
WWE Hall Of Famer Recalls Near Car Crash Before WrestleMania Debut

WWE Hall Of Famer Recalls Near Car Crash Before WrestleMania Debut

WWE Hall of Famer John Bradshaw Layfield has revealed a shocking backstage story about a near-accident on the way to WrestleMania 13, all due to The Godfather driving under the influence.

Speaking on the Something to Wrestle podcast, JBL recalled how he and Ron Simmons were supposed to be driven to the Rosemont Horizon Arena by The Godfather. However, what should have been a straightforward trip turned into a nerve-wracking experience when it became clear that The Godfather was “high as a kite” behind the wheel.

He described the moment he realised something was seriously wrong:

“Godfather picks me and Ron up, and he’s going to drive us to WrestleMania. He turns into the wrong hotel, and we’re supposed to be going to the arena. I realise he’s about to drive through the window in the hotel lobby, and I’m not making this up, he has no idea where he is. We realise he’s higher than a freaking kite.”

Things only became more concerning once they were back on the road, as The Godfather himself acknowledged how close he had come to causing an accident.

“He’s driving down the road and he goes, ‘Did you guys see me almost drive through that window?’”

JBL laughed while recalling the chaotic incident, but he and Simmons knew they had to act. They quickly insisted The Godfather pull over so they could take control of the car and ensure they made it to the arena safely.

Despite the unexpected drama, JBL still went on to compete in his first-ever WrestleMania match that night, teaming with Barry Windham in a four-way tag bout.

Does JBL Believe The Montreal Screwjob At The 1997 WWE Survivor Series Was Necessary?

JBL spoke about whether he believes that the Montreal Screwjob was necessary and if he believed that Bret Hart would have taken the WWE Championship to WCW in a similar way that Madusa took the WWF Women’s Championship and threw it in a bin on an episode of Monday Nitro.

JBL said that he believes Bret Hart wouldn’t have done anything to harm the WWE, but he doesn’t trust that Eric Bischoff wouldn’t have tried something as JBL thinks that Bischoff may have tried to get revenge for Ric Flair taking the WCW Championship to WWE in 1991.

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