
Vince McMahon Banned From WWE Headquarters

Vince McMahon WWE

WWE is keeping Vince McMahon at arm’s length.

Back in January, Janel Grant filed a lawsuit against WWE, Vince McMahon, and John Laurinaitis containing allegations of sex trafficking and sexual assault. When news of the lawsuit exploded, it also shone a light back on earlier allegations made against McMahon.

While he continues to deny any wrongdoing, McMahon resigned from his post on the TKO Group Board of Directors, and bosses remain adamant he’ll never return.

During a recent interview with Conrad Thompson on “The Insiders” podcast a former WWE employee discussed his time working for McMahon, and the disgraced former WWE boss’ legacy. Tom Carlucci worked with the company for over 30 years before being let go during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, his wife continues to work for the organisation, and his son does freelance work in NXT.

Carlucci said WWE’s huge new headquarters were the brainchild of McMahon, but they’re something he’ll never be a part of.

“He can’t even walk in the building…that’s crazy that you drive by that building [and] you got that big championship belt. He always wanted us from day one…because we were in two different buildings. We had the corporate off exit 9 and then we were right down the street from the corporate office. Our big production studio. He always wanted us under one roof. That was his dream to have us under one roof. The dream came and he’s not even a part of it anymore.”

He added that McMahon personally designed the gym in the building alongside his personal trainer, but he’s not allowed in the building.

“The gym was created for Vince. He designed the gym with his trainer Mike, who I know really well. He can’t even go in that gym anymore. He can’t step foot anywhere. Every meeting that goes on over there — you’ll never see Vince here again, from the TKO people. It is crazy when you think about it that he’s the legacy.”

Tom Carlucci Won’t “Badmouth” Vince McMahon

Tom Carlucci remained adamant that he wouldn’t say a bad word about his former boss, attacking those he felt had turned their backs on him.

“I will never ever badmouth [Vince]. Now, what’s going on with Vince now, it’s a totally different story. There’s three sides to every story in my book. So, stuff is gonna come out and you’ll see it. I don’t know anything about it but it is what it is as we all know.”

On May 30th, Janel Grant agreed to pause her lawsuit pending a “non-public investigation.” In February, it was reported McMahon was under federal investigation for sex trafficking and sexual assault.

H/t to WrestlingNews.Co