
Who Is The Best Wrestler In WWE? Butch Reveals His Top Pick

Who Is The Best Wrestler In WWE? Butch Reveals His Top Pick

Butch left no room for ambiguity as he showered praise on none other than AJ Styles, proclaiming him as the absolute best wrestler in the WWE today.

In an interview with Metro, Butch’s admiration for Styles was evident as he discussed the wrestling veteran’s enduring success and recent rise to prominence within the company. When questioned about his pick for the best WWE wrestler, Butch swiftly singled out AJ Styles, highlighting the latter’s impressive track record and undeniable impact on the audience.

In the whole of WWE, it’s got to be AJ Styles. He’s absolutely been killing it for so many years, and now he’s in a top spot and rightfully so,

Moreover, Butch didn’t merely stop at acknowledging Styles’ prowess; he expressed a genuine desire to step into the ring with the celebrated Superstar. The statement reveals the level of respect Butch holds for Styles and his eagerness to test his skills against the seasoned performer.

I’d love to get in the ring with him someday,

Did Ridge Holland Walk Out On Butch On WWE SmackDown?

Ridge Holland abandoned Butch during a tag team match on the November 24th episode of WWE SmackDown. Since then, Butch and Holland have not tagged together with both wrestlers only competing in singles bouts ever since.