
WWE Hall Of Famer Remembers Gruesome Injury From Early Match

WWE Hall Of Famer Remembers Gruesome Injury From Early Match

WWE Hall of Famer Jake “The Snake” Roberts recounted a terrifying experience from his early days in professional wrestling, where a match in Vancouver left him with a severe and unexpected injury.

The incident occurred during Roberts’ first main event bout, where he faced veteran wrestler Moose Morowski in a Steel Cage Match. Roberts remembered the event as a major milestone in his career during an episode of his “The Snake Pit” podcast.

Vancouver made me a main eventer,

he said, emphasising the significance of the occasion and the enthusiastic support from the crowd. The match, held at the PNE Garden, was a sell-out, marking a high point in Roberts’ burgeoning career. However, it also brought a painful lesson.

During the intense bout, an accident occurred involving Morowski’s use of a blade. Morowski had taped the blade to his wrist, but in the heat of the action, it accidentally inflicted a much deeper cut on Roberts.

Somewhere in the match, he went to grab my leg and the blade popped through and he ripped up my leg and when he did it just cut me. Cut me about six or seven inches long.

Roberts vividly recalled. He only realised the extent of the injury when he noticed his boots squishing with blood, which was seeping through the laces.

Despite the severity of the wound, Roberts did not seek medical help. Instead, he applied a makeshift remedy, demonstrating the gritty resilience typical of wrestlers of his era.

No, I just wound up pinching it together and putting butterflies on it. I butterflied the sh*t out of it.

Which WWE Hall Of Famer Did Jake Roberts Say Quit Due To Issues With Travel?

Jake Roberts said that WWE Hall of Famer Harley Race quit the company due to issues with travel. Roberts recalled how Race was used to territory wrestling which involved working fewer days a week and less travel so adjusting to the WWE schedule was hard for him.

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