
WWE Releases Announcer Following “Scary” Live Event Incident

WWE Logo over Raw announcers

Quetzalli Buines has given confirmation that WWE has released her.

Recently on her TikTok, Bulnes said that she is no longer employed by the company. Bulnes was featured as the host of WWE Ahora, and she also did interviews on El Brunch De WWE.

“I do not work in the place I used to do hosting work for 4 years. I want to say that it has been a tough trip in which I stopped myself from drinking, go out, or prevent myself from feeling all the emotions. I have to accept that I feel sad and I am a little lost. I don’t know where I am going.

Despite the fact I don’t want to drink, I accept that I would my product, Ra [Mexican CBD Brand Terragia]. It has Cocoa to help with depression in sad moments. We start now, I will be telling you everything.”

On October 30, 2022 in Mexico City, Bulnes was a WWE live event when an incident happened.

Wrestling Observer’s William Beltran wrote:

“There was a scary incident that angered some fans in attendance. Quetzalli Bulnes, host of WWE Ahora on YouTube, wanted to give an unplanned spot on the show to one of her friends, a wrestling YouTuber from Spain named Falbak, who was in ringside. Falbak jumped the barricade after Quetzalli encouraged him to do so. Byron Saxton called security to catch him, but Quetzalli ordered them not to do anything to him.
Byron Saxton’s face was one of fear and then of anger with Quetzalli for this situation of which he, clearly, had no knowledge. Falbak attempted to get into the ring, but Quetzalli angrily yelled at him to leave and return to ringside. It was reported that Falbak apparently asked Quetzalli for a shout-out at the show and to go for him at ringside, because if she did that, he would give her a gift. But, Falbak’s plan would have been to get into the ring, declare his love for her and steal a kiss from her, regardless of Quetzalli’s response.”