
WWE Hall Of Famer Back Under Contract With Company

Mick Foley Kurt Angle WWE

Mick Foley caused controversy recently with his comments about Vince McMahon and now it appears he’s signed a deal with WWE.

Vince McMahon has been accused of sickening sexual assault in a lawsuit filed by a former WWE employee. That suit is currently on hold while an investigation takes place into potential criminality carried out by McMahon with many people disgusted by the accusations and the rumours that have dogged the ex-WWE Chairman over the years.

However, among those that McMahon helped make rich through their work in WWE, there is perhaps a sense of wait and see regarding to the lawsuit and what is discovered about him.

Mick Foley caused a storm with his recent thoughts on Vince McMahon saying that he was choosing to appreciate McMahon until anything came to light that could make him think otherwise.

Mick Foley Signed To WWE Deal

Fightful Select has now reported that Mick Foley had signed a new WWE Legends deal at some point with that news coming following Foley’s controversial comments about McMahon.

There is no expectation that Foley will be featured on WWE television at any point but as per all Legends deals it will enable him to be featured on merchandise, video games and as an action figure.

Mick Foley had previously signalled his intention to wrestle one last match to wrap up his career as he approached his 60th birthday. However, the former WWE Champion has since pulled out of those plans meaning the last bout of his career was the 2012 Royal Rumble.