
WWE Hall Of Famer Debunks Arrest Rumors

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WWE Hall of Famer Rob Van Dam famously captured the WWE Championship from John Cena in 2006 before infamously being caught up in a drugs bust, however, what people think they remember about that event might not be what actually happened.

“If Cena wins riot” was the banner draped in the Hammerstein Ballroom as Rob Van Dam challenged John Cena for the WWE Title at One Night Stand in 2006. Luckily for everyone concerned, RVD defeated Cena to win the WWE Championship for the first time in his career but his title reign was cut short due to an incident outside the ring.

Less than a month later Rob Van Dam and Sabu were picked up by police for speeding but things escalated when a search found marijuana and Vicodin on Van Dam and drug paraphernalia and Testolactone on Sabu. The story goes that the two were arrested but that might not be the case.

Answering a post on social media asking for a true wrestling fact that sounds fake, Rob Van Dam confirmed that he was never arrested during the bust but rather he went to the police station, paid, and left:

“RVD was never arrested or even detained over the infamous weed bust in Ohio in 2006. I drove to the cop shop, paid, and drove away.”

Both men were suspended for thirty days by WWE as a result of the incident with Van Dam losing both the WWE Title and the ECW Title he had been awarded by Paul Heyman within the space of two days in the aftermath.

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