
WWE’s Megan Morant Gives Update After Donating Kidney

Megan Morant kidney donation

WWE broadcaster Megan Morant updated fans after undergoing the process of donating a kidney.

On July 11th, Megan Morant took to social media to reveal that she would be taking the incredible step of donating a kidney to help save the life of a previous boss’s wife. While she and her boss’s wife were not a match, her advance donation ensured that her friend would also receive a kidney from someone who is a match for her.

Now, the broadcaster has once again taken to Instagram provided an update after undergoing surgery.

“Good news! My surgery went perfectly and more importantly, my kidney made it’s flight. I don’t know where it went, but I hope it flew first class. I know this will change my recipient’s (that is still a stranger at this moment) life forever. Today @margrette.mondillo and I are filled with so much gratitude and hope as she is officially activated in the system and will receive a kidney very soon.

As for me… I’ve been walking laps around the hospital floor every few hours… slowly of course, but 4 small laps at a time or “mile repeats” as I call them, and all things considered, I feel good!

I’m thankful for the best care at @massgeneral and beyond fortunate to be in this position. Please keep the prayers coming #kidneydonor #donatelife”

Megan Morant, who joined WWE in April 2021, earlier this year completed the Boston Marathon in an incredible time of under three hours. She is currently the co-host of Raw Talk and the SmackDown Lowdown.