeatedly leading to the Serenity Lock half crab submission. The referee Paul Turner stopped the match due to Shida being in too much pain. It went two minutes.

Winner by referee’s stoppage: Serena Deeb

Analysis: * It was more of an angle than a match.

After the match, Shida was made with the referee about stopping the match. Dr. Sampson checked on Shida in the ring. Serena brought a kendo stick into the ring and hit Shida’s left knee with the kendo stick repeatedly. Serena kept hitting Shida in the knee with the kendo stick. More officials went into the ring to stop Serena. Some of the babyface women’s wrestlers went down to ringside to check on Shida. Serena said she did what she said she was going to do.

Analysis: This should lead to yet another Serena/Shida match probably with a stipulation.

The Jurassic Express duo of Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus were there with the AEW Tag Team Titles with Christian Cage there to wish Rey Fenix well after his injury. Jungle Boy said that they are going to be fighting champions against any top-five team. John Silver & Alex Reynolds challenged them to a title match on Rampage. Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus accepted the challenge.

Analysis: It should be an easy match for the champions defeating two guys that have barely been on TV in the last few months.

Matt Hardy was in the ring with Private Party. Hardy said that Penta’s downfall began when his team of five beat Penta’s team of five recently and then Penta/Fenix lost the Tag Team Titles last week. Hardy mentioned being in his backyard of Raleigh, NC with Matt pointing out his family in attendance. Hardy said he’ll delete Penta and send him to the hospital to be with his brother Rey Fenix. Matt’s wife Reby was at ringside. They have three sons and a daughter, so she had two of the kids with her on camera.

Penta El Zero Miedo (w/Alex Abrahantes) vs. Matt Hardy (w/Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen)

They started with their “DELETE” and “No Fear” hand gestures for nearly a minute until Penta finally hit a kick to the chest. Hardy with a clothesline, then he went off the ropes and Penta hit a superkick. Penta with a chop to the chest. They went to a picture in picture break.


Hardy was in control for a bit, but then Penta hit two Slingblade neckbreaker and then a sloppy backbreaker. Hardy got out of a Penta move leading to a DDT for two. They battled by the turnbuckle, Penta kicked the ankle of Hardy and Penta hit a double foot stomp off the top for two. They went to the apron where they exchanged chops, Penta wanted a move and then there were more punches from both guys. Hardy hit a Side Effect slam on the apron for two. Penta countered a Twist of Fate attempt with a kick to the back. Penta wanted a move off the turnbuckle, Matt knocked him down, Matt went up top and jumped off with a moonsault that missed because Penta moved. Penta came back with a kick followed by the Fear Factor piledriver for the pinfall win after eight minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Penta El Zero Miedo

Analysis: **1/4 A decent random match between two veterans although I think it’s fair to say Matt Hardy is showing his age. I don’t think Matt is moving that well anymore and anybody can see that. Wrestling less is probably a good idea at this point. The crowd didn’t care much after the chanting to start the match. Hardy’s stable is low on the totem pole in AEW as far as stables go. They just aren’t getting much of a push.

Penta and Alex had a message for Malakai Black, so then the arena lights went out. When they came back on, Black kicked Alex and Black did a roundhouse kick to Penta’s head. Black tried ripping off Penta’s mask, but then the Varsity Blonds duo of Brian Pillman and Griff Garrison saved Penta by attacking Black. The lights went out again, they came back on and a debuting Brody King was in the ring. King destroyed Pillman, Garrison and Penta with a shoulder tackle on Penta followed by a cannonball. Black launched Garrison towards King, who hit a powerslam.

Analysis: Good way to debut Brody King in AEW. King was in ROH in the past. I like Black and King as a duo full of tattoos on their bodies and similar style of characters as a couple of angry guys. I’m sure Brody King joining AEW is a big deal to some fans while others probably don’t know much about the guy. I really don’t know that much other than reading a bit about the Black/King history. He looks impressive and I think he’ll be a nice addition to the “House of Black” story they are trying to tell. I’m just saying that AEW can’t assume that 99% of the audience knows the backstory of every indy wrestler because a lot of fans have no idea about Brody King’s history, so they will need to inform people about what that guy’s all about.

Kris Statlander, Red Velvet and Leyla Hirsch were interviewed by Tony Schiavone. Kris and Leyla argued a bit with Velvet telling them they needed to get it together for their tag team match on Rampage on Friday.

The Acclaimed made their entrance with Max Caster doing a rap on the way to the ring as usual. Nice timely rap taking a shot at tennis player Novak Djokovic. They are the number one ranked tag team.

The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens) vs. Bear Country (Bear Boulder & Bear Bronson)

The Country boys did some double team moves early with a splash and headbutt to the back. Country hit some elbow shots on Bowens. Bowens threw the Bear Country guys into eachother and Caster got the tag with a cross body block.


Bowens was in control against Bronson, who managed to hit a back body drop followed by a tag to the bigger man Boulder. The big man Boulder with a body slam, a toss into the air and Boulder hit a double flatliner on both opponents. Boulder put Bronson on his shoulders and Bowens saved Caster from a splash. Bowens sent Boulder out of the ring, Bowens with an elbow to the face, Bronson knocked Bowens down and Caster got a rollup for two. Bronson charged, Caster moved, Bronson hit the turnbuckle, Bowens with a neckbreaker off the top rope and Caster jumped off the top with the Mic Drop elbow for the pinfall win after about seven minutes.

Winners by pinfall: The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens)

Analysis: *3/4 We only got to see about three minutes of the seven-minute match in full screen. The crowd barely reacted to some of this match. I like The Acclaimed a lot as the top contenders and they should win matches like this, so I’m glad that was the result. The Bear Country guys aren’t pushed on TV, which means if they have a match then they’re probably losing. The Acclaimed may get a title shot soon and will probably lose, but at least they are getting a mini-push of late.

The Acclaimed celebrated the win, the camera was on them for too long, so it was obvious that an angle was coming and that led to the lights going out with Sting’s music playing. Sting appeared with his baseball bat in the aisle, so then Darby Allin appeared in the ring and he hit a suicide dive on Caster with the skateboard. Sting hit Bowens with the bat. Allin sent Caster into the ring leading to a running coffin splash. Sting went into the ring with a Scorpion Death Drop on Caster.

Analysis: Sting and Allin are undefeated as a team, so maybe AEW is going to push them as a tag team that might win the titles this year at some point. I don’t know if that’s the plan, but they’ll probably beat The Acclaimed when they face them next week.

A video was shown of Pac with some wrap around his eyes due to getting sprayed in the eyes by Malakai Black’s mist. Pac said that you might have blinded him, but now he sees everything. Pac said now his perspective is different and his vision has never been so clear.

Analysis: Good to see Pac again since he’s on another break from AEW. I guess he’s coming back for Malakai Black at some point.

This Friday on Rampage (taped after Dynamite):

* Adam Cole vs. Trent Berretta. Another win for Cole.

* Kris Statlander, Red Velvet & Leyla Hirsch vs. Nyla Rose, Penelope Ford & The Bunny.

* Shawn Spears vs. Andrew Everett.

* A special look at Thunder Rosa and Mercedes Martinez. Is that a feud? They are rarely on TV.

* AEW Tag Team Championships: Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus (c) vs. John Silver & Alex Reynolds. Easy win for the champions.

Next Wednesday on Dynamite in Washington, DC:

* Adam Cole & Dr. Britt Baker vs. Orange Cassidy & Kris Statlander

* CM Punk vs. Shawn Spears.

* Serena Deeb vs. Skye Blue.

* TNT Champion Cody Rhodes returns. A lot of fans booed at that graphic. If he only missed two weeks of shows, why did they need an interim TNT Title? Strange.

* Sting & Darby Allin vs. The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster).

Analysis: I don’t think that’s a strong card just like this week was weaker. Last week was much better.

The main event is next.


Matt Hardy was with Private Party and Tony Schiavone was there to conduct an interview. Hardy said it’s frustrating to lose matches, maybe he’s focusing on the future of AEW like the Hardy Family Office, but something has to change. Andrade El Idolo and Jose walked into the picture. Andrade told Matt to focus while saying that they are businesses that love money. Andrade wants to negotiate a deal with him to work together. Matt said he’s intrigued, so they should go to his office to talk. They left.

Analysis: AEW loves heels working together.

The main event was up next for the Interim TNT Title. They showed legendary promoter and announcer David Crockett at ringside. Daniel Garcia was up first followed by Interim TNT Champion Sammy Guevara was next. Chris Jericho and Eddie Kingston were watching from ringside.

Analysis: They just told us that TNT Champion Cody Rhodes is back next week, yet this is for the interim title, which is essentially a way of saying the person that holds the interim title gets a shot at the champion soon.

Interim TNT Championship: Sammy Guevara vs. Daniel Garcia

Sammy and Garcia were both aggressive with punches, slaps and chops. The referee tried to break them up, so Garcia did a hard slap to the face to knock Sammy down. Garcia with a snapmare leading to the kick to the back, so Sammy did the same move. They each slapped eachother, Sammy with a clothesline to the floor and Sammy ran the ropes with a spinning splash over the top to the floor. Back in the ring, Sammy with a hard chop to the chest followed by a suplex. Sammy with a backflip to avoid a charging Garcia, but then he jumped again and Garcia hit a backbreaker. Sammy rolled out to the floor for the floor to commercial break.


They returned with about eight minutes left while Excalibur pointed out that Sammy is 28 years old while Garcia is 23 years old, so they have bright futures. Sammy with a running shoulder tackle against the turnbuckle and Sammy hit a kick to the head. Garcia went to the floor, so Sammy did a double springboard spinning splash on top of Garcia on the floor. JR just commented that “we don’t know when Cody is coming back” even though they just said ten minutes earlier that he was back next week. Back in the ring, Garcia got a clothesline to the back followed by a backdrop driver for two. Garcia went for a leg submission, Sammy got out of it, Sammy went for the GTH that looked really slow and that’s because Garcia countered it. Garcia applied a Scorpion Deathlock that looked a bit different as he bent back more, but Sammy crawled to the bottom rope to break the hold. Sammy with a back body drop, Garcia charged for a corner attack and Sammy moved leading to Garcia hitting the turnbuckle. Sammy hit a sloppy version of the Cross Roads that Cody Rhodes uses, but it wasn’t good. That moves looks great when it is done right and then it looks bad when it is botched. Sammy jumped off the top, Garcia caught him in a sleeper-like move, then he turned it into a piledriver and that got a two count. Tony said that they were standing in the arena, but clearly, not a lot of people were. Maybe a few. Sammy delivered a kick to Garcia to knock him down. That led to 2.0’s Matt “Square Head” Lee and Jeff Parker appearing at ringside where they took out Kingston. The 2.0 guys also sent Jericho into the barricade. Sammy with a knee to the face, then he went for the GTH again, Parker on the apron, so Sammy kicked him down and Garcia rolled up Sammy for a two count. Good nearfall. Garcia charged, Sammy sent him into Square Head Lee and Sammy hit the GTH off the shoulders with a knee to the head (it didn’t look great) for the pinfall win after 13 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Sammy Guevara

Analysis: ***1/4 This was a pretty good match from the beginning and they weren’t afraid to lay some hard shots in. Garcia’s a smaller guy that hits hard, so I like his style because he looks like he could kick somebody’s ass even though he looks skinny. Sammy is fun to watch with a lot of cool moves in every match. I think some of Sammy’s matches could use better stories because it’s all about spots and there’s a lack of selling. There were multiple times where Garcia put on submission moves, but Sammy doesn’t sell body parts or fatigue that well. Anyway, the result was obvious with Garcia getting maybe one or two good nearfalls. I don’t think the crowd thought Sammy was losing here.

Sammy was presented the Interim TNT Title by David Crockett. That led to Parker and Lee attacking Sammy after the match. Jericho went into the ring to take care of the 2.0 guys. Kingston got a hold of Parker, Jericho hit Parker in the back with the baseball bat and Jericho sent him out of the ring. Eddie Kingston argued with Jericho with Eddie telling Jericho that he was selfish. Jericho and Kingston argued some more. That was the end of the show.

Analysis: Jericho and Kingston are two of the best talkers in AEW. Both are faces right now, but it does seem like it’s leading to a match eventually. I think what they will most likely do is have Jericho/Kingston beat the 2.0 guys in a tag team match soon.

Three Stars of the Show

  1. Sammy Guevara
  2. CM Punk/Wardlow
  3. Daniel Garcia

The Scoreboard

This Week: 6.5 out of 10

Last Week: 7.5

Final Thoughts

This was just an average AEW show. The first hour was weak in terms of matches with more talking than we’re used to at AEW shows. It felt like two hours of Rampage instead of doing some of the big things we are used to seeing on Dynamite. It’s also worth noting that the crowd was a lot quieter here. I think it was their third televised show in North Carolina in the last month, so maybe that’s why, but it wasn’t as exciting as some of the better AEW shows.

They have set up some things well for the future with Wardlow continuing his gradual face turn away from MJF. That Punk/Wardlow match wasn’t a classic or anything, but as a story, it worked well. Meanwhile, Lance Archer returned as a future opponent for Hangman Page. It’s not like Archer is going to beat Hangman for the AEW World Title, but he is a credible opponent whenever that match happens.

Last week was definitely better.

Thanks for reading. Go Los Angeles Rams, Toronto Raptors and Toronto Maple Leafs. You can contact me using any of the methods below.

John Canton


Twitter: @johnreport