
WWE’s John Cena Is Determined To Ruin Wrestling

John Cena WWE Raw Never Give Up

John Cena told WWE fans what he’s going to do after winning the WWE Championship at WrestleMania 41.

For the second week in a row, WWE Raw opened with John Cena getting booed by a packed arena, this time in Glasgow, Scotland. As he began his promo, Cean told the fans that they finally understood that Cena had turned the spotlight on the fans. Cena told the fans they know that no one is safe.

Referring to his promo on Raw in Brussels, Cena spoke about how last week he put a clueless kid on blast. Cena mocked the kid by saying his poor, pathetic face was everywhere and you all loved it. Cena asked who was worse between him as the guy who tells the truth or the fans, whose best idea is to use profanity? Cena said that the fans were the ones who loved to watch and rewatch a kid getting destroyed. This week on Raw, Cena claimed he didn’t need to single out anybody here because you are all horrible people.

As he continued, Cena said the fans would find out how he’ll make them pay for the abuse they have put him through. Cena told the fans that he knew more about them than the fans do. Cena told the fans that their life is sad because this is the best it’s gonna get – this is all you have. Cena told the fans they were nothing more than an experiment and like rats in a cage.

It was time for a history lesson as Cena reminded the fans that in April 2005, he gave you the WWE Spinner Championship. Cena said you can Google negative comments about the Spinner Belt. Cena claimed that people said he was stupid for disrespecting the championship tradition and disrespected the fans’ legacy.

While recalling the hate for that title, Cena said that now that he knows what bothers you, Cena proclaimed: “I am going to ruin wrestling.” Cena claimed he would ruin wrestling for every fan, for every wrestler, and everyone.

John Cena Plans To Retire As WWE Champion

At WrestleMania 41 in Las Vegas, John Cena will challenge Cody Rhodes for the Undisputed WWE Championship in Cena’s last WrestleMania match since he plans to retire as a wrestler at the end of the year.

With WrestleMania in mind, Cena said that at WrestleMania he’ll make history by winning his 17th World Championship and force you to forget the name of Ric Flair and you will forever say the name of John Cena. Not only that, but Cena said that even worse, he’s going to win that championship and retire with it. Cena said that he’s taking it home with him and leaving you to create a brand new toy belt.

According to Cena, he’ll be the last real champion in WWE. Cena said that he’ll pay you back by ripping your heart out and forcing you to watch as he walks away with your memories and your dreams and there is nothing you can do to stop him.

Those words from Cena brought out the WWE Champion Cody Rhodes. The champion Rhodes recapped what Cena said and said that before you could take the title from them, you had to take it from Cody first. Cody said that Cena is sincere, angry, and willing. Cody said perhaps he is the most dangerous that Cena has ever been.

Cody said that Cena of all people should know how hard Cody fought to hold this one time and validate one name. Cody said that Cena wanted to take this, so Cody put it on the mat. Cody allowed Cena to take it right now. Cena teased that he was going to pick up the title, but instead, he backed away and the fans booed Cena leaving the ring.

After Cena left the ring, Cody said that Cena walking away is how he’ll walk away from WrestleMania and how Cena will walk away from WWE.

The March 31st edition of WWE Monday Night Raw in London, England will also feature John Cena and Cody Rhodes continuing their verbal confrontations.