
Ex-WWE Star Asked Out Stephanie McMahon: “I Was In Love With Her”

Stephanie McMahon

A former WWE star has recalled trying to date Stephanie McMahon.

Stephanie McMahon might have been married to Triple H since 2003, but a former WWE Superstar has admitted he was the first wrestler to try and date WWE’s first lady.

After spells in WCW and the USWA, Dennis Knight moved to the WWF in 1996 where he reunited with former tag team partner Mark Canterbury. In the WWF the pair were known as The Godwins, before Knight became Mideon, and later, Naked Mideon.

Knight eventually left the WWF in 2001, becoming a professional chef after hanging up his boots in 2005.

While appearing on The Flase Finish podcast, Knight revealed he used to be “in love” with Stephanie McMahon, and even asked her out.

“I was the first person to ask Stephanie McMahon out. Oh my God, was I in love with her,” Knight said. “Not long after I first got there … Asked her out [to] go see a movie. She’s like, ‘Oh, well, my dad won’t let me date wrestlers or anything.’ You know, year or two later with Hunter and all that. Couldn’t be a better couple, though. I don’t know what their life together’s like, but I love them both. Saw her at the Hall of Fame, and just gave her a giant hug. I love them, they’re nice.”

Knight added that he still has a lot of fondness for the McMahon family, including disgraced former WWE boss Vince.

Is Stephanie McMahon Working For WWE?

Stephanie McMahon walked away from WWE in January 2023 after Vince McMahon forced his way back onto the Board of Directors. She remained away from the company until making a surprise appearance at the 2024 WWE Hall of Fame ceremony, before following that up by welcoming fans to WrestleMania Sunday two days later.

This, coupled with another appearance during the WWE Draft sparked speculation she could return to the company in a full-time capacity.

However, despite the speculation she hasn’t returned to WWE in an official role.

H/t to Wrestling Inc