
WWE Hall Of Famer Shares Why They Had To Change Their Gimmick During The Attitude Era

WWE Hall Of Famer Shares Why They Had To Change Their Gimmick During The Attitude Era

WWE Hall of Famer The Undertaker shared insights into his transformation from the iconic “Deadman” persona to the daring “American Badass” gimmick during the Attitude Era.

In an interview with Chris Van Vliet on “Insight,” The Undertaker reflected on the wrestling landscape during the WWE’s Attitude Era, emphasising the need for reinvention to stay relevant and connect with the changing times.

During an era marked by controversial promos and a departure from traditional wrestling norms, The Undertaker grappled with the limitations of his “Deadman” persona when it came to storytelling and engaging with fellow superstars. He explained:

I think I had to do that just for the sake of staying relevant during that time period.

In response to the demand for evolution and adaptation, The Undertaker introduced the “American Badass” character, a significant departure from his previous supernatural persona. This bold transformation was unveiled at Judgement Day in 2000, where fans witnessed The Undertaker’s dramatic entrance, riding down the ramp on a Harley Davidson. Despite initial scepticism, the unconventional shift resonated with audiences and injected newfound vitality into his career.

The Undertaker elaborated on the creative freedom allowed by the “American Badass” persona, enabling him to deliver promos that aligned with the edgy content prevalent at the time. He said:

It allowed me to cut promos with the likes of what Rock was cutting and what Austin was cutting and Triple H.

What Did The Undertaker Say Was Difficult About His WWE WrestleMania 40 Appearance?

The Undertaker said that he found his WWE WrestleMania 40 appearance difficult due to having a knee replacement as he had to run out to the ring to make his appearance but as he hadn’t run since the replacement he struggled to get to his spot on time.

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