
Update On New WWE Raw Deal Impacting AEW

Tony Khan AEW Triple H WWE

Has WWE Raw moving to Netflix changed things for AEW?

On January 23rd it was announced that Monday Night Raw will be heading to Netflix from the start of 2025. The new 10-year deal is said to be worth a staggering $5 billion, while Netflix has the power to exit the agreement at the five-year mark or extend the contract should they see fit.

The news means that new deals have been completed for Raw, SmackDown, and NXT.

Attention has now turned to AEW who are also due to renegotiate their own TV deal to secure the future of their programming.

Speaking on Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer gave his take on the situation.

“The Netflix deal ends all speculation of Raw going to WBD, which obviously impacts the future of AEW. Whether the money involved in the deal increases the value of AEW to WBD, or prospective other suitors, is unclear. The AEW deal is likely to also be dependent upon what deal WBD gets as far as renewing the NBA contract. If WBD does not get the NBA renewal, it greatly decreases the standing of TNT in particular and keeping AEW would seemingly become more important, and also open up.

It could also open up Tuesdays and Thursdays on TNT for Dynamite. The night becomes a musical chairs game because there is no lock on Monday for Raw or Friday for Smackdown with the two new deals.

From both a business and travel standpoint and a ratings standpoint, it makes the most sense to broadcast WWE’s major events on successive nights, like Monday and Tuesday, as Friday and Saturday are the toughest nights to draw an audience and Smackdown will become, by far, the most important programming on the USA Network.”

WWE Raw To Stay On Monday Night

Following the announcement, fans were quick to notice that in the official announcement, there was no mention of “Monday Night” Raw, simply “WWE Raw,” sparking speculation that the flagship show could move from its traditional slot.

However, Nick Khan said that for the time being at least the red brand will remain on Monday nights.

If you use any of the quotes from this article please credit the original source with a h/t back to TJR Wrestling.