
Tony Khan Continues To Avoid Addressing Status Of The Elite & CM Punk In AEW

aew CM Punk Tony Khan

Tony Khan is willing to talk about almost anything AEW-related…except for the Elite/CM Punk situation.

Tony Khan was interviewed by Sports Illustrated recently and was asked about a variety of different subjects. He spoke about Shibata’s appearance, Mike Tyson’s return, and much more. with each question, Khan gave a detailed answer and did his best to praise someone or something.

There was a question about Colt Cabana and the question included a tie-in to Punk. Khan shot down the Punk tie-in while focusing on Cabana’s past in ROH and his match with Jericho on the November 2nd episode of Dynamite.

“Chris Jericho has been wrestling a number of former Ring of Honor champions, competing against a number of ROH’s greatest stars like Claudio Castagnoli, Bryan Danielson, Dalton Castle, Bandido and now, Colt Cabana. It’s been an exciting series of matches against some great wrestlers who have legendary histories in Ring of Honor, and we’re seeing the ROH stars trying to stop Jericho from desecrating that title.”

When the interviewer asked a direct question related to Punk and the Elite, and once again Khan refused to answer the question.

“I cannot comment on that.”

Khan’s continued silence on the Punk/Elite affair continues to be a sour spot for fans and wrestling observers.

Even Dave Meltzer, who has been accused before of being too pro-AEW at times, criticized Khan’s lack of clarity on the matter, implying it hurts the company’s image to keep avoiding the story.