
The WWE Hall Of Famer Who Thinks John Cena Is The “Greatest Of All Time”

The WWE Hall Of Famer Who Thinks John Cena Is The

John Cena has set the stage for the final act of his storied career, announcing his impending retirement scheduled for next year. His decision has sparked a wave of reflection and tribute across the WWE community, with peers and fans alike honouring his unparalleled legacy.

In an episode of his “Hall of Fame” podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Booker T shared poignant insights into Cena’s impact on the sport.

He’s done so much for the business, man, he really has.

Booker T shed light on Cena’s role as a wrestling ambassador, a facet often overlooked.

People don’t see the work John Cena did to get to that point, right where he is now, as far as this level of stardom in professional wrestling and as well as Hollywood.

Beyond the glitz of televised matches, Booker T highlighted Cena’s steadfast dedication, recounting instances where Cena voluntarily tidied the locker room before others arrived.

He’d be the first guy to show up, and the last to leave.

Moreover, Booker T emphasised Cena’s receptiveness to advice, a trait that further solidified his stature.

I always gave him advice and he always listened, he always took it and made something out of it. That’s why he’s the Greatest of All Time.

What Did The Miz Say About John Cena’s WWE Retirement?

The Miz commented on John Cena’s WWE retirement and said that he didn’t think he would ever say he would retire and that he hopes that he can work with him one more time before he retires. The Miz also credited Cena with helping to coach a young Cody Rhodes.

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