
Triple H Paying Special Attention To Online WWE Fans

Triple H on headset WWE

Triple H is keen to see what fans are saying.

Following the departure of Vince McMahon, WWE has made huge efforts to change the company culture. This has included giving talent more time off and opportunities to be with their families and creating an atmosphere where they feel their voices will be heard.

Triple H in particular has also been keen to push the feeling that the company will listen to fans more than ever before. This was a big theme of the recent documentary focusing on the main event of WrestleMania 40, and a big departure from the Vince McMahon era. The former boss was known to lean into things fans hated for his own personal amusement.

In 2023 a former WWE writer revealed Vince McMahon laughed and commented “f*ck em,” when told fans didn’t like Baron Corbin being the man to retire Kurt Angle.

By contrast, it’s been reported Triple H decided against calling Judgment Day “Street Trash” due to fan backlash.

Triple H Keeping An Eye On Social Media

It’s been something of a joke among fans online that Triple H has a ‘burner’ account to see what people are saying, but there might be a little more truth to the idea than previously thought.

During a recent Q&A, Mike Johnson of PWInsider noted that Triple H can often be found scrolling social media while shows are going on to see how fans are reacting.

I’ve been told there are many times where he is scrolling through Twitter from the Gorilla Position at the broadcasts and paying very close attention to what the audience is doing and reacting to as the shows are going on the air.

Johnson added that The Game is a lot more receptive and understanding about what fans want.