WWE Enacts New Written Rule Regarding Florida Gun Laws
There’s a new WWE rule with regard to people trying to bring a gun into a building when they are in the state of Florida.
Every state in the United States has different rules regarding the possession of guns. They are also different from other countries. Many people feel that the United States should have stricter gun laws to address the amount of mass murders that take place, but whether that changes any time soon is anyone’s guess.
How this issue relates to WWE is that the company runs a lot of events in Florida, especially the NXT brand which is based out of the WWE Performance Center in Orlando. On July 1st, a new law went into effect in Florida that allows a person to carry a concealed weapon without a permit.
Based on this new law, WWE had to come up with a new rule to try to prevent their superstars and other staff from bringing a gun into the building when the company is in Florida.
Here are more details from the Wrestling Observer Newsletter about WWE’s rule.
“Due to a new law that went into effect in Florida on 7/1 that allowed citizens to carry concealed weapons without a permit, the WWE has enacted a written rule for all events in the state including at the Performance Center that all firearms and concealed weapons are not permitted.”
“If anyone comes to the PC or an arena where WWE is running with a firearm or gun they will be instructed to take their weapon back to their car. They won’t allow you to check-in and leave a weapon at the arena to be picked up after the show.”
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