
Vince McMahon’s Lawyer Hits Back As Janel Grant Files Fresh Motion

Vince McMahon

The legal fighting between Vince McMahon, Janel Grant, and Dr. Carlon Colker rumbles on.

On August 7th, Dr. Carlon Colker filed a “fifteen-page verified complaint for the bill of discovery seeking documentation from Janel Grant.” His representatives claimed a recent filing from Grant had damaged his name and reputation.

The move was a reaction to Janel Grant’s team filing a pre-action discovery petition against Dr. Carlon Colker and his clinic, Peak Wellness, Inc. on July 16th. This relates to claims from Grant that she was sent to the clinic by Vince McMahon in 2019 and given treatments that were not disclosed to her.

McMahon had filed to block the petition but his motion was denied on August 6th.

As reported by POST Wrestling, Grant has now filed a motion to strike the motion and dismiss Colker’s bill of discovery.

On Monday, Grant filed a motion to strike the verified complaint in the Connecticut Superior Court and dismiss Colker’s bill of discovery in its entirety while also seeking “an award for statutory sanctions, costs, and attorneys’ fees against Plaintiffs.”

Grant’s side called it a “desperate and brazen attempt to silence a former patient investigating wrongdoing related to her medical care.”

Vince McMahon’s Lawyer Responds

In response, McMahon’s lawyer Jessica Taub Rosenberg issued the following statement to POST Wrestling.

Ms. Grant first brought frivolous litigation to publicly harm Mr. McMahon’s reputation. Then, despite agreeing to pause it at the Government’s request, she continued to publicly harass Mr. McMahon and those connected to him by initiating another frivolous action against Dr. Colker and talking to the media about it. Mr. McMahon will continue to use every tool at his disposal to end this malicious and meritless pursuit by Ms. Grant.

Vince McMahon continues to deny any wrongdoing.