
WWE Hall Of Famer Ted DiBiase Shares What He Thinks Is “Pointless” In Modern Wrestling

WWE Hall Of Famer Ted DiBiase Shares What He Thinks Is

Wrestling fans have long debated the merits of modern wrestling compared to past eras, particularly the WWE’s “Attitude Era” of the late ’90s to early ’00s and the “Golden Era” of the early ’80s to early ’90s. This discourse has also drawn the attention of veteran wrestlers, such as WWE Hall of Famer Ted DiBiase who has voiced his concerns about the sport’s current state.

In a recent episode of his podcast, “Everybody’s Got A Pod,” Ted DiBiase shared his critical views on contemporary wrestling, offering a nostalgic comparison to its earlier forms.

DiBiase began by asserting that today’s wrestling more closely resembles a tumbling exhibition than the respected sport it once was.

You watch it now and it looks like a tumbling match. You know what I’m saying?

He remarked, highlighting the shift in style that he found troubling.

A significant point of DiBiase’s critique was the overuse of no-selling high spots, which he believes has eroded their impact.

You take a great big beautiful bump over the top rope and you hit the ground and you bounce up to your feet like nothing happened. Well, so what, it was pointless?

He stated, emphasising how such manoeuvres have lost their dramatic effect.

Moreover, DiBiase drew an analogy between the evolution of wrestling and the changes in filmmaking to further illustrate his discontent. He expressed his preference for older films like “The Alamo,” praising their deliberate pacing and storytelling. By comparing the trajectories of wrestling and cinema, DiBiase conveyed his belief that modern wrestling has strayed from the attributes he values.

Why Did Ted DiBiase Never Become A WWE Champion?

Ted DiBiase spoke about why he never won the WWE Championship during his time with the company and revealed that due to him being a heel in that era he wouldn’t have held the title for long if he did win it. Instead, they decided to create the Million Dollar Championship as a way for DiBiase’s character to have his own title.

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