
WWE Hall Of Famer Recounts Andre The Giant’s Hilarious Revenge Prank

WWE Hall Of Famer Recounts Andre The Giant's Hilarious Revenge Prank

WWE Hall of Famer Larry Zbyszko shared a humorous tale about the legendary Andre the Giant getting back at him for a rib during a match.

Zbyszko recounted an incident in an interview with Wrestling Shoot Interviews where he deliberately pretended to fall off after fellow WWE Hall of Famer Andre attempted to pick him up, much to the Giant’s surprise.

So one show, Andre went to pick me up and do the same thing but when he picked me up I went, ‘Whoa, whoa, whoa,’ and I fell off deliberately and as I fell off his arm I could see Andre’s face going ‘Oh,’ like he thought he dropped me.

However, the towering Andre did not take kindly to Zbyszko’s mischievous prank.

I’m laying there like pretending I was knocked out, Andre bent over saying, ‘Oh my god,’ but then I opened my eyes and started smiling and then he went, ‘You b***ard.’ So Andre knew I ribbed him.

Seeking to get even, Andre enacted a hilarious yet embarrassing revenge scheme.

All I had on was my underwear and I was walking by where the boys were in the room to go to the bathroom, and when I got there, Andre grabbed me, opened the door, and shoved me out in the hallway. And I tried to fight it but he grabbed me by the underwear and pulled it off and now he locks the door.

With the wrestlers erupting in laughter from inside, a mortified Zbyszko found himself stranded in the hallway, completely naked.

And I can hear them all laughing in there and I’m standing there out in the hallway going, ‘Oh my god, I’m out in the hallway at the holiday naked, open up you b***ards.’

How Did Andre The Giant Get His Name Before Coming To The WWE?

Andre The Giant got his legendary name from Paul Vachon and Dick the Bruiser before he came to the WWE. Vachon and Bruiser were trying to think of a new name for Andre as they didn’t like his French wrestling name Jean Ferre, so they simply took his real first name “Andre” and added “the Giant” to the end of it.

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