
WWE Backing Vince McMahon Motion In Sexual Assault Lawsuit

Vince McMahon

WWE has now had its say in the ongoing lawsuit against Vince McMahon and they’ve supported the disgraced former chairman’s motion.

Vince McMahon is facing sexual assault and sex trafficking allegations in a lawsuit that rocked WWE. The lawsuit was filed by ex-WWE employee Janel Grant who revealed sickening text messages that were alleged to have been sent by the former WWE Chairman.

As a result of the lawsuit, Vince McMahon resigned as Executive Chairman of TKO and has since sold of many of his shares in the company as his association with WWE looks to be coming to a permanent end.

Vince McMahon is not the only entity named in the lawsuit, however, former Head of Talent Relations John Laurinaitis as well as WWE itself is also subject to its claims.

WWE Supports Vince McMahon

McMahon has filed to send the case to arbitration rather than it potentially going to trial and now WWE has backed him up. In a new court memorandum filed by WWE, the company is supporting McMahon’s motion to compel arbitration while disputing Grant’s allegations:

WWE disputes Grant’s allegations. But, as a threshold matter, this dispute cannot be heard in court because Grant agreed to arbitrate her claims. WWE therefore moves to compel this action to arbitration.

Simply put, Grant has no claims actionable in this Court because the separation and non-disclosure agreement she signed with McMahon and WWE (the “Agreement”)—the monetary benefits of which she concededly accepted and retained—contains an arbitration provision that unambiguously precludes this Court from adjudicating her claims.

This action should be compelled to arbitration. The Agreement—which Grant concededly negotiated, signed, and accepted the benefits of—contains a clear and unambiguous arbitration provision. That provision requires not only that all claims Grant asserts here be decided in arbitration, but also that the threshold question of the arbitrability of those claims be decided by an arbitrator. The Court should grant WWE’s motion to compel arbitration and order that the claims proceed to arbitration, as the parties intended and as the Agreement requires.

Arbitration in the case means that it would move to private mediation and be kept out of public court potentially stopping any more damaging evidence from being made widely known.