
WWE Legend Picks Unexpected Former Superstar As A Hall Of Fame Candidate

WWE Legend Picks Unexpected Former Superstar As A Hall Of Fame Candidate

The WWE Hall of Fame, known for honouring wrestling legends with distinguished careers, may soon recognise a less conventional choice if ‘Hacksaw’ Jim Duggan’s suggestion gains traction. Duggan has advocated for Steve Lombardi, famously known as The Brooklyn Brawler, to be inducted despite his lack of championship titles.

On an episode of “The Hacksaw Hour” podcast, Duggan expressed his support for Lombardi’s WWE Hall of Fame candidacy, emphasising Lombardi’s resilience and longevity in the wrestling industry. Duggan highlighted Lombardi’s ability to endure numerous changes in talent management, underscoring his adaptability in a highly competitive environment.

I think [Steve] Lombardi had a great career. He stuck around through so many different talent management changes. I mean, Lombardi is a survivor.

When questioned about Lombardi’s Hall of Fame potential, Duggan praised Lombardi’s extensive career, noting his impressive 20-year tenure in a business where careers often last only a few years. Duggan refuted the idea that championship titles are the sole indicators of a wrestler’s worthiness for the Hall of Fame.

People go, ‘Well, he was never champion.’ Well, no sh*t, it’s not real, brother. He stuck around in a business that’s hard to stay in for five years. I mean, how many guys have five-year careers? Who had a 20-year career in the business?

What Did Jim Duggan Say About Getting Arrested With Fellow WWE Hall Of Famer The Iron Sheik?

“Hacksaw” Jim Duggan spoke about when he was arrested with fellow WWE Hall of Famer The Iron Sheik as he had a small amount of marijuana on him and was driving under the influence. Sheik on the other hand had three grams of cocaine which was a felony offense and saw him needing to attend court.

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