
The Undertaker’s Prank On The Ultimate Warrior Revealed By Former WWE Star

The Undertaker's Prank On The Ultimate Warrior Revealed By Former WWE Star

Former WWE Tag Team Champion Henry O. Godwinn recounted a memorable prank orchestrated by The Undertaker against The Ultimate Warrior in 1996.

According to Godwinn, in a candid conversation with “Wrestling Shoot Interviews,” Warrior, upon his return to WWE that year, exhibited a peculiar habit of changing clothes in isolation, avoiding the communal locker room.

He’d [Warrior] come back and Warrior always wouldn’t dress with the boys, he would go and find an old closet or a little utility closet room where it was just a small room big enough for him and maybe somebody else.

Godwinn shared. This unusual preference did not go unnoticed by The Undertaker, who soon concocted a plan to unsettle Warrior.

So we found his room one day and Taker said ‘Get your stuff and go put it in where he’s at and dress with him.’

Godwinn recounted. For the next week, Godwinn and his tag team partner Mideon, heeding The Undertaker’s instructions, made it a point to change in Warrior’s chosen hideouts.

When we’d get to a show Taker would be like ‘Did you find where Warrior’s at?’ He always wanted us to go and we went in there and Warrior would come in and had this weird look on his face and he sat down and me and Tex didn’t really acknowledge him, you know we’re getting ready it was funny man because he’d always try to hide from the boys and dress by himself.

The Undertaker’s prank, executed through Godwinn and Mideon, effectively ruffled Warrior’s feathers.

What Strange WWE Rumour Did The Undertaker Squash?

The Undertaker squashed the rumour that he is banned from the state of Vermont, speaking on his podcast a question from a listener said that they had heard that Taker was banned from the state but The Deadman dismissed this claim stating that he is not barred from Vermont.

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