
TNA Tag Team Tease Reunion With WWE Star

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A TNA tag team has hinted at a reunion with one of their former allies in WWE.

While Jordynne Grace has made several appearances for WWE in 2024, the Prohibited Portal between TNA and NXT was opened further at Battleground when Ash By Elegance made an impactful appearance, clashing with Tatum Paxley when she attempted to steal the TNA Knockouts title belt.

NXT Battleground also saw Wes Lee and Joe Coffey challenge Oba Femi for the North American Championship. Despite their best efforts, Lee and Coffey were unable to overcome the rising star, who dropped them both with Powerbombs before pinning Coffey to retain his title.

Later in the show, Lee was shown walking backstage when he was the victim of a three on one assault by Coffey and the rest of Gallus, leaving him lying in pain as he was attended to by officials. Following the attack, Lee’s former Rascalz teammates, TNA’s Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz to social media. While Miguel simply posted “WTF!!!,” Wentz offered their support, saying they were only a call away.

Wes Lee Returned To WWE Months Ahead Of Schedule

Wes Lee returned to NXT at Spring Breakin’ after being on the injured list for several months. The star suffered a back injury in December 2023, and at the time it was estimated he would need 8-12 months to recover. However, in the end Lee smashed that prediction by making his comeback after less than five months.

With his former Rascalz teammates itching for a reunion, it looks like Lee’s next move could well see him looking for revenge against Gallus.