
WWE Star Happy To See Mercedes Mone Find Success In AEW

Mercedes Mone AEW

A WWE star is happy to see Mercedes Mone take things to the next level.

Mercedes Mone and Bayley have been friends for several years and that hasn’t changed despite the pair now working for different companies. The duo shared the ring and championship gold on several occasions in WWE, and that bond refuses to be broken.

Earlier in 2024, Bayley was on hand to watch Mone make her AEW debut, and she’s keeping a keen eye on her progress.

During a new interview with Denise Salcedo, Bayley said she’s excited to see Mone take on the world in AEW.

“I’m so excited to see her take this to the next level.

As much as I miss having her here, wrestling to me still feels weird without her, but it’s like I have her in a different way where I can tell her what’s going on here and what I need help with and what I’m trying to do to make it better over here, and the same goes for her.

It’s kinda nice that we’re able to help and grow in two different companies and separately. In a way, it’s kind of better.

I’m so proud of her just for taking that leap and taking a chance on herself, and she has so much to offer the world, and there’s just so much more that she’s gonna be able to do.

I’m really excited to watch her. Now I just get to be a fan. Can’t be her tag partner anymore, but now I get to be a fan.”

Mercedes Mone Thankful for Tony Khan

On the June 12th episode of Dynamite, Mone took on Zeuxis as she continued to prepare for Forbidden Door on June 30th. However, the star could have been forgiven for not having her mind fully on the task at hand, as her brother Joshua had been taken to hospital.

Writing in her newsletter, Mercedes Mone revealed that Tony Khan went out of his way to help, flying her back to Orlando on his private jet.

H/t to Wrestle Talk