
AEW Wrestling Legend Calls Vince McMahon “The Antichrist”

vince mcmahon wwe hands

Vince McMahon has been called a lot of things by many people over the years and now an AEW wrestling legend is labeling Vince as “The Antichrist.”

During his illustrious wrestling career from the NWA to WCW as part of the Four Horsemen along with his WWE run, Arn Anderson was known for being “The Enforcer” in the ring.

One of Arn’s biggest moves during his matches is the spinebuster, which is a move he used to win plenty of matches. Some people refer to it as the Double-A Spinebuster in tribute to the way Arn did the move.

When current AEW announcer Tony Schiavone briefly worked for WWE during Arn’s run as part of the Brainbusters tag team with Tully Blanchard, Schiavone wouldn’t refer to the spinebuster by its name. During a recent episode of Ask Arn Anything on AdFreeShows, a fan asked Anderson about it leading to Anderson taking a shot at McMahon.

“Let me give [Schiavone] this much benefit of the doubt — it could have been the guy sitting over there, the antichrist, telling him to call all this bulls***. It could have been Vince. He’s not, he’s not beyond it. Trust me.”

Following the death of WCW in 2001, Anderson ended up working backstage for WWE as a Producer for nearly 20 years from 2001 to 2019, so he likely worked closely with Vince McMahon and has been critical of a lot of things that Vince did.

In AEW, Anderson works as a backstage coach that also appears on screen with his son Brock Anderson and he was the “head coach” for Cody Rhodes during his AEW run from 2019 to 2021.

As for Vince McMahon, he apparently wants to return to WWE after retiring this past July, but apparently, some people close to him don’t want to see Vince return.

H/T WrestlingInc